Scsu Coeld Edtpa Lesson Plan

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COELD Lesson Plan Template


Name: Kelsey Athmann
SCSU Course: Art 396-54
Date: April 26th, 2023
Lesson Title: Warm and Cool Color Hand Pieces with Pattern Identification
Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Subject Area: Visual Art
Unit of Study: Warm and Cool Colors

How does this lesson connect with and build on previous lessons and how will it connect to
subsequent lesson(s)? (What came before and what will come next?)
Students will have learned about the element of color and distinguished the difference between warm and
cool colors and how they can make you feel different emotions by looking at and responding to different
pieces of art. This lesson will build on that by having them create their own art piece with the colors and add
a pattern element to build their knowledge. After creating their art pieces, the next lesson they could respond
to their peers artwork while also learning about the principle of rhythm and how that contributes to their
works of art by exploring the patterns each student created.
Language Function (Highlight one or both): Students will identify the difference in warm/cool colors,
explain the patterns we could create, and discuss their piece at the end of the lesson with academic
language and content vocabulary.
 Syntax OR  Discourse
Student support tool (notes outline, graphic organizer, pneumonic, etc.):
 Visual PowerPoint to display information and starter ideas.
Content Vocabulary (word/term and grade level appropriate definition):
 Pattern- a visual design that keeps repeating itself over and over. Can grab the viewer’s attention.
 Focal point- the area you look at first in an artwork.
 Warm colors- includes shades of red, yellow, and orange. They suggest feelings of warmth, heat,
brightness, and energy.
 Cool colors- includes shades of blue, green, and violet. They suggest feelings of calm, soothing,
relaxation, and harmony.
 Natural pattern- patterns found in nature.
 Man-made pattern- patterns made by humans.
Supporting Vocabulary (word/term and grade level appropriate definition):
 Intensity- how dull or bright your colors will be.
 Medium- what art materials you use to add color to your project.
 Evaluate- take a closer look at parts of your art piece and assess them.


Content & Language Standard Content Objective Assessment
(Code and Benchmark) (What skill will the student demonstrate and (How will you measure the skill, determine
how will you assess it?) proficiency, and give feedback to students?)

MN Content Standard: Students will be able to identify Measurement Tool(s): Collaboratively share and create patterns while -Artwork that student creates.
ideas for an artistic prompt. classifying the difference between -Verbal response to visual images.
warm and cool colors by designing Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
artwork that showcases it. -One area of the artwork has warm
colors and the other cool colors.
-Student has a repetitive pattern in
background and different pattern in
-Student can verbally explain
patterns and give examples.
Means of Feedback to Student:
-Providing verbal response.
-Grade given to student based on
Common Core or MN ELA Students will be able to discuss Measurement Tool(s):
Standard for Academic Lang.: their patterns and explain how the -Verbal responses. Use knowledge of colors in their artwork makes them Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
language and its conventions feel by using academic language -Students explains the repetition in
when writing, speaking, reading, and content vocabulary while their pattern and states whether
or listening. sharing their piece. they were inspired by man-made or
nature patterns.
-Student explains why they choose
their colors and how their piece
makes them feel.

Means of Feedback to Student:

-Verbal response after sharing
 White sheet of paper
 Pencil
 Black marker
 Colored pencils/crayons/markers/watercolors


Time Instructional Strategy/Learning Task Differentiation
(Estimate in (Break-up each task into easy-to-follow steps that include what (How will you serve SPED/EL/Gifted
Minutes) you would say, directions, examples of possible student students? Students with varying
responses, key notes or information, etc… A substitute should reading/math abilities?)
be able to replicate your lesson successfully using this
1 minute Introduction to lesson. “Today we are going to use what I want to make sure the room is
we learned last week about warm and cool colors and put adequately lit for color blind
this new knowledge into an art piece. We are also going students to see easier. I could
to expand our knowledge and learn about different also have materials pre-sorted
patterns that we will also use in our piece.” with labels to differentiate between
warm and cool colors for them.
3 minutes Review previously learned material. Pulls up PowerPoint Students that have a hard time
slide. “Who can tell me what some of the warm colors seeing or focusing would be
are?” -Red, yellow, orange, pink. “What do those colors placed in the front of the
make us feel when we see them?” -Hot, energy, classroom. When asking
brightness. “Who can tell me what the cool colors are?” - questions, I would monitor who I
Blue, green, purple, teal. “What do those colors make us call on and give time for students
feel?” -Sad, calm, relaxation, harmony. “I want you to to think about answer before I call
think about that when you decide how to finish your piece on anyone.
we are going to make today.”
4 minutes Introduce new material. “Let’s talk about patterns now. Differentiate by hearing what a
Can anyone tell me what a pattern is?” -When something pattern is, then visually showing
repeats itself. “Yes, a pattern is when you have a design examples. Gifted students get to
that repeats itself over and over and can grab your think about any other examples to
attention. We can have man-made patterns and natural challenge them.
patterns. Let’s look at some examples.” Show slides with
pattern examples. “Can anyone give me any other
examples?” Students give their examples. “Think about
what patterns catch your eye and what you might want to
use in your artwork today.”
2 minutes Introduce art assignment. “Today we are going to make a
piece of art on a sheet of paper that is going to have your
hand traced in the middle. Then, we are going to design
patterns, one inside your hand and the other for the
background. After, we are going to choose warm and cool
colors to finish our piece within the different sections.
Here is an example of one that I did. Now, I want to show
you some examples of students in the past that have
completed this project.” Shows the slide.
2 minutes Step One. “First, we are going to trace our hand on our Make sure someone is available
paper. We are going to trace our hand as close to the to help students who may not
middle as possible. We want our hand to be our focal have motor skills to trace their
point. Who remembers what focal point means?” -The own hand. If they cannot lay their
point that our eyes focus on first. “Yes, we want our hand hand flat, we could trace their foot
to be the focal point. Be careful to not go down your wrist instead.
while tracing. Connect the bottom once you lift your hand.
Ask a partner if you need help or raise your hand and I
can come around to help.”
3 minutes Step Two. “Now we are going to design a pattern inside SPED students may be given
our hand. Think about if you want a simple pattern or some premade choices of patterns
complex pattern. Will your background and hand be to replicate. Gifted students could
similar or different?” be challenged by thinking of more
complex patterns that have 2 or 3
repeating parts.
4 minutes Step Three. “Once you are done with your hand, you can
move on to your background. If your background was
only lines, would that be a pattern?” -No, but you could
make it a pattern by using different colors. “Yes, we want
to think about color that can change our design into a
pattern too.”
7 minutes Step Four. “When you decide your design is how you like SPED students may be shown a
it, you need to decide if your hand is going to have only collection of warm colors and
warm colors or cool colors inside it. Whatever you choose asked which ones they want to
for your hand, your background needs to have the use. Then repeat for the
opposite colors. Think about how many colors you want background. Could tape/cover
to choose and how that will affect the result of your piece. sections if they need help keeping
Think about the intensity of the colors you choose. Once the areas separate. Gifted
you’ve decided, you can choose whatever medium you students could be challenged to
want to finish your piece. You could use markers, use a medium they have never
crayons, colored pencils, or watercolors. If you have any used before.
other ideas, let me know.”
2 minutes Step Five. “Now you are going to want to use a black
marker to outline your hand. It is up to you if you want to
outline any patterns in the rest of your design to make it
stand out or not.”
5 minutes Sharing our art. “Explain to the others by following these SPED students could have
questions on the board. questions asked to them one by
-What kind of patterns did you use? one and then respond for easier
-Were you inspired by natural, man-made, or artistic delivery for them. Questions could
patterns? be worded differently if they do not
-How did you choose where to place your colors, why? understand. Gifted students could
Classmates Respond to presenter. be asked what they would do
-Does their artwork remind you of anything or make you different about their piece next
feel a certain way? time?
(Check for understanding, wrap-up, reminders, connections to tomorrow’s lesson)
“Why do artists use warm or cool colors for their artwork?” -To make you feel a certain way, bring out
emotions. “Yes, we used colors and patterns to bring a lot of interest and feeling into our artwork today.
Tomorrow, we are going to evaluate our pieces and learn about one of the principles of art. That is the
principle of rhythm, also known as repetition. You can think about what that means in your piece and be
ready to talk about it tomorrow.”
This lesson is based upon TAB theory because it allows for the student to make individual artistic choices
that will develop their skills through exploration, inquiry, practice, reflection, revision, and self/peer
evaluation. There are varied material choices that will allow them to initiate their work that will give them
motivation and purpose to complete it.
2nd Grade Art Lessons – Art with Mrs Filmore
How Are Patterns Used in Art? (
(Complete after teaching)

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