Fisher Jordan Ued495-6 Data Collection - Part 1

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Data Project

Part 1

The data collection assignment occurred during placement one at the middle school level.

Forty-two students took the pre- and post-assessment out of all the blocks I had during my

placement. Out of the forty-one, twenty-two were male, and twenty were female. Further,

twenty identified as Caucasian, nine identified as African American, five identified as Hispanic,

three identified as Asian, one identified as Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, and four

identified as 2 or more. Additionally, one student was an English as a second language learner,

one was gifted, five had a 504 plan, and six had an individualized education program.

The pre-assessment was designed to provide data for a unit on multiplying and dividing

different fractions: whole, mixed, improper, and proper, as well as solving fraction and decimal

word problems. The Standard of Learning (SOL) was 6.5. It states: The student will a) multiply

and divide fractions and mixed numbers; b) solve single-step and multistep practical problems

involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fraction and mixed numbers; and

c) solve multistep problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals.

The assessment has four questions regarding simply multiplying and dividing fractions and six to

assess single and multistep practical problems of fractions and decimals. Furthermore, each

question of the pre-assessment was pulled from the assessment for the unit.

All parts of the SOL were required to be taught from the pre-assessment scores. For each

question, the percentage difference between how many got it wrong versus right has a median of

54.76%, weighing heavily on the wrong side. As such, the pre-assessment stated that the

students did not know the material or could not answer the questions. Furthermore, there was a

chance of random guessing for those that got the answer right. Thus, that bias was considered in

the creation of activities.

Below is a copy of the pre-assessment students took on their Chromebooks through

Google Forms and the accumulated pre-assessment data.

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