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New ICTs are providing the world with new

COURSE MATERIAL 1 communication services such as video conferencing and


Information and Communication Technology INTERNET

▪ It is an integral part of the development of the modern ▪ It is the global system of interconnected computer
world. networks that use the internet protocol suite (TCIP/IP)
▪ It plays an important part in our lives and in all aspects to link billions of devices worldwide.
in our society. ▪ Means of connecting a computer to any other
▪ Executive Order No. 269 (s. 2004) signed by former computer anywhere in the world via dedicated routers
president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo defined ICT as the and servers.
“totality of electronic means to collect, store, process, ▪Computer– an electronic device for storing and
and present information to users in support of their processing data, typically in binary form, according to
activities. “ instructions given to it in a variable program.
▪ It consists among others, of computer systems, office World Wide Web ▪ An information system on the
systems, and consumer electronics, as well as internet that allows documents to be connected to
networked information infrastructure, the components other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user
of which include the telephone system, the Internet, fax to search for information by moving from one
machines, and computers.`` The ICT Department in the document to another.
Philippines is responsible for the planning, development ▪ It is an information space where documents and other
and promotion of the country’s information and web resources are identified by URLs, interlinked by
communications technology (ICT) agenda in support of hypertext links, and can be accessed via Internet.
national development. ▪ Invented by Tim-Berners Lee

Functions of ICT Web Pages ▪ Web page is a hypertext document

▪ According to Technopedia, ICT refers to “all the connected to the World Wide Web. The different online
technology used to handle telecommunications, platforms of World Wide Web:
broadcast media, intelligent management systems, ▪ Web 1.0 – refers to the first stage in the World Wide
audiovisual processing and transmission systems, and Web, which was entirely made up of the Web pages
network-based control and monitoring functions.” connected by hyperlinks.
▪ The term covers wireless networks, cell phones, the Static Web Page- is known as a flat page or stationary
Internet, and other media for communication. age in the sense that the page is ‘’as is’’ and cannot be
▪ ICT has become the main method of communication, manipulated by the user. The content is also the same
getting information and education, attaining services for all users that is referred to as Web 1.0
from businesses, hospitals, utilities, government, ▪ Web 2.0 – is the evolution of Web 1.0 by adding
purchasing products and services, doing personal and dynamic pages. The user is able to see a website
business transactions, and expressing social advocacies differently than others. It allows users to interact with
and awareness. the page; instead of just reading the page, the user may
▪ Moreover, social networking sites and mobile apps be able to comment or create a user account.
have made connecting and exchanging information. Dynamic Web Pages– web 2.0 is the evolution of web


1.0 by adding dynamic web pages. The user is able to background. Once the user creates his/her account,
see websites differently than others e.g. social he/she can set up a profile, add people, share content,
networking sites, wikis, video sharing sites. etc. Example: Facebook and Google+
2. Bookmarking Sites – these are sites that allow you to
FEATURES OF WEB 2.0 store and manage links to various websites and
Folksonomy- allows user to categorize and classify resources. Most of the sites allow you to create a tag for
information using freely chosen keywords e.g. tagging others. Example: Stumble Upon, Pinterest
by FB, Twitter, use tags that start with the sign #, 3. Social News – these are sites that allow users to post
referred to as a hashtag. their own news items or links to other news sources.
Rich User Experience – content is dynamic and is The users can also comment on the post and comments
responsive to user’s input may also be ranked. Ex. Reddit and Digg
▪ Web 3.0 – this platform is all about semantic web. It 4. Media Sharing – these are sites that allow you to
aims to have machines (or servers) understand the upload and share media content like images, music and
user’s preferences to be able to deliver web content. video. Ex. Flickr, YouTube and Instagram
TRENDS IN ICT 5. Microblogging – focuses on short updates from the
▪ Convergence– is the synergy of technological user. Those that subscribed to the user will be able to
advancements to work on a similar goal or task. For receive these updates. Ex. Twitter and Plurk
example, besides using your personal computer to 6. Blogs and Forums – allow user to post their content.
create word documents, you can now use your Other users are able to comment on the said topic.
smartphone. Ex. Blogger, WordPress and Tumblr
▪ Mobile Technologies Assistive Media– is a non- profit service designed to
▪ The popularity of smartphones and tablets has taken a help people who have visual and reading impairments.
major rise over the years. A database of audio recordings is used to read to the
▪ Several of these devices are capable of using a high- user. e.g. Yahoo!, Gmail, Hotmail,
speed internet. Today the latest model devices use 4G Cloud computing-distributed computing on the internet
Networking (LTE), which is currently the fastest. or delivery of computing service over the internet.
MOBILE OS -Instead of running an e-mail program on your
▪ iOS – use in apple devices such as iPhone and iPad computer, you log in to a Web email account remotely.
▪ Android – an open source OS developed by Google. The software and storage for your account doesn’t exist
Being open source means mobile phone companies use on your computer
this OS for free. – it’s on the service’s computer cloud.
▪ Blackberry OS – use in blackberry devices ✓ Using ICT, learning becomes more enjoyable and
▪ Windows phone OS – A closed source and proprietary teaching becomes more interactive compared to using
operating system developed by Microsoft. old methods.
▪ Symbian – the original smartphone OS. Used by Nokia
✓ Students can also access academic information they
need anytime and anywhere by searching on the Web
▪ WebOS- originally used in smartphones; now in smart
books, journals, and articles that are not available in the
school library.
▪ Windows Mobile – developed by Microsoft for
✓ Housewives, out-of-school youth, and the
smartphones and pocket PCs
unemployed can likewise educate themselves in the
Social Media– is a website, application, or online confines of their homes using the Internet.
channel that enables web users to create, co-create, ✓ Skills that can be acquired include cooking, flower
discuss, modify, and exchange user generated content. arrangement, fashion designing, dressmaking, and
Six types of Social Media: carpentry, which eventually can serve as sources of
1. Social Networks – these are sites that allow you to income.
connect with other people with the same interests or
✓ The services of EBSCO allow books and journals to be Businesspeople can sell their goods and advertise their
accessed, sometimes with a fee. Doing research has services through online marketplaces and classified ads.
become easier now that everything is just a click away. ▪ Home TV shopping feeds the viewer information on
products that they might need. The viewers can make
USES OF ICT --> EDUCATION transactions through phone.
▪ Learning ICT as a subject covers technical knowledge Banking ▪ A client can make transactions (deposit,
about ICT such as systems, networks, data standards, withdraw, pay bills) through online banking, automated
programming; core skills which include digital teller machines (ATM), and smartphones.
communication control, problem solving, media Medical Field ▪ ICT provides easy access to a patient’s
production, and editing; safety, security, copyright
record and medical information. The doctor will only
laws, e-safety, and data protection.
have to retrieve, read, and interpret the medical history
▪ Digital literacy and personal use covering social
of the patient, the previous medical treatment received,
networks, creating and sharing content, gaming,
online identities, and security as well as impact on and other pertinent data that will aid in the proper
society have to be included. diagnosis and medication of a patient. ▪ Online hospital
▪ Effective learning is supported by modern or clinic appointments are likewise possible.
technology hardware such as tablets, smart phones, Direct Job Creation ▪ According to the National
desktop computers, laptops, and other WiFi-enabled Statistics Office (NSO), of the 202,794 formal
devices. establishments recorded in 2011. 8.3% belong to the
▪ The world we live in is a result of constant change. core ICT group and support, which employs 915,915
These changes have been technological in their workers. ▪ The greatest number of establishments are
nature. found in ICT enabled services, broadcast media, and
▪ Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools decided to
computer hardware, while the ones that employ the
change the way they deliver lessons.
greatest number of workers are IT-BPM, electronics and
▪ With most of the world in lockdown, students like
you are learning from home in an online format. The semiconductors, and computer hardware firms.
presence of ICT in education allows for new ways of INTERNET SAFETY It refers to the online security or
learning for students and teachers.
safety of people and their information when using the
Management ▪ This refers to the Management internet. Keeping yourself safe online
Information System (MIS) which takes care of report
writing, home-school links, attendance, examination ▪ Check for viruses and malware.
entries. ▪ The MIS also includes storing grades ▪ Do an account Security Checkup.
▪ Google has a Security Checkup feature in your account’s
electronically and making them available to teachers.
page that allows an overall checkup and for a possible
The parents are allowed to monitor their children’s update of your details.
performance data through the Web. ▪ The most ▪ Update your account recovery options.
important task of MIS is the collection and handling of ▪ Enroll in 2-step verification.
data on student performance. ▪ Google allows you to add an extra layer of security by
requiring you to grab a code sent to your phone after
Communication ▪ Communication is also faster today
logging in with your password.
compared to several years ago. ▪ Even while in bed, one ▪ Perform regular operating system and browser updates.
can send birthday greetings, instructions, orders and ▪ Never use your google Account password on another
other types of messages with a smartphone to single or website.
multiple recipients. ▪ Used by media outlets, ICT ▪ Protect your password.
▪ Use a strong password.
facilitates the dissemination of news and information to
a global audience.
Business ▪ Business aspect of ICT includes Web design,
use of common business software, and e-commerce.
Rule No. 1: Remember the human You need to
▪ The Internet can boost the selling of products, either
remember that you are talking to a real person when
brand new or secondhand, by cataloguing them on
you are online. The internet brings people together who
classified ads Web sites like eBay, OLX, and Lazada.
would otherwise never meet. Remember this saying “square root of 1000” or 47 * 1000” will provide actual
when sending an email: Would I say this to the person’s mathematical result.
face? ▪ Use Google to convert currencies and measurements.
Rule No. 2: Adhere to the same standards online that Searching for terms such as “5 inch to com” or “50 PHP to
you follow in real life. You should not change your USD” will provide accurate conversion.
persona whenever you are in front of the screen. ▪ Use Google to provide actual weather. Searching for
Rule no. 3: Know where you are in cyberspace. Always “weather in Manila” will provide actual weather
take a look around when you enter a new domain when information.
▪ Use Google to provide actual time. Searching for “time
surfing the web. Get a sense of what the discussion
in Boston” will provide actual time in Boston.
group is about before you join it.
Rule no. 4: Respect other people’s time and Identifying credible sources from fake news What
bandwidth. Remember people have other things to do Is Fake News? ▪ Stories that aren't true.
besides read your email. You are not the center of their ▪ Stories that have some truth, but aren't 100 percent
world. Keep your post and emails to a minimum by accurate.
saying what you want to say. Remember everyone
won’t answer your questions. Six Ways to Spot Fake News
Rule no. 5: Make yourself look good online. Be polite 1. Develop a Critical Mindset One of the main reasons
and pleasant to everyone. Always check your spelling fake news is such a big issue is that it is often believable.
and grammar before posting. Make sure to think rationally and critically when reading
Rule no. 6: Share expert knowledge Ask questions articles online.
online. Share what you know online. 2. Check the Source Check the web address for the page
Rule no. 7: Help keep flame wars under control Be a you're reading. Be aware that people who spread fake
referee and know how to control other people’s news and "alternative facts" sometimes create web
emotions pages, newspaper mockups, or "doctored" images that
Rule no. 8: Respect other people’s privacy. Do not read look official, but aren't.
other people’s mail without their permission. Not 3. See Who Else Is Reporting the Story Professional
respecting other people’s privacy is a bad netiquette. global news agencies such as Reuters, CNN and the BBC
Rule no. 9: Don’t abuse your power. Just because you have rigorous editorial guidelines and extensive
know other things does not mean you are superior. networks of highly trained reporters, so are a good
Rule no. 10: Be forgiving of other people’s mistake. If place to start.
you notice a mistake, correct it in a very polite manner. 4. Examine the Evidence A credible news story will
include plenty of facts, quotes from experts, survey data
Online Search Skills and official statistics, and the like.
In order for google to provide an efficient search result,
here are some tips: 5. Don't Take Images at Face Value Modern editing
▪ Use the “-“ symbol to exclude terms Searching for the software has made it easy for people to create fake
term “manila-bay” will exclude any result that would be images that look real. You can use tools such as Google
associated to the Manila bay per se. Reverse Image Search to check where an image
▪ Use the “-“ symbol to search using synonyms This is for originated and whether it has been altered.
searches that are for a less specific term 6. Check That it "Sounds Right" Use your common
▪ Use “site:” then the search term to provide sense. You should bear in mind that fake news is
results from the specific website designed to "feed" your biases, hopes or fears.
▪ Use an asterisk (*) if you do not know the exact terms
Searching for a portion of a song lyrics, such as “and I don’t
want the * to see me” will still provide the closest result
(song) to that.
▪ Use “related:” to provide related websites
Use “OR” if you do not know which term is correct
▪ Use Google as a calculator Searching for terms such as
document not only in content but also in physical form.
COURSE MATERIAL 2 Kinds of Materials. There are various kinds of materials
Microsoft Word is capable of integrating to make the
documents richer, more impressive, and more informative.
Word Processing according to Wepopedia, is the act of a. Pictures These are electronic or digital pictures or
creating, editing, storing, and printing documents using photographs you have saved in any local storage device.
specialized software or devices. It enables you to write There are three commonly used types of picture files. You
text, store it electronically, display it on a screen, modify it can identify them by the extension on their file names.
by entering commands and characters from the keyboard, JPG/JPEG This is pronounced as “jay-peg“and is the short
and print the final product. form of .jpeg or Joint Photographic Experts Group.. This
There are a number of different word processing type of image file can support 16.7 million colors that is
applications. One of the most widely used ones is Word, why it is suitable for use when working with full color
which is part of Microsoft Office. Another widely used one photographic images. Unfortunately, it does not support
is WordPerfect by the Corel Corporation. A third one is transparency and therefore, images of this file type can be
Writer, which is part of OpenOffice by Apache. difficult to integrate in terms of blending with other
materials or elements in your document. But if you are
Advance Techniques in Word Processor
looking for the best quality image to integrate your
1. Mail Merge and Label Generation A Mail Merge is a
document then this is the image file type for you.
word processing feature that allows you to easily create
PNG This is pronounced as “ping “. It stands for Portable
multiple letters, labels, envelopes, nametags, or catalogue
Network Graphics. Its development was basically for the
documents to group of people as stored in a list in a
purpose of transporting images on the Internet at faster
database or spreadsheet. When making Mail Merge, you
rates. It is also good with transparencies but unlike GIFs, it
will need a document using MS Word and a recipient list
does not support animation but it can display up to 16
which is typically done using MS Excel workbook. But you
million colors, so image quality for this image file type is
can also use various sources including MS Outlook contact
also remarkably improved. .PNG allows the control of the
list, MS Access database, or a Notepad text document.
transparency level or opacity of images.
Three Components of the Mail Merge:
GIF This stands for Graphics Interchange Format. This
a. Main document – the letter which contains the email
type of image file is capable of displaying transparencies.
information for each of the merged documents that can be
Therefore, it is good for blending with other materials or
letter, stationary or template. It also contains the field
elements in your document. It is also capable of displaying
names which contain the instructions for carrying out the
simple animation. The downside is that it can only support
up to 256 colors so it is good mostly on logos and art
b. Data Source – it is also called data file which comprises
decors with very limited. GIF is much better for logos,
the information to be merged into a document such as the
drawings, small text, black and white images, or low-
list of names and addresses to be used in a mail merge.
resolution files.
This must be connected to the data source before it can
use the information in it. TYPES OF PICTURE FILES
c. Merge document – this is also a word processing JPG – file extension for the Joint Photographic Experts
document that is the generated output after executing the Group picture file.
merge process. In Mail Merge you need to create the main PNG – file extension for Portable Network Graphics image
document, create a data source and merge data with the file
document. GIF – file extension for the Graphics Interchange Format
2. Integrating images and external material in word image file
processors Integrating or inserting pictures in your b. Clip Art This is generally a .GIF type; line art drawings or
document is fun and it improves the impression of your images used as generic representation for ideas and
document. One of the common uses of inserting a picture objects that you might want to integrate in your
on a document is when you are creating your own resume. document. Microsoft Word has a library of clip arts that is
Though seemingly simple to do, your knowledge on the built in or can be downloaded and used freely. There are
different kinds of materials that you can insert in a Word still other clip arts that you can either purchase or freely
document can help you create a more efficient, richer download and use that come from third-party providers.


c. Shapes These are printable objects or materials that you presentation, all you have to do is go to the Animations
can integrate in your document to enhance its appearance Tab and click Add Animations. From there, you can find
or allow you to have some tools to use for composing and various animation types for entrance, emphasis, exit and
representing ideas or messages. If you are designing the motion paths.
layout for a poster or other graphic material for 2. Hyperlinking in presentations A hyperlink which is
advertising, you might find this useful. frequently stated as “links” is a text or image on the
d. Smart Art These are predefined sets of different shapes screen that you can click on to jump to another file or
grouped together to form ideas that are organizational or within the existing file. When you hover your pointer over
structural in nature. If you want to graphically represent a hyperlink, either text or an image, the arrow changes
an organization, process, relationships, or flow for into a small pointing hand, called a hyperlink cursor. It is
infographic documents, then you will find this easy and usually activated by clicking on the text or image. Text
handy to use. hyperlinks are usually in color blue and underlined.
e. Chart Another type of material that you can integrate in Hyperlinks in PowerPoint allow you to add another slide in
your Word document that allows you to represent data the current presentation, another slide in a different
characteristics and trends. This is quite useful when you presentation, another file or webpage, or email address.
are preparing reports that correlate and present data in a
Spreadsheet Software allows users to organize data in
graphical manner. You can create charts that can be
rows and columns and perform calculations on the data.
integrated in your document either directly in Microsoft
These rows and columns collectively are called
Word or imported from external files like Microsoft Excel.
f. Screenshot Sometimes, creating reports or manuals for
Examples of Spreadsheet Software:
training or procedures will require the integration of a
1. LibreOffice Calc 2. Calc 3. Google Sheets
more realistic image of what you are discussing on your
4. Apple iWork Numbers 5. Microsoft Excel
report or manual. Nothing can get you a more realistic
image than a screenshot. Microsoft Word even provides a Advance Techniques in Excel
snipping tool for your screen shots so you can select and Advance and Complex Calculations in Excel
display only the part that you exactly like to capture on Complex formula is the combination of more than two
your screen. simple formulas. One of the key features of excel is the
ability to calculate complex formulas. There are four basic
PowerPoint is a presentation program developed by
computation uses in excel. Namely addition, subtraction,
Microsoft. According to, the software
multiplication, and division. When solving complex
allows users to create anything from basic slide shows to
problems, Excel follows the PEMDAS. PEMDAS is an
complex presentations. It is a highly innovative and
acronym for the words: parenthesis, exponents,
versatile program that can ensure a successful
multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.
communication whether you’re presenting in front of
potential investors, a lecture theatre or simply in front of
your colleagues.
1. Row - horizontal line of entries in a table
The Five Features of PowerPoint 2. Column – vertical line of entries in a table
1. Adding SmartArt 2. Inserting Shapes 3. Inserting and 3. Cell - the place where info. is held in a spreadsheet
Image 4. Slide Transitions 5. Adding Animations 4. Active Cell – the selected cell
5. Column Heading – the box at the top of each column
Advance Techniques in PowerPoint containing a letter
1. Custom Animations and Timing 6. Row Heading – the row number
Animation is the process of making the illusion of motion 7. Cell Reference – the cell address of the cell usually
and the illusion of change by means of the rapid combines letter and number (ex. A1, B4, C2)
succession of sequential images that minimally differ from 8. Merge – combining or joining two or more cells
each other. 9. Formula – is an expression which calculates the value
of a cell.
Microsoft PowerPoint provides several animation styles in 10.Functions – are predefined formulas and are already
different categories, namely, Entrance, Emphasis, Exit and available in Excel
Motion Paths. Animations make your presentation more 11. Formula Bar – the bar that displays the contents of a
dynamic. If you want to put animations in your cell


MS Excel Functions List for common software in desktop publishing
1. Basic Math Operations: 1. Page plus 2. Print Artist 3. The Print Shop Professional
a. =SUM(x,y) or =SUM(range) – returns the sum of x and y 4. MS Publisher 5. Print Master Platinum 6. Design & Print
or (all the numbers within the range)
Advance Techniques in Publisher
b. =PRODUCT(x,y) – returns the product of x and y
Microsoft Publisher is a desktop publishing software
c. =QUOTIENT(x,y) – returns the quotient of x divided by y
designed to help you create professional publications and
d. =x-y – returns the difference of x subtracted by y
communication materials for print. It can be used to create
e. =x+y – returns the sum of x and y
a variety of publications such as business cards, greeting
f. =x*y – returns the product of x and y
cards, posters, ads, signages, newsletters and more.
g. =x/y – returns the quotient of x divided by y
h. =x-y – returns the difference of x subtracted by y The Publisher Window
Paul Brainerd is generally credited with coining the
2. Other Functions:
phrase, "desktop publishing."
a. =ABS(x) – returns the absolute value of x
1. Ribbon - contains tabs which each contain a different
b. =AVERAGE(x,y) – returns the average of x and y
set of options relevant to the tab name. The tabs located
c. =CONCATENATE(x,y) – joins x and y
on the ribbon contain the following tools:
d. =IF(Condition, x, y) – returns x if the condition is true,
a. Home: Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles, Objects,
else it returns y
Arrange and Editing Insert: Pages, Tables, Illustrations,
e. =ISEVEN(x) – returns true if x is an even number
Building Blocks, Text, Links, Header & Footer Page
f. =ISODD(x) – returns true if x is an odd number
b. Design: Template, Page Setup, Layout, Pages, Schemes,
g. =COUNT(range) – counts the number of cell containing a
Page Background
number within a range
c. Mailings: Start, Write & Insert Fields, Preview Results,
h. =COUNTIF(range, criteria) - count the number of cell
Finish Review: Proofing, Language
that fits with the criteria within the range
d. View: Views, Layout, Show, Zoom, Window
i. =ISNUMBER(x) – returns true if x is a number
2. The Quick Access Toolbar
j. =ISTEXT(x) – returns true if x is a text • =LEN(x) – returns
a. Save- Click this icon to save the current file to the disk. If
the length of characters in x
you have not given the file a name yet, you will be
k. =PROPER(x) – returns the proper casing of x
prompted to do so.
l. =LEFT(x,y) – returns the characters of x specified by y
b. Undo- Click this icon to revert the last action you
(from the left)
performed in Word. You can undo up to 24 operations. c.
m. =RIGHT(x,y) – returns the characters of x specified by y
Redo- Click this icon to revert an undo operation if you
(from the right)
“undid” something by accident.
n. =ROUND(x,y) – rounds x to a specified number of digits
d. Menu- Click this icon to show a listing of commands that
can be added to the Quick Access Toolbar.
o. =COLUMN(x) – returns the column number of x
p. =ROW(x) – returns the row number of x 20. Create New Window Under the File Tab, click New. Open a
q. =SQRT(x) – returns the square root of x publication type that you wish to make and apply a
r. =TRIM(x) – removes extra spaces in x template. You may use the search bar to search for your
s. =UPPER(x) – returns x in all capital form preferred type of publication.
t. =LOWER(x) – returns x in non- capital form 21. Changing of Text Click and drag to highlight text to
change. On the Home tab, select the dropdown arrow in
Desktop Publishing is the process of using personal
the Font group. Also try the Text Box Tools tab. You can
computers and peripheral devices to produce professional
create shadowed text and more. 10
– quality formatted publication.
Adding Text to Insert a Text Box Click on the Insert tab
Desktop Publishing Software is a tool for graphic
Click the Draw Text Box Command The cursor will turn into
designers and nondesigners to create visual
crosshairs 11
communications for professional or desktop printing as
Inserting Clip Art Select the Insert tab on the ribbon In the
well as for online or on-screen electronic publishing.
Illustrations Group, double click. Online Pictures. Enter
search term in Search for box. Double click on image Try
the Picture Tools tab to modify the picture.


unspecified white space.
COURSE MATERIAL 3 4. A L I G N M E N T Its principle is “nothing should be placed
on the page arbitrarily. Every item should have a visual
Unit 3: Imaging and Design
connection with something else on the page.”
IMAGE It is a representation of the external form of a person
5. R E P E T I T I O N The process of repeating elements
or thing in art. It may be two-dimensional such as a
throughout a design to give a unified look. It goes with
photograph or screen display; or a three dimensional such as
consistency of the design on font, font size, patterns, colors.
a statue or a hologram. It may be captured by optical devices
It aids to organize the information Guides readers and helps
such as cameras, mirrors, lenses, telescopes, microscopes,
to make parts of the design become more united.
etc. and by natural objects and phenomena such as the
6. C O N T R A S T It is the divergence of opposing elements
human eye or water reflection.
(opposite colors or value, light or dark, or direction
GRAPHICS They are visual images or designs on some surface – horizontal or vertical). It allows us to emphasize or highlight
such as walls, canvas, screen, paper, or stone to form, key elements in the design. It can be applied through color,
illustrate, or entertain. They are visual representations of size, shape. In graphic design, colors do not need to be on
data made on a computer and is displayed on a computer opposite segments.
screen or monitor
LAYOUT The process of planning and arranging graphic represent information, statistical data, or knowledge in a
elements in a page or template. A part of graphic design that graphical manner usually done in a creative way to attract the
deals with the arrangement of visual elements on a Definition viewers’ attention. It is a collection of imagery, charts and
of Terms page. minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a
topic. Infographics is a valuable tool for visual communication.
Basic Principles Of Graphics And Layout The most visually unique, creative infographics is often the
1. BALANCE - It means the equal distribution of visual weight. most effective because they grab the viewers’ attention. It is
Visual weight is determined by the darkness or lightness, crucial to remember that the visuals in infographics must do
thickness of lines, and size. It is crucial to the success of more than excite and engage. It must help people to
design. understand and remember the content of it. Infographics is an
example of applied repetition to the design. It repeatedly used
callouts with identical font size of inside texts.
✓ Symmetrical – the order of elements is evenly allocated on
WHY USE AN INFOGRAPHICs? It is great for making complex
both sides of pages. The visual weight is distributed evenly,
information easy to digest. They can be helpful to: Provide a
either vertically or horizontally. You can draw a line straight
quick overview of a topic Explain a complex process Display
through the middle of the design and the visual balance
research findings or survey data Summarize a long blog post or
would be evenly distributed.
report Compare and contrast multiple options Raise
✓ Asymmetrical – the order of different objects of the same awareness about an issue or cause
weight on each side of the page. There is an artistic and INFOGRAPHIC VIDEO is a visual representation of data and
different intensity on one side of the page. Color, shape, size, knowledge in the form of an online video.
texture, and value can be used on balancing elements.
2. P R O X I M I T Y Ensemble related objects together, move BASIC PRINCIPLES OF VISUAL MESSAGE DESIGN USING
them physically close to each other so the related items are INFOGRAPHIC
seen as a united group rather than a group of unrelated -Be Unique -Make it Simple -Be creative and bold -Less
things. Its sole purpose is to organize. If the information is is more -The importance of getting it across
organized, it is more likely to be read and probably to be
FILE FORMAT – a standard process that data is encoded for
3. W H I T E S P A C E It is the art of nothing, also known as storage in a computer file. It defines how bits are used to
NEGATIVE SPACE. It is the portion of a page left unmarked: encode information in the digital storage device.
margin, gutter, and spaces between columns, lines of type, FILE COMPRESSION:
graphics, figures, or objects drawn or depicted.
TWO KINDS OF WHITE SPACE: ✓ LOSSY – the compression type removes some information
from the image and lowers the overall quality to reduce the
✓ Undefined white space – what you get when you open a
file size.
blank document.
✓ LOSSLESS – this compression type does not remove any
✓ Active white space – when the object is placed in an
information from the image, but it usually cannot reduce the more complex than pixels
file size as much as lossy compression. - Vector graphics are rendered using a special form of
geometry. You are not likely to find vector graphics outside of
JPEG (Join Photographic Experts Group) The most commonly
professional design settings.
used by digital cameras and other capture devices, and also
the most common format when saving pictures on the PRINCIPLES AND BASIC TECHNIQUES OF IMAGE
internet. This format is used when a small file size is more MANIPULATION
important than the maximum quality of the image. PROPORTION This indicates the relative visual size, width,
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) One of the formats that and weight of a particular graphical elements in a design
are used to show indexed-color graphics and pictures in composition. Visual elements create a sense of unity where
HTML pages on the web. This is not recommended for large they relate well with one another.
images with many colors. Some unique features of GIF are to TEXTURE It is the surface quality of the image. It adds to the
preserve transparency and can also be animated. depth of the image and blends all the image together evenly.
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) This format supports 24- COLOR BLENDING It is the technique of gently intermingling
bit images and generates background transparency without two or more colors or values to create a gradual transition or
jagged edges. It is the best format for logos that involves to soften lines.
transparency and fading. EMPHASIS ON DETAILS It is an area in the design that may
PDF (Portable Document Format) This file format has all the appear different in size, texture, shape, or color to attract the
features of a printed document as an electronic image, print, viewer’s attention.
navigate or even forward to other people. Adobe developed COMBINING MULTIPLE IMAGES, It is using two or more
PDF and it is compatible with most OS and even to the latest images to create one image and concept.
mobile phones. A file is optimized in a smaller size without SHADOW It makes images more realistic because they
losing its quality. It is good for printing, online content, emphasize the object effectively.
archiving, business and legal documents, combining multiple CLONING Copying or duplicating a part of an image.
formats, file exchange and the fact that anyone can view it. CHANGING BACKGROUND Adding background to make your
DOC (Document File) A format created by Microsoft and used image standout.
in Microsoft Word (and other word processing applications). REMOVING COLOR Removing certain colors in your image or
Microsoft Word is able to generate and distribute documents desaturating the color of the image.
using a writing tool, and it is possible to include charts, COMBINING TEXT, GRAPHICS, AND IMAGE Adding multiple
formatted text, graphs, images, tables, page formatting and elements in your layout.
few printing settings.
Image editing
DOC vs PDF ✓ DOC is a Microsoft Word file, PDF is an Adobe Acrobat
CROPPING It is cutting parts away to remove distracting or
File. ✓ DOC is editable, PDF is non-editable.
irrelevant elements. Can be used to change the size, shape, or
✓ DOC has more features, PDF is limited.
focus of an image, making it useful in many different
✓ PDF is a compatible format which can be allocated in a computer
with any configuration unlike DOC. situations.
✓ PDF is a secured file format which can be password protected COLOR BALANCE It is the ambiance and the tone
while DOC is open to be viewed any time. of the light of the picture (ex. warm or cold).
BRIGHTNESS AND CONTRAST Cosmetic adjustments let you
PRINCIPLES AND BASIC TECHNIQUES OF IMAGE enhance certain image qualities, including brightness,
MANIPULATION contrast, saturation, and color. It makes the image darker or
IMAGE EDITING and IMAGE MANIPULATION contains the lighter.
processes of adjusting or modifying images which can be COMPRESSION AND RESIZING It is important to fit your
digital, or pictures taken from a camera. The basic traditional image depending on the project or purpose.
analog image editing is called photo retouching, like fixing the FILTERS It makes the image look sketched, grainy, classic,
lighting and contrast, or by applying airbrushes to revamp the black and white or even a neon color. This gives an image a
image. twist from its original look.
RASTER IMAGE – small images made up of thousands,
sometimes even millions of tiny little pixels. Uploading, sharing, image hosting
- When you view a raster image at its original size or smaller, -IMGUR - It is fast to upload pictures using this host without
the pixels are invisible. They only become apparent when you losing their quality.
zoom in or make the image larger. -Google Photos - . It automatically backup ang sync your
VECTOR IMAGE – you can make them any size, big or small photos from your gallery through your Google account.
without losing quality. Because they are made of something -Flickr - . It also offers editing features and album creation is
available with a maximum storage of 1TB. following are some examples of online platforms and
-Photobucket - . It lets you upload pictures to their original applications that you can use:
quality and GIF. It has 2GB maximum storage space. a. Presentation or Visualization
- Image Shock - has a great clean user interface which lets you •Allows you to present and share presentations,
create albums and make tags, set privacy settings.
infographics and videos with other people.
-Drop Box- It is generally a free storage cloud where you can
not only upload pictures but also of file formats, obtainable •Use to communicate information clearly and efficiently
links from the pictures that you want to share or make a
folder that will also offer a shareable link. b.Cloud Computing

•Simply called as “The cloud”

•Access anytime, anywhere.
•The practice of using a network of remote servers
Online creation tools and platforms are a base of technologies hosted on the internet.
designed to run within an online environment and
provide interactive online services. •Instead of using your computer’s hard drive, you store
and access your data and programs over the Internet.
These tools and platforms support so many of our daily
activities that we have become dependent on them in c.Social Media
our personal and professional lives. We rely on them to •Computer-mediated tools that allow large group of
buy and sell goods and services, to find information people to create, share or exchange information,
online and to keep in touch with each other. We use interest and
them for entertainment, news, transportation,
accommodation, finding jobs and employees, finding •The information shared can be in the form of ideas,
apps and for many other purposes. pictures, videos or anything that you want to create and
share to virtual communities.
Online creation tools and platforms currently include,
but are not limited to: Presentation or Visualization, File Management
Cloud Computing, Social Media, File Management,
•The storing, naming, sorting and handling of computer
Mapping, and Web Page Creation.
The term “Platform” refers to a program created by
•Allows you to convert and manage files without
developers that can be modified or reprogrammed by
downloading the software tool.
outside users. It is a facility for programming or
developing an application tailored to the user’s

Online platforms or online websites created to aid

users in creating their web content and cater to
different kinds of information such as texts, images, and

Another unique feature of online platforms is the

ability to program, modify, and access the application
remotely using the internet.

Nature of Online Creation Tools and Platforms

For you to be able to create a good online presentation,
webpage, and content, you should know the basic
principles and techniques of designing using different
online creation tools, platforms, and applications. The

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