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Directions: Complete the following diagrams

- The functional perspective
- The conflict perspective
- The symbolic interaction perspective


- Knowledge based
- Competence Based
- Skills based

- Archeology
- Cultural Anthropology
- Linguistic Anthropology
- Physical Anthropology
- Applied Anthropology

Exercise 2:
Test I
Directions: write C if the statement is correct, and W if it is not.
C. 1. The primary goal of political science is citizenship education.
W 2. Sociology deals with understanding of political relationships such as bureaucracy and hierarchy.
C. 3. Political science is an art of studying politics and power.
W 4. Anthropology prepares the students for future career path in government service and politics.
W. 5. Franz Boas was a naturalist who developed a theory of evolution based on natural selection.
W. 6. Politics gives us information concerning man's behavior in relation to his social environment.
W. 7. Society is a product of human social process intended to meet basic needs for survival.
W. 8. People develop a culture of their own out of their learning and experiences from their
environmental exposure.
C. 9. Scientific investigation Is utilized in conducting sociological inquiry.
C. 10. A person who studies who studies or is engaged in the practice of anthropology is called an
C 11. Beliefs refer to the state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person
or thing.
W 12. The term “Politics” means scientific study of man or human beings.
W. 13. Cultural perspective sees social life as a competition, and focuses on the distribution of
resources, power, and inequality.
C. 14. The purpose of sociology is to understand how human action and consciousness both shape and
are shaped by surrounding cultural and social structures.
C. 15. Democracy is a government by the people, usually through elected representatives.

Test II.Directions: Answer the following questions. 5 points per item

Essay Rubrics:
Relevance of Content - 2 pts
Explanation and Analysis - 2 pts
Mechanics (Spelling, Grammar and Style) - 1 pt
1. Discuss the relevance of politics in understanding the conditions of your society.
- Politicians are the ones who are responsible for preserving order and responding to various concerns from
the public by taking acts to suit their needs and shape society. Politicians will carry out their oversight
responsibilities to guarantee that government administration is done accurately and effectively. Their
judgments will have an impact on not just one citizen, but the whole society itself.

2. What is the biggest known issue or problem in the society you live in today? How important is politics in
the said issue?
- Our society has been exposed to the virus for almost two years, and the government officials who rule our
country are responsible for deciding what to do in order to eliminate the pandemic with specific plans to
meet the needs of citizens in the face of the pandemic. Except for ourselves, they are the ones we rely on to
create protocols and do the right thing.

3. Related to the question above, if you were the one in position what actions would you have possibly done
for the betterment of the people living in the society you belong to?
- If I were a politician, I would put in place right processes and have a secure and reliable force that would
strictly follow the rules without regard for anything. I'd also establish a proper strategy that is appropriate for
the circumstances we're in right now, and I'd listen to my people's problems and complaints. One of the
factors for the betterment of the individuals under my supervision is taking action and responding quickly to
their wants and concerns.

4. What is your idea of an ideal society to live in?

- For me, an ideal society is one in which everyone has their freedom in a correct manner, one in which there
is no discrimination based on gender, size, color, or other factors, one in which people are educated, and one
in which people are open to suggestions.

5. If there is a song that would perfectly describe the culture, society, and politics in your country, what
would it be? Why?
- Gloc9's "Upuan" is the perfect song to describe the Philippines. The word 'upuan' does not technically
imply a chair, but it represents the people's place in government, which is also reflected in the phrase "kayo
po na nakaupo." There is a distinction to be made between individuals who live as squatters and those who
have government posts. Gloc9 merely wants to explain that these politicians are deceived by the truth, and
that all that matters to them is their position in society or the power they hold.

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