Digital Technology Portfolio

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Digital Technology Portfolio 

Class 7.2 Mia Chapman   

Di​gi​ta​l T​ec​hn​ol​og​y P​or​tf​ol​io 

Your Name Mia Chapman 
Your Class 7.2 Mrs Bull 



Class 7.2 Mia Chapman 

1. Algorithm Design - 20 marks 

Scenario 1:  
BEGIN watering system 
Measure water levels  

IF water levels are low THEN  

Turn on tap for 10 minutes 
IF water levels are high THEN  
Keep tap of 
Repeat every 12 hours 
END watering system  
Scenario 2: The CNC router 



Class 7.2 Mia Chapman 

Scenario 2:2. Technology in Society - 10 Marks 
Chosen Scenario​: Automatic Watering System 
a) How does this technology contribute to society? 5 marks 
Your Response: The Automatic watering system it saves more time and money it 
also saves electricity. The watering system saves time as it is on a timer so if you 
need to go out it can turn on and once it is at the end of its cycle it will automatically 
turn of. It saves money because it uses less electricity to run on. And saves money 
because you wouldn’t have to pay more money for your water pill. 
b) List three professions (jobs) which are required to make this technology function. 
3 marks 
Your Response: To make the automatic watering system to work you would need. A 
plumber to make the water flow and pump out of the watering spout. You would also need 
an engineer to design and make the watering pump to be able to have an automatic 
watering system. You would need to have an electrician to make wires and buttons go 
underground to make the system work. 
c) Describe one improvement to the technology which can be employed in future. 
2 marks 
Your Response: I would improve the watering system to be able to make it more 
efficient by making the system work by your phone. To make the system invisible so that 
way it would make your garden beautiful. I would also change it to be more accessible to 
be able to change the systems level if you need to add a longer time for the water to pump 
to pump during the day.   
End of Assessment Task 



Class 7.2 Mia Chapman 

3. Arduino Tutorials and Reflection - Class task 

Complete the first five Arduino tutorials in the Redboard SIK guide. Class time will be 
allocated to completing these tutorials.  
Circuit 1: Blinking LED  Reflection 

What did the circuit do?   

Describe where this control   

system could be used in real 

Outline the steps your took to   

overcome any challenges 

Describe how you might   

modify the circuit to make it 
more complicated 

Circuit 2: Potentiometer  Reflection 

What did the circuit do?   

Describe where this control   

system could be used in real 

Outline the steps your took to   

overcome any challenges 

Describe how you might   

modify the circuit to make it 
more complicated 

Circuit 3: RGB LED  Reflection 


Class 7.2 Mia Chapman 

What did the circuit do?   

Describe where this control   

system could be used in real 

Outline the steps your took to   

overcome any challenges 

Describe how you might   

modify the circuit to make it 
more complicated 

Circuit 4: Multiple LED’s  Reflection - 10 Marks 

What did the circuit do?   

Describe where this control   

system could be used in real 

Outline the steps your took to   

overcome any challenges 

Describe how you might   

modify the circuit to make it 
more complicated 

Circuit 5: Push Buttons  Reflection - 10 Marks 

What did the circuit do?   

Describe where this control   

system could be used in real 

Outline the steps your took to   

overcome any challenges 

Describe how you might   

modify the circuit to make it 


Class 7.2 Mia Chapman 

more complicated 


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