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Prompt #1) 

TYPES OF WORK; Identify any Professions or Positions that are in

alignment with your interests.  Is there anything here that calls out to you that might be
In the types of work, I like the Administrative Staff, Office Professional, User, Customer
and Technical Support, Speech, Physical and Mental Health Therapist those are the
ones that I found interesting.

Prompt #2) INTERFACES of WORK: Identify any Role that is in alignment with your

interests.  How might you learn more about this role and how well you enjoy filling it?
With interfaces of work, Product Service, Account Representative, Sales Specialist and
Office Professional, Administrative Staff are roles I look to get into, and I think doing
internships and looking for jobs that are related to these roles will help me filling in the
requirements for the positions. It also why I’m going to school I believe my education will
a difference for me.

Prompt #3) PLACES of WORK: Is there any industry or place of work that has an
appeal?  What would be the next step in learning more about it?
The industry I really want to get into is Government Offices and City Halls because I
have worked in that industry before and really liked it. My next step would be going to
their website and see if they’re hiring and for what positions are available. I could also
do some research on the website to see if I truly liked or would want to work in that

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