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Issues in Teacher Leadership Review

Teacher Leadership Impacts Student Growth

"Teacher leadership & deeper learning for all students" by Barnett Berry (2016) focuses
on the importance of teacher leadership in promoting deeper learning for students. The
author argues that teachers are in a unique position to lead and facilitate deeper learning
experiences for students, and that their leadership can have a significant impact on
student achievement and engagement. He discusses the various roles that teacher
leaders can play in promoting deeper learning, including as instructional leaders,
curriculum designers, and advocates for student-centered learning. Collaboration and
teacher professional development is important to fostering teacher leadership and
promoting deeper learning. Lastly, having a teacher-centered instruction to a focus on
student-centered, deeper learning experiences is key and that teacher leadership is
essential in achieving this shift.

The article "Teacher Leadership Is Linked to Higher Student Test Scores in New Study" by
Madeline Will (2017) shows a study that investigates the relationship between teacher
leadership and student achievement. The study surveyed teachers across the United
States and found that teacher leadership had a positive correlation with student test
scores. The article defines teacher leadership as the capacity of teachers to make
important decisions regarding their own classrooms, their school, and their profession.
The author notes that teacher leadership can take various forms such as leading
professional development sessions or working on curriculum design. The article suggests
that teacher leadership can improve student achievement by fostering a collaborative
culture among teachers and increasing teacher buy-in for school-wide initiatives.
However, the author acknowledges that more research is needed to determine the causal
relationship between teacher leadership and student achievement.

"Teacher Leadership The Pathway to Common Core Success" paper by Andrew Amore,
Nichole M. Hoeflich, and Kaitlin Pennington (2015) emphasizes the critical role that
teacher leadership plays in achieving success with Common Core standards. They argue
that teacher leadership is not only important for instructional improvement, but also for
supporting the adoption and implementation of the Common Core standards. The authors
highlight key elements of teacher leadership, including a focus on instructional leadership,
collaboration and shared decision-making, and ongoing professional learning. They
provide examples of successful teacher leadership models and describe the impact of
these models on student achievement. The paper also outlines specific strategies for
building teacher leadership capacity, such as creating teacher leadership teams and
providing ongoing support for teacher leaders. Ultimately, the authors contend that
teacher leadership is essential for improving student learning and ensuring that all
students have access to a high-quality education.

These three articles suggest that teacher leadership is important in various forms. The
three articles share the common theme of teacher leadership and its impact on improving
teaching and learning. They emphasize the importance of empowering teachers to take on
leadership roles, collaborate with others, and engage in shared decision-making, which in
turn improves student learning. The readings helped me remember that learning, even in
a leadership form, goes on forever and it not only helps myself as teacher but will have an
impact on my colleagues and students around me.

Barry, B. (2016). Teacher leadership & deeper learning for all students. Center for Teacher

Will, M. (2017). Teacher Leadership is Linked to Higher Student Test Scores in New Study.
Education Week Teacher

Amore, A., Hoeflich, N., and Pennington, K. (2015). Teacher Leadership: The Pathway to
Common Core Success. Center for American Progress

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