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Name: Mercy
Date: 28-11-2018
Chinese zodiac of my family.
The date of birth of my father is October 12, 1978 and his Chinese zodiac is the land horse.
The Horse is of a seductive and very pleasant nature. He has a happy, communicative facet
and is very restless. It has an innate spirit of conquest that results in people being strongly
attracted to them. They are active people who will show a great inclination towards adrenaline
and adventure.
They are very active and willing and able to carry out large projects.
The date of birth of my mother is September 27, 1980 and the Chinese zodiac is the monkey
Metal monkey
He is very intelligent financially speaking which could make him a successful businessman. He
is usually kind, cheerful and openly affectionate with his loved ones. He also stands out in the
art of persuasion, which makes him a respect seller.
 Be able to overcome the frustration of failure and the same impatience with regard to the
progress of your life.
The date of birth of my brother is September 5, 2009 and the Chinese zodiac is the ox.
The Ox
The ox is calm and methodical. Under his modest appearance hides a logical and determined
mind. Although he is introverted, his energy can transform him into an effective speaker when
the need arises. He is a tireless worker, he follows routine and conventions. Thanks to his
constant and trusting nature, he reaches positions of responsibility and his presence inspires
order and respect.
Eloquent, intelligent and often artist. She is a argumentative creature who is not afraid to
express her point of view: she considers her opinions to be the only correct ones. He is a
difficult colleague, but you can trust him.
The date of birth of my sister is December 31, 2012 and the Chinese zodiac is the dragon.
The Dragon.
The Dragon symbolizes power and wealth; it is the sign of the emperor of China; charming and
bright, it dismisses vitality, strength and attracts with magnetism and extravagance. People born
under the influence of the Dragon captivate by their personal charisma and are accompanied by
good luck. They are especially attracted to strange and exotic things. They are active and
interested in the world around them; they love to participate in causes of great importance. The
Dragon can achieve great dreams if he manages to master his imagination and channel his
enormous energy to prosecute some of the many projects that occur to him, mostly
unrealizable. If your energy, intelligence and talent find the right way they can get great results;
for example you can use your great ability to predict trends.
My date of birth is February 28, 2000 and my Chinese zodiac is the dragon.
The Dragon.
The Dragon symbolizes power and wealth; it is the sign of the emperor of China; charming and
bright, it dismisses vitality, strength and attracts with magnetism and extravagance. People born
under the influence of the Dragon captivate by their personal charisma and are accompanied by
good luck. They are especially attracted to strange and exotic things. They are active and
interested in the world around them; they love to participate in causes of great importance. The
Dragon can achieve great dreams if he manages to master his imagination and channel his
enormous energy to prosecute some of the many projects that occur to him, mostly
unrealizable. If your energy, intelligence and talent find the right way they can get great results;
for example you can use your great ability to predict trends.

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