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Strength of Materials

University of Mosul
College of Engineering
Architectural Department.
Lecturer: Tuqa Waleed Ahmed.

* Introduction:
Statics devoted primarily to the study of the external effects upon rigid
bodies—that is, bodies for which the change in shape (deformation) can
be neglected. In contrast, mechanics of materials deals with the internal
effects and deformations that are caused by the applied loads. Both
considerations are of paramount importance in design. A machine part or
structure must be strong enough to carry the applied load without
breaking and, at the same time, the deformations must not be
University of Mosul
College of Engineering
Architectural Department
Lecturer: Tuqa Waleed Ahmed

* Introduction:
The differences between rigid-body mechanics and mechanics of
materials can be appreciated if we consider the bar shown in Fig. 1. The
force P required to support the load W in the position shown can be
found easily from equilibrium analysis. After we draw the free-body
diagram of the bar, summing moments about the pin at O determines the
value of P. In this solution, we assume that the bar is both rigid (the
deformation of the bar is neglected) and strong enough to support the
load W. In mechanics of materials, the statics solution is extended to
include an analysis of the forces acting inside the bar to be certain that
the bar will neither break nor deform excessively.

Fig. 1 Equilibrium analysis will determine the force P, but not the strength or the rigidity of the

* Introduction:

Fig. 2 Deformations produced by the components of internal forces and couples.

The deformations produced by the internal forces and internal couples are shown in Fig. 2,
following physically meaningful names:
P: The component of the resultant force that is perpendicular to the cross
section, tending to elongate or shorten the bar, is called the normal force.
V: The component of the resultant force lying in the plane of the cross
section, tending to shear (slide) one segment of the bar relative to the
other segment, is called the shear force.
T: The component of the resultant couple that tends to twist (rotate) the
bar is called the twisting moment or torque.
M: The component of the resultant couple that tends to bend the bar is
called the bending moment.
University of Mosul
College of Engineering
Architectural Department
Lecturer: Tuqa Waleed Ahmed

* Simple Stresses:
Simple stress is expressed as the ratio of the applied force divided by the
resisting area or :
σ = Force / Area.
It is the expression of force per unit area to structural members that are
subjected to external forces and/or induced forces. Here we are using an
assumption that the total force or total load carried by the bar is
uniformly distributed over its cross section.
Simple stress can be classified as :
1. Normal stress.
2. Shear stress.
3. Bearing stress.
* Units:
The basic units of stress in S.I units i.e. (International System) are N/m2
(or Pa , Pascal).
kPa = 103 Pa , MPa = 106 Pa and GPa = 109 Pa .
Sometimes 𝐍/𝐦𝐦𝟐 units are also used, because this is an equivalent to
MPa , while US customary unit is pound per square inch , psi. (lb/in2 ).

* Normal Stress:
develops when a force is applied perpendicular to the cross-sectional
area of the material.
There are two types of normal stresses;
1-Tensile stress.
2-Compressive stress.
Tensile stress applied to bar tends
the bar to elongate while compressive
stress tend to shorten the bar.
σ = Force / Area
σ = P/ A … (1)
σ (sigma) is a Greek letter
referred to the normal stress.
where P is the applied normal load
in Newton and A is the area in mm2 .
The maximum stress in tension or compression occurs over a section
normal to the load. If P is applied through the centroid of the member,
the normal stress, σ is usually distributed uniformly over the cross-
University of Mosul
College of Engineering
Architectural Department
Lecturer: Tuqa Waleed Ahmed

* Procedure for stress analysis:

- If necessary, find the external reactions using a free-body diagram
(FBD) of the entire structure.
- Compute the axial force P in the member using the method of sections.
This method introduces an imaginary cutting plane that isolates a
segment of the structure. The cutting plane must include the cross section
of the member of interest. The axial force acting in the member can then
be found from the FBD of the isolated segment because it now appears
as an external force on the FBD.
- After the axial force has been found by equilibrium analysis, the
average normal stress in the member can be obtained from σ = P/ A
where A is the cross-sectional area of the member at the cutting plane.

* Design considerations: For purposes of design, the computed stress

must be compared with the allowable stress, also called the working
stress. To prevent failure of the member, the computed stress must be
less than the working stress.

* Example (1):
The bar ABCD in Fig. (a) consists of three cylindrical steel segments with different
lengths and cross-sectional areas. Axial loads are applied as shown. Calculate the
normal stress in each segment.
* Solution:
sec. 1 : Fx = 0

−4000 + PAB = 0 → PAB = 4000 Ib

PAB 4000Ib
σAB = = = 3330 psi (T)
AAB 1.2 in2
sec. 2 : Fx = 0

−4000 + 9000 − PBC = 0

PBC = 5000 Ib.

PBC 5000Ib
σBC = = = 2780 psi (C)
ABC 1.8 in.2

sec. 3 : Fx = 0

−7000 + PCD = 0 → PCD = 7000 Ib.

PCD 7000Ib
σCD = = = 4380 psi (C)
ACD 1.6 in.2
University of Mosul
College of Engineering
Architectural Department
Lecturer: Tuqa Waleed Ahmed

* Example (2):
For the truss shown in Fig. (a), calculate the normal stresses in (1) member AC; and (2)
member BD. The cross-sectional area of each member is 900 mm2 .
* Solution:

Values for the external reactions:

A y = 40 kN, Hy = 60 kN, Hx = 0.

Joint A:
Fy = 0 → 40 + P =0
5 AB
Fx = 0 → PAC + PAB = 0

Solving the equations gives PAC = 53.33 kN T .

PAC 53.33 ∗ 103 N

σAC = = = 59.3 MPa T .
AAC 900 mm2

ME = 0

−40 8 + 30 4 − PBD 3 = 0

PBD = −66.67 kN C .

PBD −66.67 ∗ 103 N

σBD = =
ABD 900 mm2

σBD = 74.1 MPa C .

University of Mosul
College of Engineering
Architectural Department
Lecturer: Tuqa Waleed Ahmed

* Example (3):
Figure (a) shows a two-member truss supporting a block of weight W. The cross-
sectional areas of the members are 800 mm2 for AB and 400 mm2 for AC. Determine
the maximum safe value of W if the working stresses are 110 MPa for AB and 120 MPa
for AC.
* Solution:
Fx = 0 → PAC cos 60° − PAB cos 40° = 0

Fy = 0 → PAC sin 60° + PAB sin 40° − W = 0

Solving simultanuosly; PAB = 0.5077W, PAC = 0.7779W

Design for normal stress in Bar AB:

The value of W that will cause the normal stress in bar AB to equal its
working stress is given by:

PAB = (σw ) AB AAB

0.5077 W = 110 800
W = 173.3 ∗ 103 N = 173.3 kN

Design for normal stress in Bar AC:

The value of W that will cause the normal stress in bar AC to equal its working

stress is found


PAC = (σw ) AC AAc

0.78W = 120 400
W = 61.7 ∗ 103 N
W = 61.7 kN

Choose the correct answer:

The maximum safe value of W is the smaller of the preceding two values—namely,
W = 61.7 kN.

We see that the stress in bar AC determines the safe value of W. The other

‘‘solution,’’ W = 173.3 kN, must be discarded because it would cause the stress in

AC to exceed its working stress of 120 MPa.

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