Excel Data Assignment-1

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● How well is the class doing as a whole group? Provide two statements.

As a whole group, the class is not doing very well. The average in the class is 65%, which is a
barely passing grade. Along with this, 6 students are failing the class which is a very large
portion of the class as a whole. Overall the students are going to need a lot more extra support
in order to bump up the average and lower the number of students failing.

● Which individuals are doing well and in what topics? Describe at least 3 students.

Juan is doing well in all topics, he has the maximum grade of a 100% and is doing better than
the majority of the class. Cody has the second highest grade in the class, he has a 93% and
missed only one question, question number 1 which was an addition question. This means that
Cody got all of his subtraction and division questions correct. Hugh is one of the 3 individuals in
the class with an 80%. He missed questions 11, 14, and 15, which contain one subtraction
question and two division questions. This shows that Hugh got all of his addition questions
correct, struggled slightly with subtraction, and needs the most help with division.

● Who may need extra support and on what topics? Describe at least 3 students.

Luke is one of the students that had the lowest grade in the class, he had a 40%. He missed 9
out of the 15 questions. He only got 17% of the subtraction questions correct but got a 50% of
addition and a 40% of division correct. This shows that Luke was mainly struggling with his
subtraction questions, but will need extra practice on all of the types of questions. Patrick is the
other student with the lowest grade of 40%. Patrick struggled the most with his division getting
only 20% of the division questions correct. He also only got 33% of the subtraction questions
and 50% of the addition questions. This shows that Patrick knows his addition questions more
than the rest of them, and struggled the most with division, but still will need extra help in order
to improve his grade. Nathan also got a low grade for the class, he got a 47%. Nathan got 33%
of questions correct for addition and subtraction. But for division questions, he actually got 60%
correct. This shows that Nathan is more skilled with his division and would need a little bit of
extra help with his addition and subtraction.

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