To Manage The Farm Business in An Effective Manner

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The Capstone project entitled “Uep Agri-park farm

management system” is desktop application to intended to record,
manage and monitor the farm activities to Agri park. The
researchers used software requirements Microsoft visual Studio
2019, Microsoft SQL server and for the Front End and Back End
C#.Net, MSSQL for the Database. The said projects is mainly
intended to manage the production, crops monitoring and as well
as the sales of commodities. The farm management system is a
custom desktop application specific to the needs of the end
users. The system evaluation tool used is a standardized
questionnaire, and based on the result the system was rated Very
Good Which means that the project has met the requirements of the
user and can be consider as quality software.
SYSTEM” is about creating a Desktop application the software is
sectioned into Point of sales management, crop season management,
Employee management, Crop production, Harvest management, and
reports section such that: The sales management section handles
the sales in the Agri-park farm. The crop season management deals
with the activity in the farm such as preparing the crops be
planted. Employee management section handles the employee
management of employee/worker on the farm. Crop production
section deals with crop in agriculture, a plant or plant-product
that can be grown and harvested extensively for profit or
subsistence. Harvest management section deals with once the crops
is matured or fully ripen, they are cut and gathered (Reaping)
which are collectively called as harvesting. Harvesting depends
on many factors like season, crop variety, maturity period, etc.
The main objective this study is to design and develop a
computerized system to manage the farm business in an effective
manner, produce agricultural products efficiently and market
agricultural products economically. To develop and maintain a
happy and satisfactory farm owner with Desktop application
interface at Uep Agri-Park to resolve the following challenges;
(1) It improves the owners’ technical ability in means of
managing sales and inventory. This will help the Project leader
monitor the stock in and stock out of the product and will make
the work faster. (2) It will reduce the effort of monitoring and
auditing the Uep Agri-park POS and inventory ststem.

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