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Answer the following:

1. What do you think is the importance of Children and Adolescent

 Children's and adolescent literature play an essential role in providing
entertainment, creativity, knowledge, responsibility, and even values to the
person who’s reading it. It also gives them the opportunity to learn,
understand, and appreciate the cultures of others as well as their own.
Literature allows them to view things from a different perspective, expand
their literary skills, improve their morals and manners, and experience
rollercoaster-like emotions. Finally, children’s and adolescent literature
preserves history, which is important in gathering information and
disclosing who we were, what we did, and why.

2. Explain: Books have therapeutic value for children. Cite instances how
this is done.
 Showing characters (in a book, for example) who experience events
similar to the child's own life helps them feel comfortable expressing their
worries and concerns that they are hesitant to discuss with others. The
youngster may learn from the main character's responses to these
challenges and, with any luck, apply those same strategies to his or her
own life. Books can act as a "safety net" for children who are dealing with
difficult emotions or problems, giving them the space that they need to
analyze and work through them. As a result, they are able to release
emotional pressure that might have been building inside the child.

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