Mapeh 6 3RD

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII, Eastern Visayas

Third Periodical Test in MAPEH 6
Remember / Understand/ Apply/ Analyze / Evaluate / Create / Items
Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesize Evaluation
Identifies simple musical forms of songs from the 1-3
community; (MU6FO-IIIb-1) 3
1.Binary (AB) – has contrasting sections (AB).
2. Ternary (ABA) – has 3 sections, the third sections
similar to the first; 1-3
(ABC) - has 3 sections.
3. Rondo (ABACA)-has contrasting sections in
between repetitions of the
A section. (ABACA)

Uses the different repeat marks related to form (MU6FO- 4-6 4,5,6 3

Distinguishes various musical ensembles seen and heard in 7-8 7 8 2

the community

Uses varied dynamics in a song performance 9-10 9,10 2

1. piano (p)
2. mezzo piano (mp)
3. pianissimo (pp)
4. forte (f)
5. mezzo forte (mf)
6. fortissimo (ff)
7. crescendo (<)
8. decrescendo (>)

11 12,13 3
Explains the truism that design principles still apply for any A6EL-IIIa)
new design (contrast of colors, shapes, and lines produces (A6PL-IIIb)
harmony) whether done by hand or machine (computer) (

Demonstrates understanding that digital technology has

speeded up the printing of original designs and made it
possible to many, as emphasized in t- shirts and poster 11-13

(A6PR-IIIc) 14,15 2
Applies concepts on the steps/procedure in silkscreen
printing 14-15
Discusses the parts and functions of the camera (point and (A6PR-IIIg) 16,17,18 3
shoot or phone camera)
A6PL-IIIf 19,20 2
Discusses the Concept and Principles of Photography
(PE6PF- IIIb-h- 24,25,26,27 21,22,23 29,30 10
18) ,28
-Assesses regularly participation in physical activities based
on the Philippines physical activity pyramid (PE6RD-IIIc-h-4)
-Executes the different skills involved in the dance. (PE6RD-IIIb-h-3)
-Observes safety precautions. (PE6PF- IIIb-h-
-Displays joy of effort, respect for others, during 20)
participation in physical activities


Explains how poor environment sanitation can negative H6EH – IIIb – 2 31,32 2
impact the health of an individual
(H6EH-IIIc-2) 33,34 2
Discusses Ways to Keep Water and Air Clean and Safe

(H6EH-IIID-4) 35,36 2
Explains the effect of noisy environment 35-36

(Code: H6EH- 37,38 2

suggests ways to control/ manage noise pollution. IIIe-5)

(H6EH-IIIfg-6) 39,40 2
practice the ways to control/ manage noise pollution.
Total 10 18 2 6 4 0 40
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII, Eastern Visayas

Third Periodical Test in MAPEH 6

NAME: __________________________________________________________ SCORE: ______

DIRECTION. Read each sentence carefully. Encircle the letter of your choice.


1. What musical form is made up of two musical parts or has two different melodic ideas?
a. Binary Form c. Rondo
b. Ternary Form d. Musical Form
2. What musical form has a recurring leading theme, often found in the final movement of a sonata or concerto?
a. Ternary c. Binary
b. Rondo d. Tertiary
3. What musical form has a three-part where the first section (A) is repeated after the second section (B) ends?
a. Binary c. Rondo
b. Ternary d. unitary

Read the following statements carefully. Write (T) if the statement is TRUE and (F) if FALSE.

____ 4. If you were to write the music notation for a particular song without the use of these symbols, you could end
up with pages and pages of music manuscript.

____ 5. Most forms of modern music incorporate a certain amount of repetition, so to save on repeating the same thing
over and over.

____ 6. Fine, meaning "beginning," may be found in the middle of a composition with a final barline.

7. Which of the following is an example of a string instrument?

a. Cymbals b. Trumpet c. Guitar d. Drums

8. These are musical ensembles that produce music when musicians blow the mouthpiece.
a. String instruments c. brass instruments
b. woodwind instruments d. percussion instruments

9. It refers to the volume or sound of a note.

a. Dynamics c. Melody
b. Musical form d. Tone

10. What is the dynamic marking that means “loud”?

a. Fortissimo c. Piano
b. Forte d. Mezzo Piano


Direction: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your answer.
11. It is the process of creating art by transferring an image or design from a source onto another material.
a. Digital Painting b. Printmaking c. Photography d. Painting
12. The purpose of printmaking is?
a. To make one copy of artwork.
b. To make a design.
c. To make an artwork that can be produced many times.
d. To make everyone lazy
13. Using technology, printing of original designs has been made ___________.
a. difficult b. easier and faster c. miserable d. hard

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if it is wrong. Write the answer on the space
provided before each number.

______ 14. In manual silkscreen printing, the colors are placed one by one.
______ 15. When digital printing was invented, the products were made slowly.
_____ 16. The memory card slot is a place for the removable storage card.
_____ 17. The lens permits the taking of pictures in low light conditions.
_____ 18. The battery chamber is used to capture a picture.
_____ 19. Contrast and harmony are also applied in photography
_____ 20. In photography, elements and principles of arts are also applied.


Write Yes if the statement is true and No if not.

_____ 21. Dance is an activity where you move your body in time with the music. Dancing is a part of human
_____ 22. People dance to celebrate, recreate, compete, perform rituals, and enjoy.
_____ 23. Dancing is a waste of time and weakens your immune system.
Identify the folk dance in the statement. Choose the correct letter from the box below.

A. Tinikling B. Maglalatik C. Itik-itik

D. Binasuan E.Cariñosa F. La Jota Manileña

_____ 24. The dancer moves like a duck wading and swimming.

_____ 25. Dancers dance while making sound from the bamboo castanets.

_____ 26. A glass filled with liquid is placed on the head of the performer.

_____ 27. A pair of dancers are hopping between bamboo poles struck on the ground like a tikling in time with the

_____ 28. Dancers pretend to battle for the latik or coconut meat.

Read the following statements carefully. Write (T) if the statement is TRUE and (F) if FALSE.
_____ 29. Using coconut shells (bao), the males will dance the maglalatik by striking the coconut shells attached to the
_____ 30. Itik- itik is an indigenous dance from Laguna is a war dance between the Muslims and the Christians over a
coconut meat (latik).

31. Which of the following shows taking care of air and water?
a. Using vehicles which releases black smoke from its muffler
b. Turning off the faucet when not in use
c. Using cigarettes everyday
d. Throwing trash on the seas and rivers

32. Which of the following can cause air and water pollution?
a. Keeping the fan, refrigerator and air conditioning in good condition
b. Reduce the emissions of harmful gases from vehicles
c. Using a basin when washing dishes
d. Disposing diapers and candy wrappers into the canal

Write T if the statement shows way on keeping water and air clean and safe and F if does not. Write the correct answer
on the space provided before the number.
_____33. Participating in a Clean Up Drive and Tree Planting Program initiated by your barangay.

_____34. Using dried leaves, decayed fruits and fruit peelings as plant fertilizers.

Write LOVE if the situation does not cause noisy environment and HATE if it causes noise pollution.
______ 35. Praying at the church.

______ 36. Street traffic sounds from cars, buses, pedestrians, ambulances etc.
37. Your family is celebrating the birthday of your mother. There is a loud singing because of the videoke and it is 11
in the evening. What will you do to lessen the noise caused by loud singing?
a. Ask my parents to stop the celebration.
b. Never mind the noise, anyway you can celebrate birthdays only once a year.
c. Talk to your family and tell them to minimize the sound they’re making
d. You close the doors and windows of your house.

38. Ana is a music lover. She loves to play the stereo in its maximum volume. If she is your sister, what will you
suggest her to do to avoid too much noise?
a. Ask her to use earphones instead of playing the stereo.
b. Tell her that she’s making too much noise.
c. Never mind what she’s doing.
d. Talk to her and ask her if she can find ways in minimizing the noise.

Write Agree if the statement says a correct practice and Disagree if not.
__________39. Robert follows the speed limit in driving his car.
__________40. Maria loves music in a sound audible only in her room.

Prepared by:
Mrs.Charmaine R. Montes-Inot


School Head


No. Answer No. Answer

Music P.E
1 A 21 YES
2 B 22 YES

3 B 23 NO

4 T 24 C

5 T 25 F

6 F 26 D

7 C 27 A

8 B 28 B

9 A 29 T

10 B 30 F

11 B 31 B

12 C 32 D

13 B 33 T

14 TRUE 34 T



17 FALSE 37 C

18 FALSE 38 D



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