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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Kindergarten

Date: September 26, 2019

Time allotment: 50 minutes

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the Kidnergarten-Red pupils will be able to:
A: Identify the objects present in a birthday party.
B. Express their own ideas or experiences about birthdays.
c. Experience and practice counting and adding.
II. Subject Matter:
a. Topic: “My Family Celebrates Birthday”
b. Reference: Teacher’s Guide, DepEd Kindergarten Teachers in the Philippines FB account
c. Materials: video clips, pictures, laptop, projector
d. Valuing: Industrious
III. Learning Procedure
Teacher’s and Pupils’ Activity

A. Preparation (Circle Time)

1. Routinized Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Exercise
d. Weather update
e. Attendance
2. Review

B. Lesson Proper (Meeting Time 1)

1. Message: “My Family Celebrates Birthday”
2. Presentation (Question)
 The teacher will present birthdays items and the pupils will identify each one by one.
 Pupils will count the each items according to its numbers. 10 balloons, 10 party hats, 1
 Question: When will that time that you’ll have this kind of items?
3. Work Period I
 Addition
Independent Activities:
 Create a party hat using colored paper.
C. Dismissal Routine
1. Greeting
2. Form a line
3. Giving chocolates

Prepared by: Kimberly T. Salvador Submitted to: Rhodalyn N. Reyes

Teacher -I Master Teacher- I


Signature over Printed Name of the Observer

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