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Traditional Money Association

To promote the study and collecting of Custom Moneys Exchange Media, Traditional Wealth and Unusual Moneys of the world

President Col Davidson 2 Goldfinch Way Orange NSW 2800 Australia .Email:

1st October 2011

A Short History of The Traditional Money Association

My name is Col Davidson and I have been a mad-keen collector of Primitive Moneys since the mid 1960s. In the May of 1974 I met Neil Kent Becker when he wrote to advise me the imminent formation of his club The International Primitive Odd and Curious Money Club (later changed to the International Primitive Money Club). I became member #29 and enjoyed his early Journals. Neil wished to continue his academic studies and, rather than let the club lapse, I offered to run it for a time. My first Journal for the IPOCMC was issued in February 1978 and a further seven Journals were issued, the final in December 1979, when Neil was able to take back the reins. I had enjoyed my time as Secretary/Editor and thought that there was enough room for a third club (EUCOPRIMO having been created in 1978) and so formed The Traditional Money Association with its first Journal going out to members in August 1980. From that time a further 26 Journals have been issued, the final one in February 1998. At that time family illness and commitments caused the club to lapse. The journals, each of about 20 pages, contain some marvellous articles on many areas of Primitive moneys. Some of these articles have been written by academics, others by persons who later became accomplished authors of books on Tribal areas and the remainder by keen collectors. Much of the information is not available elsewhere.

My idea with this complete set of 27 Journals is to try and ensure that the information is not lost and so I am offering DVDs at about the cost of worldwide postage. My apologies for the quality of the production but the templates, from which these were taken, have faded with age and required not only scanning, but much Photoshopping to make them readable. In the time when these Journals were issued cut and paste was done with scissors and paper glue and printing was done on a Photostat machine. To see the difference between then and now peruse one of the marvellous Journals of the EUCOPRIMO. An Index is set out below. I hope that you enjoy the information herein and I am always happy to discuss Primitive money matters my Email and address are above. All the best to you and yours, Col

P.S. Remember the two Primitive Money Clubs still running the IPMC and the very professional German based EUCOPRIMO (Google for latest information).

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TMAJournalAug1980Vol1No1 ShellStringsofGelaandMalaita....ColDavidson SoulCatchersofBorneo...ColDavidson WhenaShellwasworthmorethanaLife...ColDavidson TradeinMaoriNewZealand...ColDavidson TMAJournalAug1980Vol1No2 AllthatGlitters...ColDavidson CeremonialExchangeinNewGuinea...ColDavidson ItemsusedinTe...ColDavidson TMAJournalApr1981Vol2No1 PorpoiseTeethinEastKwaioArtwork...D.Akin SantaCruzFeatherMoney...M.L.Clark TMAJournalOct1981Vol2No2 AbbiaCurrencyDice..LeighBurford ExploringthefarDistantPast...M.L.Clark KwaioBala...D.Akin RingMoney...A.M.Smith TMAJournalApr1982Vol3No1 Holes...M.L.Clark TheOriginsofShellMoneyinKwaio...D.Akin CareandPreservationofthePrimitiveMoneyCollection...ColDavidson TMAJournalOct1982Vol3No2 DeathofNeilKentBecker TraditionalWealthandTradeItemsoftheKula...ColDavidson TMAJournalApr1983Vol4No1 CounterfeitPrimitiveMoney,andyetgenuine...C.deBoer TheLadiesofOldTahiti...ColDavidson MoneyTrees...AlanK.McRae TMAJournalOct1983Vol4No2 NotNylonFishingLineAgain...ColDavidson CookandhisMenCollectorsofPrimitiveMoney...ColDavidson MoneyDoesgrowonTrees...D.Krolow ToUbaorDibidibi...ColDavidson

TMAJournalApr1984Vol5No1 DifferentPerspectives...D.Krolow MoneyofFormerTimes...DenisSegalier ModernTeaBricks...ColDavidson TheAcheulianHandAxe...ColDavidson GradingyourSlaves...ColDavidson TMAJournalNov1984Vol5No2 FeatherMoneyofSantaCruz...PacificIslandsMonthly BruneiBellsAhelptoidentification...ColDavidson OriginsoftambuCurrency...R.M.Elias&R.M.Sherwin TMAJournalApr1985Vol6No1 TheNewCradleofCivilisation...ColDavidson TheStoneMortarsandPestlesofNewGuinea...ColDavidson TMAJournalNov1985Vol6No2 CopperfromHeligoland...D.Krolow PhoenixTheBirdofImmortality...ColDavidson EuropeanBronzeAxe...ColDavidson BorneoBulletMoney...ColDavidson TMAJournalApr1986Vol7No1 TheRightAccessoriestomatchaBearSkin DiscoveryofaStoneAgebarter...D.Krolow TheCopperfindsoftheElbaasOriginoftheManillas...H.J.Runge ShellMoneyStringsfromDukeofYork...CdeBoer TMAJournalNov1986Vol7No2 PinyonPineNutsinWashoIndianCommerce...DouglasMcDonald BuriedTreasure...ColDavidson SomeNotesontheSwedishPlateMoney...ColDavidson TMAJournalApr1987Vol8No1 TracesofStoneAgeManBeyondtheArcticCircle...D.Krolow TheAustralianAborigineATraderinAntiquity...ColDavidson AustralianAboriginesandAustralites...GraemeKrake TheBurialofRoyMata...ColDavidson TMAJournalNov1987Vol8No2 ArrowsasBridePrice...GraemeKrake ATasteforSaltinNewGuinea...ColDavidson

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TMAJournalApr1988Vol9No1 BeautyMagicintheKulaArea...ColDavidson ShellDecorationfromNewBritain...ColDavidson TheKayeckioftheKulaPeople...ColDavidson TheGiniubaoftheKulaPeople...ColDavidson AnotherUsefortheBekuintheTrobriands...ColDavidson TMAJournalNov1988Vol9No2 AHoeMoneyfromCameroon...CdeBoer ModernTeaBricks...ColDavidson ThailandandtheCollector...StevenDunning PayingaBillinChina TraditionalMoneyonCoins...ColDavidson TMAJournalApr1989Vol10No1 ValuablesoftheDaniinWestNewGuinea...CdeBoer TravelsthroughIrianJaya...ColDavidson TMAJournalNov1989Vol10No2 FurthernotesonIrianJaya...ColDavidson DangangtangTraditionalBridewealth...ColinBarron PapuanTreasures TMAJournalApr1990Vol11No1 BronzeAgemoneyAxe...ColDavidson RealorForged...ColinBarron MoreShellvaluablesfromIrianJaya...ColDavidson TheTreeofLife TMAJournalNov1990Vol11No2 UdoudTraditionalPalauanMoney...FrancescoK.Romengesau Buttonsasvaluables...ColinBarron TheCowrieShellasCurrency...Stamps&Coins(1948) TMAJournalApr1991Vol12No1 TheSombe...CdeBoer YapStory...NeilKentBecker BeetlesandPrimitiveMoney...GraemeKrake SpindleWhorls...JokevanderKamp TMAJournalNov1991Vol12No2 TraditionalMoneyofBorneo PartIBrassObjects...GraemeKrake MoneyofMenwhoeatMen...ColDavidson

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TMAJournalApr1994Vol13No1 TraditionalMoneyofBorneo PartIITradeCeramics...GraemeKrake AManofSubstanceAManofRenown...ColDavidson NotWorthaBean DowntoEarthTheMondonooftheGende...ColDavidson MoreEdibleEarth...ColDavidson TMAJournalNov1994Vol13No2 MadebyaGodTheKesaofChoiseul...ColDavidson TMAJournalFeb1998Vol14No1 TheSagaoftheSaintPaul...ColDavidson

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