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Charmaine Greenidge

Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, Walden University

EDDD 8101: Learner Centered Curriculum

Dr. Heather L. Caldwell

March 24, 2023



The Common Core State Standards is the driving force which propels the curriculum in

many states. The question arises as to whether a learner centered curriculum can thrive in an

environment which is designed around particular teaching strategies and also created to target

the achievement of very specific skills and abilities.

The Common Core State Standards Initiative [CCSSI] (2023) supports the idea that this

is possible. It explains that the standards provide a map of essential components in a curriculum

that is to be created, but still allows teachers the flexibility to tailor instruction to the diverse

student population (CCSSI,2023). This paper will examine how a learner-centered curriculum

might influence student learning versus teacher instructional experiences in the current

educational environment. It also explores how curricular efforts could lead teachers towards a

more learner centered approach and away form the traditional methods of teaching.

Proponents of the learner centered curriculum maintain that even in the face of a

standards-based curriculum, student driven learning needs to be at the forefront, if we are to

create that sense of ownership and enthusiasm in our students thereby ensuring that they achieve

positive learning outcomes (Weimer, 2013). Cullen et al., (2012) posits that a learner-centered

curriculum provides students with real-life experiences and allows them to transition from the

world of passive learners to students who actively integrate new problem solving and critical

thinking skills into their repertoire. Hence the learner centered curriculum allows students to see

the benefit in what they are learning.

Walden University (2015) emphasizes the importance of curriculum mapping by teachers

in learner centered classrooms if the optimal goal of student-centered learning and the attainment

of state standards is to be achieved. Curriculum mapping allows teachers to be able to share


student work across classrooms, the state and even the world, thereby providing those ample

opportunities to deepen student understanding of concepts (Walden University, 2015).

Additionally, teachers in learner centered classrooms need to be engaged in opportunities to

review, revise, improve, elaborate, and extend on their curriculum while engaging in continuous

professional development to keep their skills and knowledge current, and reflect on classroom

practices in order to optimize student understanding and ownership of the material (Walden

University, 2015).

One way in which I might lead a curricular effort to help teachers of various subject

areas move toward a learner-centered curriculum is through a book study (Walden University,

2015). I would select a book that can be beneficial to all the teachers at my school and ask teams

to choose a chapter. Teams would be asked to present what they had learned at PLCs. Teams

would not be restricted in the manner in which they present the material, or the strategies used to

engage other teachers in understanding and exploring the information. Teachers would also be

encouraged to ask questions to clarify their understanding. Other considerations that would need

to be taken into account would be the level of engagement as well as the sustainability of the

ideas presented to the teachers. This would be especially important if I wanted teachers to see the

significance of the material being presented and be encouraged to apply the information that was

disseminated into their own classes.


This activity sought to examine how a learner-centered curriculum might influence how a

student experiences learning in the current Common Core State Standards school environment. It

also discussed the importance of practices such as curriculum mapping and how the ability to

review, revise, improve, elaborate, and extend teaching practices can significantly impact how

the teacher experiences instruction in a learner-centered classroom. Finally, it explains how I

might lead a curricular effort to help teachers of various subject areas move toward a learner-

centered curriculum.


Common Core State Standard Initiative. (2022). About the Standards.

Cullen, R., Harris, M., & Hill, R. R. (2012). The learner-centered curriculum: Design and

implementation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Walden University. (2022). Case study 3: Issues in k-12 education. Retrieved from


Walden University (Producer). (2015c). Systemic construction of curriculum [Video file].

Baltimore, MD: Author.

Weimer, M. (2013). Learner-centered teaching: Five key changes to practice (2nd ed.). San

Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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