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Palawan Institute of Professional Engineers

Objectives- This organization operates on the behalf of engineers in Palawan and is composed of
new and veteran engineers alike. The institute aims at advocating fellow engineers and providing
professional development opportunities. Being encompassed of engineers with experiences, the
organization fully benefits its members through providing support to newer engineers in the
institute and can be a great source of job opportunities and resources for continued learning. In
addition, the organization promotes innovation, professional growth, teamwork, and professional
licensure for its members.
Philosophy- We believe that the key for growth and development are through teamwork and
support with each other. Promoting this aspect is one of the top priorities of this institute as this
ensures that members within the organization are well disciplined and mannered towards each
Policies- Like every other organization, Palawan Institute of Professional Engineers also possess
the basic policies that an organization must have
● Health and safety- Employees are advised to abide by the safety rules provided and report
unsafe practices to the supervisors immediately.
● Code of conduct- Members should act legally, ethically, and work for the best interest of
the organization
● Equal opportunities- When accepting members, there should be no discrimination
because of color, gender, race, or disability.
● Corporate social responsibility- an organization may offer sponsorship to the community,
and take care of the environment. This is not necessary for profit maximization, but to
better the welfare of the public.
● Quality- Members should strive to offer quality goods and services to the clients. Quality
services and products establish a good reputation and will build a successful organization.
Mission- To be a nationally recognized institute of professional engineers by providing support
and job opportunities to engineers alike through promoting innovation, teamwork, and
professional licensure to boost professional growth.

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