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Barbarian is an extremely simple beatdown

hero with little nuance or experience required

to pound opponents into the dirt.

Strengths: Extremely high dmg output,

multiple fallbacks if you miss a powerful ability

Weaknesses: Defense is mediocre, doesn’t

excel at anything other than dmg


One of the most consistent defensive heroes in

the game, the Moon Elf is great at making
opponents pull their hair out.

Strengths: Powerful defense, multiple

annoying status effects

Weaknesses: Little undefendable dmg,

dependent on rolling sixes

A great example of the “glass cannon”
archetype, the Pyromancer uses Fire Mastery
to deal an insane amount of dmg.

Strengths: High dmg output, easy access to

undefendable dmg

Weaknesses: Defense prevents no dmg,

3-1-1-1 dice anatomy is difficult to work with


Shadow Thief rapidly gains CP and cards

during the game, and his abilities deal more
dmg the more CP he has.

Strengths: High dmg output once set up,

defense can prevent all dmg

Weaknesses: Requires setup, needs to roll

specific abilities at specific times

Monk can use Chi to deal more dmg or prevent
more dmg, letting him respond to the situation.

Strengths: Very versatile, potential for

powerful defense using Chi and Evasive

Weaknesses: Mediocre dmg without Chi,

going for Ultimates is risky


Paladin gains strength from his powerful status

effects, his consistent CP and card gain, and
his somewhat effective defense.

Strengths: High burst-like dmg, can use

economy to guarantee an Ultimate

Weaknesses: Prone to missing abilities,

upgrades are expensive

Treant can grow and upgrade Spirits for
various effects, and occasionally sacrifices
them for a huge attack.

Strengths: Variety of effects available,

potential for high undefendable dmg

Weaknesses: Can’t use Spirit effects if

sacrificed for dmg, not incredibly good at
anything in particular


Ninja’s low dmg seems insignificant, but adds

up quickly from a variety of sources.

Strengths: Consistent undefendable dmg, can

prevent all dmg with Smoke Bomb

Weaknesses: Smoke Bomb is inconsistent,

outpaced by glass cannons and rushdowns

Gunslinger adds slight randomness to her
attacks using Reloads. She’s extremely
powerful… if she gets lucky.

Strengths: Good at everything, easy access

to undefendable dmg and Evasives

Weaknesses: Needs luck to perform well,

defense is extremely inconsistent


Samurai is rewarded with Honor for not using

his third Roll Attempt. His reliable dmg and
defense are potent in all matchups.

Strengths: Consistent dmg and defense,

occasionally bursts for high dmg

Weaknesses: Needs Honor to excel, prone to

getting stuck with basic attacks

With his Tactical Advantage tokens, the
Tactician has access to a variety of effects. He
can often chain Ultimates together.

Strengths: Reactive defense, potential for

more than one Ultimate

Weaknesses: Needs Tactical Advantage to

excel, very dependent on sixes


Huntress uses Nyra to tank hits and outlast the

opponent. However, her dmg is horrible
without Nyra, making every dmg point count.

Strengths: Very durable, does especially well

against heroes with burst-like dmg

Weaknesses: Needs Nyra to deal effective

dmg, dice anatomy is difficult to work with

Cursed Pirate is a ticking time bomb. When
she runs out of Doubloons, she flips her board
over, dealing and receiving even more dmg.

Strengths: Easy roll objectives, multiple

annoying status effects

Weaknesses: Is eventually forced to flip, can

easily be stalled to death


Artificer builds, upgrades, and activates his

Bots using Synth, letting him constantly invoke
their deadly effects.

Strengths: High dmg after 1-2 turns of setup,

consistent flow of Synth

Weaknesses: Defense is terrible, prone to

status effect removal

With her dmg-avoiding Flight tokens and the
ability to blind opponents, Seraph is a pain in
the neck to fight.

Strengths: Can avoid and prevent dmg with

multiple sources, access to undefendable dmg

Weaknesses: Mediocre dmg, defense is

mediocre without Flight


Vampire Lord uses Blood Power for a variety

of effects, from adding dmg to drawing cards to
leeching health from the opponent.

Strengths: Relatively high versatility, potential

for landslide games using heals

Weaknesses: Defense is usually uneventful,

potential for getting crushed due to bad luck

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