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Torres 1

Delia Torres

Judith Rigal McCann

English 1302 201

31 January 2023

The Benefits of Ginger Tea


Throughout the year tea has been known to be a good supplement for the human body. It

has been known for boosting the immune system as well as relaxing the body and helping with

cancer and heart disease.


Participant Information

A study was conducted with an adolescent. The adolescent is in high school ans alo

enrolled in dual-enromen classes. The study revolved around the benefits of ginger tea. The

adolescent did the experiment for a week and drank ginger tea in the morning and the next day at

night and so on.

Step-by-Step Process

The adolescent woke up at 6:30 A.M, got dressed, and went to the kitchen to heat up

water. The participant poured the hot water into a disposable cup and added a tablespoon of

organic honey and then proceeded to add the packet of ginger tea.
Torres 2



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