Eerie 017 (Warren 1968) C2C - Compressed

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DO YOU HAVE THESE VALUABLE BACK ISSUES OF EERE] IN YOUR MAG COLLECTION? ee Reade ee ae ee Oo en OE | aq #12 #13 ee SERIE JAGR SSUE DEPT. New York, NY. 10017 Sree CO Leneiose $ for back issues, DW enclase $2.25 for a Bmonth subscrigtion, giving me a full year of future EERIE Magazines! #2 esr 88 Gs) 0 ats oe) 85 ier OSs Gea #15 toc} | NAME QO #4 ($1.00) G #10 (80c) ‘ADDRESS 36 fee” ED fon O48) Gi) B13 Gon ory - a STATE zip cope eee PUBLISHER: JAMES WARREN EDITOR: BILL PARENTE COVER: BARRY ROCKWELL ARTISTS THIS ISSUE; TONY WILLIAMSUNE, ERNIE COL6N, FRANK BOLLE, TOM SUTTON. STEVE DITKO, REED CRANDALL WRITERS THIS ISSUE: ROY KRENKEL, ARCHIE GOODWIN, RAYMOND MARAIS CONTENTS » THE FINAL SOLUTION Try this scientific answer to a vicious problem. i THE MUMMY STALKS Across 3000 years, death reaches into a British museum. EERIE FAN CLUB (A New Feature for tearass toms TO SAVE FAGE has been actress finds her foun slipping away . . , mmueh to 25 her dismay. DRESSED 70 KILL fe soclene, cure sunmanis ¢ 3] hidden fate for a terrified traveler. DEMON SWORD Weird weapons are used as good | ond evil war within onc man. OY. HE DEATH OF HALPIN FRASER Jere's a ghostly reminder cer itis t tala 5our breathevaye Bil Fl] Pesca Page 25 EOE EUDUBNED mE MONLY ny Wanner muti ninig 62, 1M. , ‘THE Ue, EASEWHERC) sf.2z, ¢orroniaL Orriert stevens naw QHD cLAce stat Ciba AMY ENS AREAL APGLT SHA AMR ST St MOTE x ATLA San Copa bates an pen cory, sumtcnurrion smten Welcome back Cousin Eerie ang Unele Creepy! after sur ining through ‘countess “re- pnts, 1 aed you've returned, Wickes Intecmagacine fevding and all. Ang Fee hore tumors that by the. ursner ‘yell be. seeing ail” new me Telia. Great! Wow'on fa EERE Sis. Wie Pass aida fine Slver pointing. he's ne. Fre tat Morrow, bat WG (s? She Groves cf Oconee" wat agod_ and he Demon Wakes fated ‘as one. Of the wep Sone ot the: Bh. Tens Wehiamtorts onwork reminds mee of stot done by Bi Frecchio ‘and Tomy, Talleice far Gnartton, TH lends me to. believe that he is realty Shoot tase tuo! mon, At | Tight? “he. Boll Cotcetar ‘ts pood ana the artist shows ‘ue pramiso. a Change tn ‘The Moon "was second best ang "mould Nave been moce interesting af Jones Na Used inore detain, his, back grounds. 1 hope to. zee. mare provements as EERIE and GREEPY grow older and con rstuintione "on ratuming to Efinew matenat "Tory IsABELLA, Cleveland. Ohio ‘Actually if your want tg knoe the truth... writhing “Tony Willlamean. js BOTH sf those guys.» . cre: ated through the miracle of Modern seience, AStiteh here a twiten there... BUt inion. do 1 ever’ tall the Anuth?’ 4s tor Jones ane. more details.» « «| dunno it Vd er Joy therh ‘ss muchas his walt {less Concerning Issue #15 of this month's EERIE. the cover Was quite en eye catcher and estorod my: faith in Prozio. Tassumed when | got "your mag that this would te aa: ther reprint fssue but to my peeey steprise T found 1 had not read most of the stories before. The tale illustrated By Jeff Jones was great, | have never ‘seen a. style which ‘ap- pesled to me instantly such fe his did, “the” Demon Wakes!” was 3 great story with. excelent artwork, O8O Binders masterpiece was complimentad by” Morrow's ‘astonishing talent. Hig inter pretation of the vampire wae 2 nee concept In teiror and Yotally weleore, In all the 1z- Sue Was very nice, much bet ter “than GREEPY'S lat mess. keep killin Gust MICHAEL MASTERSON, Relington Heights, Ii fy get ion arti cousin who's @ "Bat" do you canes rst Bane Secs, Neamt mis SET ae oh So Sant Ee iar Bi cnet Sa Lt Re ng ‘under the constant. bar rage of my brain busting back briltiancy |. s whatd you expect? | must congratuiste you on EERIE #15, It was riot the best fssue you've done but It was in, comparison to thé last three issues... TREMEN: DOUS! Vie Pretio "is & good cover artist but he doesn't compere to Frank Frazetta, His ‘cover was good but it didn't terrorize, mee enougt. | Sure missed "Monster Gal: ony’ this: ish but trom what Tye been reaging in your tet ters page, I'm exeecting some cod stuff TA upcoming ed fous. "The Dall Collector” waa terrible in art and plot But an tie other hand, "A Change In The. Moon wae Brest, fabulous! “The Deron Wakee™” was drawn pertectly, use Tony Williamson | more often, Only two reprints this fast fesue.” good but | don't ‘expect any next time, Would you answer a question Tor me; how old aro your | read where Unsle Creepy was born In'your fiendish fourth issu, but where ware you born? ED HEDLESTON, Genter Point, Ala Koop. your head . . « ive. got_an” ps paling porttlle. of polsenaus Pictures’ for my gripping MONSTER GALLERY Sar as bon as the blood and ine drys « you'll be Seeing ets citcalese pen, ert while keep tying puoss how old my, deteriorat= tha dorma is snd 1" Beep de: iivering my" demon drivel to you Geviish druids, I just finished reading EERIE #15 and | thought i ‘wag terrible, even’ my pet Spiders laughed. What ever happened to the stories about vampires and worowoll_ mon store you used to have. now those “were wise yau “could eal terrific. [ haven't missed Sn jusus of RERIE inca a4 andl wish you would get on the ‘upswing 2gain. | thought “The "Doll Collector” wae 3 terrible stony, it was dull-and Batish. | Rhow "you can da better than that. "Wardrobe Sf Monseers wins ‘the. best Story in tho whole magezine Suhgugh “Under fie sien was bretty 200d algo. 1 likect Shang to "The | Demon Wakes But that was allt Wiked ‘sbout it, | would sure Tike: to ‘soe acme ‘E00d tales in“yaur book Sesin but even ga, don't worry shout ma buy. ij your mag. Ti go to the grave roading’ your ‘book. Tit MEILARDER, Rechester, Minn. Fo snigh POU. Sok a resture eultute buh Tom? Well" ‘dont gat your gu ard, gigay ."« tretting. over Gur rebut fosriing Wenzacst dust 'heap your tulging. blink srs, beamed In on our brutal Bociweri for more, monster misery. 1 just picked up © copy of EERIE. #15 andthe sever wees. fabuious! Most of the Stories ware goed us “Graves or Geansen as traly = mas Yerpleca. ‘pot’ Bayete. ‘and Rocke Nhastrose/ia did @ Sen: Stonat job on (t “Under thy Skin" vas the est story of ihe Ish Jee Oflange 1 my Tnvorite artist with the excep tion of feed Grancali | am trating to see. the new toler you eked Up In Traneyivania Sno "Tide ‘hope ‘yout tnd ood atiats to ikustrate them, ere im some good news for yous, GREEPY dots. fot even Speer here. st my favorita reat for you! Wel good hack Sn the nee stutt ‘Ta LaBATARD ‘Getdicr, Miss. All that sickest Story aliens 1B back from my home town | ug" Up Jim. . as for that ravoiting’ ‘relative of mine, chickening out at the candy, ‘counter competition. -- It hg DID happen to show his foul face around your fear front er, he'd bite the dust faster that a vampire could sink his In- Gisars into a square meail Just ask about him and seeltt EERIE #15 was a good and a tad tesve. Same of the Stones wore up to par, some Sore hot. Gre tring | happy fatleed, there, wee, oath a couple ‘ot reprints. AMAZING! Finally you've "stoped | with repriats ‘or at feaet cut them down to. minimum, The cover of this isn was excel. Tent. Prezio ig really goodl My hoice for the bast story was 2 reprint, “Wardrobe Gf Non: sters"" and "The Demon Wakes" wae at the bottom of the lst. Wnat happened to Jolt Jone's art in this ieee, Wt looks like he diew i with fis eyes closed. WIKE HUDAK, Cleveland, Ohio Nat at all pen pal. ISH had! aaficultydopleure fis: doomdroedios inthe dite ight sf aor dendungson «+s drives our salivating statt batty you Know Anpwoy thanx for the Seore tere yau sont» hike ta heat YoU ehjdyed by fhtest gems of gore graremar. Boy is your Uncle Cros mised upt Tsubscried to his magazine and it took almost Seven mantis before | re. ceived my first issue, I had given up! hope whan |_aud- Genly got issue #20. Then came #19 and 21a! since Mam getting all the hoek Is siles. backwards, vay dient t feceive_my 1868 Yearbook Which came out, between Is sues ya and wish JOEL TYLER, Saratoge, Calit Just like that nome: Somed niu So ho tints by back tracking’ nis horror. "packing, hell” get younger! The aa, mata. Shy" another century or’ tue and there'll be noth oF him but’ mound of’ mane led memory dust! To" get Sloppy serious for a tocond wee gue setthing. subserpe ign“ departmant has uesn “Buried for tha past sever momhe under a. pile of mon: Zirous, mall work Sinte toes ‘mete thrown come fresh flesh Yo the erosning. ghouls in there’ ‘and they promised {io serve you the remainder of your sickening. subscription 2M quien tke, or the rest of you eager urehing ». please Blow atleast EIGHT weeks {or your overloading ardore to process, “AI subseibere ret Selve ex “sheleking ceitions ‘and although this docsn'e lie Shige’ cur’ yelling Yearbook SMS since you've wated de fone Joel , 2 ete forward: ies Tight ‘bonue in ae vance, “A tree, cons off our ent, nexious, Yearbook. Gr sate une 2h nd te tong, bere at ghoul ely thank Fea tor being e most petient 2 patient, pote quasi EE ceo GOME ALONG NOW, KIDDIES ! TIME TO LOOKIN ON THE BRIGHT WORLD OF TOMORROW! FOR THE MOMENT AT LEAST, THINGS ARE LOOKING ROSY RED — DEF FOSY RED! HEE, HEEL! THIS (THE STORY OF nw. BLOODS! ow wy soul. SLAWERS FOR THESE HOT, x DELICIOUS PRAUGHTS /! = Ee { : cf / ART BY TONY WILLIAMSUNE / STORY BY RAYMOND MARAIS ae KORGEN OF BROOM CITY, THE MAN WHO HAS TURNED THE WEAPONS O& MODERN SCIENCE AGAINST THE ANCIENT FORCES OF CHMOS AND DARKNESS ! Tél MAN WHO HAS ALL BUT MINTER Fe Malian, or GLOOM FROM THE WORLD £ YS ee STRANGE LOOKING PEACE} WONDER WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE couLD BE OFFERING ME A JOB HERE w. AND WHY “THEY MADE SUCH A POINT OF WY COMING AT SUNSET? WHE IN, AR VAIO! Evervonies WASTING EXCELLENT! HR. DON'T KNOW IF VAIPO HAS NO FEAR OF T CAN SAY ITS MUTUAL! |) US WHATEVER! He's A WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? J SUPREMELY SELF CONFIDENT wiaN THIS, MR. WAIDO, IS A CONCLAVE OF ALL THAT REMAINS OF THE FORCES OF DARKNESS ON HIS PLANET, VAMPIRES, GHOULS, SORCERERS AND WVTCHES ...ONLY THE WEREWOLVES ARE ABSENT! THEY'RE QUITE UNFIT FOR CIVILIZED, DISCUSSION... ON THE NIGHT OF THE FULL MOON, THAT IS / OUR NUMBERS ARE PITIFULLY SMALL! CIVILIZATION WAS TAKEN A HEAVY TOLL. ROLLING OVER US. LIKE A SHINY JUGGERNAUT, YOu MIGHT SAY! IN THE VANGUARD OF THis PROCESSION IS ‘i THE MOST RUTHLESS SWINE IN ALL THE BY WERE ONLY FREE TOACT HISTORY OF THE WORLD... MARSHALL KORGEN By NIGHT! BY DAYLIGHT, ‘OF BRO} KORGENS GUARD WOULD BE MORE RELAXED, T See / AND WHAT'S. Tho 24yS LATER, IW THE BRIGHT THE PRICE KORGEN'S URS OF EAREY MORNING 0 apd whol “reRELEREMARED MILLION ERG-NOTES / KORGEN'S GOT QuITE A PLACE FOR, HUISELF HERE! BUT MY PREPARATIONS WILL GET ME THROUGH HIG DEFENSES . Wnt SPEED AND FEROCITY, VAIPO MAKES AIS WAY UPWARD THROUGH THE NEAR 12; EMPTY BUILDING, UNTIL «+ HOLD IT HE WOULD BE ON Tome By NOW! 7 Wairsy. RECOGNIZE yeu! TOR VAIDO! 0 He Best PISHTNG wen TVE EVER SEEN / DON'T BETRAY MANKIND, walDo! THERE'S MORE TO A GOOD FIGHTING MAN THAN JUST SRUTALITY | THERE'S LOYALTY, 700, LISTEN WY OFFER #) LL, vat Waa DeD THROUGH EVERY CAPTIAL ON THE GLOBI 1ERO! THUS, THAT VERY EVENING Weve S1BCTAGED EVERY Afoitic REACTOR IW. THE WORLD! AT THis VERY MOMENT, A NEWAGE sete ae. ee {3 BEING da beer ve DARK Ese OF Hrs WHY WE GHAOS ; HORROR OODSHED Rope SEENCE PECIDED 10 pESTROY ey ” ‘« OUR WONDERFUL AND VIRTEOUS. CIVILIZATION LISTEN! CAN'T YOO. HEAR THEM: THE EXPLOSIONS YOU SEE « aio” = AND NOW. MARSHALL KORGEN.. BT US CELEBRATE THE L NEW MILLENIUM,SHALL WE = WETH AN ORGY, OF PEATHE TO BE SURE \OU WERE SAFELY IN OUR PRECINTS WHEN THE EXPLOSIONS OCCURRED / COME ON, CULTURE VILLTURES, COUSIN EERIE'S GONNA BROADEN YOUR BRAIN WITH A TRIP TO THE MUSEUM! SOUNDS DULL? DON'T BE TOO SURE... BECAUSE IN THIS PARTICULAR MUSEUM... C-CAN'T BEL THE DndnWAY'S: GONE ROM THIS n SARCOPHAGUS! TTHIS 1S HOW T FOUND HIM, INSPECTOR... SPRAWL IN EROWT OF THe sARcoen AGUS OF HARAT- ANKNEB! TOMY KNOWLEDGE, INSPECTOR NIGEL, THERE!S NO CURSE CONNECTED WITH HARAT- ANKNEB....BUT HE'S ONE ‘OF THE GREATEST PRIZES OF THE MUSEUM! ALL MY YEARS. iD BIT UNUSUAL TQ FIND ONE THiS WELL PRESERVED, Isn't iT PROFESSOR KING HARAT, EH? I SUPPOSE THERE'S SOME KIND OF CURSE... THE PRESS WOULP LOVE That! IVS REMARKABLE! mage HIS isco: A MILESTONE IN ARCHE- OLOGY! THE WHOLE CIRCUMSTANCES AROUND HARAT ARE REMARKABLE... “INO ARCHEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION FOUND HIS TOMB, GUT A CREW OF ENGINEERS, BLASTING A DAMA SITE...1T WAS FAR REMOVED FROM ANY BURIAL GROUNDS, UNMARKED, TOTALLY OBSCURED... COM PLETELY HIDDEN...” 5 NATIVE WORKERS FLED THE SITE AND COULD NOT BE PERSUADED JO RETURN UNTIL LONG AFTER THE MuMmy HAD BEEN SHIPPED TO ENGLAND IT WAS MY GOOD FORTUNE TO HAVE BEEN DIGGING SOME MILES 10 THE SOUTH...L WAS CALLED UPON TO INSPECT THE TOMB...” “(T WAS SINGULAR! NO INSCRIPTIONS ON THE WALLS, NO EFFECTS OF THE DECEASED... NOTHING COMMON TO AN EGYPTIAN TOMB! ROT EVEN A SOUL POOR FOR THE DEFARTING SPIRIT! JUST THE SARCOPHAGUS BEARING HARAT!S NAME...” “But THE UNCONVENTIONALITIES OF THE TOMB WERE FOR GOTTEN WHEN I. PRIED OPEN THE SARCOPHAGUS. ..THE IMARVELS OF EGYPTIAN EMBALMING: ASIDE, THE PRESERVA- TION WAS FANTASTIC! LIKE SOMETHING BURIED FOR 100 YEARS, NOT 3,000/ THE FIND OF A CENTURY! 16 THAT Vacs ALMOST A MONTH AGO, AND NOW sesTHIS KILLINGS w= JE THERE'S ENOUGH LEFT OF THE CORPSE To TELL HIM ANYTHING! IE THERE'S SOME. CONNECTION, PROFES~ SOR BRucE, ‘REST ASSURED WE'LL FIND TOUT! Ti SEE ROW MY SQUAD IS DOING WITH THEIR CHECK OF THE GROUNDS AND THE ROOF... BY THEN THE CORONER MAY Hilts SOMETHING TO TELL US ABOUT THE GUARD'S BODY... SERGEANT! WANT A Man ON GUTY_IN THIS WING AT ALL TIMES! you TAKE THE EVENING WATCH... YOUNG SOAMES WILL RELIEVE YOU AT MIDNIGHT! AYE, SIR! READY TO RELIEVE YOU, SERGEANT... TM GLAD OF IT, a LAD! MOORLIGHT COMING: THROUGH THESE WINDOWS, MAKES THIS EGYPTIAN BRIC-ArBRAC CAST SOME Bows... PUTS A NEXT, TLL BE SEEING SOMETHING “te BENIND EVERY STATUE T PA. THE ARMs LIT Wasnt MOCNLIGHT DOES MAKE IT LOOK 5-SPOOKY... MORNING... _S YOU MUSTHIT BLAME |) TONIGHT WiLL BE Ht YOURSELF, INSPECTOR { DIFFERENT... UVE HUNTED IN INDIA... i TONIGHT DLL TAKE SEEN MEN MAULEO By THE LATE WATCH... TIGERS ... IT WASN'T F THIS GAOT HE WAS JUST A BOY... NEW TO THE FORCE... T MUST INSIST 7 WINDOWS LOCKED FROM +..AND TONIGHT, WE'LL BE YOU LET ME AND UNTAMPERED WITH... AY WAITING FOR HIM. ACCOMPANY. MEN WERE POSTED OUTSIDE - yOu, INSPECTOR! LTH KILLER HS 10 BE SOMEWHERE IN THE S| NIGEL! THE SARCOPHAGUS. OuTsiDE, A TOWER CLOCK TOLLED TWELVE WITHIN THE EGYPTIAN WING, THO SETS OF FOOTSTEPS ECHOED ON THE MARBLE FLOR. GETTING LATE...THE KILLER MAY HAVE BEEN FRIGHTENED OFF BECAUSE THERE ARE TWO OF... THE MGONLIGHT PROVIDES A GOO DEAL OF ILLUMINATION... SHOULD HELP WITH OUR TASK. PROFESSOR FOR GOD'S SAKE, GET THEY DION'T KNOW HE COULD ONLY BE KILLED WITH SILVERS RUN FOR IT; (INSPECTOR! WEREWOLF! THAT'S WHY TTHE MOONLIGHT... WE TOOK Hi OUT OF THE TOMB, THE FULL MOON'S RAYS COULD HIT HIM... TRANSFORM HUA! AXSUDDEN STENCH OF DECAY STUNG THE NOSTRILS OF THE TWO MEN... STRETCHED OUT ON THE FLOOR BEFORE THEM, HARAT-ANKNEB WAS UNDERGOING HIS ZAST TRANSFORMATION, THATS RIGHT, KIDDIES... THE MUMMY WAS A WEREWOLF! WHAT DOES THAT WAKE THE DADDY? WELL, THATS ANOTHER STORY... AND SO'S THE ONE COMING UP NEXT! My you're a. sight tor sore eitgy > SEETHING Sear ‘ANS’ .”.”. while you serie ble your bumame into. my tunkties ts Fiaraw the DRIVEL DRASES onan Other SHRIEK SESSION here St the DINGY DUNGEON. It's onty befitting ta begin this months vile bile with this. Bilter Biography ‘about Bnotner devastating draw ing Paged Bieskbustay M_ SUTTON. ‘Tom bought Wig tiekae to lifes amuse. Ment park an April 15, 1937 2 just in time’ to eateh the roller engater rige twrouch & Belden era of move, radio Seraig ‘and camie” Socks with which he grew up. feu cation to him, with the ex Gantion of a Nigh seneot ax feacher for whom ho ea an admiring devation ereat- iy diaillvetoned TORMENTED TOM, and ence trea fram his acedeinic dungeon he jolted the Ale Force. Frustrated, our furious flyboy began’ faring ehicing, okampies of his ariiitic af tributes onto. Whe aluminum panels of eountiess engine Ccomlings just for fun, At tant nie “career had sprouted wings and STRUTTING BUTFON ‘managed to secure 3 Sigh, pen and. penciling for “pacitiec ‘Stars and Stipes while stationed in Tolga. There he slanted his Serall” sensations tawsed 3 kooky comic step which ran Fampent tor almost = year ‘That mas doomed by his dis fan ta do away with the hero vig @ ence mous villain, remarkably re somnbling nis enraged editor ‘So... following his teal ue tour af auty, Pom found himselt’ pounding the BARBARIC SILL MANTLO haz = maddening manuscript for us to bargain with s@ step up to eur warped window for your Emme ‘The angry crowd ef workers outside Kept up an Incas: gant clamoring which est somewhst pleesaatly upon the ears of Edmond Darwin, Prencent of Gratice fries. Music fo his cars Re thought, "Sir, they" nary” Ri valet Dre In throu nis mouants, am | to do about i came Darwin's raply, “lowe then hRotning', “Toll them to leave af Il phone the police” 4s his valet lott. Carvin gazed at the mere of ra: chinery around him, it wos only two years age Ne hud faken over his father's company, How he hated his father's Interests in the workers, Fie Tiendship ter ehem. How he fad hated the smell af sweat and the strain of muscles. He would do awoy ‘with all that wher fe the chance, When the old wa died he hed graduaily replaced his workers with machines. Litve by {ittle the aes, Aare uu only. 0. Nemes chs anata Nis army of machines remained. Theugh saddened by this Raw rogima of mgdmene, old Tompkins leapt 9f Bie a, Tovingly" Washing and éieanini the ‘computers, ik was sehen Darwin eaught the 0:6 janitor fooling with the marn: en banks of the master camputer that he had struck fiir. Mesning. only to scare the feeblo Janitor, Tompkins stead had fallen againat ths mazsive machine, StiKine is head. Darn remembered how he had carried the bogy to the incinerator, Dut that was all over naw and Ris attention nas attracied by a clicking of the deor bot Ho whirled as'a huge machine meved taward him, mater humming, “Btog"" he screamed... “atop Then the Eounds came from the master eamputer and on irs tele Yisar ereen appasred tha face of old man. Tompkins Sflctio Mr. Darwin... wher. clek yee res me = + You see | gava'your machines human emeuons .. Dl Ditties ove 7 gars bate, and Whirtr Danwin didn’t reed to me told what the last was TF alreddy the wires and colls were wrapping atclnd Ms gims, legs, hig treet, Ax he gazped hig final breath he heard Tompkin's vous Click. and of course eee MaIrTE REVENGEN! ea eroded concrete af clvlian Tite Comics Wark confusion once more after Since then, TOMS THUMB 5 fost blast. studying a the «and all the rest of his Boston Museum Seheol and fabulous ngere have been having learned the finer furiously furnishing fractured points of animated sctwark, —fillars tor "Mot Brand Ech” EQARING “SUTTON stated ©. 0. and gur twin fill of out 9 casket for himself as irtghiful features... CRECPY an Art Director with a Bos: and EERIE. Now that fa's ton Company. for a while It joined the tanks hero in tne appeared that ti cup mun tony seclusion of Warren's AEM over. Then, thirsty fer acter... itll be nice to Bvtaste of the real stuff. Nibble “s" fenstroue marcel father than romain Bulléd ef SUTTON'S SCAREWORK, Beneath an ‘administrative ‘whenever someone sips tombstone, our Maan Yom “2 TOMMYFUL (nto my pb filled his portiolia with draw. —ulum prison.” We hope ho ings and headed for the Big stays forever: Pom aay Hi Ce gm tribute your art Pa acral oie Ma ara aie pirat Cast & grimacing glance at the gergentusn thie clay. man has. sired up! Brother Braap tan ana Bes ricky raphy 12. EKG, buck git a tatlgate. For all you Nagging Papiters’ we for Bid! game hunting. You can thank sinister DEAN SinponK ef santaynez, Ga Homie for doadiing up ths dovastating aiseavéry. One peek at this pound: Ing “Pageant and. wicked Mike WHELAN'S ‘fright fignt should tell you that you're in fora nip... rearing round of fun and” "MAINS", My puess fs. the egarse ‘eon fonder with ‘the hairy ‘stranglehold haz his plore. ine opponent... all "wrapped" up. Who can tell anough ... maybe our reel ing ripper can stil win the contest wah an « - upper 21 THIS IS UNCLE CREEPY SPEAKING, FIENDS... SHOWING YOU HOW To Wee «CREEPY “X BACK ISSUES & Ga) WHILE YOURE AT T.. USE THE COUPON FOR A SUBSCRIPTIONIIII! ‘CREEPY MAGAZINE BACK ISSUE i” Box 25057 Gand Cental Staton na siydy teope ‘AU Copies Mailed ew Yank, Mew York T0007 me = uP COE Wa___ COMPLETE YOUR CREEPY COLLECTION NOW! SEND THE COUPON ABOVE FOR EACH BRAIN- BREAKING BACK ISSUE YOU'VE MISSED OF UNCLE CREEPY'S fala che onto ee ama to)s4 TALES! BUT HURRY... THEY'RE GOING LIKE BLOOD AT A VAM- PIRE CONVENTION! 23 Fe Stee TREINISIBUENANY sore econ Ia ew Yaek, New Var 19087 I NG LAYING ALBUMS TO THE ciNTEn Ci piNOdAURst: $1.98, plusl] a monte or fos on Se Mc | CUTS uARRY-HOLD ITA MN WILL YOu? MISS. EHEAD- COULD yOu aan SPUR UEAGA BIT MOR! ee FINK URTIN TUAT LAST SHOT OF, you WAS TERR, MISS MOOREHEAD — UUST GREAT! SYLVIA, WHEN THE PICTURE'S WRAPPED UP YOUR PANE WILL BE Loc! KING To es Ue fe THE UBLic WILL BE, RAVING {f if Sonceto TERRIBLE! Just LOOK At THAT SHOT! YOU'D BETTER DO SOMETHING, SEE ALL YOU SER PHIL- OTHERWISE WE'LL BE NEARING FRANTIC THOSE WRINKLES, NOT HER... FANS OF THE FIENDIEH. MY FACE-I CANSEE WHAT'S HAPPENING....f HEAR THEM WHISPERING ABouT Me! TVE TRIED EVERYTHING! WORTHLESS MEDICINES-| Mae 1 WONT GET OLO-UGLY=- 1 M SYLVIA MOGREREAD THE Most oii BEAUTIFUL STAR IN THE WORLD: wi Oxusesrer WITHTHE DESIRE To REGAIN HER YOUTH, SYLVIA BEGAN THis ms Must BE HIS PLACE O tree FIeTHY- T WONDER IF ANYONE'S ARE YOULL... PR.REINER? DR. WILHELM REINER? IF 7 AM, WHOEVER TG MY WORK! YES. MY EXPERIMENTS ! THEN YOU'VE HEARD WHAT IT ISI TRYTO pO WELL- WHAT IS IT? AF HERE. A SERUM- yourve come AKeY To UN- To BOTHER Lock THE MeE-Go AWAY! VM TOO BUSY woarn OF To WASTE MY fOuTH ! But Ol, THERE 1S A:.. FORMULA, AS YOU CALL IT.. Must HAVE TOLD YOU-1 CAN NOT Be DISTURBED! T CAN'T SEE YOU! T MUST RETURN ai MY STUDIES AREN'T COMPLETE...BUT SENT You| BuT De-REINER- U's BBEAUSE OF YOUR WORK I'VE COME TO You! Your] EXPERIMENTS -THE SERUM- You MUST HELP ME! FORMULA; 1 WANT 70 BUY IT- AT ANY cost! WE HAD SOME HERE THAVE TWELVE YeArsor DESPERATE LABOR- NOT THE FINAL RESULTS = FOR EVEN NOW, ~ AND WITH THE MONEY 1GIVE Waren Rk CANGO @7 ONT WiTHyou Ri SUPPLYING SC SURIVELING SYLVIA BOUGHT SOME OF THE DOG'S SINISTER SYRUP... PRANK THE DEMONIC DRAM-AND. ss BEGAN "FACING UP TO THINGS. HEEE... i] SYLVIA, BAH-LNG! YOu LOOK AB-6O-LUTE: -ly DI-VINE! TELLMe HOW you Dip IT, vou SIN ONG, You! OVERDOSE... ALLHE| CARES ABOUT IS Sa 1G MONEY...7 IVS NOT PERFECTED ANE MUST G8 PATIENT-| AS VET! THERE'S ff a NO TELLING WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN IF YOU TOOK AN OVERBOS! ‘Bur Syma Quickly Forgot ABOUT THe SERUM- EVERVWHERE cue WENT, SHE OVERWHELMED INTHE LIMELIGHT HER NEW FOUND STIRRED A SENSATION / PUBLIC NOW SLIOWERED UPON HER -ANO HERE SHE IS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN= THAT LOVELY STAR OF THE Ee SCREEN - Ba Sah . mee » e “oe heh L NS ccs ! oss Yea he TIME PASSED, THE LEGEND OF HER BEAUTY , FINALLY FULFILLED SYLVIA'S GREATEST WISH... ANG THE WEEKS PASSED, THE FINALE TO HER SOARING CAREEE APPROACHED SVLVIA BEGAN TO AGE AGAIN-HER FACE TATTLE-TALED HER ANKIETY.... YOU OLD FOOL! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? I'M AWARD! THEN T LEAVE FOR A WORLP TOUR! I'LL. IT To You - THis IS ALL YOU CAN HAVE = MOW TAKE ITAND: Go! THIS FLASK CONTAINS ENOUGH TO LAST UNTIL TAN HAVE His NOTES ANALYZED- VIA HAD PLANNED HER MOVES WELL- MEN THE ASHES AT IN BEECHER FINALLY COOLED INTO PUST, NOTHING REMAINED i OF DR.REINER , HIS LAZORATORY, ... OR HIG SECRET! EMPTY... BUT WITH THOSE NOTES REINERS () FORMULA CAN BE DUPLICATED. IN ANY ANOTHER GOOD LUCK TELEGRAM,MISS SHALL T OPEN (T JUST LEAVE ITON THE TABLE FOR Now, a nu MARGARET- 1 REALLY ve MUST FINISH... 5 Byenny IF ONLY DR REINER KNEW HOW WELL Wig SERUM WORKS- HM— TUS TELEGRAM| A MARGARET GANE ME... MOOREUEAD- UNABLE TO ANALYZE FORMULA. CAN ONLY REPORT ACTIVE INGREDIENT IS MopIFIaD, () CONCENTRATED EXTRACT- OF-T-TROPICAL | SNAKES BEAUTIFUL STAR OF THIS OR ANY (We THER YeaR— “WARNING! SINCE SERUM ACTIVATES // HORMONES |i! WHICH PROMPT { SHEDPING OF SKIN- AN OVER- E MAY CAUSE SKIN TO OLT COMPLETELY? ‘i pos ‘Wa me AMSG covene crut Paw, ou! 2g3 ft Be a 2: 7 ART BY TOM SUTTON / STORY BY BILL PARENTE hand FEA ROE Poon K Jani ve oT & FEN Cee a Re ix =] "JME OLDEST LEGENDS OF MANY CULTURE: A Time re PROSE: WKSPEAKABLE HORD! EVIL MADE ID, AND THE WEAPO! USED WERE MANY AKO TEKRGLE NOW THAT YOU'VE HACKED YOUR IWAY THROUGH OUR. ENIFRAICA INTRO, FIEND FOLLOWERS, GET SET FOR Re cr Take suce OF MRE ABOUT 1 Be CARVED By TI “Dan's GREY. HOURS PROFESSOR BRACES THE WERE GIVING WAY SWORD'S BEEN STOLEN! The FULL Lh oF DAY GUARD MURDERED. WEN TE NEARD FRO 3B ART BY STEVE DITKO/SCRIPT BY ARCHIE GOCDWIN WHO COULD | BETTER TAKE A amanoy, 1 THmk| [we SHOULD Have LEFT W Tis ras BEEN a WoHT HAVEDONE, ) YOULL NEED IT THE MUSELIWS | | THAT SWORD BURIED | | OF CARNAGE, PAUL Tsim’ wave! 2 Just GWEN AA SOME MORE UNDER THE MOUNTAINS — ALL BECAUSE OF T WHERE IT'S BEEN FOR ‘SWORD... AND Who KNOWS] ALL THOSE CENTURIES/ WHERE if GOES FROM iM" Nor FOR OUR HERES MaNas? “AND IM HESITANT TORTURED WORDS, PROFESSOR Eke Tole ae WU HE Paes “AS CLOSELY AS CAN BE DETERMINED, SOME FEW “THE STUDY DOOR WAS LOCKED AND THE SOUNDS FROM. MOMITES AFTER [He SHORE HAD GEEN STOLEN NILES WITHIN GAM VOLUME AND TERROR. Ne BUTLER AND WAN SSALR CARUADY Tht MUSES EXEC LTE. ANOVER SEAN PeMUTOALLG BATTERED A He DIRECTOR WAS WORKING LATE. HIG BUTLER Whe BANG: OOGR UNTH AT LAST Tr GAVE Waly... ING UPA SNACK WHEN SCREAMS FROM CARNABY'S: Seat ako Te woe "THEY LIVED TO WISH THEY HAD NEVER GONE )NTO THE OOM! CARNABY WAS SLALIGHTERED WITH THE STOLEN SWORD, AND ITS HIOEOUS WELDER ESCAPED, STEPPING THRCUGH THE VERY WALLS." AMEANWHILE, NO MORE THAN FIVE MINUTES LATER, "SEEMINGLY FROM NOWHERE, A TERRIFYING FIGURE WMAN WALKER, DIRECTOR OF THE MUSEUM, HAVING LOOMED UP IN THE GLARE OF THE CAR'S HEADLIGHTS BREN INFORMED OF THE GUARD'S MURDER, WAS BEING INSTINCTIVELY, THE STUNNED CHAUPFEUR SWERVED | DRIVEN BACK TO THE CITY... ° SENDING THE CAR CAREENING FROM THE HIGHWAY... “ACCORDING TO THE CHAUFFEUR'S DYING STATE SENT, NE CAME TO AFTER THE WRECIC TO FIND THAT WALKER HAD BEEN THROWN CLEAR... ONLY. TO LIE HELPLESS UNDER THE FLASHING BLADE OF TRYING TO ADEQUATELY DESCRIBE THE HORROR OF THE CREATURE...” «Pe SI : PROFESSOR BRACE STOPPED TALKING AND A LONG: WELL... WITH BOTH DEAD, THE MOMENT OF SILEKCE ELAPSED AS 1 DESPERATELY 2 F a 3 au MAUSELIA WOULD NEED A DREcTOR | ata! RIGHT, PUSH T LARTER SSORETHINS: EZ ONT AND NEXT IN LINE WOULD BE PauLe G-8uT.jT DOESNT maKe \ THINK ABOUT IT, SENSE? EVEN ASSUMNG |) PAUL..{WH MOULD ACURSE ECULD ACTUALLY | STAND TO Gaia Be GN THE WEAPON. WHY | WITH WALKER AND SHOULO THe PEOPLE Nor | CARNASY DEAD? INVOLVED IM UNEARTHING THE SWORD BE SLAIN? “BRACE WHEELED ABRUPTLY AND LEAD ME COWNSTAIRS TO HIS. WORKROOM. E® THE ORE WHO FOUND Yy6U ACTUALLY PAUL, HANDLED IT... Since TURN THINK TRE SWORD \ nic Tt OVER TO THE MUSELIM, MecMPIES THE | OU CAN'T IMAGINE THE REST EVI WITHIN A (ESsNess VE FELT _.THE ToRD, PROFESSOR] 90) THERE'S EVIL IN ANY MAN, Give Believe THeReS | PAUL. SUPPOSE, LATENT ANY CONNECTION BE- WITHIN THE SIWORD, Is THE TW taregearure | Rowen Te DRAW Ele OUT Yyoueseeee: {| OF 1S ONNER TO PERSONIEY iT? SQVER THE YEARS, BRACE HAD BUILT UP A FINE PRIVATE =a = CEE STEN NS heanRoc HAS A Swale museum Th [MARNE A PLEASANT suger. \ Tupse spars... ‘set WAwe Ur HEN 7 Finuty Anfongss | LASLNIGHT = WAS ° NIGHT DOESN'T MEAN UP TRYING TO DEciPHER| | CID, THERE WAS AN SDCITION Tie bark sice OF rcut | Those TABLETS We TOTHE TABLETS, AS YOU CAN ‘SEE, PAUL, RAMPAGE! YOU'VE SWORD IN THE ANDES... PRopaply JUST BEEN WORKING TOO HARD? THE. OEP CRIMSON STAINS FORMED A TRAIL LEAD- °. TURNED TO FIND THE PROFESSOR TAKING DOWN ING OFF THE TABLE, MY GAZE RACE OVER IT TO..." SOME ARMOR FROM THE WALL...” TRUE, PAUL! ALL Gaur iF THAT THNGS J FIGHT IT, PALL! OM B-BUT IF ITS HERE... THEN TRUE! WITHIN. You, ., PART OF ITs OWN TERMS, EVERYTHING YOU TOLD YOU... HOW" WHAT CAN YOU OOF’ a2 “BRACE THEN SAT DOWN, CLUTCHING ARMS AND ARMOR “WE HAD BOTH PLAYED WITH HYPNOTISM FOR OUR, To HIM. OWN AMUSEMENT, BUT NOW WE BEGAN IN GEADLY. B] EARNEST HoT KNOWING FOR CERTAIN WHAT FORCES THE SWORD DRaws: WE WIGHT RELEASE, FOR WHAT ENDS.” fOmtn She Ba : WHILE DM ASLEEP, YOU ARE GROWING WHEN aly" CoNcioUSHESS Fined vee NAED ERT RALLY GOOD GERE LNG IMIG» GOD MELP Us Ih THES Sider ricer 1. Bul RSY EoucH Ac FE coun ort BeIAN, THe SWORDS ROWER? thy eOuseloueNtise WHILE RolteR O8 Ay LEAST BE SusceStIBLe 1 USING MY GOOD SOE A MYPNOTIC TRANCE! WITH ME TO CONTROL, You, If COULG BE DONE SHae0ly AD THE TRANCE TAKEN EFFECT THAN TRE SWORD “AND IN ANSWER TO My CRIES, ANOTHER FIGURE AP BEGAN TO.GLOW WITH AN UINEARTTUY UIGHT..AND CUT PEARED, ASSUMING THE ARMOR BRACE HAO LEFT IN OF PROFESSOR BRACE'S BODY A THING OF LNSPEAKARE PREPARATION...” Evn. LEABED FORWARD TO SEIZE IT!” | PROFESSOR! THERE'S EVIL IM THIS ROOM. YOUR Evin, Gur within YOU Is GREAT e008. Use IT (S017 BEGAN ...THE 1D AND EVIL OF A, MMAR LOCKED IN, MORTAL COMBAT, SWIRLING AND FIGHT- ING... SOMETIMES IN THE ROOM, SOMETIMES| IN PHANTOM DIMENSIONS} CRISS-CROSSING OUR OW WORLD THROUGH, WHICH CREATURES LIKE THESE COULD STALK AT WILL.” * THERE WAS FAR MORE GOOD THAN SH THE PROF NOWAY TO ESTIMATE THE POWER OF THAT HELLISH SWORD, NOT SEE THE COMBATANTS AG THEY FOUGHT IM OTMER DIMENSIONS, OTHER WORLDS TORMENTED FACE... AND I KNEW WE WERE LOS| PROFESSORS DONT WEAKENS YOU CAN'T GIVE UP... YOu CANTY | You can 20 MUSTH Rr wit YOU “My VOICE GREW HOARSE WITH STRAIN AS 1 RAGED TO KEEP HIM G ARG GF EFFORT ROLLED GOWN THE PROFESSOR'E Pace, RED AND HOLLEN IN THE LAST PITCH STAND AGRINST THE SHORD's PRIMORDIAL Evi, SJHEN_ FROM THE SHADOW WORLD BATTLEGROUND CAME AN LNHUMAAN SHRIFK THAT ENDED AS 4 CRY OF PAIN IN ESSOR SRACE'S THROAT...” “WE SLID TO THE FLOOR AND.FOR THE FIRST TIME I NOTICED EACH WOUND OF THE BATTLE. WAS UPON HiRA. HIS BREATH CAME IN GASPS, BUT His FACE WAS SOMENON RELAXE WE WON, PAUL ..BUT ATA PRICE. WE DESTROYED THE EVIL, BUT IT WAS PART OF We YOU CAN'T RIL. PART OF MAN, WITHOUT DESTROY: (NG THE WHOLE! “BaD, EVES FIXED. OW THE THING THAT HAD WROUGHT His DESTRUCTION, PROFESSOR BRACE DIED.” pater Flan SD oie nee apna ansee eg aa iene Serie eer ca re Ete ieee Sooners Ree cls Raed et i een WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST BBOTT & COSTELLO MEET DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME— THE 3 STOOGES IN 4 TALES of PERRAR ABBOTT & (COSTELLO A MEET FRANKENSTEIN EAST SIDE KIDS EET : BELA ABBOTT & COSTELLO IN ROGKET & ROLL GREAT 8MM MONSTER MOVIES! . FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE WOLFMAN REVENGE OF FRANKENSTEIN ee SUPERN, OF FRANKENSTEIN KARLOFF IN THE MUMMY THE BEAST WITH 5 FINGERS Teen Se BELA tLe EC TELL TALE DRAG ULA BELA LUGOSI CHILLS YOU THE HUMAN MONSTER LON CHANEY AS THE PHANTOM of the OPERA NEW! “IRON-ON” MONSTERS Repeat cir pire Cerne Pace ce ee MONSTER-SIZE balloons! Special Air Force surplus bal- UL Onur ie ae aes bility. Never used, Out of this world fit even looks like a er eae oc ee oe Cae eet US Rene ae Co RR ure CM Ceca Reg fraction of cost. $2.95 plus 50c postage and handling eee one OM Oe ec Ce ests Foaw York, New York 6013" Name... Address... City a ae eae Lg SUL EC Rao cae rare ee State. Cease ac an a hn oe rege Ea GODZILLA aa THO E000; PLEASE, Print name & address clealy 6a all erders By Aurers, quality manvtecturer af sala ‘model hobby sats, All models atand 12" WOLF MASE In all hie gory splanders arm Gprelaed ready te clutch his sont victim Campletein avery thie Ki oehem yor room, Ive detolled scala modal of "WOU MAN wueraveded by 4 faverite mates, invsiy_small of old Egyptian tombs. the reel life deorhetiee loake with feldiaate you os you pur the Rummy together. BE CARBUL how you place the tacred stonse that cantoin the magic lgnter there can trauble. Tha sneke—tut pow knew af bevt that .. den'e pout sea yacen stan rate ports. When co Yau pein w= count of midnight, hands fomovs “Terror > walk eight eff the GRAVESTONE Bane thet Is part of NO.CO10's PLEASE. Pint nama & address clearly on al orders. tall end come complete in every detsil eat a yeu tee them hares tach model hos ‘ePpreximaraly twanty fire seperatepiscen ‘ecining. touches. with quick drying a ek e# they'll rtort peroding orsund Your room. Trashy straight tram she or with coutien 10 that you "your: self on the rarer sherp clows. Watch the: head ae you sttech ifs, thorp resth: Reena eee DF ae Sate Grand Canat satan ‘ pee eerie aa i Trturty vp ood send itt 1 owvar thought Vt Chance te bedd my sary gun MOVER HONSTER The Dovement fe seedy ss my fiers re Wehing Ve get 8 Serks Unt a 10 $1.00 ples ae fer He many be fo Gheatved pon Me tacooN ... s100l [ogame ' plus 35¢ for poxione B handling. 1 Sacer, Bie for posteye & howling ‘STeR KIT 2... ne shoo gies ase for povogs & Paanton” rh kana" KON penege & hen same... Danoness far. i ll 49 Base ‘SPINE-TINGLING EPISODES OF THE ORIGINAL GREAT COLUMBIA PICTURES MOVIE SERIAL THAT THRILLED MILLIONS! Each of the 6 selected Chapters is a full 200 feet. All have been carefully edited so that each episode leads into the next, giv- ing you the complete serial in 6 reels. You may order just one reel, all 6 reels, or as many as you like, Only $5.49 for each episode. ‘CHAPTER 1—The Electrical Brain Gu I 4_ OTIS KNOWN THAT SOME SPIRITS WHICH IN LIFE WERE BENIGN SECOME BY DEATH EVIL ALTOGETHER” Mf) Ove care wesunmer Ky NIGHT, HALPIN, WAKING A) FROM 4 OREAMLESS SEER SPOKE A NAME AND NOTHING He HAD LOST HIS way WHILE HUNTING WIEN THE AFTER: NOON HAD BECOME CLOUD HOW 099 10 _ 3 SPEAK A NAME HE WENT BACK TO SLEEF BUT IT WAS NO LONGER, PREAMLESS.. ART BY FRANK BOLLE / STORY BY AMBROSE BIERCE 51 y pe FY Love Arter NIGHTFALL THe ye oa S : A cece RC As e08 pL tir Win A WAN cuMwER. Wier z= BN o, £ THE TREES WERE MMACULATIONS OF CRIMSON, AND BLOOD PRIPBED LIKE DEW... FUR HALEN BROKE A THe: AND WROTE RAPIOLY WILL NOT SUBMIT! 7 SHALL WITH BLOODY INK. LEAVE A RECORD AND AN APPEAL. T.SHALL RELATE My WRONGS, THE PERSECUTIONS THAT T ENDURE -- 1, A HELRLESS MORTAL, A PENTINENT, AN UNOFFENDING POET! py HALFIN WASARCET CNLY AS HE WASA DREAM, | IN His YouTH, HALPIM FRAYSER| HAD LIVED wath His. PARENTS: IN NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, Vsour MATERNAL GREAT- GRAND - FATHER. WROTE THESE. HE WAS A POET OF NO SMALL COLONIAL DISTINCTION. BE PROUD OF Him AND YOUR HERITAGE. HIMSELF, COULD NOT HAVE IE RSE TO IASELF, WOULD YOU MIND GREATLY KATY, It WERE CALLED away To CALIFORNIA FOR A FEW WEEKS? 1 SHOULD HAVE, KNOWN, THIS WAS COMING. YOUR FATHER LALIGHED AT ME, UT yOu AND 3 KNOW sucH THINGS ARE NOT FOR_NOTHING. BELOW THE CLOTH T SAW THE MARKS OF HANDS ON YOUR PY ARE THERE MEDICINAL SeRINGS SIN. CALIFORNIA JAY FINGERS These Two coo sone, HAVING EQUALLY ODD NoTICNS: SF Bary, PaRTED, one WENT 55 GaLIORNIA FOR A CLIENT, i THE OTHER STAYED HOME itr HER HASeane. TN SAN FRANCISCO, HALAN WAS "SHANGHAIED AND BECAME A SAILOR. CWIEFORTUNE GREW AND HE WAS SHIPWRECKED FOR SIX YEARS BEFORE BEING RESCUED... 7 “THOUGH FOOR. IN PURSE, HE, WAS PROUD IN SPIRIT AND WOULD ACCEPT NO HELP. WITH A FELLOW SURVIVOR HE WENT TO ST. HELENA TO HUNT AND DREAM... AND AWAIT NEWS FROM HOME. WHAT MORTAL CAN COPE WITH A CREATURE OF HIS DREAMS > a = The apparition. CONFRONTING THE RUN FROM 8E- FORE IT, BUT OULD? NOT. THEN ALL WAS BLACK, A SOUND OF THE BEATINGOF DISTANT DRUMS-="A MURAUIR OF SHARMING YOITES, ANI HALPIN FRAVSER OREAMED THAT HE WAS DEAD, Bur iN 4 MOMENT 17 was WiSIELY LARGER AND DENSER.. Ar asCUT TWO oicLock ON THE PRECEDING - 2 DAY, THE GHOST OF & Of THE WHITE CHURCH B cLOuG HAD BEEN ; ; A HALF sAILE OBSERVED On FARTHER. MOUNT ST, HELENA, BY THE WAY, HOLKER, IT. NOT A Y co you“ [THE CHAP wo cur CHURCH, BIT AN ABANDONED ScHOOL-| I HIS. WIFE'S “THROAT, OF COURSE. $500 REWARD ON HUA, YOU CONT MEAN, THE DEVIL! THAT'S WHERE THEY BURIED HIS WIFE! YOU FOUND HIME HE FOUND ME! THE RASCAL, GOT THE OROP HELD ME AND MADE ME TRAVEL, THERE'S GLORY IN | GY THE way, I HEARD jor | ‘BRANSCOM”ISN'T HIS REAL NAME, IT!S ‘PARDEE’ OR SOMETHING. THE WOMAN WAS WIDOWED AND HAC. COMETS CALIFORNIA TO look UP A RELATIVE. I With SHOW YOU WHERE HE HELD ME UP NEIL R) Te Pars, iF ANY BR) PATHS HAD BEEN WERE NOTA Nice PLACE To SPE AN EVENING. eat LISTEN TO THIS: NENTHRALLEP BY SOME wMySTEROUS: SPELL, ['S1COD IN THE LIT GLOOM OF sage strange to an athe HE sathes set netles gr gene® ee ee Se wt veal atater Fence gird nor Pegi, “pened thee ain aon te ab tat the ee Grewe® pees, am gn oh DOE THIS SOUNDS LIKE BAYNE, A CHAP WHO FLOURISHED MORE THAN "A CENTURY AGO! T HAVE HIS COLLECTED WORKS, THIS POEM MUST HAVE BEEN OMITTED. BY MISTAKE, i *LAGUE'--THAT'S THE REAL NAME OF ‘BRANSCOM! AND NOW IT COMES BACK,’ THE WOMAN'S: NAME WAS “ERAYSER' BEFORE SAE NAME AS IN THE NOTEBOOK! THERE Is some Rascauy Ee E] [Theee cane to tiem OUT OF ie ROG WE SOUND OF IAYSTERY HERE... I HATE Ae RADUAL DEGREES... Peirmine cP Hat Rao. : THEN IT (ED_ AWAY JOYLESS AND MECHANICAL 70 THE LAST, SINKING TOSILENCE ATA *EASURELESS REMOVE, EINE | REFN vers BLACK BEAUTY = SCALE MODEL HOBBY KIT COMPLETE WiTH FIGURES [1 /A) GF THE HORNET & KATO [NS INSIDE THE CAR if Ze since eeaury ple 256 ter Bi anna ia SS tH CU MU a eg NEW FAMOUS MONSTERS bo) made by Aurora, the greatest name in all-plastic assembly kits! The Forgotten Prisoner is ha eC CML) never make the best-dressed eee ee uae ed bor eel hme Le Wew!! Ru: ORDER TODAY! MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE! sh me THE FORGOTTEN PRISONER OF CASTLEMARE Fas mous Monsters Hobby Kit, for which I ene! 98¢ plus 27e pata. & he cae ee Eee i 1 euazine comaar BACK ISSUE DEFY vires pe ac Set Ben tor Protectan 1 1 ynelase $4.00 for the Second Great Issoe ' eneiese $1.00 for tke Third Great Issue t Ej Wezcloe $1.80 for the Hlerp 24 tate 1 ' ' y . =a : 1 y ‘STATE ZIP CODE. Z r wee newer cen e eee eeeeeel

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