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Administrative governance- the system

LESSON 1 GOOD GOVERNANCE AND of policy implementation.

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY UNDP- believes that developing the capacity of good

governance is the primordial way to eliminate poverty.
Governance- broader term than government

Government- it is name given to the entity

Five aspects to sustainable human development
exercising that authority.
1. Empowerment- expansion of men and
Authority- can most simply define as legitimate
women's capabilities
2. Co-operation- a sense of belonging
Power- ability to influence the behavior of others, important for personal fulfillment,
3. Equity- expansion of capabilities and
Weber- distinguished between three kinds of opportunities
4. Sustainability- needs of this generation
1. traditional authority- rooted in history, must be met without compromising the right of
future generations
2. charismatic authority- stems from personality
3. Legal-authority- grounded in a set of 5. Security- People needs to be freed from
impersonal rules. threats.

Heywood- Government is closely related to politics. UNDP focuses on four critical elements of
sustainable human development:
Politics- the art of government
1. eliminating poverty,
2. creating jobs and sustaining livelihoods
Politicians- are described as “political”
3. protecting and regenerating the environment
Civil servants- are seen as “non political” 4. Promoting the advancement of women.

Raymund Burke- civil society consists of little Poor governance- can put organizations at risk of
commercial failure.
platoons, institutions such as the family and kinship
groups. Reasons why organizations should adopt good
The Institute on Governance- governance as
the process whereby societies or organizations make  To preserve and strengthen stakeholder
their important decisions determines who has voice. confidence
 To provide the foundation for a high-performing
Governance has three legs:
1. Economic governance- decision-making  To ensure the organization is well placed to
processes that affect a country's economic respond to a changing external environment
activities Lesson 2 the Key Actors in Governance
2. Political governance- process of decision-
making to formulate policy. 1. State- principal actor of government
 Enabler- provides for the legal and regulatory 3. Transparency- built on the free flow of
framework information, information is directly accessible.
 Resource provider- facilitates by providing
resources to assist markets and communities.
4. Responsiveness- Institutions and processes try
to serve all stakeholders.

5. Consensus oriented- Good governance

2. Private or Business Sector- Corporate mediates differing interests
Governance - serves as the engine of the society.
6. Equity and inclusiveness- men and women
have opportunities to improve or maintain their well-
3. The Civil Society - consists of the complex of
citizens and groups outside government working in the 7. Effectiveness and efficiency- processes and
public arena. Often called as CSOs- civil society institutions produce results that meet the needs of
organizations and also sometimes referred to as the society
Third Sector.
8. Accountability- private sector and civil society
4. Media (Institute on Governance considers a fourth organizations are accountable to the public.
player) - provides for a flow of information
Strategic vision- Leaders and the public have a
broad and long-term perspective on good governance
and human development.
LESSON 3 the Characteristics of Good Governance

Good governance- is, participatory, transparent World Bank- 4 dimensions of governance which are:
Public Sector Management, Accountability, and Legal
and accountable. It is also effective and equitable. And
Framework for Development and Transparency &
it promotes the rule of law.
 Ensures that political, social and economic
Four Basic Elements of Good Governance according to
priorities are based on broad consensus in
society and that the voices of the poorest and
the most vulnerable are heard in decision-
ADB- regards governance as synonymous with sound
making over the allocation of development
development management.
1. Accountability
UNDP- believes that societies should aim, through
broad-based consensus-building, to define which of the  Accountability is imperative to make public
core features are most important officials answerable for government behavior
 Accountability also means establishing criteria
to measure the performance of public officials
 Accountability of public sector institutions is
1. Participation- men and women should have a facilitated by evaluation of their economic and
voice in decision-making. financial performance.

2. Rule of law - Legal frameworks should be fair and 2. Participation

enforced impartially
 Principle of participation derives from an 5. Fairness
acceptance that people at the heart of
development.  Equity – all men and women have
opportunities to improve or maintain their well
3. Predictability being.
 Rule of Law – legal frameworks should be fair
 Refers to the existence of laws, regulations and
and enforced impartially.
policies to regulate society.

4. Transparency Lesson 4 Issues & Challenges on

 Information to the general public and clarity
about government rules, regulations and FACTORS/PROCESSES PUSHING FOR
Institute on Governance- identified five 1. The Quest for Growth & Development
principles of governance.
 The key factor pushing for governance.
1. Legitimacy and Voice  John Maynard Keynes- gave theoretical
justification for the state to manipulate price
 Participation –men and women should have a
voice in decision-making.
 Consensus orientation- good governance 2. The Environmental Movement
mediates differing interests to reach a broad
consensus  a term that sometimes includes the
conservation and green movements
2. Direction  concept of development has changed from the
exclusive focus on economic growth of the
 Strategic vision – leaders and the public have
1950s to the inclusion of distributional goals
a broad and long-term perspective on good
 People Centeredness- an aspect of
governance and human development.
development recognized that growth alone may
3. Performance affect human lives adversely.

 Responsiveness – institutions and processes 3. Globalization

try to serve all stakeholders.
 transformation from command to market-
 Effectiveness and efficiency – processes and oriented economies
institutions produce results that meet needs
 Globalization- acquired considerable emotive
while making the best use of resources.
force. Some view it as a process that is
beneficial—a key to future world economic
4. Accountability
development—and also inevitable and
 Accountability – private sector and civil irreversible.
society organizations are accountable to the  Luis C. Liwanag of DBM- highlighted that one
public. of the greatest challenges that is confronted in
 Transparency – built on the free flow of any development efforts today is globalization
 Economic Globalization- is a historical RA6028- act provided for the promotion of higher
process, the result of human innovation and standards of efficiency
technological progress.

4. Consolidating Peace
 Mali, Uganda, Thailand, Guatemala,
Presidential Decree 6- This decree amended certain
Philippines- countries emerging from internal rules on discipline of government officials
PD 46- made it punishable for public officials and
employees to receive gifts on any occasion.
GOVERNANCE the Philippine Experience
PD 677- This decree amended Section 7 of RA 3019
1. Policy Issues, Concerns, and Challenges
PD 749- granted immunity from prosecution to givers
 Philippine public policy-making process
of bribes
bears the following features:
1. policy decisions and programs PD 807- provided for the organization of the
2. policy-making process
3. legislative branch Civil Service Commission,
4. decisions of the legislative and
PD 1606- revised PD 1486; it deals only with cases filed
executive branches are subject to
against high-ranking government officials.
judicial review
2. Problems in the Bureaucracy
United Nations Convention on Anti-Corruption
 Bureaucracy is a distinctive arrangement used
by human beings to organize their activities. 1. Prevention- An entire chapter of the Convention
 German Max Weber- founders of sociology is dedicated to prevention, with measures directed at
stated that bureaucracy is “an institutional both the public and private sectors.
method for applying general rules to specific
cases, 2. Criminalization- Convention requires countries
 inefficiency and arbitrariness- two problems to establish criminal and other offences to cover a wide
in a bureaucratic type of government range of acts of corruption.

2.1 Corruption 3. International cooperation- Countries agreed

to cooperate with one another in every aspect of the
 Corruption damages the development process fight against corruption, including prevention,
in many ways. investigation, and the prosecution of offenders.

4. Asset recovery- countries agreed on asset-

List of Laws Related to Graft and Corruption recovery, which is stated explicitly as a fundamental
principle of the Convention.

R.A 1379- act declared forfeiture in favor of the state

RA 3019- act provided for the repression of certain acts

The Convention also covers many critical issues
related to corruption, and this is evident in some
of its provisions:

Article 5- importance of critical issues of

transparency and accountability

Article 9- focuses on public procurement and calls

upon public authorities

Article 10- highlights the issue of secrecy in public


Article 11- calls upon Governments to safeguard the


Article 12- raises issues of corporate governance by

calling for strengthened regulatory

Article 14- hones in on anti- money laundering

matters to boost prevention,

Articles 15 and 16- bluntly decry the bribery of

national and foreign government officials

Article 33- underscores the need to protect people

who report acts of corruption.

Article 43- stresses the need for international

cooperation to curb corruption

3. Issue on Public Fiscal Management- the

government should continue to give priority to raising
revenues and improving the efficiency of the

4. Deficiencies in the Political and Electoral

System- Public confidence in election outcomes is
low because of widely alleged irregularities in the
Philippine electoral processes.

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