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Josh Singleton


Home Injury Report

To: Athlete & Parents
From: Athletic Trainer
Date: 5/2/22

Impression of Injury: Ulnar Collateral Ligament Sprain- An injury to the inside(medial) of ligament of the

Home Care Instructions:

 R.I.C.E
Rest- No throwing, no high velocity movement with elbow
Ice- Ice for 20 minutes every hour or two
Compression- If swelling is present can use ace bandage provided to wrap elbow to help with
Elevation- Keep injured arm elevated above the level of the heart

 Set up athlete to see primary care doctor to set up imaging to make sure nothing is torn. If
unable to secure visit we can provide you an appointment with team doctor.

 No throwing practice until imaging is done and cleared by doctor

 Athlete can use cardio bike or treadmill to keep cardio. No heavy lifting in the upper body.

 Return to athletic trainer for re-evaluation after the weekend

When to Seek Further Care

 If pain or swelling increases over the weekend or if the athlete begins to feel nausea/sick then
seek out immediate medical attention to rule out a more serious injury
 After seeing the physician. Please bring back a note with the doctor clearing them or instructions
on further care for the athlete. If note is not provided then athlete can not participate in any
practices or games with the team.

Contact Info

 If there any questions, please do not hesitate to reach me at 610-062-2498 or
Phillies Injury Report

Type of Injuries Total Number of Injuries

Shoulder 2
Elbow 2
Hand 1
Total 5

Considering that it is the beginning of the season. I wanted to give you an updated report of the injuries
we are dealing with at the moment. We have 4 pitchers that we are tending to, 2 being a shoulder injury
and 2 being an elbow issue. Then we are dealing with a hand injury with one of the center fielders. We
have been playing for about a month now and we only have 5 injuries which is considerable good
considering other teams in the league are reporting 10 people on the injury reserve list at least. I believe
that with the nature of the sport we should incorporate time within travel and games for me to go
through shoulder and elbow prehab for our players. This should lead to less shoulder and elbow injuries
we should see closer to October when it really matters. I know we have some big games with the
Rangers and the Mets coming up but before the team goes back on the road to Seattle I want to lay the
ground level for what I want them to be doing.


MLB. (2022, May 2). MLB injury report - baseball player injuries. Retrieved May 2, 2022,

Starkey, C.,Brown, S. D. (2015). Examination of Orthopedic; Athletic Injuries. F.A. Davis Company.

Spring-Ford High School Athletic Training. (2021). Injury Report

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