2ND TERM - Earth Science

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Earth Science CM1 shapes and sizes.

The Milky Way is a large barred spiral

galaxy. All the stars we see in the night sky are in our own
UNIVERSE, SOLAR SYSTEM, AND THE EARTH Milky Way Galaxy. It is very difficult to count the number
What is a universe? What are the different hypotheses of stars in the Milky Way from our position inside the
explaining the origin of the universe? galaxy. Spiral galaxies have three main component parts:
the bulge, the disk, and the halo. Our best estimates tell
The Universe is composed of all time and space. It is us that the Milky Way is made up of approximately 100
made up of millions of stars and planets and enormous billion stars. These stars form a large disk whose
clouds [nebular clouds] of gas separated by a gigantic diameter is about 100,000 light years. Other forms of
space. Beyond what we see here on Earth is a vast and galaxies could be in elliptical and irregular forms. which
mysterious outer space. Approximately 15 billion years means the galaxy has no definite shape or symmetry.
ago, all the energy and matter we can observe came from
concentrated regions smaller than a coin, this began to Solar System One of the contents of the universe is the
expand and cool at an incredibly rapid rate. In 1927, galaxy, and inside it, are the systems. We are included is
Georges Lemaître, the proponent of Big Bang Theory, the Solar System. Our Solar System is about 25,000 light
came up with a big idea. He stated that a very long time years away from the center of our galaxy – we live in the
ago, the universe started as just a single point. Like suburbs of our galaxy. Astronomers believe it formed
inflating a balloon, he said the universe stretched and about 4.5 billion years ago, when a massive interstellar
expanded to get as enormous as it is now, and currently, cloud of gas and dust collapsed on itself, giving rise to the
it is still stretching. There wasn’t really a big explosion but star that anchors our solar system—that big ball of
an abrupt dispersal of the elements of the universe. warmth known as the sun.

It is still unknown if anything has existed before the Big Geocentric Model. It was known to be the most
Bang Theory as well as its size. Observations with the predominant theory of the structure of the universe in
Hubble Space Telescope and other observatories showed the ancient world was the geocentric model. It says that
that the universe is expanding at an ever-increasing rate. the earth is at the center of the universe, and every other
Steady-state Theory states that the universe is always celestial body rotates around the earth. Greeks were
expanding but maintaining a constant average density. strong supporters of this theory, especially the great
Because of expansion, the entire collection of these philosophers Aristotle and Ptolemy. After the death of
separate space-times is denoted as the multiverse which Ptolemy, the theory lasted for more than 2000 years
leads to another unverified fact called Theory of unchallenged.
Multiverse. In principle, the other unconnected
universes may have different dimensionalities, physical
laws, matter and energy and topologies of space-time,
and different, although there are a lot of possibilities and
speculations to be considered.

Milky Way Galaxy Our Sun (a star) and all the planets
around it are part of a galaxy known as the Milky Way
Galaxy. A galaxy is a large group of stars, gas, and dust
bound together by gravity. They come in a variety of
Heliocentric Model. The concept that the sun is at the Atmospheric conditions Most of the major planets
center of the universe, also first emerged in Ancient also have atmospheres. Earth is composed mainly of
Greece. It was the Greek philosopher Aristarchus of nitrogen and oxygen—key for sustaining life. The
Samos who proposed the theory in the 3rd century BC, atmospheres on terrestrial Venus and Mars are mostly
but was not taken seriously because of the influence of carbon dioxide, while the thick atmospheres of Jupiter,
the Aristotelian view of the universe and lack of proof of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are made primarily of
the theory at that time. The major feature of the hydrogen and helium. Mercury doesn’t have an
Copernican theory can be summarized as follows: (1.) atmosphere at all. Instead, scientists refer to its
The motion of the celestial bodies is uniform, eternal, extremely thin covering of oxygen, hydrogen, sodium,
and circular or composed of several circles. (2.) The helium, and potassium as an exosphere. Earth is the only
center of the cosmos is the Sun. (3.) Around the Sun, in planet in the solar system known to harbour life. Our
the order of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Moon, Mars, planet has a molten nickel iron core which gives rise to
Jupiter, and Saturn move in their own orbits and the stars an extensive magnetic field, which, along with the
are fixed in the sky. (4.) The earth has three motions; atmosphere, shields us from harmful radiation coming
daily rotation, annual revolution, and annual tilting off its from the Sun. In this module, you will understand why
axis. (5.) The retrograde motion or the backward motion this planet is called the “living planet.”
of the planets is as explained by the Earth’s motion. (6.)
The distance from the Earth to the Sun is small compared Earth: A Habitable Planet
to the distance to the stars.

From the past lessons of your Science subject, there are

seven unique planets in the solar system. The terrestrial
planets closest to the sun is Mercury, followed by Venus,
Earth, and Mars. These are called terrestrial planets
because they’re solid and rocky. After the orbit of Mars,
you’ll find the main asteroid belt, a region of space rocks
left over from the formation of the planets. Next come Earth is the only place, as of now, confirmed to host life
the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, which is known for its and is the only one known for sure to have liquid water
large ring systems made of ice, rock, or both. Farther out on the surface. The following reasons why planet earth is
are the ice giants Uranus and Neptune. They are known unique:
to be the Jovian Planets. Beyond that, a host of smaller
(1) It has liquid water;
icy worlds congregate in an enormous stretch of space
called the Kuiper Belt. Perhaps the most famous resident (2) Plate Tectonics; and
there is Pluto. Once considered the ninth planet, Pluto is
now officially classified as a dwarf planet, along with (3) It has an atmosphere that shelters it from the worst
three other Kuiper Belt objects and Ceres in the asteroid of the sun’s rays.
belt. Earth is the only planet in the solar system that has a
Moons - Approximately, 150 moons orbit planets in our large amount of liquid water. About 70% of the surface
of the Earth is covered by liquid or frozen water. Because
solar system. Among the planets, moons are more
common in the outer reaches of the solar system known of this, Earth is sometimes called “blue planet.” or “blue
as natural satellites. Mercury and Venus are moon free, marble”. It is habitable because it has the right distance
from the sun. It is kept warm by an insulating
Mars has two small moons called Phobos and Deimos,
atmosphere, and it has the right chemical ingredients for
and Earth has just one. Meanwhile, Jupiter and Saturn
have 79 and 62 respectively, and Uranus and Neptune life including water and carbon. It can provide water,
have 27 and 14 moons. Even though it’s relatively small, oxygen, useful biological products for human, and has
suitable weather and climate. Earth, Venus, and Mars
Pluto has five moons, one of which is so close to Pluto in
size that some astronomers argue Pluto and this moon, may have similarities: (1) Terrestrial planets have solid
rocks and silicates; (2) These 3 planets have an
Charon, are a binary system.
atmosphere; (3) They all almost have the same time of
rotation; (4) Earth and Mars both have water; (5) They all
have carbon dioxide; and (6) All have landforms. Earth,
Venus, and Mars have differences: (1) Venus has no
water; (2) Venus doesn’t have oxygen while Mars has a
very little amount of oxygen; and (3) Earth has life forms.


COSMOLOGY ➢ is the branch of science that studies else (on the whole)
the origin, evolution and fate of the universe. →The universe is expanding (bread)
UNIVERSE ➢ is large unimaginable expanse of gas, Steady State / Infinite Universe Theory
stars, dust clouds, and consists of planets and galaxy. Matter is constantly created as the universe expands

Steady-state theory, in cosmology, a view that the

universe is always expanding but maintaining a constant
average density, with matter being continuously created
to form new stars and galaxies at the same rate that old
ones become unobservable because of their increasing
Creation Myth distance and velocity of recession.

*According to the Genesis of the Bible’s Old testament, -Observations fit well with a flat universe (which is
the creation of the entire cosmos (universe) took place exactly what inflation did… it “flattened” the curvature
in six days. The biblical creation story tells that God of space-time!)
created the universe. -This also indirectly confirms dark energy and
• Ancient Egyptians believed in many gods and myths acceleration… -
which narrate that the world arose from an infinite sea Observations fit well with a flat universe (which is exactly
at the first rising of the sun. what inflation did… it “flattened” the curvature of space-
• The Kuba people of Central Africa tell the story of a time!)
creator god Mbombo (or Bumba) who, alone in a dark
and water-covered Earth, felt an intense stomach pain Multiverse Theory A multiverse is the theory of a
and then vomited the stars, sun, and moon. conjectured set of multiple possible universes, including
• In India, there is the narrative that gods sacrificed ours, which make up reality. These universes are
Purusha, the primal man whose head, feet, eyes, and sometimes called parallel universes. Several different
mind became the sky, earth, sun, and moon versions have been considered. The term "multiverse"
respectively. was coined in 1895 by psychologist William James as a
• The monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, philosophical concept.
and Islam claim that a supreme being created the
Modifications of the Traditional Theory
universe, including man and other living organisms.
Ages of stellar population may pose a problem to the
traditional theory of the history of the Milky Way.
Possible solution: Later accumulation of gas, possibly due
to mergers with smaller galaxies. Recently discovered
ring of stars around the Milky Way may be the remnant
of such a merger.

The Mass of the Milky Way (II) Total mass in the disk of
the Milky Way: Approx. 200 billion solar masses
Additional mass in an extended halo: Total: Approx. 1
Big Bang Theory trillion solar masses Most of the mass is not emitting any
Recall Hubble’s observation in 1929… radiation: dark matter!
Z ~ distance → everything is receding from everything The Milky Way • Our Solar System is part of the “Milky
Way” galaxy
Galaxies • Our sun is 1 of trillions of stars in the universe. Venus • On Venus you weigh only 91% of what you
Stars are found in groups held together by gravity. • A weigh on Earth. • Venus has 90 times the pressure of
huge group of stars is called a galaxy. • Our entire Earth • Venus has volcanoes like Earth • Rotates in the
universe is made up of thousands of galaxies. opposite direction of Earth. • One time there were
• The images below show you how small we are oceans before they boiled away.
compared to the entire universe. Earth • 23 hours and 56 min=1 Earth day (rotation)
• 365 days =1 Earth year (revolution) • Earth is warm
enough to keep most of its water from freezing and cold
UNIVERSE- The entire universe is made of thousands of enough to keep it’s water from boiling • Temperature is
galaxies between –13 degrees Celsius and 37 degrees Celsius
GALAXY - A huge group of stars held together by gravity Mars • Air Pressure on Mars is the same as 30 km above
SOLAR SYSTEM - A system of planets & stars that are the Earth’s surface • Mars is in the form of ice.
found throughout galaxies • Evidence that water was there at one time • Volcanic
SOLAR SYSTEM ➢ is the gravitationally bound system history like Earth. • It has the tallest mount of the
comprising the Sun and the objects that orbit around it, planets (Olympus Mons) 3x’s size of Mt. Everest.
either directly or indirectly JOVIAN (Gas Giants) • rotate faster • have thick
➢ it is in constant motion, with the planets and their atmosphere
moons, comets, asteroids and other space objects Jupiter • Largest planet in the Solar System
revolving around the Sun. • Has a Great Red Spot from a storm system that is
Our Solar System more than 400 years old (It is larger than Earth!)
• 9 hours and 54 min=1 Jupiter day (shortest day)
• Pressure is so great it would crush a spaceship
Saturn • 2 nd Largest planet in the Solar System
• 95 times more massive than earth.
• Saturn has the largest rings of any planet, the rings are
made of icy particles. • Most moons of any planet.
Uranus • Discovered in 1781 • Uranus appears blue-
green in color • It’s axis of rotation is tilted 90 degrees
• Moons are named after Shakespearean plays and
formed from other broken moons.
Neptune • Discovered in 1846 • Neptune has visual
belts of clouds • Interior releases thermal energy to its
The Inner Planets (Terrestrial Planets) outer layers. • Use to be the 8th planet after Pluto until
– Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars 1999.
• Rotation- the act of rotating; a turning around as on So, the three criteria of the IAU for a full-sized planet
an axis. Astronomy. the movement or path of the earth are: 1. It is in orbit around the Sun.
or a heavenly body turning on its axis. 2. It has sufficient mass to assume hydrostatic
• Revolution- movement of a planet around the sun. equilibrium (a nearly round shape).
TERRESTRIAL (Rocky Planets) 3. It has “cleared the neighborhood” around its orbit.
• made of materials with high melting points such as Pluto meets only two of these criteria, losing out on the
silicates, iron , and nickel third.
• rotate slower, have thin or no atmosphere PLANET BIYO is a minor planet named after a Filipino
Mercury • On Mercury you weigh only 38% of what you teacher, Dr. Josette Biyo
weigh on Earth. • Fastest orbiting planet Planet 13241 Found in the Main Asteroid Belt between
• Planet nearest to the sun • One side of the planet can Mars and Jupiter
be 800 degrees Fahrenheit when the other can be -280- What Keeps Our Planets & Other Objects In Space In
degree Fahrenheit at the same time. Orbit?? GRAVITY & INERTIA


• Gravity – A force that pulls all objects toward each 15°C •Atmospheric pressure: 1.013 bars
other. •Atmosphere composition: 77% N, 21% O and 2% other.
• Inertia – The tendency of an object to stay either at •Crustal rocks: Mid-ocean ridge basalt, andesites,
rest or in motion along a straight path granites, sandstones, shales, limestones, metamorphic.
So how does these 2 forces keep everything in orbit? •Magnetic field
**Example: The picture to the right shows how inertia & •Plate tectonics •Hydrosphere •Biosphere
gravity work together to keep the moon orbiting the Age of the Earth -Estimated age for the Earth and the
Earth. rest of the solar system is about 4.55 billion years
If inertia was stronger than gravity then objects would comes from Lead isotope measurements.
stay on their straight path & fly off into space. -The oldest Earth rocks: 3.8 to 3.9 billion years
If gravity was stronger than inertia then objects would -Oldest Earth minerals (zircons): 4.2 billion years
crash -Oldest Moon rocks: 4.44 billion years
Inertia & gravity work together to keep the moon
orbiting the Earth. And they work together to keep
planets orbiting the sun
Other Space Objects
Comets • A comet is a small body made out of dust,
rock, gas & ice. • They are kind of like a dirty snowball
• Comets come from faraway regions of our solar
Lesson 1 Earth’s Support of Life
system beyond the planets
Living It Up Copyright
Comets are made up of different parts.
What do living things need to survive?
▪ The nucleus ▪ The coma ▪ The ion tail ▪ The dust tail
• Earth is covered in living things.
Asteroid • Asteroids are large pieces of space rock with
• What do organisms need to survive?
irregular shapes.
• The basic necessities of life are air, water, a source of
• They are also known as planetoids or minor planets
energy, and a habitat to live in.
that revolves around our sun
How do Earth and the sun interact to support life on
• Most asteroids orbit the Sun in the asteroid belt
Earth? • During photosynthesis, plants use the sun’s
located between Mars and Jupiter. A few asteroids
energy, carbon dioxide, and water to produce oxygen
approach the Sun more closely.
and glucose.
• Asteroids can collide with object such as Earth’s
• Plants form the foundation of many food chains. Some
moon, creating huge craters on the surface.
animals eat plants to gain energy. Other animals eat
• Meteoroids are pieces of rock or dust that are smaller • In this way, energy from the sun is passed from plants
than asteroids. to other organisms.
• Meteoroids are tiny particles left by an asteroid or a • Earth’s rotation allows most regions of Earth to
comet & most meteoroids are smaller than the size of a receive sunlight regularly.
pebble. • Regular sunlight allows plants to grow in almost all
• When small meteoroids enters Earth’s atmosphere, places on Earth.
they usually burn up & make a fiery trail as it falls, it is • Earth's rotation also protects areas on Earth from
then called a meteor or a “shooting star” temperature extremes.
• Earth’s distance from the sun also protects it from
Earth Facts
temperature extremes.
• Meteors that land on Earth are called meteorites
• If Earth were closer to the sun, it might be like Venus,
•Distance from Sun: 150 million kilometers (93.2 million
which is too hot to support life. If it were farther away,
miles) •Orbital period: 365.256 days •Rotational period:
it might be like Mars, which is too cold to support life.
23.9345 hours •Tilt of axis: 23.45 degrees
• Earth’s temperatures range from below 0 °C (32 °F) to
•Diameter: 12,756 kilometers (7,973 miles)
above 38 °C (100 °F), allowing life to survive in the
•Mean density: 5.515 g/cc •Mean surface temperature:
coldest and hottest places on Earth. helium. These gases, being very light, escaped into
• Which planet is too hot to support life. Which planet is space. • Volcanoes release water vapor, carbon dioxide,
too cold? and ammonia into the atmosphere. Solar energy broke
Water, Water Everywhere ammonia apart into nitrogen and hydrogen.
What is unique about Earth’s water? • Bacteria used carbon dioxide to perform
• How did Earth get so much water? photosynthesis, releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.
• As early Earth cooled, it released steam and other • As the sun’s radiation reaches Earth, some of it is
gases into the air. The steam formed clouds, water fell reflected back into space, some is absorbed by
to Earth as rain, and Earth’s oceans began. atmospheric gases, and some is absorbed by Earth’s
• Also, icy comets and meteors impacted Earth and surface.
added water to Earth’s oceans.
• Earth's surface then radiates energy, which is
• How did Earth come to accumulate so much water on
absorbed and re-radiated by atmospheric gases through
its surface?
a process called the greenhouse effect.
• Earth is unique in the solar system because it contains • The greenhouse effect keeps Earth warmer than it
water in the solid, liquid, and gas states. Most of the would be if Earth had no atmosphere.
water is in liquid form. • One type of solar radiation that can harm life is
ultraviolet radiation. It can damage the genetic material
• Liquid water is essential to life because cells need liquid
in organisms.
water in order to perform life processes.
• Earth has a protective ozone layer that blocks most
• Water remains a liquid on Earth because surface
ultraviolet radiation before it reaches Earth's surface.
temperatures generally stay above the freezing point and
below the boiling point of water. • Each molecule of ozone is made up of three oxygen
atoms. Some human-made chemicals have damaged
Extremophiles • Extremophiles are organisms that live
the ozone layer.
in extreme environments. • The Antarctic has ice-
covered lakes and cold, dry valleys, but life can still be How does Earth’s atmosphere support life?
found there. • A type of worm called a nematode • What is the greenhouse effect? How does the ozone
survives in the cold by producing antifreeze in its cells. layer protect living organisms?
• The presence of extremophiles on Earth makes it
seem possible for life to exist in the extreme conditions Earth Science CM2
Security Blanket How does Earth’s atmosphere support
life? • An atmosphere is a mixture of gases that Subsystems of the Earth
surround a planet, moon, or other space object. The four subsystems of the Earth are:
• Some space objects have atmospheres, and some do 1. Atmosphere – it is the gaseous layer above the Earth’s
not. It often depends on the strength of the object’s surface, primarily composed of 78% nitrogen and 21%
gravity. oxygen. Other gases like argon, carbon dioxide, carbon
• The gravity of Earth and Venus is strong enough to monoxide, ozone, and other inert gases made the
hold atmospheres in place. The gravity of Mercury and remaining 1%. The atmosphere supports life because
the Moon is too weak to hold atmospheres. animals and oxygen, and plants need both carbon
• Earth’s atmosphere is composed mainly of nitrogen dioxide and oxygen. In addition, the atmosphere
and oxygen. It also has traces of carbon dioxide and supports life indirectly by regulating climate. Air acts as
other gases. both a blanket and a filter, retaining heat at night and
• Plants and some single-celled organisms use carbon shielding from direct solar radiation during the day.
dioxide for photosynthesis. 2. Biosphere – the zone of Earth where all forms of life
• Plants, animals, and most other organisms use oxygen exist: in the sea, on land, and in water. It is sometimes
to perform cell processes. called the large ecosystem. This is the zone that life
• Earth’s atmosphere was originally just hydrogen and
inhabits. Biosphere is a very thin layer of the earth’s back to their original position.
surface. Sectility- ability of minerals to be sliced by a knife.

3. Geosphere – the solid Earth, consisting of the entire ROCKS is a naturally occurring solid aggregate of
planet from the center of the core to the outer crust. It minerals sometime with nonmineral solid particles. It is
includes the core, mantle, and crust of the Earth. categorized by the minerals included, its chemical
4. Hydrosphere – the water part of the Earth which composition and the way in which it is formed.
circulates among oceans, continents, glaciers, and
atmosphere. Oceans cover 71% of the Earth and contain
97.5% of its water.

MINERALS Classification of Rocks

are the building blocks of rocks. Mineralogists use the Igneous rocks or magmatic rocks are formed through the
criteria to determine whether a material is classified as cooling and solidification of magma or lava. Igneous rock
a mineral or not. can be classified into:
Characteristics of Minerals
1. naturally occurring- a product of Earth’s natural Intrusive igneous rocks. This type of igneous rock is
processes formed from solidification of magma below the surface.
2. inorganic- it must be a product of Earth’s physical They have large crystals of minerals that formed
processes. overtime through the slow process of crystallization in a
3. homogeneous solid- minerals should have definite magma. Granite, diorite, gabbro, pegmatite, and
volume and rigid shape peridotite are examples of this type of rock.
4. definite chemical composition—represented by a Extrusive igneous rocks. This type of igneous rock is
chemical formula formed through a faster rate of solidification of lava on
5. orderly crystalline structure atoms of minerals are the surface of Earth. They can become glassy in
arranged in an orderly and repeating pattern appearance due to less crystallization or vesicular like
Scoria, due to the air that was trapped inside when they
Properties of Minerals solidified and formed on the surface of the earth. Other
To identify minerals, mineralogists observe the examples of this type of rock are andesite, basalt, dacite,
following properties: obsidian, pumice, rhyolite and tuff.
a. Color - mineral’s color may change depending on the
surface. Sedimentary rock is formed by the deposition and
b. Streak - color of mineral in powdered form. cementation of mineral or organic particles on the floor
c. Hardness - minerals resistance to scratching of oceans and other bodies of water at the Earth's
d. Cleavage - mineral’s resistance to being broken and surface. Sedimentary rocks can be classified into clastic,
fracture chemical and organic. Clastic sedimentary rock. It is
e. Crystalline structure or habit formed from the mechanical weathering debris of rocks.
f. Diaphaneity/amount of transparency - ability to Examples are breccia, conglomerate, sandstone,
allow light to pass through it. This is affected by the siltstone, and shale. Chemical sedimentary rock. It is
chemical makeup of the mineral sample. formed when dissolved minerals precipitate from
g. Luster - how light is reflected off a surface solution. Examples of these are rock salt, iron ore, chert,
h. Tenacity - describes the minerals reaction to stress. flint, some dolomites. Organic sedimentary rock. Formed
Brittleness- a mineral turns into powder from the build-up of plant or animal debris.
Malleability a mineral can be flattened by pounding Metamorphic rock forms from existing rock types called
with a hammer. “parent rock” in the process called metamorphism,
Ductility- A mineral can be stretched into wire. which means change in form. The original rock which can
Flexible but inelastic-Minerals are bent but they remain be an igneous, sedimentary or another metamorphic
in the new position. rock is subjected to heat and pressure, causing a
Flexible and elastic- Minerals are bent, and they bring


profound chemical or physical change. Metamorphic THE EARTH SUBSYSTEMS
rocks can be further classified into: Biosphere Hydrosphere Geosphere Atmosphere

Foliated metamorphic rocks. Formed through pressure Energy - The Earth system is powered by one external
due to compression of rocks that create bands called source: The Sun and two internal ones:
foliation. Examples are gneiss, phyllite, schist, and slate. -radioactive decay
-gravitational energy (heat still being lost from
Nonfoliated metamorphic rocks. It has no foliation or
planetary formation).
bands. Examples of this type are hornfels, marble,
Cycles - Material in the Earth system is continually
quartzite, and novaculite.
recycled in numerous overlapping cycles.

The Rock Cycle

Earth as a SYSTEM
SYSTEM -A set of interconnected components that are
interacting to form a unified whole.
EXAMPLE of system- ECOSYSTEM. (Organisms are
interrelated and interacting)
Two Types of Systems The Hydrologic (Water) Cycle
1.Closed System: Energy may enter and leave, but
matter does not.
2.Open System: System and its surroundings freely
exchange both matter and energy.

The Earth system is essentially a CLOSED SYSTEM.

A closed system is a system in which there is only an
exchange of heat or energy and no exchange of matter.
The Earth receives energy from the sun and returns
some of this energy to space.
Components or subsystems of the Earth system

Biosphere - Includes all life forms on Earth Biosphere

-It covers all ecosystems—from the soil to the
rainforest, from mangroves to coral reefs, and from the
plankton-rich ocean surface to the deep sea.


•Air Pressure = force of air pressing down on Earth or
weight of air
•Closer to Earth = higher air pressure
•Higher up=less air pressure

Hydrosphere - Dynamic mass of water that is

continuously on the move
1. About 70% of the Earth is covered with liquid water
(hydrosphere) and much of it is in the form of ocean
2. Only 3% of Earth's water is fresh: two-thirds are in
•There are 5 distinct layers with different properties
the form of ice, and the remaining one-third 1/3 is
•They change with the increase in altitude (height)
present in streams, lakes, and groundwater.
TROPOSPHERE The troposphere is the layer closest to
the surface of Earth. Nearly all life and all weather occur
in this layer. This is where the clouds are located and
airplanes fly at within this layer. In this layer, the higher
up from Earth’s surface you go, the colder it gets. In
other words, as altitude increases temperature
decreases. The peak of Mt. Everest is near the top of
this layer.

STRATOSPHERE The stratosphere starts out as a cold

layer. However, the ozone warms up the upper region
of this layer by absorbing the UV rays heat. The ozone
Hydrologic Cycle layer absorbs harmful UV rays and protects the living
Condensation, Precipitation, Evaporation, Transpiration, organisms on earth from them. Military planes can fly
Infiltration, Surface Runoff. here.

Atmosphere - The atmosphere is the thin gaseous layer What is the Ozone Layer?
that envelops the lithosphere. •A protective layer in the stratosphere that blocks
-The present atmosphere is composed of 78% nitrogen harmful UV rays.
(N), 21% oxygen (O2),0.9%argon, and trace amounts of •However, it allows good sun rays through to heat up
other gases. our Earth
•It has an atmosphere which is a blanket of air that •Without it, we would burnup.
surrounds our Earth.
MESOSPHERE The mesosphere is the middle layer. It’s
•Protects life on Earth...no other planet has this.
the coldest layer of the atmosphere that protects earth
•Held in place by gravity.
from meteoroids.. The meteoroids usually burn up in
•The atmosphere consists of layers of gases that
this layer.
surround the Earth.
•The 2 most abundance gases found throughout all the THERMOSPHERE Temperatures in the thermosphere
layers are oxygen and nitrogen. are very high, more than 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. (This
•The earth is divided into 5 atmospheric layers is the hottest layer) and where space begins. The
International Space Station orbits Earth in this layer.


EXOSPHERE The exosphere is the farthest layer Titanium - 0.40
extending from the thermosphere into outer space. This Hydrogen - 0.14
layer is cold. It gradually blends into outer space.
MANTLE-Less dense layer-Made up of silicate rocks,
mostly made of the element’s silicon, oxygen, iron and
CORE -Denser layer-the Earth’s magnetic field-
strengthens the idea that the Earth’s outer core is

Minerals and Rocks Minerals and Rocks

Granite Rock
-quartz (mineral) Hornblende (mineral) Feldspar
- The term aggregate implies that the minerals are
found together as a mixture in which the properties of
the individual minerals are retained.

Cubic crystals (pyrite)

(Quartz) - Hexagonal crystals With pyramidal
- shaped ends
- The crystal form is the external expression of a
mineral's orderly internal arrangement of atoms.

- Luster is the appearance or quality of light reflected

Geosphere - the Solid Earth extends from the surface to
from the surface of a mineral.
the center
-Galena -Metallic Luster -Nonmetallic Luster -Fluorite
LITHOSPHERE - The lithosphere includes the crust and
Color is not always a useful diagnostic property. For
the upper part of the mantle.
example, slight impurities in the mineral quartz give it a
Layers of the Earth variety of colors.
-CRUST (continental & oceanic) - Crystal Quartz (colorless)
-MANTLE (upper & lower) -Citrine (brownish-yellow quartz)
-CORE (outer & inner) – Amethyst (purple quartz) -Smoky quartz (gray to
CRUST-It’s the light and very thin outer skin of the
Earth. Streak is the color of a mineral in its powdered form
and is obtained by rubbing a mineral across a piece of
-The outermost layer where energy and mineral unglazed porcelain called a streak Plate.
resources are derived.

Different elements that compose the Earth’s CRUST

Oxygen - 46.60
Silicon 27.72
Aluminum - 8.13
Iron - 5.00
Calcium - 3.63
Sodium - 2.83
Potassium - 2.59
Hardness is a measure of the resistance of a mineral to
Magnesium - 2.09
abrasion or scratching.


Because micas have weak chemical bonds in one
direction... (Cleavage Plane ->)
Earth Science CM3
Rock cycle - is one means of viewing many of the EARTH RESOURCES
interrelationships in geology.
Important Minerals in the Society

Without minerals, society would not function as it does

now. On a small scale up to what you’re using right now,
there are a lot of these minerals you are actually using.
From the laptop or phone while watching or listening, to
the breeze of your electric fan or air conditioning unit to
the food that you have taken. Let us see more of these
minerals and their uses. For oral health, professionals
used Titanium which is a strong but a light metal that is
used for teeth transplant. Examples are gypsum in
plaster cast, and alloys like stainless steel that are
primarily composed of iron, chromium and carbon in
their tools.
When igneous rocks are exposed at the surface, they In households, we use toothpaste that contains fluoride
will undergo weathering, a process which slowly from fluorite mineral. Face powder contains talc [the
disintegrates and decomposes rock. softest mineral]. Going to the kitchen, salts are
The rock fragments are picked up and transported by commonly used to enhance the flavor of our food.
erosional agents, such as running water... Utensils like casserole are made of aluminum [a light and
durable metal], and stainless wares that contains mostly
Eventually these particles and dissolved substances, of iron, chromium and carbon. With regards to devices,
called sediment, are deposited. minerals such as silicon, silver and gold are used. Copper
[Cu] is the mostly used electrical wiring because it is
Next, the sediments undergo a process called
lithification, meaning "conversion to rock," either by
compaction or by cementation as percolating water In construction, you could build skyscrapers up to 50
coats the sediment with mineral matter, and gradually stories high because of durable minerals like iron steel [a
cements the particles together. combination of iron and carbon] and concrete
[limestone, lime and chalk]. They also use glass made
Any rocks subjected to strong compressional forces
mainly of quartz and silica. Floors are made up of granite
and/or high temperatures change to metamorphic
and marbles. Aluminum is for the frames, panels and
When rocks in a high temperature metamorphic
Power plants use minerals to provide us electricity and
environment are subjected to directional forces, they
energy. In nuclear power plant, radioactive minerals like
are easily folded.
Uranium which is used as nuclear reactor. Moreover,
coals are burned up to generate electricity. Furthermore,
batteries for electric cars need minerals like nickel,
copper, and lithium. In
agriculture and gardening, we used organic and inorganic
fertilizers for the plants grow healthy. These minerals
include Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. For the
acidity of the soil, we use lime.
In the pharmaceutical industry, they make supplements


and medicine that contain many minerals that keep us miners should create a tunnel so they can reach the ore
strong and healthy like Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc. minerals. More explosives and blasting devices are
involved which makes it more expensive and dangerous
Contrary to the advantages of this minerals, these could
as compared to surface mining.
also harm us. Talc products could have a mineral called
“asbestos” that can trigger cancer which is why some Mineral processing is the process of extracting minerals
cosmetic companies discontinue using it. Power plants from the ore, refining them, and preparing these
like nuclear power plants uses radioactive minerals minerals for use. The primary steps involved in
produces radioactive waste. Burning of coals releases processing minerals include:
tons of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases that 1st. Sampling – is the removal of a portion which
contributes to the global warming. Wastes of the represents a whole needed for the analysis of this
factories eventually go to the bodies of water and affects material.
the creatures them permanently. 2nd. Analysis – is important to evaluate the valuable
component in an ore. This includes chemical, mineral
Ore Minerals- Location and Processes
and particle size analysis.
Mining is the process of mineral extraction from a rock
3rd. Comminution – is the process where the valuable
seam or ore. Ore Mineral is a natural rock or sediment
components of the ore are separated through crushing
containing one or more valuable mineral. The minerals
and grinding. This process begins by crushing the ores to
can range from precious metals and iron to gemstones
a particular size and finishes it by grinding the ores into
and quartz. A lot of technologies are now at use to
a powder form.
make mining easier. These mining industries are helping
4th. Concentration – involves the separation of the
the economy of the country and also delivers bad
valuable minerals from the raw materials
effects in the environment.
5th. Dewatering – uses the concentration to convert it
Methods of Mining: to usable minerals. This involves filtration and
1. Surface Mining – is used to extract ore minerals sedimentation of the suspension and drying of the solid
located near the surface of the earth. The soil and rocks materials harvested from this suspension
that covered the ores are removed through explosives
Earth Energy Resources and Human Activities
and blasting. Blasting is a controlled use of explosives
Fossil fuels are the remnants of plants and animals that
and gas exposure to break rocks. Surface mining could
died millions of years ago. These provide most of the
energy support in transportation, electricity, and
o Open-pit mining - This is the most common type of
industries. They are natural and finite resources that are
surface mining. Open pit means a big hole (or pit) in the
very abundant and has a cheaper cost production
ground. The pit in mine is created by blasting with
compare to other resources present on Earth. These are
explosives and drilling. It is used to mine gravel and
considered as Non-Renewable Resources. There are
sand and even rock.
three types of fossil fuels formation: coal, oil, and natural
2. Strip mining – This mining type involves the removal
of a thin strip of overburden (earth or soil) above a
desired deposit, dumping the removed overburden 1. Coal- It is a primary fossil fuel present on Earth. Coal
behind the deposit, extracting the desired deposit, resources are found where forest trees, plants and
creating a second, parallel strip in the same manner, marshes existed before being buried and compressed
and depositing the waste materials from that second millions of years ago. The combustion of coal releases air
(new) strip onto the first strip. pollutants such as acid rain inducing sulfur dioxide,
nitrogen oxides (NOx), and mercury. The mining process
3. Dredging – This is the process of mining materials
can also be very damaging to the environment, often
from the bottom of a body of water, like in rivers, lakes,
resulting in the destruction of vegetation and top-soil.
and oceans.
The Philippines uses approximately 50% of coal
b. Underground mining – is used to extract the rocks,
resources to produce energy and electricity. There are
minerals and other precious stories that can be found
four major ranks of coal.
beneath the earth’s surface. In underground mining,
Anthracite - hard, brittle, and black lustrous coal, often
referred to as hard coal.
bituminous coal - has a high heating value for coal used
in electricity generation.
subbituminous coal - has a higher heating value than
lignite - least concentration of carbon.

2. Oil- Most of the oil that we are using today started

forming millions of years ago. Oil is an organic material,
Nuclear power plants use heat produced during nuclear
mostly algae, which was buried in mud at the bottom of
fission to heat water. The heat produced during nuclear
the sea and lakes. Once extracted, crude oil is processed
fission in the reactor core is used to boil water into
in oil refineries to create fuel oil, gasoline, liquefied
steam, which turns the blades of a steam turbine. As
petroleum gas, and other non fuel products such as
the turbine blades turn, they drive generators that
pesticides, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, and plastics.
make electricity.
It is used mainly for the production of transportation
Geothermal energy is the heat that comes from the
fuels and petroleum-based products. The Philippines
sub-surface of the earth. It is contained in the rocks and
imports crude oil and petroleum from Saudi Arabia and
fluids beneath the earth's crust and can be found as far
down to the earth's hot molten rock, magma.
3. Natural gas- It is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon
Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the Sun that
gas with a mixture of methane. It is the Earth’s cleanest
is harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies
fossil fuel and is odorless and colorless in its natural
such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar thermal
state but still responsible for the greenhouse effect. This
energy, solar architecture, molten salt power plants and
came from sedimentary rock formation that underwent
artificial photosynthesis.
high pressure. The Philippines’ main source of energy is
the Malampaya natural gas field which is located at Wind energy is a form of solar energy. Wind energy (or
Palawan Island. wind power) describes the process by which wind is
used to generate electricity. Wind turbines convert the
kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power. A
generator can convert mechanical power into
electricity. Some of the most recent developments are
the Bangui Wind Farm, Burgos Wind Farm, and
Caparispisan Wind Farm in Ilocos Norte.


The Philippines' top mineral exports are copper, gold

and nickel. Other target minerals include quartz, mica,
iron, gypsum, feldspar, chromite, calcite and sulphur.
How are fossil fuels formed?
Some target non-metallic minerals are sand and gravel,
After millions of years underground, the remains of
limestone, marble, clay and other quarry materials -
prehistoric plants and animals [the compounds] that
Lexology, Mining of the Phil
make up plankton and plants turn into fossil fuels. The
sediments change into rock as the temperature and Most copper is used in electrical equipment such as
pressure increase. Thus, plant and animal remain were wiring and motors. This is because it conducts both heat
altered and slowly changed into crude oil and natural and electricity very well, and can be drawn into wires. It
gas. also has uses in construction (for example roofing and


plumbing), and industrial machinery (such as heat COBALT
-Cobalt is a bluish-white, lustrous, hard, brittle metal.
COPPER - It is used in building construction, electronic -It is ferromagnetic.
products, equipment, machinery, and alloys. -Cobalt is used in alloys for aircraft engine parts and in
alloys with corrosion/wear resistant uses.
•Antimicrobial Copper
-Cobalt is widely used in batteries and in electroplating.
The major gold producing areas in the Philippines are -Cobalt salts are used to impart blue and green colors in
districts of Baguio and Paracale located on the Island of glass and ceramics.
Luzon and Marasa, and the locations in Mindanao such
-Radioactive 60Co is used in the treatment of cancer.
as Surigao and Masbate. Gold in the Philippines exists as
placer and lode deposits, which attracts all mines of all -Bauxite, the principal source of the popular metal
different sizes. aluminum.

-Gold conducts electricity, does not tarnish, is very easy
-Lithium is the lightest metal and the least dense solid
to work, it is malleable and ductile, has a wonderful
color and a brilliant luster.
- Gold is used in jewelry and arts; dentistry and -The most important use of lithium is in rechargeable
medicine; medallions and coins; ingots as a store of batteries for mobile phones, laptops, digital cameras
value. and electric vehicles.
-small amount of gold is used in almost every
sophisticated electronic device. This includes cell ZINC -Zinc is currently the fourth most widely consumed
phones, calculators, personal digital assistants, GPS metal in the world.
units, and other small electronic devices. -It has strong anticorrosive properties and bonds well
-A crown made from dental gold alloy with other metals.
-Gold is used as drug POTASH - is primarily used as a fertilizer to support
PLATINUM -Platinum is a rare and expensive mineral. plant growth, increase crop yield and disease resistance,
-It is much rarer than Gold. and enhance water preservation
-Platinum is widely used as a catalyst for chemical
reactions. -
Platinum is used in jewelry, decoration and dental work.

The metal and its alloys are also used for electrical
contacts, fine resistance wires and medical/laboratory

Alloy - of platinum and cobalt is used to produce strong

permanent magnets.

Iron Ore - is the source of iron for the world's iron and
steel industries.
-radioactive iron -black iron oxide -prussian blue

SILVER -Silver has many uses in our modern day lives

-Traditionally used for jewelry and silverware
-Silver is the best thermal and electrical conductor of all
the metals.


Environmental Impacts of Mineral Consumption,
Mining and Processing

-Surface Mining
- open pits like Bingham Canyon near Salt Lake (or
Helena, MT)
Bingham Canyon open pit Cu sulfide mine, Utah The
World’s largest hole in the ground

-It ruptures a weathered barrier and exposes the

interior to the environment.

-Sub-surface mining
- less impact on site, but still exposes ore to water

-materials are relatively toxic when exposed at the


*water > weathering, solution >toxic metals + sulfuric

acid into surface & groundwater environment

-Est. 550,000 abandoned mines in USA contaminate

19,000 rivers and streams

-Collapse of old excavations poses a serious threat as


- Acidic and Fe-rich water from an abandoned

subsurface tunnel pours into Beartrap Greek, which
flows into prime trout waters of the Blackfoot River,


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