Communication Studies IA - Kyle Rampaul (Final Draft)

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General Introduction………………………………………………………………….1

Preface………………………………………………………………………………. 2

Reflection…………………………………………………………………………… 3-10

Analysis…………………………………………………………………………….. 11-12

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………….. 13

Bibliography………………………………………………………………………... 14

I have selected the topic, “The Effects of Depression on Adolescents” for my portfolio. My

purpose is to highlight the prevalence of depression in adolescents and suggest treatment options.

For my exposition, I will discuss, using data collected, the causes and effects of depression in

adolescents and how appropriate treatment options will aid in recovery.

For my reflection, I will write a poem in which the effects of depression and ways in which it can

be overcome will be portrayed through the adolescent persona.

I am a student of Sociology which includes the topic of ‘Suicide’ and the numerous causative

factors, one of which is depression. Hence this research is linked to my study of Sociology.

My desired career path is to be a Clinical Psychologist and this research will aid in understanding

the adolescent mind and the causes of their depression, thus gaining a connection with those


This topic intrigues me because, recently, I have noticed an increase in depressed adolescents

who feel ostracized by their loved ones. I wish to assist by helping them realize that they are

cherished and that recovery is possible.


For my reflection, I will write a poem entitled, ‘One-Eighty.’

The purpose of this piece is to encourage adolescents to appreciate their own life and overcome

depression. Moreover, this poem can shift the readers’ perspectives on how poorly they treat

others at times. I aspire to achieve more awareness on depression amongst adolescents and for

greater light to be placed on depressed students in schools regionally.

The intended audience is mainly adolescents who are struggling with depression as they may be

able to relate to this poem and can benefit most from its message. Resultantly, an entertaining

poem of someone who defeated depression can radiate hope among young people. Also, parents

can gain an understanding of how their own adolescent child may feel at times and be able to

identify telltale signs of depression.

This reflective piece is best circulated on social media during mental health awareness month as

it allows for a wide coverage because there is an abundant number of an adolescent on these

sites. Additionally, this poem can be entertainingly narrated on local talk shows which cater to a

large adult audience, thus allowing parents to understand how traumatic events may adversely

affect their children.



Ah relly neva see it at firs’

Life feel like it did carry away like ah hearse.

D highs and lows was always afloat,

The lows use to win by ah majority vote.

My eyes use to rell swell up like a river,

As ah woulda watch muhself in d mirror.

Dah achin’ feelin’ geh carry on muh back,

In d en’ it was all fuh d uphill track.

Ah now dey reminiscin’ on d forty years ah spen’ on this earth,

Smiling cus ah now realise muh life worth.

Lemme tell yuh ah story,

One ah d life of muhself Corey

Being d runt ah d litter was never easy,

Bullied by dem big big fellas already makin’ dis story sound cheesy.

Buh truth be told,

Muh journey may jus’ be gold.

Verbal, physical, spiritual,

D torture make meh cynical.

All aspects ah muh life produce d man I is today,

Thank yuh Jah fuh d lessons taught along d way.

Poor poor ah grow up,

Deep in d bush where ah coulda neva afford ah cup.

Home was make outta ol’ ol’ lumber,

Bed was moist sponge so imagine muh slumber.

D streets was dangerous whey ah evolve’,

So playin’ outside was ah problem tuh solve.

Meh modda was nuh educated an’ outta ah wok

So muh fadda had tuh sen’ dong money wit’ pure luck

Family was troubl’,

Buh at least ah was neva in no bubbl’.

Muh modda love meh dearly,

Buh she was tuff like d pit in ah cherry.

D first day ah primary school ah was d black sheep,

Ah wear raggedy shoes while everybody else was ridin’ in ah jeep.

Dem was ruthless in there,

Sayin’ ah resemble ah grizzly bear.

Wen muh fadda was here muh soul would fear.

Stern he was all d time,

When he talk ah was ah mime.

D cruel words dah sprint out ah he mouth,

Make me develop self-doubt.

D bumpy battle scars he gimme,

Coulda be seen all ova meh body.

How ah wish he coulda jus’ leave muh life,

One day I woulda discova him sleepin’ nex’ to ah velvet knife.

At nine years ol’ muh being shake wit’ fright,

Permanent damage inflict upon meh by jus’ one sight.

High school was d worst,

Who eva know teenagers’ words coulda hurt yuh d most?

Dey shout at d top ah dey lungs

“Big nose! Bat Ears! Gremlin!”

Bouy ah was tremblin’.

Ah finally understand d darkness ah feel fuh years,

Dis depression had meh shiftin’ gears.

Muh grades did neva take flight

Every night ah pray tuh see d light.

Even d teacher use tuh insult

“Corey, you are more useless than a trout.”

Ah drop outta school at sixteen,

And work here an’ dey giving out a spleen.

Likkle experience an’ ah large worl’ ahead,

Dem thoughts was consumin’ muh head.

Angst, rage an’ gloom,

All while ah was sweepin’ with ah broom.

Ah start out small,

Savin’ muh money workin’ in d mall.

Ah did meet ah beauty on dah Novemba night,

An’ muh perspective shif’ tuh d right.

She help meh turn muh sulk tuh glee,

Boy ah neva did see how good life could ah be!

One ting lead tuh d nex’

Slowly ah become muh bes’.

Ah try out wuh she tell meh tuh do,

“Exercise and yuh guh geh tru!”

Muh muscles grow an’ ah geh disciplin’

Ah realis’ waiz happen when yuh start listenin’.

Widdi money ah was makin’

Muh diet needed ah changin’.

Dem oily and fatty food was makin’ meh sick’

Muh pink organ did cyah think.

Ah manage muh income well,

Who knew eating good could ah keep yuh pockets swell?

More energy ah geh from eatin’ veges an’ meat,

Dan ah did eva geh from KFC on High Street.

Ah gone tuh therapy tuh see wuh it guh do ,

Turn out it was ah miracle like d doubles on d avenue.

Ah talk an’ ah talk an’ ah talk tuh d man,

He change d’ way ah tink an’ plan.

Ah learn to nuh be in d gutta’

Take dah energy an’ channel it into something betta.

Talkin’ help meh plenty,

Muh traumas seem so empty.

Ah come from d’ bottom and make it tuh d top,

Buildin’ muh lil’ business from young come up.

Ah feel like ah did have ah purpose in d worl’,

My endorphins make meh take full control.

Ah work on somethin’ everyday,

Eventually d hard work pay.

Ah make money and send some tuh d poor,

Ah wish somebody would ah gimmeh when ah needed more.

Decades pass an’ ah make it on d correc’ path,

Less an’ less ah feel d wrath.

Life begin tuh drive on track.

At dis point ah did cyah look back.

Ah proud tuh say today dat ah have ah family,

Meh lovin’ wife an’ daughta Emily.

Depression had meh dong greatly,

Glad tuh say dah muh life take ah complete one-eighty.

10 | P a g e

My creative piece is a poem, entitled, “One-Eighty,” which deals with the theme of depression.

Subsequently, this poem has produced various linguistic features, namely dialectal variation, and

communicative behaviours.

Predominantly, dialectal variation is omnipresent in this piece. Reduplication is seen in the

phrases, “ol’ ol’” and “poor poor.” The former places emphasis on the fact that Corey’s home

was structurally unsafe and hideous, thus he may have thought about how unlucky he is to live

there, while the latter exaggerates the impoverished conditions he grew up in, therefore both

phrases display Corey’s victimisation into depressive thoughts and behaviours.

Moreover, Standard English was used in the line, “Corey, you are more useless than a trout,”

which juxtaposes the Trinidadian Creole mainly emphasised in the poem. These words

emanating from the teacher, a role model to children, served to crush the soul of Corey and

psychologically hinder him from progressing academically. Perhaps due to the teacher being

educated at the tertiary level, they consider themselves to be of high status in society and thus

speaks in Standard English, whereas Corey was from a financially poor background and was not

exposed to Standard English in his rural community.

Additionally, communicative behaviours were observed in the poem. Paralanguage was seen in

the lines “Dey shout at d top ah dey lungs,” “Big nose! Bat ears! Gremlin!” By the children

yelling those harsh words at Corey, they wanted to ensure that others around him heard the

remarks in order to embarrass and treat him as an outcast at an early age. This verbal abuse

Corey endured regularly crushed his spirit and he continued his teenage years experiencing

feelings of despair and hopelessness without a support system.

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Furthermore, artefacts were seen in the line, “Ah wear raggedy shoes while everybody else was

ridin’ in ah jeep.” This displays the socio-economic line which divided Corey and his classmates,

where Corey was viewed as a peasant while his peers were viewed as higher class, hence

contributing towards his depressive thoughts.

In final review, the poem “One-Eighty,” depicts how the use of dialectal variation and

communicative behaviours can aid as inspiration for depressed adolescents to get better.

12 | P a g e

Working on this Internal Assessment (IA) which deals with the theme of “The Effects of

Depression on Adolescents,” has taught me a variety of important knowledge and skills. Firstly, I

have challenged my creative to produce a heartbreaking autobiographical poem of a person who

defeated depression from adolescence through the use of various coping mechanisms. This poem

allowed me to relate to the struggles of the protagonist as I have personally battled with

depression. Who knew that researching coping mechanisms on depression would have aided me

also? The information gathered was applied to my lifestyle, whereby some coping strategies such

as eating a well-balanced diet, exercising regularly, and going outside more often, helped to

alleviate my symptoms of depression. Having discovered these life-changing coping

mechanisms, I wish to spread the knowledge onto my fellowmen who are also dealing with

depression so that they can rise against it, whereby, slowly but surely society can be made into a

psychologically healthier environment.

13 | P a g e

Smith, M., M.A., Robinson, L., Segal, J., Ph. D. (2023). Coping with Depression.


Abenes, M., EdD (2021). Teens in America: How the COVID-19 Pandemic is Shaping the Next

Generation. PsychiatricTimes.


Suttie, J. (2016). Five Ways Parents Can Help Prevent Teen Depression. Greater Good Science



Bruce, D., Ph D. (2022). Teen Depression. WebMD.

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