Java Papggavoning Sing Linu

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Java Papggavoning sing Linu

15 on aotnct roachinF a
1. Java Virhual Mathino (VM)
innc java
pecitcion toat povides unbrna envitormnt
bytveode tan be e1eartod
oot has been conofed dar
Bpte ppgpro ude
czde 13
lous- levud code dosianc der tipoz ieparn
souate Cpde t
ht s sed te r e r
3Final Keuood 1a a
non - acces specye
voraiode and emed
a class,
hich ce

A dlass i a user de fined proutupe

h e t osz
czeated. H represet the set ot paopetaes
Commen to all oo joes oon pe
used to caaede n objects
Ohich is
6. Neus opeatos In java
a dass intaluze a

w nttanta o
used to he bojet
alocang memory der
Dect b
Java 1s a drus object omerted
Ckss savoplejava

Pablic thetie void

Maio (Caing a2gst)

CHello O r d
11 Rooust sioplo meAO
eoest Toere 1S S0gJava
sRong rame u
These s excephoo aavooge cellechon
nadling ohich hardles w ine jorva

ovnd einvknats the nsk ee22

o Caashn te
sacnehype dheckna meeans t sgtero Tava has
w compile tm arnd 3un
ang haod-t-tack- doun
p hard to bug t
ofes Aan
Teproduce un -ta Srhuanons as Simpl
impossible to Create Javoa
13 A Cnstnuccoa is mchod tdich
nrtíaliges anobfect
womediotely epen cYetioo- Once dehinzel he
Ned auto matically contrucdoa is
er the
object ts coeatzd he
o6e Constucdoas as2 two ohue
Con&tuco have he same name a hat o the c lo s8
hey do

speaib a
Tedsn THpe
14. These àsa e
dolloOn duats make java ang we oo
othey paogearomung lanquoq es

3 Pobust
4 Mu tthnadod
5 Axthtechur-eudeal
G Distnbuctad
SimpLe Java 18 a small ond 8imple Lanquage as
Modeled on e C and Ct+ to ma ke the anguage Look
A LaR to the paogRamming t C and C+t
Obfect-omerted- A is a taue oljet omemed pogeaoubg-
he ppgeam code and data veside orthib ckasseg and objects
Obect onended pogeammng (oop)s a mo-thodologu that
Siwmpeesoyuoave development and malndenance
3 Robust- Rolousrt meang staong c a e rton nemoy
MAnagemont. T lackg pointeas hat avoidg secuut4
poobleo. here 1s aurtomatit gasdoage collectuoy 1

44 MutrthoeadedA thread in Java e tes to an ndependert

pacgeam.t supposis mu Htrtoxaad ohch mears 1ava 1s
Capable o unning many taske simultznoously, shasung
t e s ame memoxy
5. Aochrteedue- noutoal-dava Compile qenerates byteecco
uonich is
S a n aschudechure-neuteal objoct
hle fpmnat-
Co Distn buded-dava applcadiong Can open and accod aemerte
oloe cts o tezmet. Romote me-thod lovo Cahion (RMD and
rteapmse Java Beaos EJB) ave used der Cyeadna
dtabucded applicahiong
Dnamic Java peogiorg cos extenSiva anount o t
9un hme iotomMahoo h a t CAn be used to Veau and vesohe

acceRses to object uy-tume

on 4 s apoble o
0.okna noo cla ss boaues, nmethods and obje k

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