Section Plagiarism Policy: Video Article Activities

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Section Plagiarism Policy

Throughout academic research and writing you are likely to build on the ideas of other people and
organizations. Doing so helps add credibility to your academic work. Using the ideas of respected
individuals, institutions, and organizations is an excellent academic practice so long as you give credit to
those you borrow ideas from. Plagiarizing the ideas and work of others (including other students) in this
course is unacceptable.

Unlike language and arts courses, direct quotations are rarely used in scientific writing. Direct quoting in
science implies that the writer does not understand the material and does not reflect original thinking.
Do not directly quote in a scientific essay or lab report unless you directly interviewed the author(s).

Addressing Plagiarism

Watch this video to learn more about plagiarism. You can use go through this article from the University
of Toronto on avoiding plagiarism. Lastly, you can try these activities as practice on avoiding plagiarism.

Consequences of Plagiarism

The consequence(s) of submitting plagiarized work in this section is/are:

 Consequence 1: The student will be given an opportunity to resubmit while receiving an

automatic 10% reduction on the resubmitted assignment. The student will be redirected
towards this document and the VHS page regarding academic integrity.
 Consequence 2: The student will receive an automatic 0 on the assignment and the
parent/guardian and necessary school administrators will be contacted.
 Consequence 3: The student will receive an automatic 0 on the assignment.

Virtual High School provides formatting and writing resources in the course introduction to support
students gain valuable writing skills so that you can avoid plagiarizing the work of others. Please contact
me with any questions.

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