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Description of Topic

The topic for advocacy I selected was for an increased understanding of gifted
characteristics as they manifest in English Language Learners. In my student teaching
experience, many students exemplified gifted characteristics such as creativity, motivation (this
one especially in consideration to English acquisition), and leadership, all considerable
characteristics of the Georgia BOE conception of giftedness, but were limited by their emergent
English linguistic ability.

This concept is important, as oftentimes teachers are misinformed regarding the traits,
aptitudes, and behaviors of diverse populations of students. Gifted characteristics manifest in
different fashions across differing cultures, much like social and emotional characteristics do,
though in terms of gifted qualifications, this same level of understanding is not present. This
topic is so important, as too often in studies we see instances of injustice in the amount of diverse
students enrolled in the gifted program, rarely hearing of cases where an English Language
Learner is identified as gifted. Due to my experience working with the ESOL population and my
development of the TABs tool for ELLs, I feel I would be able to advocate for this population
with relevant research and suggestions for approaching this instance of lacking equity and

Advocacy Strategy
To help solve this issue of misunderstanding regarding the manifestation of gifted and
creative characteristics in English Language Learners, my recommendation is that classroom
teachers and gifted personnel receive quality, research based training in traits, aptitudes, and
behaviors of this unique population, then are provided access to the TABs tool for ELL’s shown
previously. The goal of implementing this training and tool would be the increased identification
of giftedness in English Language Learners, apart from linguistic development. Giftedness
transcends language, and the use of these advocacy strategies would work to solidify this

In closing, the creation of tools such as the TABs for English Language Learners allow
educators to better understand the manifestations of giftedness and creativity in diverse
populations. By introducing research-based training and quality tools for the facilitation of this
knowledge and awareness, populations such as ELLs benefit greatly, and are provided increased
opportunities and learning environments for equity and access.

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