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For Academic and Professional Purposes

WRITING A REACTION, REVIEW AND  Cite credible sources or materials that will help
make your stance strong
 Give examples to concretize your ideas and it
Purpose should be familiar to your reader. Provide adequate
background information about your example and
- To convince readers regarding the things being how it supports your argument
- Make it a point to clearly, logically, and orderly Format
consider arguments, issues, or stance, as he/she
- Title must be centered
tries to put all together his/her opinion about a
- The paragraph is aligned to the left
certain work
- Use 1-inch wide in all margins
- To give a thorough and sound judgement about a
- The first line of each paragraph must be indented
- Use Times New Roman, 12 points and should not
Definition be bold
- The number of the page is located at the top right
- Focus on discussion the strong points and the weak corner
points of a specific work - Use double space throughout the whole text
- Assess, Analyze or Evaluate by explaining the pros - There should be in-text citation used
and cons of the subject - Avoid using long quotation
- Requires the writer’s in-depth analysis
Proper Way to Cite Sources
- APA (American Psychological Association)
- Summarizing the book is not writing a reaction - MLA (Modern Language Association)
paper since it doesn't evaluate or analyze the text - The Chicago Manual of Style
- A writer should avoid stating arguments without - ASA (American Sociological Association)
evidence - ACs (American Chemical Society)
- Writer should also avoid providing so many - The Vancouver System
examples without relevance to the main point
Approaches in Writing a Critique Paper
Mechanics for Review

 Know the scope and the purpose of book; that is,  Reader’s Response Theory – interpret the content
the material covered and stressed of the literary piece in your own understanding
without basing the structure, author
 Know the writer’s style of writing, his stylistic
excellence and faults. (Is he persuasive, convincing, Formalist Criticism
or dull?)
 Know the theme of piece of work. (Is it social, - A unique form of human knowledge that needs to
moral, psychological novel, story, or movie?) be examined on its own terms
- Focused on the structure within the works itself
Tips in Writing a Reaction Paper - All the elements necessary for understanding the
work are contained within the work itself such as
 Read a book or article very carefully, if it is a the style, structure, tone, imagery, and the like are
movie to watch, pay full attention to the film the interests of the formal critique
- The ultimate goal is identifying how these elements
 Think about at least 2 major arguments or points
are put together in the text to shape its effects to the
you want to articulate in your paper. You may readers
discuss the strengths and the weakness of the - Critic primarily looks at the structural purposes of
material the text without taking into account any outside
 Describe each point clearly and provide an in-depth influence
analysis of your discussion - It does not concern itself with the biographical
information about the author, historical events
For Academic and Professional Purposes
outside the story, mythological concerns, literary - Experiences and background of the author by
allusions or psychoanalytical traits of the characters analyzing how the author he/she creates
- Focuses on how the elements gives sense on the his/her character
text - Expand the understanding of how language and
symbols operate by the demonstrating their ability
Biographical/Historical Criticism to reflect unconscious fears or desire
- Similarly, Carl Jung expressed his theories about
- Begins with the simple but central insight that the unconscious which are the primary foundation
literature is written by actual people and that of Mythological Criticism
understanding an author's life can help readers 1. Probing the creative processes of the artist:
more thoroughly comprehend the work. nature of the literary genius and how does it
- Aims to comprehend a literary work by probing at relate to normal mental functions
the social, cultural, political and intellectual context 2. Scrutinizing how the author’s biographical
that produces it circumstances influences his motivation or
- A context that includes the artist’s biography and behavior in writing the text
milieu 3. Analysis of fictional characters using the
- The critic should take into consideration that the language and methods of psychology
biographical information strengthens the meaning
of the text, and should avoid using those data to Sociological Criticism
drown the criticism with insignificant material
- Consider a work’s first order context – author’s life - Evaluates a literary piece in the cultural, economic
– and recognizes literary study as being an art not a and political context that explores the linkage
science between the author and his society
- Believed that the meaning of the literary text can - The critic scrutinizes the author’s society to grasp a
become different when it is viewed using the lens better understanding about the masterpiece
of the author’s life - Marxist criticism is an example of sociological
- The priority would be analyzing the author’s life criticism that highlights on the economic and
relating to how it connects to the story political elements of art focusing on the ideological
context of literature
Gender Criticism - Concerning on the social issues that people face
- Believes that all art is political, it is either
- Examines how sexual identity influences the challenging or endorsing the status quo. It is
creation of the literary text evaluative and judgmental
- An extension of feminist literary criticism, focusing
not just on women but on the construction of Moral/Philosophical Approach
gender and sexuality, especially LGBTQ issues,
which gives rise to queer theory - focuses on themes, views of the world, morality,
- Suggest that power is not just top down patriarchal philosophies of the author and the like for this
– a man dominating a woman approach establishes its purpose of teaching
- It suggests that power multifaceted and never just morality and investigating philosophical issues.
in one direction - The larger purpose of literature is to teach morality
1. Masculinist Approach – advocated by Robert Bly and views on life of the author
which focuses on the desire to work with men’s
issues and yields to the political conviction that Mythological Criticism
feminism does not fit with the facts - The recurrent universal pattern underlying most
2. Feminist Approach – attempts to correct the literary works
imbalance of the sexes by analyzing and - Inspired by the psychological criticism
combating the patriarchal attitude that have - tend to view literary works in the broader context
dominated western thought; promotes equality in of works sharing a similar pattern
terms of every aspect - Northrop Frye: Archetype - a symbol, usually an
image, which recurs often enough in the literature
Psychological Criticism
to be recognizable as an element of one's literary
- The method, the concept, or the form of material is experience as a whole.
influence by psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud - Unconscious conscious mind
who expressed that psychoanalytic theories - According to Jung, all individuals share a
changed our notions of human behavior in which “‘collective unconscious, ’ a set of primal
authors explore new or controversial areas like memories common to the human race, existing
wish fulfilment, sexuality, the unconscious and below each person’s conscious mind
For Academic and Professional Purposes
Steps in Writing a Critique Paper bvod it *203 pages fffffsdfjjjjjjjjjjjcdgxvghsgg dffcvfd
 Read to understand the literary piece or any text In writing concept paper, one may do research in
provided for you to critique. When it is necessary, defining and discussing an idea
re-read the text to have an understanding of the
material. It is relevant and ethical that one cites all outside sources
 Determine the author's purpose of writing. Looking used in developing and writing a concept paper
for the thesis statement or the theme of the piece
can help you identify the motivation of the writer in Concept paper must be clarifiefd
the material.
R thogc gsr vche bvhnfhwc tdfrvfhmsgsgdeg t
 Analyze each segment or section very well. When hoyfnvedjh
needed, you may write the summary in each
 Decide which among the approaches in literary
criticism you will be using to critique the text. After Rationa;e
you have read the material, you focus on the
specific elements or features of the material that
you want to discussion.
 Compose your introduction, body, and conclusion
sensibly. Your introduction may have the author's
name, the book's title, your source and the thesis
statement. In writing your body, you may discuss
the strong points and the weak points of the
material in a logical, clear manner
 It bears your review of the material as well as your
evaluation. Using any of the literary approaches,
explore the elements you want to critique as a
reader. In your conclusion, provide the generic
opinion about the text. it may be about your
approval or disapproval, agreement or
disagreement, by simply restating the stance you
have expressed in the body. Always remember that
a paper composed with logical arguments and in-
depth analysis is a critique worth reading (strong,
stronger, and strongest)

Concept Paper

- Simple way to illustrate our ideas perceive by our

five senses or share an understanding about a
certain topic
- A summary of a project or an issue that depicts the
interests, experiences, and expertise of the writer
- It provides an in-depth analysis and discussion of a
topic that the writer has a strong position on
- Brief paper that highlights the importance of the

How to Write a Concept Paper

Analyze and yhe thw idea information od nrttg a concept
paper erleaborates a concepts infdasv visible the ideas
must be visible on the paper it must be visible it Is an
abstract word that cannot be touched or he but we know
it t5o make it visifible ewe have to peoh tectio the
rereferencs twe can use diafram to repredasedrng thd
idea dffv gvns cnfjsj sine authors do nbot five an
=foerfhehg dxtun writufvbg a ocvngept paper becayuse
idsad naybe limited to ewhern they aew rplatcerd in a

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