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Sebastien M.

Gonzales BSBM 302-F

ELEC- 4 03/13/2023

Study Questions:

1. Which of the seven elements of the services marketing mix are addressed in this
case? Give examples of each “P” you identify.

- All of the seven elements of the services marketing mix are present in the case:

Product- “It is our goal to provide superior dentistry in an efficient, profitable

manner within the confines of a caring, quality environment.” and “We are a caring,
professional dental team serving motivated, quality-oriented patients interested in keeping
healthy smiles for a lifetime. Our goal is to offer a progressive and educational environment.
Your concerns are our focus.”

Place- They moved from her old office because she felt it was too cramped which
hinders her staffs to work efficiently. And now with their current location, Dr. Beckett, her
staff, as well as the patients are all comfortable with the space the current location provides
because of it being spacious and makes them entertained.

Price- As the HMO reimbursement rates were only 80%–85% of what she
typically paid for services, Dr. Beckett made the decision not to join. She believed that at these
rates, she would be unable to offer patients high-quality care. Dr. Beckett faced several
difficulties as a result of these developments because she preferred to deliver the best dental
care possible rather than becoming a low-cost service. She made the decision to make
differentiating her practice on the basis of quality her top priority with the aid of a consultant.
She created an internal mission statement with her team that represented this objective. The
mission statement, which is conspicuously posted in the back office.

Promotion- Dr. Beckett gain customers not by advertising it, but through all of
her patients who recommends their relatives, friends, etc. to go to her clinic which is a positive
word-of-mouth. And also referrals were a real advantage as new patients didn’t come in “cold.”
She did not have to sell herself because they had already been told about her service by friends
or family.

People- Dr. Beckett and also her staffs attended workshops in order to improve
their technical skills. They also don’t mind if their positions are higher or lower because they
treat each other as a team. Everyone valued each other’s friendship and also understood that
they were a vital part of the service delivery. They also meet every morning to discuss the day’s
schedule and patients. They also had longer meetings every other week to discuss more
strategic issues and resolve any problems that might have developed. She also rewarded their
hard work by giving monthly bonuses if business had been good.

Physical Environment- The most effective staff suggestions included "thank

you" cards for patients who recommended other patients, follow-up calls to patients after
major procedures, a "gift" bag filled with a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, and floss for
patients after they had their teeth cleaned, buckwheat pillows and blankets for patient
comfort during lengthy procedures, coffee and tea in the waiting area, and a photo album with
images of staff and their families in the waiting area. Modern furniture in subtle tones of
brown, gray, green, and purple dominated the lobby and reception area. There were lots of live
plants and flowers, and there was artwork all over the walls. There was calm classical music
playing in the background. While waiting for their appointments, patients might sip on a cup of
coffee or tea and peruse the wide range of current publications and newspapers. The therapy
rooms were attractive and well-designed. Children may watch movies or play with toys in a
tiny, soundproof conference room at the front of the clinic while their parents received
treatment. Here, there were educational movies and leaflets accessible to describe and display
various dental procedures things patients should do to get the most out of their treatment
outcomes. The examining rooms' seats were upholstered in leather and were quite cozy. Every
space had a big window through which sufferers may observe birds eating at the day-to-day
refilled feeders. Also, there enticing mobiles suspended from the ceiling to serve as a diversion
Patients' reactions to the strange sounds and feelings they may encounter. A variety of
headphones were available choice of music.

Process- “90% of patients’ perceptions of quality come from their interactions

with the front desk and the other employees — not from the staff ’s technical skills,”, According
to office policy, patients should waited for no more than 20 minutes before being released
When given the chance to reschedule, employees frequently if they were going to be late, they
would call patients in advance. Also, they tried to add cancellations to ensure that workplace
space was utilized to the fullest. the employees as necessary, replaced each other, or assisted
with responsibilities that weren't expressly listed in their job descriptionsto make everything
more efficient.

2. Why do people dislike going to the dentist? Do you feel Dr. Beckett has addressed
this problem effectively?
- According to Dr. Beckett, the patients felt that it was an inconvenience and
came in with a negative attitude. But for me, it is because of being scared or nervousness
because people are not fond of going to the dentist everyday so they are not used to it or
maybe having a phobia hinders them. And also, I think that Dr. Beckett did not addressed the
problem effectively because she did not educate them about what’s right and wrong because
there are instances that people make up rumors about dentists which affects their reputation
as a doctor.

3. How do Dr. Beckett and her staff educate patients about the service they are
receiving? What else could they do?

- Every new patient had to have an initial exam so that Dr. Beckett could determine their
needs and inform them of her services. She thought this was the first sign to Patients who
noticed that her practice was unique from others possessed knowledge.

4. What supplementary services are offered? How do they enhance service delivery?

- All the office systems were upgraded with the aid of a specialist (includes the patient,
billing, ordering, lab testing, and redesigning of the treatment). The major objective was to
standardize some of the common practices to eliminate errors was decreased, and the degree
of care given to each patient was uniform of attention.

5. Contrast your own dental care experiences with those offered by Dr. Beckett’s
practice. What differences do you see? Based on your review of this case, what advice would
you give to (a) your current or former dentist, and (b) Dr. Beckett

- They don’t have much different from each other because my current dentist can also
offer what Dr. Beckett’s offers. For me, the only advice I would give to my dentist is to have a
spacious and comfortable facility and also to have something entertaining while the patients
are waiting for their turn. As for Dr Beckket, educating the patients about the fake news and
misunderstanding about dentists.

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