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Hunter Martin

Shavoone Arthers

SCJ 435 01 Criminal Justice Capstone

28 April 2023


Hello, my name is Hunter Martin, and the Pennsylvania State Police is where I

plan to further my career. In June 2023, I will be heading to the academy. The use of

force by the police will be the subject of my research, as well as the funding of police

departments and what can come from it. Recent events in the United States have

piqued my curiosity. I chose this subject because I want people to understand the

fundamental justifications for and limitations on the use of force by law enforcement.

In addition, I want to use this as a teaching tool for those without criminal justice

backgrounds. Along with other sources, I will utilize the Vehicle Law Handbook and

the Pennsylvania Crimes Code to gather information for my research. As well as

many other supported articles. The following will be covered in my research: The

definitions that adhere to the police's use of deadly force will be the focus of my

investigation. Additionally, I will conduct a study on the guidelines for when and how

the police can use deadly or lethal force. I will also discuss how inadequate training

contributes to the underfunding of smaller police forces. Although many ardent

supporters have demanded that police agencies be defunded and eliminated, this is

not the best course of action. Funding will help provide better training and better

officers. Any community needs the police force, and many police officers are good

people who join the force for the right reasons. A more practical approach would be
to devote more time and resources to our police officers' training. This would prevent

the police from using force unprofessionally and causing anyone harm.

The use of force by police officers is a complex and often controversial issue.

Police officers are authorized to use force when it is necessary to protect themselves

or others from harm or to arrest a suspect who is resisting arrest or attempting to

flee. However, the use of force must always be proportional to the threat posed by

the suspect, and officers must take steps to minimize the use of force whenever

possible. Because every incident, traffic stop, and arrest is unique, it may be quite

difficult to assess how much force you can use. Most police departments have

policies and procedures in place that dictate when and how officers can use force,

and these policies typically require officers to use only the amount of force that is

necessary to achieve their lawful objectives. Officers may use physical force, such

as handcuffing or using a Taser, or they may use lethal force if they believe that their

lives or the lives of others are in immediate danger. However, the use of force by

police officers is a sensitive issue, and it is often subject to intense scrutiny and

public debate. This is since everything in the world nowadays is captured on body

camera footage and recorded on video. This demonstrates everything the cop does,

and nothing is omitted, so it is clear whether they act improperly or have acted

inappropriately in accordance with legal force protocols. Many people are unaware of

what these officers deal with on a daily basis in the field, and not every department

deals with the same issues and individuals. Also, each of them has a different

relationship with the community. There have been numerous cases in which police

officers have been accused of using excessive force, and this has led to calls for

greater accountability and transparency in police use of force. This might be resolved

by giving these police better training and resources to support them in their daily
work. Overall, police officers need to be well-trained in the appropriate use of force,

and police departments need to have clear policies and procedures in place that are

designed to minimize the use of force whenever possible while also ensuring the

safety of officers and the public.

From the Pennsylvania Crimes Code and Vehicle Law Handbook, Section

508, crimes and offenses are the criteria that need to be met before an officer can

use force and when he or she is allowed to: "Use of force in law enforcement, peace

officers use of force in making arrests. A peace officer, or any person whom he has

summoned or directed to assist him, need not retreat or desist from efforts to make a

lawful arrest because of resistance or threatened resistance to the arrest. He is

justified in the use of any force which he believes to be necessary to effect the arrest

and of any force which he believes to be necessary to defend himself or another

from bodily harm while making the arrest. However, he is justified in using deadly

force only when he believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or serious

bodily injury to himself or another person or when he believes both that (i) Such force

is necessary to prevent the arrest from being defeated by resistance or escape, and

(ii) the person to be arrested has committed or attempted a forcible felony, is

attempting to escape, and possesses a deadly weapon, or otherwise indicates that

he will endanger human life or inflict serious bodily injury unless arrested without

delay. These officers will learn these laws, and they will know when they can provide

lethal force. Since many people do not fully comprehend what constitutes a "deadly

weapon," which is defined as any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, or any

instrument designed as a weapon and capable of causing death or serious bodily

injury, or any other device or instrumentality that, in the manner in which it is used or

intended to be used, is calculated or likely to cause death or serious bodily injury,

this code for the use of lethal force can be very difficult for others to understand. A

dangerous weapon is also a very contentious subject since numerous items that you

may not believe might be lethal can be utilized to harm an officer.

To follow up with the criminal code and the procedures, I have found the

levels of force used by an officer and how most are trained. The first level of force is

officer presence, which involves no use of force and is considered the best way to

resolve a situation. The mere presence of a law enforcement officer works to deter

crime or diffuse a situation. The officers' attitudes are professional and

nonthreatening. The next level is Verbalization Force is not physical. Officers issue

calm, nonthreatening commands, such as "Let me see your identification and

registration." Officers may increase their volume and shorten commands in an

attempt to gain compliance. Short commands might include "Stop" or "Don't move."

To follow verbalization is empty-hand control, which is when officers use bodily force

to gain control of a situation. Soft technique. Officers use grabs, holds, and joint

locks to restrain an individual. Hard technique. Officers use punches and kicks to

restrain an individual. The next is less-lethal methods, and these officers use less-

lethal technologies to gain control of a situation. Blunt impact. Officers may use a

baton or projectile to immobilize a combative person. Officers may use chemical

sprays or projectiles embedded with chemicals to restrain an individual (e.g., pepper

spray). Conducted Energy Devices (CEDs), Officers may use CEDs to immobilize an

individual. CEDs discharge a high-voltage, low-amperage jolt of electricity at a

distance. The final level of force is lethal force. This is the last resort and shall only

be used if all of the following crime codes and levels of force have been met. These

officers use lethal weapons to gain control of a situation. It should only be used if a
suspect poses a serious threat to the officer or another individual. Officers use

deadly weapons such as firearms to stop an individual's actions.

Next, I will be talking about the training for officers and how I feel that some

departments need more funding to provide more training and better equipment. As

no two departments are alike, they might not share the same funding. More funding

for police officers can have a significant impact on their ability to perform their duties

effectively and safely. With additional resources, police departments can invest in

enhanced training programs that provide officers with the skills and knowledge they

need to handle a wide range of situations. These programs can cover a range of

topics, including community relations, de-escalation techniques, and cultural

awareness, helping to ensure that officers are better equipped to serve diverse

communities. Attempting to place these officers in as many real-world training

scenarios as possible will help better prepare them for what to expect. Moreover,

additional funding can enable police departments to purchase more advanced

equipment and technology. These tools can help officers improve their skills and

confidence and ensure they are better prepared to handle challenging situations.

With more advanced training and equipment, police officers can respond to incidents

with greater effectiveness and sensitivity, minimizing the risk of injury or harm to

themselves and others. More funding can also help police departments attract and

retain a more diverse and highly skilled workforce. This can include offering higher

salaries and benefits, as well as investing in ongoing professional development and

training programs. By supporting their officers in this way, police departments can

ensure that they have the resources and support they need to provide the highest

level of service and protection to their communities. Fortunately, I am very lucky with

the department I am going into because this department is highly looked at and very
well respected throughout the Commonwealth. The Pennsylvania State Police have

also just received funding from Governor Josh Shapiro. "From local and county

police forces to our Pennsylvania State Police, law enforcement officers protect and

serve the people of Pennsylvania every day—but critical police staffing shortages at

the local level are putting more of the burden on the State Police," said Governor

Josh Shapiro. "That's why my budget includes commonsense proposals to address

worker shortages and hire more troopers, invest in our communities and anti-

violence initiatives, and support the work of law enforcement by sustainably funding

the Pennsylvania State Police. Together, we will build safer communities all across

Pennsylvania." The budget proposes $16.4 million for four new trooper cadet classes

in 2023–24, which would hire and train 384 new troopers, helping to fill staffing gaps

and provide more coverage across the Commonwealth to better protect these

officers and the people in Pennsylvania.

I've acquired an abundance of new information towards the end of my

research and study that will help me be prepared for what is to come. It has also

assisted me in learning more about this heavily debated subject. My extensive

investigation has led me to the conclusion that many policemen in these smaller

agencies lack the necessary training. As they lack the funds to support these

officers, they should be given more money so they may upgrade technology and

provide them with more tools to enable them securely carry out their duties and

effectively prepare for the future. According to my study, departments with more

funding offer their officers better equipment and technology to train them and provide

them the resources they require, psychologically and physically prepare them for

what is ahead of them, and reduce the number of mistakes they make while on the

job. While mistakes happen in any career, mistakes made by police tend to involve a
far more serious occurrence or circumstance. After my study for this assignment, I

am convinced that using lethal force by police will always be seen negatively by

society. Nonetheless, these cops are placed in circumstances of life and death when

they have little time to respond. As it is not their duty, these cops never would wish to

end the lives of others. It is their responsibility to keep themselves and those around

them safe from harm and danger.

Reference List

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