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Practice Quiz 4

1. Which of the following represents a physiological action of epinephrine?

a. Decreased Blood sugar
b. Increases cardiac output
c. Stimulates analgesia
d. Increases body fluid
2. All of the following represent the primary anabolic hormones involved in growth and
remodeling except?
a. Testosterone
b. Growth hormone
c. Progesterone
d. Insulin like growth factor
3. Which of the following exercise combinations will lead to the greatest increased
testosterone concentrations in a 16-year-old male baseball player?
a. Back barbell squats with 50% of 1RM for 3 sets
b. Back barbell squats with 90% of 1RM for 3 sets
c. Lat Pulldowns with 50% of 1RM for 3 sets
d. Lat Pulldowns 90% of 1RM for 3 sets
4. During resistance training which of the following increases serum testosterone
concentrations the most?
a. Isolating specific muscles
b. 2-minute rest intervals
c. Multiple sets and multiple exercise
d. Lifting 70% of the 1RM
5. Which of the following glands secretes growth hormone?
a. Liver
b. Pancreas
c. Thyroid
d. Pituitary
6. Which of the following represents a physiological role of growth hormone?
a. Increase glucose utilization
b. Increases glycogen synthesis
c. Decrease retention of sodium,
d. Decreases retention of potassium
7. Which of the following exercise protocols results in increased serum cortisol?
a. 4 sets of 10 repetitions of front squats with 1 minute between sets
b. 4 sets of 10 repetitions of dumbbell lateral raises with 1 minute between sets
c. 4 sets of 5 repetitions of front squats with 4 minutes between sets
d. 4 sets of 5 repetitions of dumbbell lateral raises with 4 minutes between sets
8. Which of the following occurs as a result of heavy resistance training?
a. Decreased anaerobic power
b. Decreased stored glycogen
c. Decreased mitochondrial density
d. Decreased stored ATP
9. Which of the following would result in increased motor cortex activity?
a. When an athlete performs the same routine day after day
b. When an athlete reduces the intensity of a particular exercise
c. When an athlete learns a new sprinting technique
d. When an athlete takes a week off from the gym
10. A 13-year-old boy is just beginning a resistance training program, at this stage which
type of adaptations will predominate?
a. Muscular
b. Neural
c. Hormonal
d. Cardiovascular
11. With regards to muscular hypertrophy, which fiber type shows the greatest increase in
a. Type 1
b. Type 2
c. Type 3
d. Type 4
12. All of the following are principles of training to increase bone strength except?
a. Magnitude of load
b. Type of load
c. Rate of load
d. Direction of load
13. Which of the following cells are responsible for new bone formation?
a. Chronoblasts
b. Osteoclasts
c. Chronoclasts
d. Osteoblasts
14. Acute cardiovascular responses to anaerobic exercise results in all of the following
a. Increased heart rate
b. Increased stroke volume
c. Increased blood flow to resting muscles
d. Increased systolic blood pressure
15. A 16-year-old male basketball player has begun a resistance training program. Initially,
maximal strength and power gains in his agonist muscles will generally result in an
increase in all of the following except?
a. Size of muscle fibers
b. Recruitment of muscle fibers
c. Rate of motor neuron firing
d. Synchronization of motor neuron firing
16. The process of muscle hypertrophy involves which of the following?
1 . Increase in synthesis of actin
2. Increase in synthesis of myosin
3, Increase in number of capillaries
4. Increase in number of myofibrils
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 3 and 4
c. 2 and 3
d. 1 2 and 4
17. Which of the following components of mechanical load is the least important for
stimulating new bone formation?
a. Rest period
b. Magnitude
c. Rate of loading
d. Direction of force
18. During a session of heavy resistance training, which of the following responses occur in
the cardiovascular system?
1. Increase in Heart rate
2. Increase in stroke volume
3. Increase in blood flow to all muscles
4. Increase in systolic blood pressure

a. 1 and 2
b. 1, 3 and 4
c. 1 and 4
d. 1, 2 and 4
19. A 56 year old female has concerns that she might develop osteoporosis, which of the
following exercises would be most beneficial?
a. Knee extensions
b. Pushups
c. Back barbell squat
d. Seated military press
20. Which of the following is one of the most commonly measured adaptation to aerobic
endurance training?
a. Maximum systolic blood pressure
b. Maximum diastolic blood pressure
c. Maximum heart rate
d. Maximum oxygen uptake
21. Adaptations to aerobic endurance training include all of the following except?
a. Increased respiratory capacity
b. Increased blood lactate concentrations
c. Increased mitochondrial density
d. Increased capillary density
22. The pressure against the arterial walls when no blood is being forcefully ejected by the
heart is referred to as?
a. Systolic
b. Orthotic
c. Diastolic
d. Pneumatic
23. During aerobic exercise, blood flow to the active muscle is?
a. Increased by dilation of arterioles
b. Increased by dilation of venules
c. Decreased by constriction of arterioles
d. Decreased by constriction of venules
24. All of the following physiological changes occur with aerobic endurance training except?
a. Increased capillary density
b. Increased aerobic power
c. Increased mitochondrial density
d. Increased muscle strength
25. A male cross country runner is suspected of suffereing from overtraining, all of the
following are markers of aerobic training except?
a. Increased percentage of body fat
b. Increased submaximal exercise heart rate
c. Increased creatine kinase
d. Increased muscle soreness
26. Which of the following adjustments occur during prolonged altitude exposure?
a. Decreased cardiac output
b. Increased blood viscosity
c. Decreased red blood cells
d. Hypoventilation
27. Following detraining, a marathon runner will first notice a decline in maximal?
a. Power
b. Oxygen consumption
c. Strength
d. Blood pressure
28. Which of the following reflects the pressure exerted against the arterial walls when no
blood is being forcefully ejected by the ventricles of the heart?
a. Systolic blood pressure
b. Diastolic blood pressure
c. Stroke volume
d. Rate pressure product
29. An Olympic middle distance runner has been training in Colorado springs for the last 6
months. Which of the following represents a long term adjustment to high altitude?
a. Decreased plasma volume
b. Decreased blood viscosity
c. Decreased use of free fatty acids in favor of muscle glycogen
d. Decreased red blood cell production
30. Which of the following are the primary and secondary factors that most determine
which energy system an athlete will predominantly rely on during an exercise session?
a. Exercise mode-available energy stores
b. Exercise duration- exercise intensity
c. Exercise intensity- exercise duration
d. Available energy stores- exercise mode
31. Which of the following is a marker of aerobic overtraining?
1. Increased percentage body fat
2. Decreased lactate
3. Increased total testosterone concentration
4. Decreased muscle glycogen

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 4
c. 3 and 4
d. 1,2 and 3
32. Which factor is primarily responsible for the significant improvements in strength of
preadolescent boys and girls from resistance training?
a. Hypertrophy
b. Neurological
c. Endocrine
d. Cardiac
33. Youth resistance training guidelines include all of the following except?
a. Stretching exercises should be performed before resistance training
b. Children should be encouraged to drink plenty of water
c. Increase resistance 5-10% as strength improves
d. 3 consecutive training sessions per week are recommended
34. When comparing absolute strength between men and women, which of the following
statements is true?
a. Muscle quality is sex specific
b. When comparing relative to muscle cross sectional area men are stronger than
c. In terms of absolute strength women are generally weaker than men
d. Men have lower quantity of muscle
35. An area of special emphasis when designing a resistance training program for women is?
a. Development of the core
b. Development of the upper body
c. Development of the back
d. Development of the lower body
36. As a strength and conditioning professional you should be aware that female basketball
players are 6 times more likely than males to injure what body part?
a. ACL
b. Rotator cuff
c. Achilles tendon
d. PCL
37. In order to help prevent injuries in female athletes it is important to stress which of the
a. Optimize dietary intake
b. Decrease body fat
c. Provide a longer off season to increase recovery
d. Increase resistance of exercises often
38. A 67 year old female was found to have a bone mineral density -1.5 standard deviations
below the young adult mean and would like to begin a resistance training program.
Based on her bone mineral density she would be classified as having?
a. Osteoporosis
b. Sarcopenia
c. Osteopenia
d. Sarcoporosis
39. All of the following show decreases with the normal aging process except?
a. Muscle mass
b. Bone mineral density
c. Resting metabolic rate
d. Body fat
40. A 10 year old boy is beginning a resistance training program, all of the following are
likely benefits except?
a. Increased 1 RM strength
b. Increased bone density
c. Increased muscle hypertrophy
d. Increased resistance to injury

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