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7 Student Page 251 Happy, but not too fast Fifty Nifty United States oriiafiias VY os & Fit ty nifty Usnit- ed States from 2 a G © & * Sa De z nif - ty stars inthe flag. that = oo & WSS | ir-teen o-rg-t-nal col = 0 = nes wis bil-lows so beau-ti- My } a =F zl i Vor i ft tt wmmulceleteT14 Am man NYY A evodvuvvueB yyudevens o Vaud T eee U & ¢ oo Vos trib-utes a quality that is great. Each in. - di vid-u-al state de - serves 2 bow, we sa- For . Won se lute them now. Fil ~ ty nif - ty U-nit - ed States from thir teen o-rig -i- nal P eee EAPO UU VU EEUU EES DOORS Led ||| {Ht & lt it peEeULEU wsuvds v Ya : . it SS SS Mar-y-land, Massachusetts, Mich «i - gan; New — Jer-sey, New Mex-i - co, North Car-0-li = na, North Da-ko = ta, O + hi a oe Penn-syl- va ia, Rhode Is-land, South Car-o-li na, South Da-ko- ta, Ten-nes-see, » © Y ’ West Vir-gin-ia, Wis-con-sin, Wy - 0 = ming. North, south, east, west, in our ce Vv e ob - jec-tive 0 - pinion, “ame of home sate) isthe ser urea err momen tae UIULURTAIR A Bia Panerrrnney all PUVIVFEVIKHD HT EKO Hd eEGS vudidad F< ty nifty Umit = ed States from thir - teen or = i= oh cot - 0-1, | Lome v ee pS 3 es ‘ ; e -. s3 | Shout ‘em, scout ‘em, Tell all a-bout ‘em, One by one till we've gv-en a day to a

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