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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Comparing 2 Numbers

Students will be able to…identify and compare two numbers and determine which number is
Students will be able to…work in small groups and complete the collaborative assignments
State Standards: 2.NSBT.4: Compare two numbers with up to three digits using words and
symbols (i.e., >, <, or =).

Context: This is 5k-3rd grade Special Education math. The students will be in
teacher-directed small groups, collaborative groups, and they will complete independent
digital content. The students will be placed in groups of 2-3 based on their ability level.
Their ability to work in groups, their understanding of the subject, and their disability will
be considered when placed into groups.
Data: Data will be collected by the score they get on IXL. IXL keeps track of the time
spent, the number of questions answered, and the score they received. The collaborative
work will be turned in when finished and graded.
Materials: Whiteboards, markers, computers (IXL), laminated papers, velcro with symbols
on them (>, <, and =)

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (10 minutes): Class begins when the bell rings. Students will be in their seats
waiting for instructions to be given to them. I will begin by explaining what will be done
in class today. I will tell the class about the 3 stations and what needs to be done. I
explain that the teacher-directed group will be me giving them 2 numbers and they will
use a whiteboard and markers to write down the 2 numbers and they have to use the 3
symbols (>,<, or =) to make the statements correct. The collaborative work will be done
in the group the students are assigned to. They will work together to solve the problems
using the supplies given. Work will be turned in to the teacher when the group moves to
the next station. The independent digital work will be done at the student's desk. Students
will be told what IXL to complete and must reach a smart score of at least 80. I will then
break the groups up and give them stations to start at. After 15 minutes they will move on
to the next station.

Teacher Directed (15 minutes): I will begin by giving each student a whiteboard and a
marker. I will also have a whiteboard and a marker. I will write down two three-digit
numbers and ask the students to copy them onto their whiteboards. I will ask them to
solved the problem by using >, <, or = symbols. I will ask students to fit the boards
around to revile their answers. If all students’ answers are correct, we will move on to the
next problem but if an answer is incorrect, will we work it out as a group to make sure
they all understand why it is incorrect.

Collaborative (15 minutes): Students will work together at this station. Laminated papers
papers and symbols will velcro will be given to each group. The papers will have two
three-digit numbers already on them. Students will use the velcro symbols to make the
statements correct. When moving on to the next station, one group member is responsible
for turning in the paper to the teacher.

Independent Digital (15 minutes): Students will return to their seats and get their
computers out. They will go to and log in. They will select 1st grade and scroll
down and hit lesson L.5- Compare numbers using symbols. Students will need to receive
Smart Score of at least 80 to receive a grade of 100. If 80 is not reached in class, students
will need to complete the rest for homework.

Closure (5-10 minutes): All supplies will be put up and away. All work must be turned in
to me so it can be graded. All the students will return to their seats. If any of the students
have any questions, now would be the time for them to raise their hands and ask. I will be
happy to work on any problem or explain what needs to be explained.

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of multimedia)
(Multimedia 1= App or website): IXL is the multimedia app that I chose to use in my
lesson. This is a piece of multimedia because the students must use their computers to
complete the work. It supports student learning because it allows the students to work out
the problems by themselves and if they get it incorrect, it helps explain how they can get
the correct answer. I know IXL is high quality because I used it throughout my entire
5k-12thgrade career and I have seen kids succeed while using it. It meets all the LORI
criteria. This multimedia app differentiates instruction to all learners because there are
different levels that they can start out with and none of the problems are timed so they
can work on the problems for as long as they need to.

(Multimedia 2= App, website, video, educational game, song, podcast, etc.): The other
multimedia I used in my lesson was during the collaborative part where the students used
laminated papers with velcro symbols. It supports the students learning because they got
to work with other students to better their understanding of comparing numbers. I know it
is high quality because students learn better when doing hands-on activities so I know
they would learn more and be more excited doing that than working on a normal
worksheet. It meets all the LORI criteria. This multimedia choice differentiates
instruction for all learners because they will be working with students who are on the
same “math level” and they can take as much time as they need to complete the work.

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