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Citizenship Skills
Grades 9-12: Watertown High
Learning Objectives
★ Objective #1: After learning about what digital citizenship is, students will identify the nine
themes of digital citizenship and will collaborate in small groups to present one theme to the

★ Objective #2: After learning about the nine themes of digital citizenship, students will create a
project identifying the role of four of the themes in their digital identity.

★ Objective #3: After learning about digital footprint and its importance, students will evaluate
their digital footprint by analyzing their online activity throughout the past two to four years of
their life.

★ Objective #4: After learning about digital presence and identity, students will identify and apply
their knowledge of aspects of a positive and negative digital identity to four example identities.

★ Objective #5: After learning about and identifying positive and negative aspects of digital
identity and presence, students will evaluate the digital presence of a celebrity or famous person
of interest and a professional individual they know.

★ Objective #6: Through understanding what digital citizenship is, and creating a digital citizenship
statement as a class, students will create a personal digital citizenship statement that reflects
their values when it comes to the web and incorporates at least five themes of digital citizenship.
Visual #1- Creating
your Page

Visual #2- Name, Subject, Location

Designing the Google Classroom

Visual #4- Finished Page

Visual #3- Customizing Appearance

Narration: This project will be presented through Google Classroom, through the
creation of this, I will take you through each step of the project.
1.) The first step is the creation of the Google Classroom Page for the course.
As shown in visual #1, the instructor will press the plus button on their
Google Classroom Page (the red arrow is pointing to this) then hit “create
class”(in the red circle).
2.) The instructor will now name the class, the subject, and the room or
location of the course. this is displayed in Visual #2. The Name of the course
is Developing Digital Citizenship Skills, the subject is Digital Citizenship,
and the Room is the Auditorium (As this is a hybrid course, this will only be
used when the course is in person).
3.) The third step is customizing the Google Classroom Page, this is shown in
Visual #3. The theme that will be used for the course is under the “select
photo” button. This theme is a Google Classroom theme as displayed with
the computer, tablet, and smartphone, with a gray background. The Color
being used for the classroom page is circled in red this is a bright dark
blue, hex#1068e5.
4.) Visual #4 displays what the Google Classroom page will look like overall.
The bright dark blue hex#1068e5 will be the color of all buttons, selected
content, links, and when created topics. The top bar and icons are a a
lighter dark gray this is hex #828d8b. The name of the classroom page is
white, hex #ffffff.All text on these pages is Google Classroom font, which is
Roboto Bold. All text will be this font.
Course: Developing Good Digital Citizenship Skills
Module 1: Digital Citizenship- Purpose and Creation of Topic
Purpose of Module: Module 1, focuses on the core topic of the course, digital citizenship. This is being developed for
students in grades 9-12 at Watertown High School. This will have students gaining a thorough understanding of what
digital citizenship is and how it works. This will also have students analyzing Patterson’s Nine Themes of Digital
Citizenship. These help students to understand all of the facets of becoming a good digital citizen and all of the
aspects this encompasses. Lastly with in this module, students will be gaining an understanding about how digital
citizenship can apply to their daily life as well as why it is important in their daily life. This helps with the real
world application of the topic that will be discussed in Module 4.

Design Choices
Color Scheme for Materials:The Color Scheme for Text Colors, Fonts and Sizes: Background: White #ffffff, Title
the materials for Module 1 will be variations of Font: Droid Serif, 40 bold, italic, underline, Dark Green #38761d,
the color green and will use the font Droid Serif. Sub-titles: Droid Serif, 25 bold, Brighter Dark Green #339900,
Body Text: Droid Serif, 14 bold, Black #000000

Navigation Colors and Font:Visuals of the navigation of the module are shown on the next slides, this will be
done in Google Classroom, the module will have it’s own topic and materials under this topic. The button color, is
a bright dark blue, hex#1068e5 the text on this button is white hex #ffffff. The text is all, bright dark blue,
hex#1068e5. The font for all the text on the classwork page is Roboto Bold, and the background is always white
hex #ffffff.

Narration: The next part of the design/development of the project will require the
creation of the different modules, content, and assessment. We will start with
Module 1 entitled, Digital Citizenship. The model is described in the space above.
The design elements will be similar to the beginning design page as this is all still
through Google Classroom (see Slide 3- slide before this- Google Classroom page is
where all navigation is occurring all buttons and topics are the same colors
throughout project) but there will be some variation through the color scheme of
the materials created for this module. These variations are described in the
Design Choices section of the slide. The Navigation colors are also described here.

On Screen Content- Module

#1: Digital Citizenship
Press the blue assign button to assign the assignment with students!

Title of Assignment Goes here

Assignment Instructions go here!

Attach/Create Your Needed Materials here

(All created materials are in the drive
created for the course, you you will use
the “Drive” Option here ( in the red
rounded rectangle)

Here is where you will set the parameters

for the assignment (students who will
receive the assignment, points, due date,
3.) and topic, which will be “Module 1: Digital
Citizenship”- Assignment Rubrics can
also be added in here!

1.) At the top of the Google Classroom Screen, the instructor will go to the
“classwork” tab circled in red.. Here is where All materials and modules
will be created. To create modules, the designer will click on “topic” circled
in green and then create Module 1, as shown in the next sequence of my
navigation visual.
2.) In the second sequence of this visual, you can see Module 1 posted as a
topic this is “Digital Citizenship”.
3.) The instructor will then once again, using the create button, create the
content for the course and post it under the topic, “Module 1: Digital
Citizenship”. Using the create button from step 1, the instructor will create
all of the course materials. An example of an assignment being created is
shown in step 3. The designer will follow this example.
4.) Step 4 shows the completed module with all the assignments, materials,
and assessments- These need to be assigned in the order shown(they are all
in the Google Drive Created by the designer)- What is Digital Citizenship,
Exit Ticket on Digital Citizenship, Patterson’s Nine Themes of Digital
Citizenship, Applying Your Knowledge of the Themes- Group Project,
Jigsaw-Presenting your Themes, Summative: Patterson’s Nine Themes in
Your Life, Digital Citizenship in Your Life, and then lastly, What does
Digital Citizenship Mean to You.
Objectives Specific to this Module:
● Objective #1: After learning about what digital citizenship is, students will
identify the nine themes of digital citizenship and will collaborate in small
groups to present one theme to the class.
● Objective #2: After learning about the nine themes of digital citizenship,
● students will create a project identifying the role of four of the themes in
their digital identity.
Module 1: Digital Citizenship- Proposed Graphics

Image #1- Digital Citizenship

Graphic- This will go along with Image #3- Digital Citizenship & You
Topic 1 - What is Digital Citizenship Image #2- The Nine Themes of Digital Graphic- This goes along with Topic 3- Citizenship Graphic Created by me. This goes Applying Digital Citizenship to your life.
uploads/2022/10/davis-169hero-citizensh along with Topic 2 of the Module- The Nine
ip-shutterstock.jpg?w=2880&quality=85 Themes of Digital Citizenship. ploads/2021/10/DigitalCitizenship_BlogI mage-scaled.jpg
(Patterson’s Nine Themes Link- used to make

Narration: For Module #1, There will be three graphics utilized in each topic to
display concepts to students or to get them thinking about the content they will
learn about. As this Module is largely student project and interpretation, there is
not a lot of multimedia or graphics provided. Students will be making and
utilizing them in their Exit Ticket, Group Project, Individual Project, and Question
on Digital Citizenship & You.
Assessment 1.1
Exit Ticket- Module 1: Digital Citizenship- Topic 1: What is Digital Citizenship
On Screen Content/ Question Type/ Questions/
Feedback: To the right you can see the Google Form
with two open ended questions. The form is pictured
to the left with questions, and a visual of what
students will see on there screen. Below is a rubric
that is the same for each part of the project. This looks
for specific examples from the course content. This
provides both positive and negative feedback.

Narration: This is the assessment for Topic 1: What is Digital Citizenship in Module
#1. This will be an Exit Ticket with two short answer responses, assessing students
ability to apply their knowledge of Digital Citizenship to their own definition and
visual representation. Students can and should review their first lesson on Digital
Citizenship (What is Digital Citizenship- Assignment #1 of the Module) to complete
this. Feedback will be provided digitally. The Exit Ticket is out of 10pts. Students
must get at least a 6.5/10 (65%) to pass the formative assessment.
Assessments 1.2
Module 1: Digital Citizenship- Topic 2: The Nine Themes of Digital
Description of Assessment: The second assessment for Module 1, will be a summative project
that does not require immediate feedback. Students will show their overall mastery of the
nine themes of digital citizenship by evaluating how at least four of the themes play a role in
their own lives. They will create a presentation of this and present it to the class. Students
will be given a set of instructions and rubric via Google Doc. for the project and will be
expected to create these presentations in Google Slides. This will be 50pt. Summative project
grade. The rubric will provide students with positive and negative feedback and this
feedback will be provided both electronically through the rubric and verbally through
check-ins and through the presentation. Students are creating their own content for the

Note: These materials will be created and posted in the Google Drive for the
instructor to access.
Assessment 1.3
Question: What does Digital Citizenship Mean to You?- Module 1: Digital
Citizenship- Topic 3: Applying Digital Citizenship to your life.
On Screen Content/ Question Type/ Questions/ Feedback: Below, you can see the open ended question with instructions, this is
what students will see on their screen. Next to the image of the question is a rubric that displays the two different parts of the
question. This provides both positive and negative feedback.

More on the rubric: The Rubric shows the feedback for open ended question
as well as for students replies to their peers. Both reference course content
and specific examples.

Narration: This is the assessment for Topic 3: Applying Digital Citizenship to Your
Life, in Module #1. This will be a question posed on Google Classroom this will
have students responding to the question and then responding to at least two
peers posts. This is assessing students ability to apply their knowledge and skills
from the module to their own life. Students can and should review their the
materials, assignments, and assessments from the module as a whole. Feedback
will be provided digitally. The Question is out of 12pts, 8 points for the question,
and 4 points for their replies to classmates. Students must get at least a 7.75/12
(65%) to pass the summative assessment.
Course: Developing Good Digital Citizenship Skills
Module 2: Digital Identity- Purpose and Creation of Topic
Purpose of Module: Module 2, focuses on digital identity or one's online persona. This is being developed for students in grades
9-12 at Watertown High School. This will have students gaining a thorough understanding of digital identity and its facets. This
is important for their overall understanding of their own digital identity. This will also will have students gain an
understanding through modeling, what a positive and negative digital identity looks like. This helps in their overall
understanding of digital identity and the unwanted consequences of negativity related to them on the web. Lastly within this
module, students will gain an understanding what their own digital identity looks like and how it plays a role in their lives.This
helps students to understand the importance of having a digital identity and how it can affect their life. This fits in with the
real world application of the course for module 4.

Design Choices
Color Scheme for Materials:The Color Scheme for Text Colors, Fonts and Sizes: Background: White #ffffff, Title
the materials for Module 2 will be variations of Font: Droid Serif, 40 bold, italic, underline, Dark Blue #073763,
the color blue and will use the font Droid Serif. Sub-titles: Droid Serif, 25 bold, Brighter Dark Blue #0b5394,
Body Text: Droid Serif, 14 bold, Black #000000

Navigation Colors and Font:Visuals of the navigation of the module are shown on the next slides, this will be
done in Google Classroom, the module will have it’s own topic and materials under this topic. The button color, is
a bright dark blue, hex#1068e5 the text on this button is white hex #ffffff. The text is all, bright dark blue,
hex#1068e5. The font for all the text on the classwork page is Roboto Bold, and the background is always white
hex #ffffff.

Narration: As stated previously, the next part of the design/development of the

project will require the creation of the different modules, content, and
assessment. As with Module 1, Module 2 Digital Identity is described above. The
design elements will be similar to the beginning design page as this is all still
through Google Classroom (see Slide 3- slide before this- Google Classroom page is
where all navigation is occurring all buttons and topics are the same colors
throughout project) but there will be some variation through the color scheme of
the materials created for this module. These variations are described in the
Design Choices section of the slide. The Navigation colors are also described here.


On Screen Content- Module

#2: Digital Identity
Press the blue assign button to assign the
assignment with students! 4.)
Title of Assignment Goes here

Assignment Instructions go

Attach/Create Your Needed

Materials here (All created
materials are in the drive created
for the course, you you will use
the “Drive” Option here ( in the
red rounded rectangle) 3.) Here is where you will set the
parameters for the assignment
(students who will receive the
assignment, points, due date, and
topic, which will be “Module 2:
Digital Identity”

1.) At the top of the Google Classroom Screen, the instructor will go to the
“classwork” tab circled in red. Here is where All materials and modules
will be created. To create modules, the designer will click on “topic” circled
in green and then create Module 2, as shown in the next sequence of my
navigation visual.
2.) In the second sequence of this visual, you can see Module 2 posted as a
topic this is “Digital Identity”.
3.) The instructor will then once again, using the create button, create the
content for the course and post it under the topic, “Module 2: Digital
Identity”. Using the create button from step 1, the instructor will create all
of the course materials. An example of an assignment being created is
shown in step 3. The instructor will follow this example.
4.) Step 4 shows the completed module 2 with all the assignments, materials,
and assessments- These need to be assigned in the order shown(they are all
in the Google Drive Created by the designer)- What is Digital Identity, Exit
Ticket on Digital Identity,How to Create a Positive Digital Identity,
Question: Pick a celebrity and professional individual to research,
Summative: Venn Diagram- Positive V. Negative Digital Identity,
Understanding and Evaluating Your Digital Identity.
Objectives Specific to this Module:
● Objective #4: After learning about digital presence and identity, students
will identify and apply their knowledge of aspects of a positive and
negative digital identity to four example identities.
● Objective #5: After learning about and identifying positive and negative
aspects of digital identity and presence, students will evaluate the digital
● presence of a celebrity or famous person of interest and a professional
individual they know.
Module 2: Digital Identity- Proposed Graphics and Multimedia

Video #1: Managing Your Digital Identity Image #1: Digital Identity. This will be Image #2: Digital Profile. This will be
goes along with Topic 1, What is Digital used with Topic 1, What is Digital used with Topic 2 Positive and Negative
Identity? . (cited below) Identity? (cited below) Digital Identity- (cited below)

Image #3: Digital

Identification. This will
be used with Topic 2
Positive and Negative
Digital Identity- (cited

Video #2: Managing Your

Digital Identity goes along
with Topic 3, Understanding
Your Digital Identity. (cited

Narration: For Module #2, There will be three graphics utilized and two youtube
videos in each topic to display concepts to students or to get them thinking about
the content they will learn about. This module relies on a lot of graphics and
videos in order to display concepts and ideas to students. This gets students to
thoroughly understand the concepts and terms presented and gain a clear
understanding of digital identity.

Meyers Emery, K. [MSU Graduate School]. (2015, October, 2). Managing Your Digital
Identity [Video].

Tedx Talks. (2022). Digital Identity: Are you in control? | Eliot Wood | TEDx University
of Essex [Video]. Youtube.

Image # 1-
Image # 2-
Image # 3-
Assessment 2.1
Exit Ticket- Module 2: Digital Identity Topic 1: What is Digital Identity?
On Screen Content/ Question Type/ Questions/
Feedback: To the right you can see the Google Form
with two open ended questions. The form is pictured
to the left with questions, and a visual of what
students will see on there screen. Below is a rubric
that is the same for each part of the project this looks
for specific examples from the course content. This
provides both positive and negative feedback.

Narration: This is the assessment for Topic 1: What is Digital Identity? in Module
#2. This will be an Exit Ticket with two short answer responses, assessing students
ability to apply their knowledge of Digital Identity to their own definition and
visual representation. Students can and should review their first lesson on Digital
Identity (What is Digital Identity- Assignment #1 of the Module) to complete this.
Feedback will be provided digitally. The Exit Ticket is out of 10pts. Students must
get at least a 6.5/10 (65%) to pass the formative assessment.
Assessments 2.2
Module 2: Digital Identity Topic 2: Positive and Negative Digital
Description of Assessment: The second assessment for Module 2, will be a summative project that does
not require immediate feedback. Students will create a venn diagram showcasing the similarities and
differences of the celebrity and professional individual that they looked at. They will also explain
whether each has a positive or negative digital identity. This Venn Diagram should be done in a creative
format, students will have choice in how they would like to present this Venn Diagram, it can be in any
program they would like and can be as creative as they would like as long as they stay in the parameters
of the rubric. This will be 30pt. Summative project grade and will be graded via a Google doc rubric with
clear instructions and parameters. The rubric will provide students with positive and negative feedback
and this feedback will be provided electronically. Students are creating their own content for the

Note: These materials will be created and posted in the Google Drive for the
instructor to access.
Course: Developing Good Digital Citizenship Skills
Module 3: Digital Footprint- Purpose and Creation of Topic
Purpose of Module: Module 3, focuses on digital footprint or one's impact and impression on the web.This is being
developed for students in grades 9-12 at Watertown High School. This module will overview the basics of a digital
footprint and its impact. This will help students to understand what a digital footprint is and how long it stays with
you. This will have students gaining an understanding of what encompasses a positive digital footprint. This will
give them a clear understanding of how to make sure their own digital footprint is positive or even make their
footprint more positive.Students will also be applying their knowledge from topics 1 and 2 to evaluate their own
digital footprint. This will help them in gaining the skills needed to improve this or maintain it.

Design Choices
Color Scheme for Materials:The Color Scheme for Text Colors, Fonts and Sizes: Background: White #ffffff, Title
the materials for Module 3 will be variations of Font: Droid Serif, 40 bold, italic, underline, Dark Purple #351c75
the color purple and will use the font Droid Serif. Subtitles: Droid Serif, 25 bold, Brighter Dark Purple ##6a329f,
Body Text: Droid Serif, 14 bold, Black #000000

Navigation Colors and Font:Visuals of the navigation of the module are shown on the next slides, this will be
done in Google Classroom, the module will have it’s own topic and materials under this topic. The button color, is
a bright dark blue, hex#1068e5 the text on this button is white hex #ffffff. The text is all, bright dark blue,
hex#1068e5. The font for all the text on the classwork page is Roboto Bold, and the background is always white
hex #ffffff.

Narration: As with Module 1, and Module 2, Module 3 Digital Footprint is described

above. The design elements will be similar to the beginning design page as this is
all still through Google Classroom (see Slide 3- slide before this- Google Classroom
page is where all navigation is occurring all buttons and topics are the same colors
throughout project) but there will be some variation through the color scheme of
the materials created for this module. These variations are described in the
Design Choices section of the slide. The Navigation colors are also described here.


On Screen Content- Module

#3: Digital Footprint
Press the blue assign button to assign the
assignment with students!

Title of Assignment Goes here


Assignment Instructions go

Attach/Create Your Needed

Materials here (All created
materials are in the drive
created for the course, you you
will use the “Drive” Option here
( in the red rounded rectangle) 3.) Here is where you will set the
parameters for the assignment
(students who will receive the
assignment, points, due date,
and topic, which will be “Module
3: Digital Footprint”

1.) As with the other 2 module, at the top of the Google Classroom Screen, the
instructor will go to the “classwork” tab circled in red. Here is where All
materials and modules will be created. To create modules, the designer will
click on “topic” circled in green and then create Module 3, as shown in the
next sequence of my navigation visual.
2.) In the second sequence of this visual, you can see Module 3 posted as a
topic this is “Digital Footprint”.
3.) The instructor will then once again, using the create button, create the
content for the course and post it under the topic, “Module 3: Digital
Footprint”. Using the create button from step 1, the instructor will create
all of the course materials. An example of an assignment being created is
shown in step 3. The instructor will follow this example.
4.) Step 4 shows the completed module 3 with all the assignments, materials,
and assessments- These need to be assigned in the order shown(they are all
in the Google Drive Created by the designer)- What is Digital Footprint, Exit
Ticket on Digital Footprint, What is a Positive Digital Footprint?, How to
Create a Positive Digital Footprint, Your Digital Footprint- Google For
Education, Summative: Your Digital Footprint and SMART Plan for
Objective Specific to this Module:
● Objective #3: After learning about digital footprint and its importance,
students will evaluate their digital footprint by analyzing their online
activity throughout the past two to four years of their life.
Module 3: Digital Footprint- Proposed Graphics and Multimedia

Image #1: Digital Footprint through Image #2: What Does Your Digital
Video #1: What is a Digital Footprint? goes Social Media will be used with Topic 2, Footprint Say Will be used with Topic 3
with Topic 1, What is Digital Footprint? How to Create a Positive Digital Evaluating Your Digital Footprint-
(cited below) Footprint (cited below) (cited below)

Image #3: Tips to Manage

Digital Footprints, will be
used with Topic 3
Evaluating Your Digital
Footprint (cited below)

Video #2: Teen Voices:

Oversharing and Your Digital
Footprint, this will go along
with Topic 3, Evaluating Your
Digital Footprint. (cited below)

Narration: For Module #3, There will be three graphics utilized and two
youtube videos in each topic to display concepts to students or to get them
thinking about the content they will learn about. This module relies on a a
lot of graphics and videos in order to display concepts and ideas to
students. This gets students to thoroughly understand the concepts and
terms presented and gain a clear understanding of digital footprint.

Common Sense Education. (2019). Teen Voices: Oversharing and Your Digital
Footprint [Video]. Youtube.

LPBU Academic Center. (2022). What is a Digital Footprint? [Video].


Image # 1-
Image # 2-
Image # 3-
Assessment 3.1
Exit Ticket- Module 3: Digital Footprint-Topic 1: What is Digital Footprint?
On Screen Content/ Question Type/ Questions/
Feedback: To the right you can see the Google Form
with two open ended questions. The form is pictured
to the left with questions, and a visual of what
students will see on there screen. Below is a rubric
that is the same for each part of the project this looks
for specific examples from the course content. This
provides both positive and negative feedback.

Narration: This is the assessment for Topic 1: What is Digital Footprint? in Module
#3. This will be an Exit Ticket with two short answer responses, assessing students
ability to apply their knowledge of Digital Footprint to their own definition and
visual representation. Students can and should review their first lesson on Digital
Footprint (What is Digital Footprint- Assignment #1 of the Module) to complete
this. Feedback will be provided digitally. The Exit Ticket is out of 10pts. Students
must get at least a 6.5/10 (65%) to pass the formative assessment.
Assessment 3.3
Exit Ticket- Module 3: Digital Footprint-Topic 3:Evaluating Your Digital Footprint
On Screen Content/ Question Type/ Questions/
Feedback: To the right, you can see a screenshot of the
Google For Education Course in which students
evaluate their Digital Footprint, this is done through
training, short answer, application of skills, and
multiple choice. Below is the proposed rubric for the
training course with positive and negative feedback.

Cont. Students will

receive this
certificate of
completion upon
passing the course .
This will help them
as they move on to
the end of Module

Narration: This is one of the assessments for Topic 3: Evaluating Your Digital
Footprint in Module #3. This is a Google For Education Training Course, that allows
students to evaluate their digital Identity through a variety of different activities
and trainings. Feedback will be provided digitally. Grade will be determined by
where students fall on the rubric- This is a 21pt. Training Course. Exemplary will
earn them (7-6pts.) Accomplished-(6-5pts.), Developing (4-3 points), and Beginning
(2-0 points). They need at least a 13/20 to pass the assessment, They must pass it to
move on.
Assessments 3.3
Module 3: Digital Footprint-Topic 3:Evaluating Your Digital Footprint

Description of Assessment: The third assessment for Module 2, will be a summative project that
does not require immediate feedback. Students will use the previous activities from module 3 to
present their digital footprint and come up with a plan for improvement. Students will present
their findings of their personal digital footprint as well as create a plan for improving this. This
should incorporate at least four slides and incorporate results and a clear and SMART plan for
improvement. The presentation will be in Google Slides. Students will be given instructions, a
model, and a rubric in Google Docs. This will be 40pt. Summative project grade. The rubric will
provide students with positive and negative feedback and feedback will be given

Note: These materials will be created and posted in the Google Drive for the
instructor to access.
Course: Developing Good Digital Citizenship Skills
Module 4: Digital Citizenship Beyond the Classroom
Purpose of Module: Module 4, focuses on the application of digital citizenship beyond the high school environment.
This covers how digital citizenship, digital identity and a digital footprint affects students after high school. This is
important for students' application of the materials for their future endeavors, and real life. This will also have
students learn how to create a digital citizenship statement. This will help students to apply their knowledge to a
personal statement they will use to guide their online activity

Design Choices
Color Scheme for Materials:The Color Scheme for Text Colors, Fonts and Sizes: Background: White #ffffff, Title
the materials for Module 4 will be variations of Font: Droid Serif, 40 bold, italic, underline, Dark Red #990000,
the color red and will use the font Droid Serif. Sub-titles: Droid Serif, 25 bold, Bright Red #cc0000 Body Text:
Droid Serif, 14 bold, Black #000000

Navigation Colors and Font:Visuals of the navigation of the module are shown on the next slides, this will be
done in Google Classroom, the module will have it’s own topic and materials under this topic. The button color, is
a bright dark blue, hex#1068e5 the text on this button is white hex #ffffff. The text is all, bright dark blue,
hex#1068e5. The font for all the text on the classwork page is Roboto Bold, and the background is always white
hex #ffffff.

Narration: As with Modules 1,2, and 3, Module 4, Digital Citizenship Beyond the
Classroom is described above. The design elements will be similar to the
beginning design page as this is all still through Google Classroom (see Slide 3-
slide before this- Google Classroom page is where all navigation is occurring all
buttons and topics are the same colors throughout project) but there will be some
variation through the color scheme of the materials created for this module.
These variations are described in the Design Choices section of the slide. The
Navigation colors are also described here.

On Screen Content- Module #4:

Digital Citizenship Beyond the
Press the blue assign button to assign the assignment with students!

Title of Assignment Goes here

Assignment Instructions go here!

Attach/Create Your Needed Materials here

(All created materials are in the drive
created for the course, you you will use
the “Drive” Option here ( in the red
rounded rectangle)

Here is where you will set the parameters

for the assignment (students who will
receive the assignment, points, due date,
3.) and topic, which will be “Module 4: Digital
Citizenship Beyond the Classroom.

1.) As with the other 3 modules, at the top of the Google Classroom Screen, the
instructor will go to the “classwork” tab circled in red. Here is where All
materials and modules will be created. To create modules, the designer will
click on “topic” circled in green and then create Module 4, as shown in the
next sequence of my navigation visual.
2.) In the second sequence of this visual, you can see Module 4 posted as a
topic this is “Digital Citizenship Beyond the Classroom”.
3.) The instructor will then once again, using the create button, create the
content for the course and post it under the topic, “Module 4: Digital
Citizenship Beyond the Classroom”. Using the create button from step 1, the
instructor will create all of the course materials. An example of an
assignment being created is shown in step 3. The instructor will follow this
4.) Step 4 shows the completed Module 4 with all the assignments, materials,
and assessments- These need to be assigned in the order shown(they are all
in the Google Drive Created by the designer)- Guest Speaker #1- Post
Secondary Institution, Guest Speaker #2- Professional Environment, Guest
Speaker #3- Trade Professional, Guest Speaker #4- College Student,
Reflection on Guest Speakers, What is a Digital Citizenship Statement?,
Creating a Class Digital Citizenship Statement, Summative: Your Digital
Citizenship Statement.
Objective Specific to this Module:
● Objective #6: Through understanding what digital citizenship is, and
creating a digital citizenship statement as a class, students will create a
personal digital citizenship statement that reflects their values when it
● comes to the web and incorporates at least five themes of digital
Module 4: Digital Citizenship Beyond the Classroom Proposed Graphics and

Image #1: Digital Citizenship in the Image #2: Digital Citizenship Words,
real world. This is to be used by will be used for Topic 2,Creating a
Topic 1, How Does This Affect Life Digital Citizenship Statement(cited Image #3: Digital Citizenship Example
after High School? (cited below) below) (from my PLE Blog) will be used for
Topic 2,Creating a Digital Citizenship
Statement(cited below)
In Module 4, Students will hear from four guest speakers who will talk about how digital citizenship and presence will affect
students after High School. This will encompass speakers from a variety of different backgrounds. There will be a speaker
from a college admissions office, a speaker from a professional environment, a speaker from a trades environment, and a
college student. These speakers give students an understanding of the real world application of digital citizenship and how it
will affect them after High School and beyond. These presentations will be given in person, but will also be recorded and
uploaded to the Google Classroom (under Module 4) as materials so they can be referenced and re-watched by students after
the presentations. A clear video camera or recording device will be used to do this.

Narration: For Module #4, There will be three graphics utilized and four
guest speakers in each topic to display concepts to students or to get them
thinking about the content they will learn about. This module relies on the
graphics and guest speaker presentations to get students to thoroughly
understand the concepts and terms presented and gain a clear
understanding of how this will affect their Post-Secondary life.

Image #1:
Image # 2:
Image # 3: (This is from my PLE-
This will be displayed as an example).
Assessments 4.1 and 4.2
Module 4: Digital Citizenship Beyond the Classroom
Topic 1: How does this affect your life after High School
Topic 2: Creating a Digital Citizenship Statement
Description of Assessments: The two Assessments for these Modules do not require immediate
feedback. The first assessment for this Module is a reflection on two of the guest speakers that had
the most impact on students. This reflection will be a four paragraph response (two paragraphs
per speaker). This will have students assessing the real world impact of digital citizenship and
should be specific to their post-secondary plans. This will go with Topic 1: How does this affect your
life after High School?. This will be graded with a rubric and will be 50 points. The rubric will
display all positive and negative feedback. The second assessment in this unit will be the final
project for the course. Students will create a digital citizenship statement of their own, using all of
their knowledge from the course, examples, and class digital citizenship statement.This should be
personal to students and something they will use in their future. This will go with Topic 2: Creating
a Digital Citizenship Statement. This will be a 100 point summative assessment. It will be graded via
rubric, which will provide them with positive and negative feedback. Both of these assignments
will be given electronic feedback. The first assessment requires no on screen content and for the
second, students will be creating and finding their own content.

Note: These materials will be created and posted in the Google Drive for the
instructor to access.
Supplemental Documentation

The Narration or Guide for the instructor of this course is provided in the
speaker's notes, additional information for assignments will be included in
the Google Drive for the instructor.

All materials for the Modules other then the described assessments will need
to be created for the project. As well as summative assessments that do not
require immediate feedback. These are all listed in the Google Classroom and
will need to be created by the designer with the assistance of the instructor
and administration.

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