Prayer Calendar April 2023

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Dear Prayer Supporter,

I spent some time today putting up a prayer wall at the Youth for Christ head
office. This prayer wall was planned and equipped by the lovely Annie, our Year
Out volunteer on the Prayer and Prophetic stream. We had a few panics and
laughs about whether we had attached things to the wall straight enough!
But all was well.
Annie is great; so are the other ‘Year Outs’ at Youth for Christ. Their love for
Jesus, their devotion to prayer and their hunger for the truth of God’s Word is
astounding. It is so easy to look at the world’s outlook on young people and be
discouraged – rising mental health issues, split families, addiction, crime – but if
we intentionally look from God’s perspective, and look at what He is doing, there
is such great encouragement! I pray for and truly believe that God is raising up a
generation of young people powerful in love and witness.
A youth event that our Birmingham Mission Pioneers recently ran at a council
youth centre said that the council staff were amazed that a group of 140 young
people turned up and didn’t cause trouble and strife. They willingly came,
engaged, and listened to God’s message of love over them. There were several
Christian young people at that event and the presence of Jesus in them had an
impact on the environment! Meanwhile a gang shooting was happening just a
few miles down the road. In the darkness, light is beginning to shine brighter.
God has not given up on young people and He will continue to speak life and
love over them!
God has been speaking to me richly about joy. I have experienced recently that
you can actively choose joy, and doing so in every situation is a very powerful
move in the spiritual realm. I want to encourage you today to choose joy when it
comes to young people. Praise God for what He is doing, ask Him for more, and
thank Him for the answers to your prayers over young people before you even
receive them! Let us have faith full of boldness and joy.
Please find enclosed your April prayer calendar. I am confident that our
prayers are moving and shaping the world around us. Hallelujah!

Yours in Christ,
Bethan Lawler
National Prayer Coordinator

Youth for Christ, Coombswood Way, Halesowen, West Midlands, B62 8BH
T 0121 502 9620 E
Registered Charity 263446. SC039297
A company limited by guarant ee. Regist ered in Englan d and Wales. Regis tratio n Number 00988200
Prayer Calendar 2023

Please pray for...
1 Young people off school during the Easter holidays
2 The Church Resources new term material being released and used by our subscribers
3 Wisdom for our finance team as they work on structural systems
4 Annie Hampshire - our Prayer and Prophetic gap year volunteer based at National head office
5 Wolverhampton Youth for Christ and God's blessing in their ministry
6 Anointing on the Youth for Christ team going to Spring Harvest
7 Good Friday - that the power of the cross will break in to more young lives in our nation
8 God to soften young hearts towards his love
9 Easter Sunday - thank God for the resurrection life of Jesus given to us!
10 Young people attending Spring Harvest over the next few days to have incredible God encounters
11 Thea Smith - Local Ministries Development Manager at National Youth for Christ
12 Plymouth Youth for Christ and God's steady hand of guidance as they continue to establish this new ministry
13 Young people to have a greater experience of the power of God
14 The development and implimentation of our ministry strategy
15 Continued provision of finance for the work of Youth for Christ
16 Gospel seeds that have been planted in the younger generation to grow healthy and strong
17 North East Scotland Youth for Christ for their many discipleship projects and evangelistic opportunities
18 Team members who are preparing the programme for the youth at Spring Harvest France during May half term
19 Youth for Christ Prayer Day today at head office
20 Rob Sergeant - MyLife Coordinator at National Youth for Christ
21 Burntwood Youth for Christ - for breakthrough and opportunites in the local area
22 Scotland Nehemiah Tour day with Scottish centres, looking at ministry updates and engaging in prayer
23 Our 'FIERCE' ministry - for more young girls to come across it and be built up in the faith
24 The planning meeting today for RADIX, a weekend youth conference happening in July
25 Diversity training day at national head office
26 Quinton Youth for Christ - building strong relationships with young people in schools work
27 For the Holy Spirit to guide the Youth for Christ Leadership Team meeting happening today
28 Stacey Haynes - PA to the National Director and Operations Director, & Head of Business and IT
29 Jesus to remain the centre of all we do at Youth for Christ and in each of our lives
30 Rugby Youth for Christ - for the Rugby Youth Camp residential coming up in July

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