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`Chapter I


Background of the study

Ice cream has been the favorite dessert among kids and many

researchers attempted to create different variations of flavors. The researcher

created a healthy ice cream made up of sweet potato. The researcher introduced

this flavor of ice cream not only because they want to create a new taste but of

course they want it to be healthy for the consumers. The healthy nutrients given

by this dessert would be preferred by most parents for their kids.

Sweet potato species variation has expanded with the introduction of new

products, such as the production of new ice cream flavors. According to Hardoko

in 2010, purple sweet potatoes are a nutrient-rich variety that contains

anthocyanin, a form of antioxidant discovered by others, but which he found

earlier in 2009. The niacin in sweet potato helps make ice cream more orange

and helps provide carbohydrates, as well as vitamins B1, B2, and B3, both of

which help in nutritional value and flavor. Its other natural color pigments,

including anthocyanins and beta-carotene, help preserve the natural hue of the

ice cream by keeping it from breaking down in the heat. 

Flavor and taste of every product matters to the consumers as it brings the

main aim of producing such products. It is way better to discover unique products

to seek for attentions of those potential consumers and could put the product on

top of the lists and could gain loyalty of consumers to get back over again

because of the satisfactions that they’ve got. Consumers loyalty towards ones

product determined through how your products get their attentions and interests.
The study aimed to determine the acceptability of Sweet Potato into ice

cream. Sweet Potato ice cream bring different thoughts to consumers because it

is not the usual flavor they’ve encountered. This new product will produce to get

into the interests of every consumer who loves ice cream, this could introduce a

new unique flavor and taste which could surely encourage even those who aren’t

fond of this dessert.

Objectives of the study

Generally, this study aimed to determine the acceptability of Sweet Potato

into ice cream.

Specifically, it aimed to answer the following objectives:

1. Determine the sensory quality of ice cream made with various proportions

of mashed sweet potato in terms of:

1.1 Aroma;

1.2 Color;

1.3 Taste;

1.4 Texture;

1.5 General Acceptability.

2. Determine the appropriate food packaging of a product; and

3. Assertion of the cost and return analysis of the product.

Significance of the study

This section was provided by brief descriptions of the benefits that can be

obtain by each of the consumers of the study.

Sweet Potato has a high Vitamin A and dietary fiber potassium. Sweet

potato contain nutritious vitamins that are healthy for the consumption of the


For Consumers, it would give them health benefits at the same time a

cheap cost.
For Retailer and Wholesaler Vendors, it would give them an idea on

creating new and unique product for a low cost with a high chance of marketable

profit which could benefit them a lot.

For Technical Teachers, it would give them ideas, knowledge, and a

deeper understanding of how this study goes.

Future Researchers, this study would help them understand and get a

guide on gathering some information and will give them an idea on making

further research regarding this study.

Scope and Limitation

This study was conducted to produce a product which is Sweet Potato ice

cream that aimed to determine its sensory quality to the consumers.

This study was conducted at Korbel Foundation College Inc. Food

laboratory, Gensan Drive, Barangay Morales, Koronadal City, South Cotabato,

Academic Year 2022-2023.

Operational Definition of Terms

These are the detailed explanations of the technical terms used for the better


Aroma - the smell and scent of the ice cream.

Color - the appearance of the ice cream.

Ice cream -a frozen dessert made of sweet potato, dairy products

like heavy cream, Powdered milk and condensed milk.

Packaging -the material used that contains the ice cream.

Sweet Potato -it is called “kamote” in the Philippines and is often eaten

for meryenda. The main ingredient in the ice cream.

Taste -the goodness or badness of the ice cream.

Texture -the softness or hardness of the ice cream.

General Acceptability -indicates how the respondents accept the product.

Chapter II

This chapter discusses the literature and other studies.

Ice cream

Ice cream is a frozen dessert made of dairy products like heavy cream,

additives, and sugar substitutes like chocolate. Unnatural flavor enhancers and

colorants have been used in place of natural ingredients in some ways. The ice

cream sector is modest, with only a few ice cream companies that produce ice

cream and dairy products to the region. The emergence of smaller companies

accepting cheaper branded products available has snatched sales from major

brands in the market, causing the Philippine government to implement the Ice

Cream Deregulation Law (RA 8479), which is a policy to liberate and deregulate

the ice cream sector in ensuring a truly market competition under a regime of fair

prices, sufficient and continuous supply. To that purpose, the state will promote

and support new entrants into the ice cream product market, as well as put in

place suitable procedures to ensure that these objectives are realized (Robles,


studies on ice cream have been developed utilizing a variety of

approaches and have been undertaken all around the world. He claims that the

results of these research are comparable. They analyzed the concentrations of

coconut powder to see whether the clients preferred flavor and approved of the

ice cream. They also investigated how to reduce the likelihood of the ice cream

melting. Baranski only tested nonfat dried milk in 1985 to determine how widely

accepted it would be by using three additional techniques to produce protein

concentrates and alternatives to ice cream. Ice cream is frequently prepared with

ingredients like chocolate chips, cookies, caramel, chocolate ribbons, almonds,

and fruit and comes in a range of flavors. Ice cream varieties including vanilla,

chocolate, strawberry, and neapolitan are among the most popular (a

combination of the first three). Another well-liked treat is the ice cream sundae,

which typically includes ice cream, hot fudge, nuts, whipped cream, maraschino

cherries, or a number of other toppings. Cookie crumbs, butterscotch, sprinkles,

banana sauce, marshmallows, and other sweets are also available as toppings.

In the Philippines, there aren't many ice cream businesses that sell dairy

products and ice cream. Major ice cream brands have been experiencing a

decline in sales as a result of the proliferation of smaller companies offering

branded products at lower prices. As a result, the Philippine government

implemented the Ice Cream Deregulation Law (RA 8479-M), a strategy to liberate

and deregulate the ice cream industry in order to ensure a truly competitive

market. To stop this, the State must encourage the entry of new players into the

market for ice cream products and put in place sufficient regulatory (Robles,


Production of Raw Ingredients

Consumption patterns are substantially more complex. It entails the

consumption of a variety of crops such as cassava, sorghum, millet, rice,

bananas, and maize (Alberto, 1981).

Environmental and financial access to food are connected. Access to food

is a function both of supply adequacy and the efficiency of the distribution

system, which includes storage, conservation, transport, marketing, and

manufacturing. Economic access to food refers to a group of people's ability to

create entitlements to a specified quantity of food Obasanjo said in adaptation

research (Obasanjo, 2016).

 Farm-household is conceptualized as having a stock of wealth dubbed

the household resource base. These resources are allocated to a variety of

activities necessary to sustain the household's minimum level of consumption

and, sometimes in cases, to produce an excess. Furthermore, a remarkable

sexual identity division of labor characterizes activity at all levels within the

household. Similarly, when Maxwell hypothesized that the majority of families

obtain food by eating what they produce or by buying food during the growing

season with money obtained from harvest time sales or off-farm jobs in a similar

research. Thus, farmers are expected to earn money from the selling of their

produce, which can be used to purchase food in addition to supplying the goods

of their agricultural activities. The revenue produced can also be used to fund the

production of other goods, such as livestock, resulting in the diversification of

farm enterprises and expansion of the food supply (Jacoby, 2016).

Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas)

Sweet potato is an herbaceous perennial in the family Convolvulaceae

grown for its edible storage roots. The sweet potato plant is a branching,

creeping vine with spirally. Different Varieties of Sweet Potato arranged lobed,

heart shaped leaves and white or lavender flowers. The plant has enlarged roots

called tubers which act as an energy store for the plant.

Garnet, Jewel, and Beauregard sweet potatoes have reddish-orange skin

and deep orange flesh. These are often the ones masquerading as yams at

mainstream grocery stores. Who knew sweet potatoes could be so sneaky?

White sweet potatoes are crumbly, with white flesh and golden brown skin. They

don’t contain as many antioxidants as orange varieties.

Okinawan sweet potatoes are also known as purple sweet

potatoes because of their high anthocyanin content. Anthocyanins are the

pigments that give red, blue, and violet plant foods their beautiful colors.

Anthocyanins are also what give Okinawan potatoes 150% more antioxidant

power than blueberries.Despite their name, Okinawan potatoes are actually

native to the Americas. They were brought over to Japan sometime in the 16th

century, where they grow well and have become a staple in Japanese dishes. In

North America, you will most likely find true purple sweet potatoes in an Asian


The sweet potato or sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is

a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the bindweed or morning

glory family, Convolvulaceae. Its large, starchy, sweet-tasting tuberous roots are

used as a root vegetable. The young shoots and leaves are sometimes eaten

as greens. Cultivars of the sweet potato have been bred to bear tubers with flesh

and skin of various colors. Sweet potato is only distantly related to the

common potato (Solanum tuberosum), both being in the order Solanales.

Although darker sweet potatoes are often referred to as "yams" in parts of North
America, the species is not a true yam, which are monocots in the

order Dioscoreales.

Sweet potato is native to the tropical regions of the Americas. Of the

approximately 50 genera and more than 1,000 species of Convolvulaceae, I.

batatas is the only crop plant of major importance—some others are used locally

(e.g., I. aquatica "kangkong"), but many are poisonous. The genus Ipomoea that

contains the sweet potato also includes several garden flowers called morning

glories, though that term is not usually extended to I. batatas. Some cultivars of I.

batatas are grown as ornamental plants under the name tuberous morning

glory, and used in a horticultural context.

The origin and domestication of sweet potato occurred in

either Central or South America. In Central America, domesticated sweet

potatoes were present at least 5,000 years ago, with the origin of I.

batatas possibly between the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico and the mouth of

the Orinoco River in Venezuela. The cultigen was most likely spread by local

people to the Caribbean and South America by 2500 BCE.

Pomoea trifida, diploid, is the closest wild relative of the sweet potato

(Ipomoea batatas), which originated with an initial cross between a tetraploid and

another diploid parent, followed by a second complete genome duplication

event. The oldest radiocarbon dating remains of the sweet potato as we know it

were discovered in caves from the Chilca Canyon, in the south-central zone

of Peru, and yield an age of 8080 ± 170 BC.

Before the arrival of the West, the sweet potato was cultivated in

Polynesia and was typically dispersed through vine cuttings rather than seeds. In

the Cook Islands, sweet potatoes have been radiocarbon-dated to between 1210

and 1400 CE. According to a widely held theory, a vine cutting was brought to

central Polynesia by Polynesians who had traveled to South America and back,

and from there it spread to Easter Island, Hawaii, and New Zealand before finally

reaching the rest of Polynesia. Genetic similarities between Polynesians and

indigenous Americans, such as the Zen who live on Colombia's Pacific coast,

have been discovered. This suggests that Polynesians may have traveled to

South America before European explorers arrived and brought sweet potatoes

with them. Some researchers hypothesize that sweet potatoes may have been in

Polynesia thousands of years before humans arrived there, citing divergence

time estimations. The pre-Columbian contact model, however, is currently the

preferred theory among academics. Sweet potatoes and other New World

products were originally brought to the Philippines by Manila galleons during the

Spanish colonial period (1521–1598). In reaction to a significant crop failure, it

was brought from Luzon to the Chinese province of Fujian in about 1594. The

Governor Chin Hsüeh-tseng fostered the growing of sweet potatoes (Jin


Sweet potatoes were also introduced to the Ryukyu Kingdom, present-

day Okinawa, Japan, in the early 1600s by the Portuguese. Sweet potatoes

became a staple in Japan because they were important in preventing famine

when rice harvests were poor. Aoki Konyō helped popularize the cultivation of

the sweet potato in Japan, and the Tokugawa bakufu sponsored, published, and

disseminated a vernacular Japanese translation of his research monograph on

sweet potatoes to encourage their growth more broadly. Sweet potatoes were

planted in Shōgun Tokugawa Yoshimune's private garden. It was first introduced

to Korea in 1764. Kang P'il-ri and Yi Kwang-ryŏ embarked on a project to grow

sweet potatoes in Seoul in 1766, using the knowledge of Japanese cultivators

they learned in Tongnae starting in 1764. The project succeeded for a year but

ultimately failed in the winter of 1767 after Kang's unexpected death.

Varieties of Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes come in more than 6,000 different kinds globally, with

more than 100 different cultivars available to producers in the US. Sweet

potatoes are adaptable vegetables with white, red, yellow-orange, or purple flesh

that can be mild or very sweet. Sweet potatoes come in a wide spectrum of skin

tones, from creamy white to rosy red, tan, purple, or yellow-orange. If that's not

enough to consider, sweet potato vines can also be semi-bush, robust, or

compact. Discover some of the most well-liked sweet potato cultivars by reading


The majority of sweet potatoes are raised for food, and varieties including

Japanese, Garnet, Jewel Beauregard, and Covington are all cultivated to meet

various growth conditions, light and temperature requirements, and, of course,

flavor preferences. Additionally, sweet potatoes are planted for their stunning

vines. Although this kind of sweet potato won't kill you, it's possible that it will

make you turn away from eating sweet potatoes because it's not often grown as
food. Unlike most plants gardeners are familiar with, sweet potatoes aren’t

commonly started by planting seeds. Sprouts called slips grow from last year’s

roots when kept in the right conditions. These slips are cut off from the sweet

potato and placed in water, allowing roots to grow. Once enough roots have been

established, bury the root end in soil up to the first set of leaves and wait 3-4

months for some of the most delicious and nutritious foods around. Due to a

marketing campaign in the mid-1900s, orange sweet potatoes are often

mislabeled as yams. But don’t let those advertisers keep you confused. Their ad

campaign tried to market the delicious and sweet orange-skinned sweet potato

and keep it separate in the minds of customers from other white or yellow sweet

potatoes. Most yams are Dioscorea species, not Ipomoea. Sweet potatoes come

from a completely different family than the potato as well. While sweet potatoes

come from the morning glory family, potatoes come from the nightshade family

along with tomatoes. This explains the vastly different levels of nutrition delivered

by each. Overall, the sweet potato takes first place in the nutritional department

The different types of sweet potatoes with orange flesh are the most

common kind on the market. With varieties like Beauregard, Covington, Garnet,

and Jewel dominating what’s available in grocery stores, it’s easy to believe there

are only a few varieties. However, these varieties dominate shelves due to their

ability to grow tasty and large amounts on commercial farms. For the intrepid

gardener looking to grow varieties in the far north of the US, or in containers or

poor quality soil, there is most likely a variety that will suit your needs. While

these main varieties thrive in the warm and almost tropical conditions of the
American South particularly Louisiana and North Carolina, there are varieties that

have been bred specifically to tolerate cooler and shorter days in the north.

Anatomy of Sweet Potato

Eye are swollen tips of the underground branches. These are oval or

round in appearance. Each of the tubers comprises several notches on their

surface, known as 'eyes'. These are actually the axillary buds growing into new

plants when the conditions are favourable. Peel, Sweet potato skins are safe to

eat and can be easily added to most recipes. They're rich in fiber, other nutrients,

and antioxidants that can help support a healthy gut, increase feelings of

fullness, and prevent chronic disease. If you're looking to get the most nutrition

out of your sweet potato, keep the peel on. Flesh, Sweet potato flesh varies from

orange to yellow-orange, white, purple and red. The orange fleshed varieties are

most common in the USA and Europe; the white fleshed are more popular in the

Asian and Arabic kitchen. There are more than 1,000 different sweet potato

varieties in the world. The root end is the pointier end and may have some

slender roots emerging.

Health Benefits of Sweet Potato

They come in a variety of sizes and colors — including orange, white, and

purple — and are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Anthocyanins

— a group of antioxidants found in purple sweet potatoes — have been found to

slow the growth of certain types of cancer cells in test-tube studies, including

those of the bladder, colon, stomach, and breast. Sweet potatoes are incredibly

rich in beta-carotene, the antioxidant responsible for the vegetable’s bright

orange color. Severe vitamin A deficiency is a concern in developing countries

and can lead to a special type of blindness known as xerophthalmia. Eating

foods rich in beta-carotene, such as orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, may help

prevent this condition.

Making ice cream is one of the advances in serving sweet potato

diversification. Sweet potatoes are a nutrient-dense food, especially the purple

sweet potato, a regional variety that contains anthocyanin and acts as an

antioxidant (Hardoko stated in 2010).

These components, mixed with the air applied during the formation phase,

merge to produce ice cream. Affordable ice creams incorporate lower-quality

ingredients (organic vanilla, can be substituted with artificial vanillin) and add a

greater amount of air, often up to 50% of the final volume. Artisan-made ice

creams often contain very little air, although some are sufficient to achieve the

product's characteristic creamy texture. In general, ice creams contain between

3% and 15% air. Stabilizers, rather than milk, and the addition of air often reduce

the fat and energy content of less costly ice creams, making them more

appealing to dieters.

The literature stated above helps the researcher to come up with the study

of producing an Ice cream from squash and potato, which is acceptable in the

community as a new nutritious product having a new taste.

Aroma in Ice Cream

Food odors travel from the posterior of the oral cavity, up behind the soft

palate (retronasally), superiorly to the cribriform plate, and then to the frontal
cortex for initial processing. Aerosols that arise during chewing travel from the

posterior of the oral cavity, up behind the soft palate (retronasally), superiorly to

the cribriform plate, and then to the frontal cortex for initial processing (de Araujo

et al., 2003). Food scents have been demonstrated to influence food choices,

portion sizes, and promote a desire to consume specific foods (Ferriday and

Brunstrom, 2008). Even if you're full, the sight or smell of a tasty food might whet

your appetite (Cornell et al., 1989). Others claim that being exposed to a tasty

odor increases sensitivity and attention to all foods, resulting in a general desire

to consume (Ferriday and Brunstrom, 2008).

Taste in Ice Cream

Ice cream makers seek flavor inspiration from a range of sources,

including restaurants, chefs, bars, and coffee shops. We're seeing a trend toward

thinking beyond the box. This could include unusual ingredient combinations or

the use of components not commonly seen in ice cream. To create a unique ice

cream flavor, many ice cream companies across the country are experimenting

with wine, liqueurs, unusual and exotic fruits, and more (Nathan Arnold,2015).

Ice cream is all about the flavor. Homemade ice cream, without

manufactured ingredients, fake thickeners, or unnatural stabilizers to keep it

"new" for weeks (or months!) within the basic supply store cooler, is incredibly

flavorful and really new tasting (Molly Watson,2021)

Color in Ice Cream

Appearance is the characteristic of ice cream that to begin with impacts

customer recognition. Assessment of the other tactile properties (smell, taste,

surface) must hold up. As a major supporter to appearance, color is critical to in

general tactile request. The color contribution of the base mix to uncolored ice

cream can also be affected by the nature of ingredients and processing.

Overheating dairy ingredients and sweeteners can cause browning,

caramelization or other darkening reactions. These can also occur during

processing of the mix itself. Homogenization tends to lighten mix color by

reducing the size of fat droplets and increasing their number. Air volume

(overrun) and air bubble size can further influence color. The more air and the

smaller the air cell size, the lighter will be the color. So, composition and

processing can contribute to ice cream’s color (Dairy Foods magazine,2009).

Many manufacturers are introducing products with unusual food colors

into the marketplace, and most of these novelty colored products are designed

for children. In 2000 Heinz launched a green colored ketchup (USA today 2000),

and more recently their ketchup has also been sold in a purple color or a

“mystery color,” which could either be pink, orange, or teal. Kraft has created a

macaroni and cheese that features pasta in the shape of the Blues Clues

characters and contains blue paw print pasta. Parkay Fun Squeeze butter-

flavored spread is available in Shocking Pink and Electric Blue, and Kellogg has

a cereal, Disney Mickey’s Magic, which turns the milk blue. Ore Ida has frozen

French fries that are Kool Blue colored (USA today 2002). Recently, Pepperidge

Farm has introduced yellow, orange, and purple colors into their classic Goldfish

crackers (Food Business Review 2010). Although many new products have been
introduced by various companies the marketplace should be monitored in order

to determine if these new colored products are successful.

Because of these new products’ potential to be rejected based on their

color Garber et al. (2001) discusses three potential strategies marketers can use

to be successful when launching novel colored food products. The first strategy

involves teaching consumers to associate the new 5 color with a given flavor,

thus this new color becomes a visual cue in identifying the product’s flavor.

Products that have been successful using this strategy include mint chocolate

chip ice cream (colored green) and Mountain Dew soda (a bright yellow color)


The second strategy that can be employed to create a successful product

containing new food color is to guide the product’s flavor perception by

highlighting the incongruent color as part of the product’s flavor. Because the

consumer is made aware of the mismatched color to flavor, the “amusing” nature

of the incongruence is noticed allowing the consumer to share in the fun that

color brings. A successful product using this strategy is Gatorade and its Blue

Raspberry drink. This works because the incongruence between the color and

flavor (blue, an atypical coloring for raspberry flavor), is signaled in the name

allowing the consumer to know the color/flavor pairing is intentional and was

created for their entertainment (Garber et al. 2001).

The third strategy is to disconnect the flavor from the color so the

consumer is unable to connect the two, thus disallowing the realization that color

and flavor are incongruent. This can be achieved in several ways; the easiest
way is to use the product packaging to mask the color of the product inside,

requiring consumers to have flavor expectations based on the label and

packaging, not the actual product. Another way to disassociate flavor from color

is to select colors and flavors that do not have strong associations. Gatorade has

been successful using this strategy with their Frost line of beverages referring to

winter themes instead of flavors. The colors and names used suggest images of

ice, cold, and snow; these themes fit with the idea of hydration, and thirst

quenching, i.e., “Alpine Snow” (a whitish color) and “Whitewater Splash” (a clear

green color). To ensure consumers do not link color with flavor, the ingredient

statements for these beverages lists “natural flavors” only instead of specific

ingredients that may cue a flavor association (Garber et al 2001).

While these three strategies may help to market products with novel food

colors it is important to understand the associations and expectations that the

novel color imparts on the food product. Additionally, it is important to be aware

of how color impacts the sensory properties of the food or beverage product.

In separate regions within the U.S. and other countries, colors have

different associations (Wheately 1973). In Western countries, black is symbolic of

death and mourning, while in many Asian countries, the color white is symbolic of

death. A study found that the color red was either associated with love, safety,

danger, strength, and warmth, depending on where in U.S. the respondents were

located (Garber and Hyatt 2000).

Color can also evoke different associations within foods. Garber and Hyatt

(2000) point out that “a red apple is presumed ripe and sweet, and a red steak
raw and unappetizing”. The same dilemma is seen with other food colors; green

grapes are sweet and ripe, while a green apple is either tart or unripe, and a

green orange is either unripe or moldy. Brown in a steak means cooked and

ready to eat, while a brown apple is rotten (Garber and Hyatt 2000).

Color preferences in regarding foods also vary with people’s location.

Brown eggs are more common and, therefore, preferred in New England; while

New Yorkers typically buy white eggs

While both white and yellow cheddar cheeses are acceptable in New

York, Wisconsin expects cheddar cheese to be yellow (Lawless, 1995). While a

whiter butter is acceptable in other regions of the country, a rich yellow butter is

appreciated in the Midwest (Kanig 1955). Kanig (1955) proposed that because

people often identify the colors blue and violet with harmful substances, they are

typically seen as "inedible" non foods. He thought that milder tints of blue and

purple would be more pleasant than their pure forms. In addition, he said that.

According to Birren (1963), there are four appropriate and attractive colors for

foods: red, red-orange, peach, pink tan, brown, yellow light, and clear green.

Purplish reds, purple, violet, greenish yellow, gray, mustard, and olive tones, on

the other hand, are bad food coloring choices (Birren 1963, Kanig 1955; Lawless

1995).generally speaking, green might be the best hue for foods.

Many people are neophobic, meaning they have a fear of new things or

experiences and therefore, are resistant to consuming familiar foods that are

unusually colored (Lawless 1995). A baker in the Midwest tried to sell tomato

colored and flavored bread and found that people only purchased bread that
looked like bread (Kanig 1955). Bright colors that are appropriate for cake and

cookie frosting would not be appropriate for mashed potatoes (Birren 1963). The

popular children’s book, Green Eggs and Ham (Dr Seuss 1960), emerged

because the main character did not want to eat ham and eggs because they

were green in color. Crystal Pepsi, a clear version of the original brown cola, was

unsuccessful (Triplett 1994) because it is believed that Pepsi failed to understand

how color has an impact on flavor expectations of a product. A clear cola leads

consumers to expect a lighter cleaner flavor including fewer calories. Because

the clear cola had the same taste profile as the brown cola it made the product

unpalatable, even by consumers who drank Pepsi (Triplett 1994; Garber and

Hyatt 2000).

Color is defined as the visual effect produced on the eye by waves of light

that differ in wavelength or frequency (The Columbia Encyclopedia 2008). A

prism may be used to visualize the spectrum of color found within visible or white

light. When light is shown through a prism, the longest wavelengths travel more

rapidly through the glass than the shortest wavelengths, which appears in a

separated band of colors. The visible spectrum consists of the colors red,

orange, yellow, green blue, indigo and violet. Red and orange colors have the

longest wavelengths; medium wavelengths appear as colors of yellow and green,

while blues and violets have the shortest wavelengths (The Columbia

Encyclopedia 2008; The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

Color can also be defined as “A substance, such as a dye, pigment, or

paint that imparts a hue (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English

Language 2007). Therefore, food coloring can be defined as any substance that

is added to a food or beverage to change its color (Wikipedia, the free

encyclopedia 2011). Specifically, a color additive, as defined by the regulations is

“Any dye, pigment or other substance that can impart color to a food, drug, or to

the human body” (Barrows 2003).

The Food and Drugs Act was passed by Congress in 1906 in order to

protect the public from adulterated, misbranded, and even toxic products. This

act prohibited the use of harmful colors in foods and also the use of color to hide

inferior or damaged food products (Barrows 2 2003). The Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) is responsible for determining which colorants are safe for

use in food, drug and cosmetics, and lists approved synthetic food dyes with

FD&C numbers. As of May 9, 2011 the FDA there were 9 approved or certified

color additives (CFR 21, 2011). Certified colors can either be in the form of dyes

or lakes. Dyes are dissolvable in water, while lakes are the water insoluble form

of the dye. Colors that are derived from natural sources including vegetables,

minerals or animals are exempt from certification. Common exempt color include

annatto extract (yellow), caramel (yellow to tan), beta-carotene (yellow to

orange), grape skin extract (red or green, depending on the variety) and

dehydrated beets (bluishred to brown) Labeling laws require any product

containing a certified color to be labeled with the specific name, i.e. FD&C Blue

No. 1 or its abbreviated name Blue 1. If a color additive is exempt from

certification, it may either be labeled as the name of the ingredient, or collectively

as “artificial colors” (FDA 2010).

Over the years, there have been many health related concerns regarding

artificial colors. One of the issues currently being discussed is the link between

food additives, including colors, and childhood attention deficit hyperactivity

disorder (ADHD). Also, FD&C Yellow No. 5 (Tartrazine) is believed by some to

cause allergic reactions; however, the FDA has reported that it causes hives in

fewer than 1 in 10,000 people (FDA 2010). Other unsubstantiated concerns

include the following: FD&C Yellow No. 5 is rumored to trigger asthma attacks,

induce sensitivities among those allergic to aspirin, bring about male infertility,

cause the male sex organs to shrink and lower sperm count (Ackendorf 2011;

Welch 2011); FD&C Red No. 40 (Allura red) is alleged to cause eczema; FD&C

Red No. 3 (Erythrosine) is rumored to be linked to thyroid tumors; and FD&C

Blue No. 1 and No. 2 (Brilliant Blue FCF and Indiogotine) are allegedly been

associated with brain tumors (Welch 2011). As mentioned earlier, many of these

concerns have not been verified.

Color and Food Palatability

On a basic level, the color of a food is linked to its palatability. This is

illustrated by a separate study reported by Moskowitz (1978), “Moir prepared a

buffet of foods for a dinner with scientific colleagues of the Flavor Group of the

Society of Chemistry and Industry in London. Many of the foods were

inappropriately colored, and during the dinner several individuals complained

about the off-flavor of many of the foods served. Several of the individuals
reported 3 feeling ill after eating some of the foods, despite the fact that only the

color was varied. The rest of the food was perfectly wholesome, with the requisite

taste, smell and texture” (Moir 1936). Cardello (1996) also reported similar

outside findings “In this study, subjects ate a meal of steak, french fries, and

peas under color-masking conditions. Halfway through the meal, normal lighting

was restored to reveal blue steak, green french fries and red peas. The mere

sight of the food was enough to induce nausea in many of the subjects. The stark

novelty of the colors used in this study leads one to ask whether certain colors

are innately preferred or rejected” (Wheatley 1973).

Sensory Quality and Texture of Ice Cream

The nature of strawberry flavoring influences flavor perception, and

modifying fat distribution affects flavor release in ice cream; dairy fat retards

flavor release at the highest level (18%). Many studies have measured the

sensory properties of ice cream to examine the relationship between various

ingredients and sensory characteristics such as flavor and texture. (Hyvonen et

al. 2003) found that the nature of strawberry flavoring affects flavor perception.

The textural qualities of ice cream are also drastically changed when milk fat is

substituted with tapioca dextrin or potato maltodextrin, which results in an

increase in coarseness and wateriness and a decrease in creaminess (Specter

and Sester 1994). According to Stampanoni-Koeferli et al. (1996), the addition of

fat increased the mouth-coating buttery and creamy notes in ice cream, while the

addition of sugar increased sweetness, caramel, and vanillin characteristics, and

decreased milkiness.. Guinard et al. (1996) demonstrated that sugar and – to

a lesser extent – fat were key determinants of ice cream acceptability and that

too little or too much sugar or fat was detrimental to ice cream quality. Other

studies also determined that higher fat content positively affected overall sensory

quality of ice cream (Zheng et al. 1997; Ohmes et al. 1998; Roland et al 1999).

Ice cream is a product of high sensory acceptance, recognized worldwide,

and with high probability of business growth, because of the countless flavor

options and their combinations. The production of ice cream using health

promoting ingredients or with replacement of Ingredients with risk factors for

certain diseases, such as the addition of of pro biotic cultures and the

replacement of sucrose, are areas with great potential for development (Souza et

al., 2010).

Lactose, like any sugar, lowers the freezing point of ice-cream mixtures.

That means more of the mixture stays liquid at freezer temperature and the ice

cream will be softer. But beware, if there's too much of these products, lactose

crystals will form and you'll end up with a sandy-textured ice cream. Cream and

milk promote smoothness and lightness.The high fat content in heavy cream and

whipping cream coats ice crystals, preventing them from enlarging. It also acts as

a lubricant between crystals, making even ice cream with larger crystals feel

smooth on the tongue.Cream is also excellent at trapping and holding air when

the mixture is stirred and frozen, which gives the ice cream more body.As

important as cream is to great ice cream, however, it’s possible to overdo it. If

you’ve ever had ice cream that seemed to coat your mouth with fat, it probably
had too much cream. The solution is to reduce the cream and add a lower-fat

dairy product, such as half-and-half or milk (Shirley Corriher,2020).


This chapter discusses the materials used and the methods followed in

conducting the study. It also includes the respondents, instrumentation, and the

data gathering procedure.

Table 1: Tools and Equipment use in the study


Cooking Weighing Scale Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas)


Freezer Large Pot All Purpose cream

Mixing bowl Powdered milk

(Skim Milk)

Cooking Pan Condensed Milk

Kitchen Knife Salt

Transparent Packaging

Experimental Data and Treatments

The study was conducted in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with

three (3) treatments and three (2) replications. The treatments were as follows:

Table 2: Treatment
T1 – 150 grams sweet potato + 500g condensed milk + 750g all-purpose cream

+ 200g of powdered milk + 2.5g salt.

T2 – 200 grams sweet potato + 500g condensed milk + 750g all-purpose cream

+ 200g of powdered milk + 2.5g salt.

T3 – 250 grams sweet potato + 500g condensed milk + 750g all-purpose cream

+ 200g of powdered milk + 2.5g salt.


Sweet Potato 150g 200g 250g

All Purpose Cream 750g 750g 750g

Powdered Milk 200g 200g 200g

Condensed Milk 500g 500g 500g

Salt 2.5g 2.5g 2.5g

A. Preparation of Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato will be wash and pare off, then slice, and put into a large

pot then boil for 45 minutes until softens. After boiling, remove the sweet potato

from the cooking pot and gently mash them in a large bowl.

Figure 1: Preparation of Sweet Potato








B. Processing

In a large bowl mix the wet ingredients, after that gradually add the dry

ingredients. Mix the ingredients with the help of electric mixer to double the

ingredients. This will help the ice cream to soften when you put in the refrigerator.

C. Flow Process of Sweet Potato Ice cream

The process in making sweet potato ice cream begins from selecting a

good quality of sweet potato, wash and then pare. After making sure that it is

well washed and well pared, boil it until it became soft. Mash the boiled sweet

potato and then mixed the ingredients gradually in a circular motion to make the
mixture soften. After the mixture is ready, packaging is next to make the product

interested to the consumers eyes. Lastly, put the finished product to the

refrigerator for freezing and to achieve the aim texture and taste of the product

and after after freezing it is ready to be serve.

Figure 2: Processing Flow



(212 F)

(-18 c)

Product Packaging

Plastic canister was chosen as packaging for sweet potato ice cream.

Plastic canister is inexpensive and you can easily store in the refrigerator.

Product Labeling

sweet potato ice cream is a nutritious ice cream because of the main

ingredient which is the squash and sweet potato, the label shows important

details which customers must know the Net Weight of the product is 3.5 oz. The

logo of the product was conceptualize based on what the actual product looks.
Research Design

The data gathered in the study were statistically analyzed using the

Complete Randomized Design (CRD).

Respondents of the Study

One hundred (100) respondents composed of males and females in

Korbel Foundation College Inc. were invited for the evaluation of the product.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Korbel Foundation College Inc., General

Santos Drive, Barangay Morales, Koronadal City, South Cotabato. The

researchers chose to conduct this study to develop Sweet Potato into Ice Cream.

Data Gathering Procedure

Sensory evaluation form was used in the evaluation of the product after

which data were collected, tabulated and analyzed.

Statistical Analysis
Data gathered from the evaluation were statistically analyzed. Likert scale

result of the sensory evaluation was converted using LAM Scale. While, Analysis

of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the significant difference of

treatment in terms of sensory qualities and specific sensory attribute.

Data Gathering Instrument

In evaluation of the product, an evaluation sheet were distributed to the

evaluators and was collected immediately after filling up the evaluation sheet

using the nine (9) hedonic scale.


The instrument that was used in data gathering was 9 Hedonic rating

scale and Just about rating scale containing the sensory evaluation parameters

as to the aroma, color, taste, texture, and general acceptability of the product.

The aroma was evaluated with the descriptive rating of like extremely, like

very much, like moderately, like slightly, neither like nor dislike, dislike slightly,

dislike moderately, dislike very much, and dislike extremely with the numerical

rating scales of 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1, respectively.

The color was evaluated with the descriptive rating of like extremely, like

very much, like moderately, like slightly, neither like nor dislike, dislike slightly,

dislike moderately, dislike very much, and dislike extremely with the numerical

rating scales of 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1, respectively.

The taste was evaluated with the descriptive rating of like extremely, like

very much, like moderately, like slightly, neither like nor dislike, dislike slightly,
dislike moderately, dislike very much, and dislike extremely with the numerical

rating scales of 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1, respectively.

The texture was evaluated with the descriptive rating of like extremely, like

very much, like moderately, like slightly, neither like nor dislike, dislike slightly,

dislike moderately, dislike very much, and dislike extremely with the numerical

rating scales of 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1, respectively.

The general acceptability was evaluated with the descriptive rating of like

extremely, like very much, like moderately, like slightly, neither like nor dislike,

dislike slightly, dislike moderately, dislike very much, and dislike extremely with

the numerical rating scales of 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1, respectively.

Table 3: The Rating Scale & Descriptive Rating (Hedonic) of Sensory

Acceptability of Sweet Potato into Ice Cream:

Rating Aroma Color Taste Texture General Rating
Acceptabili Scale

Like Like
Like Like Like
Extremel Extremel 9
Extremely Extremely Extremely
y y

D Like Very Like Very Like Very Like Very Like Very
E Much Much Much Much Much
Like Like Like Like Like
Moderatel Moderat Moderatel Moderate Moderatel 7
y ely y ly y

Like Like Like Like Like

Slightly Slightly Slightly Slightly Slightly

Neither Neither Neither Neither Neither

Like Nor Like Nor Like Nor Like Nor Like Nor 5
Dislike Dislike Dislike Dislike Dislike

Dislike Dislike Dislike Dislike Dislike

Slightly Slightly Slightly Slightly Slightly

Dislike Dislike Dislike Dislike Dislike

Moderatel Moderat Moderatel Moderate Moderatel 3
y ely y ly y

Dislike Dislike Dislike Dislike Dislike

Very Very Very Very Very 2
Much Much Much Much Much

Dislike Dislike
Dislike Dislike Dislike
Extremel Extremel 1
Extremely Extremely Extremely
y y

Cost and Return Analysis of the Product

To determine the Cost and Return Analysis (CRA) of the product, the cost

of output and amount of input that were listed was calculated. Return of

investment was calculated using the formula of:

Cash-in-flow – Cash-out-flow = Net income

Return of Investment (ROI) = Net Income x100


Chapter IV
This chapter shows the result and findings, analysis and interpretation of

data gathered from the study.

9 Point Hedonic Evaluation

Table 4: Mean Sensory Attribute for Aroma

FORMULATION N Mean Descriptive

T1 100 7.69 Like
T2 100 7.94 Like
T3 100 8.04 Like Very

The statistical analysis shows that treatment three (3) had the highest

mean rating of (8.04) for the aroma followed by treatment two (2)  with a mean

rating of (7.94) and the least was observed in treatment one (1) with a mean

rating of (7.69) as evaluated. The result implies that treatment three (3) which

had the highest mean rating was most favored that sweet potato ice cream to be

like very much in aroma.

This study was supported by the study of Ferriday and Brunstrom, 2008

in terms of Aroma which stated that being exposed to a tasty odor increases

sensitivity and attention to all foods, resulting in a general desire to consume.

Table 5: Mean Sensory Attribute for Color

FORMULATION N Mean Descriptive

T1 100 7.92 Like

T2 100 8.13 Like Very
T3 100 8.32 Like Very

The statistical analysis shows that treatment three (3) had the highest

mean rating of (8.32) for the color followed by treatment two (2)  with a mean

rating of (8.13) and the least was observed in treatment one (1) with a mean

rating of (7.92) as evaluated. The result implies that treatment three (3) which

had the highest mean rating was most favored that sweet potato ice cream to be

like very much in color.

This study was supported from the study of Dairy Foods magazine,2009

in terms of Color that the appearance is the characteristic of ice cream that to

begin with impacts customer recognition.

Table 6: Mean Sensory Attribute for Taste

FORMULATION N Mean Descriptive


T1 100 8 Like Very

T2 100 8.16 Like Very
T3 100 8.10 Like Very
The statistical analysis shows that treatment two (2) had the highest mean

rating of (8.16) for the taste followed by treatment three (3) with a mean rating of

(8.10) and the least was observed in treatment one (1) with a mean rating of (8)

as evaluated. The result implies that treatment two (2) which had the highest

mean rating was most favored that sweet potato ice cream to be like very much

in taste.

Thus, the respondents’ acceptability level of sweet potato as ice cream in

terms of taste was closer to the formulation with prevalent grams of sweet potato

compared to the first treatment with lower grams of sweet potato.  This means

that sweet potato is acceptable and even marketable as an ice cream in the

market not mentioning its nutritional benefits to the human health.

This study was supported by the study of Molly Watson,2021 in terms of

Taste which stated that Ice cream is all about the flavor.

Table 7: Mean Sensory Attribute for Texture

FORMULATION N Mean Descriptive


T1 100 7.90 Like

T2 100 8.27 Like Very
T3 100 7.97 Like

The statistical analysis shows that treatment two (2) had the highest mean

rating of (8.27) for the texture followed by treatment three (3) with a mean rating
of (7.97) and the least was observed in treatment one (1) with a mean rating of

(7.90) as evaluated. The result implies that treatment two (2) which had the

highest mean rating was most favored that sweet potato ice cream to be like very

much in texture.

This study was supported by the study of Shirley Corriher,2020 in terms

of Texture she stated that texture is important because it gives the ice cream its


Table 8: Mean Sensory Attribute for General Acceptability

FORMULATION N Mean Descriptive


T1 100 8.09 Like Very

T2 100 8.27 Like Very
T3 100 8.19 Like Very

Based on the result of the study, significant differences were observed

among treatments. Formulation two (2) obtained a highest mean rating of (8.27)

for the overall acceptability followed by Formulation three (3) had a mean rating

of (8.19) and the least was observed in Formulation one (1) with a mean rating of

(8.09) as evaluated. This implies that Formulation two (2) having a highest mean

rating of (8.27), was found to be “Like Very Much” as evaluated.

According to the nine-point hedonic scale, all formulas were considered

acceptable since each score fell between “Like Very Much”. It can be also
noticed that it is significantly different between the mean scores of sensory

attributes (aroma, taste, texture and general acceptability) with varying

measurements of sweet potato. Results reveal that most of the respondents have

closer general acceptability level for the formulation with highest grams of sweet

potato compared to two treatments which utilized sweet potato at various

proportions. This indicates that the addition of varying amounts of sweet potato

did positively affect the overall acceptability of the Sweet Potato as ice cream

and would cause improvement in the lipid quality of the product.

Table 8. Cost and Return Analysis

The cost and return analysis of the Sensory Acceptability of Squash and

Sweet Potato into Ice Cream is presented in the table.

A. Cash out Flow

Cost Pesos/Unit
Particulars Quantity Total
As Edible Quantity
Purchase Portion Price
Sweet Potato 200g 35/kg 800g 1*35 35

All Purpose 750ml 73/250ml 0 3*73 219

Powdered Milk 200g 350/800g 600g 1*350 350

Condensed Milk 500g 35/180g 40g 3*35 105

Plastic Cup 20pcs 12/pc - 12*20 240

Transportation - - - 2*15 30

Product Cost 979.00

Mark Up (53.21%)

Total: 520.92 1499.92

Selling Price 75.00

Total Cost= Price x Quantity

Markup= total cost x markup %

Gross Rate F2= 20 plastic cup at 75= 1500

B. Net Income

1499.92 – 979 = 520.92

C. Return of Investment

520.92 x 100 = 53.21%


Table 8 shows the formulation listed can produced 20 pieces of Sweet

Potato Ice Cream that can be sold per tub. The recommendation selling price is

Php75.00 with 53.21% markup. The result revealed that formulation 2 got a ROI

of 53.21% .This implies that formulation 2 can be good business venture as this

above the 50% threshold.


This chapter presents the summary of the study conducted including the

findings, conclusions and recommendations based on the results obtained.


The study on the “Acceptability of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas) into

Ice Cream’’ that was conducted at Korbel Foundation College, Inc. on December


The study “Acceptability of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas) into Ice

Cream’’ generally aimed to compare ice cream from market and sweet potato ice

cream, to determine the sensory quality of sweet potato as alternative ingredients

of ice cream in terms of aroma, color, taste, texture and overall acceptability to

help determine the best formulation. It also evaluated its return of investment and

the product packaging.

The study consists of three (3) Formulation replicated 2 times and was

statistically analyzed. Hedonic scale result of the sensory evaluation were

converted using LAM Scale. While, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to

determine the significant difference of treatment in terms of sensory qualities and

specific sensory attribute.

Based on the result of sensory evaluation conducted, Sweet potato Ice

Cream possessed like very much in aroma, color, taste, texture, and general


The return of investment revealed that the ROI of 53.21 percent.

The statistical analysis shows that formulation three (3) had the highest

mean rating of (8.04) for the aroma followed by formulation two (2)  with a mean

rating of (7.94) and the least was observed in formulation four (1) with a mean

rating of (7.69) as evaluated. The result implies that formulation three (3) which

had the highest mean rating was most favored that sweet potato ice cream to be

like very much in aroma.

In terms of color, formulation three (3) had the highest mean rating of

(8.32) for the color which is significantly different from the formulation two (2) with

the mean rating of (8.13) followed by formulation one (1)  with a mean rating of

(7.92). The result implies that formulation three (3) having the highest mean

rating was most favored by the panel of evaluators, describe the sweet potato ice

cream to be like very much in color.

Statistical analysis for the taste revealed significant differences were

observed among treatments. Formulation two (2) obtained the highest mean

rating of (8.16) followed by Formulation three (3) with a mean rating of (8.10)

and formulation one (1) obtained a mean rating of (8), respectively. The result

implies that formulation two (2) was the most favored by the panel of evaluators,

although most of the treatments were described like very much in taste. 

Thus, the respondents’ acceptability level of sweet potato as ice cream in

terms of taste is closer to the formulation with prevalent grams of sweet potato

compared to other treatment with lower grams of sweet potato.  This means that

sweet potato is acceptable and even marketable as an ice cream in the market

not mentioning its nutritional benefits to the human health.

Study revealed that it did differ significantly among treatments that were

observed.  Formulation two (2) got the highest mean rating of (8.27) for the

texture, followed by formulation three (3) with a mean rating of (7.97) and

formulation two (1) obtained a mean rating of (7.90). Furthermore, the presence

of sweet potato did affect the acceptability level of the said treatments in terms of

their texture. Result implies that Formulation two (2) having the highest mean

rating was most favored, although most of the treatments were evaluated to have

a like moderately in texture.

Based on the result of the study, significant differences were observed

among treatments. Formulation two (2) obtained a highest mean rating of (8.27)

for the general acceptability, formulation three (3) obtained a mean rating of

(8.19) and the least was observed in Formulation one (1) with a mean rating of

(8.09) as evaluated. This implies that Formulation two (2) having a highest mean

rating of (8.27), was found to be “Like Very Much” as evaluated.

According to the nine-point hedonic scale, all formulas were considered

acceptable since each score fell between “Like Very Much”. It can be also

noticed that it is significantly different between the mean scores of sensory

attributes (aroma, taste, texture and general acceptability) Results reveal that

most of the respondents have closer overall acceptability level for the formulation

with highest grams of sweet potato compared to other treatments of which

utilized sweet potato at various proportions. This indicates that the addition of

varying amounts of sweet potato did positively affect the general acceptability of
Sweet Potato as ice cream and would cause improvement in the lipid quality of

the product.


The researcher concludes that formulation two (2) with a combination

of 200 grams sweet potato + 500g condensed milk + 750g all-purpose cream +

200g of powdered milk + 2.5g salt is the best formulation for processing Sweet

Potato Ice Cream considering the result of the sensory evaluation conducted,

which has like very much in aroma, color, taste, texture and general acceptability.


In making Sweet Potato, it is important to consider the aroma, taste,

texture and its nutritional benefits at the same time. It is recommended that the

ice cream makers will use sweet potato in making ice cream because of the

result that it is acceptable and it contains high nutritional value. Farmers are

encourage to plant more sweet potato for the ice cream makers to create this

developed product. While for educators and parents it is highly suggested to

serve sweet potato ice cream for children and to even try develop more recipes

using sweet potato as a main ingredient. It is recommended also that the study

shall be conducted focusing on the nutritional value of Sweet Potato Ice Cream.

1. It is recommended to consider the microbial analysis of Sweet Potato

which is very important in establishing the quality of the product.

2. In terms of the shelf life of Sweet Potato Ice Cream, the listed things

should be considered. But it was advisable to consume the ice cream

once its opened.

a. Once opened, ice cream stays fresh for about fifteen minutes in a room


b. Unopened ice cream will stay fresh for two to three (3) weeks in a freezer.


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