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SIOP Language Analysis Template: Name: Bonnie Kaiawe 3/19/2023

SIOP Language Analysis Template.

Bonnie Kaiawe 3/19/2023

Instructions: *Think about your visual literacy lesson and its corresponding content
objectives. Come up with at least one language objective that you feel your students are
practicing in this lesson. Listening

*Next analyze your lesson for how well the interactive activities practice each language
domain. Think about the group configurations that would be best for this kind of language
practice. Also consider the academic and content vocabulary. Speaking- through explanation
of the project outline the students are listening and following direction. Through speaking in
group discussion, they are expanding their experiences, getting a bigger visual, making
predictions, and connections to other children’s thoughts and ideas. Writing- Through their
sentence writing and picture image students are learning the vocabulary that is needed to
explain and broaden their verbal language by learning the elements and how they represent
their art. Reading- Through writing the sentences the students are reading their vocabulary and
elements they created in the sentences. Also, the new vocabulary they learn is added to their
word wall they use in the classroom. Listening- Through the group conversations and
examination of the leaves students are engaged in recognizing the varieties, this expands their
knowledge and strengthens theirs skills to connect in speaking with other students about their
visual experiences.

* Lastly think about how students will practice each piece of vocabulary by coming up with
sentence stems and ways they could use each one in a sentence. Through the explanation and
responses in reflection of what the leaves look like through studying the varieties. By having the
hands on leaves in front of them students can recognize the elements after they are discussed.
Having example sentences written up on the board will help the students recognize the new
vocabulary and have personal connection to their leaves.

Lesson Language Objective: (Add at least 1 language objective for this project.

*Pick one or more of the language domains that you think could be practiced during this
activity and create an objective for it. It must relate to your visual literacy lesson.) 5 points

Listening is the language domain that is most practiced during this activity, why because
through the reflection they are learning through expression of colors, variety of shapes and
branch their knowledge into critical thinking.
Domain Practice: (For this section think about the procedure in your lesson plan so far, now
analyze it for how well it used the four language domains.

*Tell me where/how you built in practice of each domain,

Speaking- is done with reflection on the leaves in group discussion, I would alter this section to
improve it with having a critique of the wreaths in front of the classroom. . Writing- is done
through sentence writing, Reading- is done with reading their sentences through writing, and
acknowledging new vocabulary words. Also with the reflecting on each leaf, any vocabulary
written on the board the students will be reading what is written on the board. Listening- is
done also with group discussion, this also can be improved by doing a think, pair, share to listen
to their peers on their experiences of leaves.

*and if one is missing tell me how you could alter the lesson to incorporate that domain. All
four domains need to be described.) 5 points

Group Configuration: (Think about the best ways you could group students to help practice
these domains. Having a group discussion would be the best way to start the lesson , because
there is so much information and new vocabulary that is new and students can engage and
connect with other students verbal expression on the leaves.

Would this be whole group discussions, small groups discussions at their tables, sharing with
partners, etc. This would be a group discussion at their tables, because the students collected
the leaves as they entered the room and they have the leaves to visually see in front of them,
this helps them express their feelings and vocabulary.

How might you help your language learners by partnering them with certain students? Why
did you pick this group configuration?) 5 points For students that need help with learning
language I would partner them with another student that is very expressive with their language,
their reflection and active expressions will enhance the learning experience. If I had a student
that needed a closer visual of the leaves I would give the child a photo copy of what each leaf
would look like, and have them color with a crayon to be engaged in understanding the color of
the leaves.

Content and Academic Language Vocabulary: (Look at the lesson you made so far.

What content vocabulary will be taught? Color, shapes, line, variety,

what academic vocabulary, The students will be learning academic vocabulary through the
sentence writing, and while the teacher is writing any comments and vocabulary the students
are expressing on the leaves while they are in group discussions.
language skills the students will practice. Break it up into two parts, the vocabulary and the
language skills. Think nouns and verbs. Make sure it is a complete list of any new vocabulary
you’d use.) 5 points

Vocabulary and Academic Language Usage:

(Give possible sentence stems or ways each new vocabulary term can be used in a sentence. This
will model to students how they will use the vocabulary and language skills they are being
taught. Key Words for Vocabulary wall<. COLOR, LINE, SHAPE, VARIETY

Sentence stems:

My leaf has red, green, and orange color. My leaf has pointy, jagged, smooth lines, My Fall leaf
has shape and variety .

Color- is expressed with the collection of leaves, having students examine their collection in
front of them on the table, and the teacher write the colors on the leaves in the leaves on the
board. Color is also expressed through a sentence stem if the child chooses to express color in
their writing.

Line- Line is expressed through the group discussion, with this the students learn the different
varieties of line in each leaf, jagged, pointy, smooth. Before the students assemble their wreath
the teacher show them how to create line in each leaf, giving them example, for each type of
leaf, and encouraging them to use color through the line, also expanding their knowledge that
not all lines in the leaves are the same.

Shape-Students will recognize the different shapes that the leaves can make, having the leaves
in front of them visually give them a deeper experience. Recognition that differences

Give possible sentence stems and ways of modeling the potential ways students will use the
vocabulary and language skills they are being taught. See the example for ideas. There needs to
be one for every vocabulary term you listed above.) 5 points

Having the students color their leaves, draw in the lines, explain the type of lines they see in the
sentence strips. Explain the variety of differences in line through discussions. And recognition of
the differences in shapes of the leaves in observing the different leaves in front of them and on
the white board the students will be able to express their sentences with the practice models on
the boards, and coloring the leaves they draw freehand on their sentence paper. Let’s them
express and connect what they learned in group discussion.

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