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Task 1 - Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Its Application across the Curriculum

This lesson will guide you in understanding content knowledge, pedagogical

knowledge, and curricular knowledge. It will help you analyze the importance of content
knowledge and its application to teaching and learning. The objectives of this lesson are
the following:
1. differentiate content knowledge from pedagogical knowledge and curricular
2. observe how teachers align the content of the lesson to the curriculum; and
3. analyze the benefits of pedagogical content knowledge.

Education Theory

The mastery of content and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge

(PCK) of the subject area is one of the competencies expected in a teacher education
graduate (CHED 2017). Shulman introduced PCK in 1986 and defined three categories
of teacher's knowledge that are essential in teaching and learning. These are the

Content Knowledge - the knowledge of the subject matter or academic course to

be taught or expected to be learned by students, which requires understanding of facts,
concepts, or principles.

Pedagogical Knowledge - the knowledge of teaching, which includes methods

and strategies of formulating the subject matter to make it more comprehensible to the

Curricular Knowledge - the knowledge of the curriculum, which is represented by

full range of programs designed for teaching a particular subject/course at a given level.

PCK is the blending of content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge that is

unique among teachers. It is the type of knowledge in which the teacher relates his or
her pedagogical knowledge to the content knowledge to make the lesson more relevant
and comprehensible to learners.

While it is important for teachers to have mastery of content and pedagogical

skills, it is also essential to have curricular knowledge to deliver the content effectively.
Choppin (2009) emphasized that the notion of curricular-context knowledge has the
potential to be a tool to explore how teachers develop and connect content knowledge,
pedagogical content knowledge. and curricular knowledge in practice.

As a teacher, you should familiarize yourself with DepEd's K to 12 Basic

Education Curriculum.

A. Write down the information asked and answer the succeeding questions based on
your class observation.

Name of Teacher; WENELYN D. CONDINO

Date and Time of November 9, 2022 / 7:00 - 12:00 am to 1:00-5:00 pm


Assigned Grade and Section: GRADE 2



Relevant Trainings Attended: School Learning Action Cell on Interim Guidelines for
Assessment and Grading in Light of the Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan

School Learning Action Cell (SLAC) on Child Protection

and Classroom Observation Practices on Improving
Teaching Learning Process

1. Are the teacher's background and qualifications aligned with the subject/s he or she
is assigned to teach?
Answer: Yes, the background and qualifications of the teachers are aligned with the
subject/s she is assigned to teach
2. Does he or she use the K to 12 curriculum guide in preparing a lesson plan?
Answer: Yes, she used k to 12 curriculum guide in preparing a lesson plan, because it
serve as our reference for us to determine the learning delivery approach.
3. Does he or she consider the learner's prior knowledge in designing a lesson plan?
Answer: Yes, she consider the learners prior knowledge in designing a lesson plan.
Because she used it base on what strategies she will use that will be suited for her
learners. So that they will have already an idea about the topic that she will be
discussing, and also students can participate well in the class.
4. Does he or she use varied teaching strategies to deliver the subject matter?
Answer: Yes, she used varied teaching strategies to deliver the subject matter to her
students, because it was important using varied teaching strategies it plays important
role in classroom, in especially in giving instructions. Without strategies teachers can't
connect with students.
5. Does he or she conduct research in planning for his or her lessons?
Answer: Yes, she used varied teaching strategies to deliver the subject matter to her
students, because it was important using varied teaching strategies it plays important
role in classroom, in especially in giving instructions. Without strategies teachers can't
connect with students.

B. Check (/)
Indicators Observed Not Remarks
1. Explains the subject matter ✓
a. Clearly
b. Accurately
c. Comprehensively
2. Relates the subject matter with ✓
previous lessons that have been
taught or future lessons to be
3. Presents facts, theories, and ✓
concepts to support the validity
of content
4. Manifests understanding of the ✓
learners' background in relation
to the subject matter
5. Utilizes appropriate pedagogical ✓
strategies in the delivery of the
subject matter
6. Integrates appropriate ✓
technology tools specific to the
subject matter to be taught
7. Promotes inquiry-based ✓
learning to develop higher order
thinking skills and/or 21st
century skills
8. Uses appropriate languages to ✓
make subject matter delivery
more comprehensible
9. Shows skills in the use of ✓
information and
communications technologies
(ICT) to facilitate teaching and
10. Uses effective verbal and non- ✓
verbal forms of communication
strategies to promote
meaningful learning

A. Based on what you have observed in class, explain the importance of the different
kinds of knowledge.
1. Content knowledge
Answer: The knowledge of the subject matter or academic course to be taught or
expected to be learned by students, which requires understanding of facts, concepts, or
2. Pedagogical knowledge
Answer: The knowledge of teaching, which includes methods and strategies of
formulating the subject matter to make it more comprehensible to the learners.
3. Curricular knowledge
Answer: The knowledge of the curriculum, which is represented by full range of
programs designed for teaching a particular subject/course at a given level.
B. What do you think were the strategies used by the teacher to enrich his or her
mastery of the subject matter?
Answer: Visualization where she visualized the importance of the topic, instructional
materials, and the activities that will support the experiences of her students.
C. What do you think were the strategies used by the teacher to enrich his or her
pedagogical knowledge?
Answer: To improve the insight of the students as prospective teachers, they need to
take part in mentoring or activities.
D. What do you think were the strategies used by the teacher to augment his or her
curricular knowledge?
Answer: Base on my observation, she used visualization in where she visualized the
importance of the topic. She use tv in playing videos, showing pictures, using
instructional materials and other. And she outline well the content of subject matter to
deliver well, clearly and effecient.


Complete the following:

I realized that to effectively delivered the content/ lesson, we should have mastery of
content and pedagogical skills. So in that way we can make our lesson more relevant,
effecient and comprehensible.
I believe that as a future teacher, we should learn more how to use different strategies,
how to use k to 12 curriculum guide in preparing lesson plan. As a future teacher we
should practice more strategies on how to deliver a subject matter. It more needed
specially in a field of teaching.
I feel that it's to hard for being a teacher, specially in teaching elementary grades,
because there will be more challenges that will encountere and faces. And I believe that
in every success there's also a failure and in every failure that will help me to learn more
in where I can apply it when I in a field of teaching.
When I become a teacher, I will I will be more flexible in all aspects of teaching. I wil also
apply what I learned in my fs subject/ observation. When I become a teacher I will do my
best to facilitate my learners.

Task 2 - Learner Safety and Security

For teachers to be effective and for students to learn well, a safe and secure
learning environment should be established. The objectives of this lesson are the

1. identify safety and security policies and practices in a learning environment;

2. observe how safety and security policies are practiced in a learning environment;
3. reflect on how safety and security practices impact teaching and learning.

Education Theory

Learning environment refers to any context in which learning is supposed to take

place. It may refer to a physical space like a classroom, laboratory, or any room. It may
also refer to a non-formal learning environment such as distance learning and online or
virtual learning where the teaching-learning process occurs (Bernard 2012). In other
words, learning environment is more than just physical components. It refers to any
space where the needs of learners are addressed, interactions occur, and relationships
are established in order for learning to effectively take place.

Environment plays a vital role in learning (Hannah 2013). For learning to take
place, it is important that certain needs are met. Students will have a difficult time
focusing on their studies if their minds are preoccupied with matters other than the
lesson being taught. Psychologist Abraham Maslow formulated a hierarchy of needs. It
states that each level should be fulfilled in order to progress to the next stage. Two of
the basic needs identified by Maslow are security and safety. Students should be in an
environment where they are free to move, talk, and interact with others without
compromising their physical, psychological, and emotional health. This can be done by
making sure that routines are established, rules are clearly defined, and policies are
explicitly explained. Knowing what to expect provides students an opportunity to
manage behavior as they deem fit in a predictable learning environment (Burleson and
Thoron 2014).

Check (✔) the box that corresponds to the learning environment of the class you have

The Learning environment… Yes No Remarks

1. is clean and orderly ✓
2. has policies that ensure the safety and ✓
security of students
3. has space where students can play ✓
4. displays work of students ✓
5. allows students to freely express their ✓
thoughts and ideas
6. gives students an opportunity to take ✓
part in the formulation of classroom
rules and policies
7. has teachers who are calm and ✓
8. encourages students to explore and ✓
learn on their own
9. gives students opportunities to correct ✓
10. encourages students to resolve conflicts ✓


Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have observed in

1. What features of the learning environment have significantly contributed to the

students learning?
Answer: Flexibility, openness, access to resources. Flexibility, openness, easy access to
resources, spaces designed to be adaptable with lots of movable partition walls,these
characteristics give students choice in how and when they learn.
2. In your opinion, how can the school's learning be improved?
Answer: For me the school learnings will improve by providing the needs of schools and
teachers in teaching. And on how they manage and give time to teach. School learning
will improve in having excellent teachers, knowledgeable and creative.

2. How does Maslow's theory explain the importance of security and safety in ensuring
that learning will take place?
Answer: One of our most basic needs is safety. This is something that both
studentsand teachers must be aware of. We must understand and be aware of the
things thatmust be taken care of, particularly in the areas of teaching and learning. To
thinkabout it, all students have basic needs that must be addressed in order for them to
learn, so the more needs that are met, the more kids will learn.

Complete the following:

I realized that,we have different teaching-learning principles, which is can help us, as a
future teacher as tolls on how to teach the students easily and very well. For me,
Guiding Principle is must, because there always a connection between the teacher and
the student
I believe that, as a future teacher we should applied all teaching principles like Starting,
Guiding and Ending Principles to make it sure that all the students will adopt all the
objective in their own progress.
I feel that as a teacher, you must give your best to make your students learn and will not
left behind.
When I become a teacher, I will give my best and I want to be a kind of a teacher that
was a good model for her students. And when I become a teacher I will make sure that
my students will learn and adopt what I teach them.

Task 3 - Management of Classroom Structure and Activities

To promote an effective learning environment, teachers should be able to

manage the physical structure of the classroom and activities well. This lesson explores
classroom management as a key to effective teaching. The objectives of this lesson are
the following:

1. observe how teachers manage classroom structure and activities:

2. determine how the classroom structure and activities affect the students'
participation; and
3. learn how to effectively manage classroom structure and activities.

Education Theory

According to Robert Sommer (1977), the classroom layout depends on the

teacher's philosophy, objectives, activities, and priorities.

Teachers who believe that children learn best by listening usually arrange desks and
chairs in rows and columns. On the other hand, teachers who believe that students
should collaborate and communicate arrange desks and tables in clusters.

Aside from the teacher's philosophy, learning activities also affect how the
physical space is set up. If the activity requires students to work together, then there
should be areas where they can work as a group. However, if students need to do their
work individually, then the chairs and tables should be arranged in rows and columns
(Fernandes et al. 2011).
Priorities and objectives also dictate how a class is structured. Gremmen, et al.
(2016) identify academic and classroom management as top considerations when
determining the appropriate class layout.

Teachers most often arrange the physical structure to address the best way
students can learn. Thus, the best way for teachers to determine the ideal classroom
setup is to look into the activities that the students are engaged in.

Finally, the classroom setup should also account for behavior management.
Students who need special attention should be strategically placed in front so that they
can be attended to immediately (Earp 2017).


A. Draw the room layout of the class you have observed.

B. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask the following questions:

1. What can you say about the physical structure of your classroom?
Answer: The classroom is one of the rooms for Grade 2 students. I could say that the
classroom is big enough for my pupils. It has one door where can be use as entrance
and exit. When you enter the classroom, the blackboard can be seen in front. There are
30 chairs and 20 tables for the students. The classroom also has sink where students
can wash their hands and brush their teeth. It also has a comfort room located at the
back of the room. It is a simple classroom but I made sure that the students will be
comfortable while they are inside it.
2. What were the things that you considered when you arranged the classroom?
Answer: When it comes to arranging the classroom, I made sure to it that the design or
arrangement will be conducive to learning. I, as a Grade 2 teacher made sure that the
classroom is spacious enough so that the students can move properly and do the
activities that they are doing. The other thing that I considered is the color that I used in
painting the classroom. I have used light colors only so that it will be pleasing to the
children. I also made the classroom well ventilated as well as the lighting is good
Another thing that I have considered is the arrangement of tables and chairs. I
arranged it in a way that the students can move enough while doing classroom
activities. The cabinets, boxes, other book shelves and tables that are not being used
are placed in one side to give more space to the classroom. I have also put reading
corner so that the students can read books during their vacant times.
3. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of
physical setup?
Answer: I believe that the physical arrangement of a classroom is one of the
contributors in the successful learning of students. Students will be more interested in
learning if their classroom is well arranged. Considering the space inside the classroom
will be a big help for the children because they can move freely. Good ventilation and
lighting can help them while reading and it can also make them feel and see better. The
colors that they can see inside the classroom can enhance their interest in learning


Based on what you have observed in class and the teacher's responses on the
interview, answer the following questions:

1. Do you think that the classroom structure is consistent with the teacher's
objectives? Why? Why not?
Answer: Yes, because it provides effective teaching, it’s crucial to create a learning
environment where students feel safe, known, and motivated to learn.
2. How does the classroom setup affect the students' performance and learning?
Answer: Classroom setup affect the student achievement.The facility's structural
features inadequate lighting, noise, poor air quality, and deficient heating also can
undermine learning.The classroom's symbols, such as objects and décor, also influence
student achievement.
3. If you were the teacher, what kind of classroom structure would you adopt to
maximize the students learning?
Answer: I believe that it's important to help students develop good behavioral skills in
addition to good learning mechanisms, and by providing them with direction and
structure, they can reach their maximum potential. And I will make a classroom rules
board that my students followed.I also adjusted assigned seating as necessary to make
sure each student had limited distractions while completing their work.

Complete the following:

I realized that we need a proper classroom management strategy to guide all things
that happen in the classroom within the day. It is often helpful to plan the lesson
taking into account the classroom management issues such that possible
misbehaviors during the lesson will not limit us from helping the students to effectively
grasp what teachers must going to teach.Therefore, before a student puts up behavior
in class during a lesson, the plan of managing the class can help us to quickly deal with
that behavior and move on with the lesson
I believe that the teacher with strong classroom management skills creates consistency
for his/her students. The students know what to expect every day when it comes to the
routine activities. The students may fare better when the teacher is gone if they have set
expectations for everyday tasks.
I feel that classroom arrangement is a big factor for managing classes as it involves
organizing the positioning of the students and the teacher. Arranging a classroom
means the teacher becomes the facilitator and can organize the tables and chairs into
rows,circles, horseshoes and separate tables formation. Circles and formation has
great advantages for example for students to interact as they can have eye contact with
all individuals in the classroom. Also, it is really important to know how to use space
wisely and to use extra tools.
When I become a teacher, I will consider first the situation of my students. As ateacher,
it is my responsibility to know what actors might affect the learning of my
students. So that, I would immediately give them atentions to everything that wil
behelpful for their development as a learners. As a teacher one of my main roles is to
motivate my students to develop their ability and aspiration to learn. In addition, my
ultimate aim is to enable my students to understand how to take responsibility for their
own development.

Task 4 - Learner's Gender, Needs, Strengths, Interests, and Experiences

Strength lies in differences, not in similarities. This lesson will guide you in
understanding your students' gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experiences. The
objectives of this lesson are the following:

1. observe how stakeholders can promote a gender-sensitive school/classroom:

2. discuss the steps in creating a student-centered classroom; and
3. determine the strengths and weaknesses of your students.

Education Theory

Aniekee Ezekiel once quoted that the ability to recognize and respect individual
differences is the beginning of a successful relationship. Student-teacher relationship is
very important to promote a more effective instruction. However, this will be impossible
without knowing the uniqueness and differences of your students-the heart and center
of teaching and learning.

To promote gender-sensitive classrooms, the DepEd issued DepEd Order 32,

series of 2017. This policy ensures a gender-responsive physical and social
environment that promotes respect for all people and has a zero tolerance for all forms
of discrimination, violence, and abuse. It also promotes the institutionalization of
gender-responsive teaching-learning plans, guides, processes, activities, mechanisms
and measures. With this policy, we can assure that gender stereotyping which ignores
individual differences in basic education will be prevented.

To ensure that classroom learning is fun and enjoyable, the needs and interests
of the students should be the priority of every school. RA 10533 adheres to this
principle by making the curriculum learner-centered, inclusive, and developmentally
appropriate. Moreover, this policy makes education learner-oriented and responsive to
the needs, cognitive and cultural capacity, as well as the circumstances and diversity of
learners, schools, and communities.

Through these policies, schools can follow a learner-centered curriculum that is

anchored in the learners' needs and interests. Barnes (2013) outlines five steps to
create a progressive, student-centered classroom:

1. create ongoing projects;

2. integrate technology.
3. replace homework with engaging in-class activities;
4. eliminate rules and consequences; and
5. involve students in evaluation.


A. Interview the following internal school stakeholders on how they promote a

gender-sensitive school/classroom. Write their responses.
1. School principal
Answer: The school implement gender equality among all pupils. Explore gender
concepts and role from different communities. Help student identify instances of
gender bias, through awareness activities. A teacher must constantly be aware that
their actions, attitude, and mindset will shape students’ perception of gender norms and
gender roles.
There are many ways you can promote gender equality in the classroom:
1. Be reflective and be objective
2. Get feedback from colleagues and students
3. Use gender-neutral language when appropriate
4. Explain the context
5. Seat and group students intentionally
6. Use project – based learning

2. Department head
3. Cooperating teacher
Answer: Our classroom is also a gender sensitive one. It can be observed in different
ways. One way is can be seen in the seating arrangement of pupils where girls can be
seated next to boys and the other way around. Another way is when we are having
group activities. Each group may have girls and boys in their team.

4. Guidance counselor
Answer: Our school promote a gender - sensitive through avoid separating male and
female pupils, promoting all genders working together, include literature that is
inclusive and free of gender stereotypes, and avoid assigning gender to toys and games
all activities must be equal regardless of gender.

B. Discuss how the following steps create a progressive, student-centered


1. Create ongoing projects.

Answer: The creating ongoing projects plays an essential roles in promoting
mastery. Creating ongoing projects are provides a lots of project choices that enable
students to demonstrate what they are learning. The ongoing projects also are
stimulating the workshop environment and that is the foundation in which the students-
centered classroom is built.
2. Integrate technology.
Answer: Students get motivated to participate in any class activity when they have
access to a variety of fascinating web tools.And also the Integrate technology in where
the learners will be more engaged in any activity or project if they can choose from the
hundreds of amazing free web tools that provides excellent platforms in presenting,
sharing information and etc...
3. Replace homework with engaging in-class activities.
Answer: Homework are not all the time done by the students because
parents are sometimes doing it instead of just assisting their children. Hence it does
not promote a student -learning environment. Thus, it is indeed better to Engage in-class
activity like role play, oral participation, etc. That allows students to do their work
4. Eliminate rules and consequences.
Answer: Rules and restrictions limits the ability of students to show up. Eliminating
students are able to unfold their skills and show their best in the class. Ones the student
is reprimanded or cautioned for violation of rules, they may feel awkward the
next time around. They may feel shame and may forever hesitate to participate in any
class activity
5. Involve students in evaluation.
Answer: Involve students in evaluation promotes a learner-centered
environmentbecause, they will learn how they were evaluated. By that they can reflect
totheir mistakes and shortcomings and adjust to change their imperfections
C. List down 10 strengths and weaknesses of the students from the class you have

Student Name Strengths Weaknesses

1. Prince Writing,Reading Solving math problem, Cursive
comprehension writing, Drawing/ Arts, Reading
cursive words
2. Nicole Cursive writing, reading Solving math problem, Drawing/
comprehension, writing Arts.
3. Lance Drawing/Arts, writing Cursive Writing, Reading
comprehension, Solving math
problem., Reading cursive words
4. Princess Bella Writing, Cursive writing, Drawing/Arts, Solving math,
reading comprehension
5. Jay mark Writing, Drawing/Arts, Not really good in reading
comprehension,Cursive writing,
Solving math, Reading cursive
6. Florince Writing, Solving math, Drawing/Arts
Reading comprehension,
Cursive writing
7. Maria Angelica Writing, reading Solving math, Drawing/Arts,
comprehension, Cursive
writing, Reading cursive
8. Stephen Writing, Difficulties in solving math
problem, Cursive writing, reading
cursive writing,and reading
9. Julia Writing, Difficulties in solving math
problem, Cursive writing, reading
comprehension, drawing/ arts
and reading cursive writing.
10. Mackey Writing, reading Difficulties in solving math
comprehension and problem, cursive writing and
drawing/arts reading cursive writing,


Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Based on your interviews with internal school stakeholders on how to promote a

gender-sensitive school/classroom, which of the answers is the best? Why?
Answer: Based on my interview they all pointed out to giving students equal opportunity.
So for me they all gave the best answer. This is because if we want to be gender
sensitive, we must cut-off anything that has to do with discrimination and the best thing
we can do is to give equal opportunity to everyone
2. How will you determine the strengths and weaknesses of your students?
Answer: I will determine the strength and weaknesses of my students, through using
various strategies in which applies in an appropriate strategies, activities or assessment.
Such as class survey, readings, question and answer or oral activities and by monitoring
and observing them inside the classroom. This way it can help me to determine the
strength and weaknesses of my learners in where they struggling, if they are struggling
in reading skills, poor in writing skills, poor in self-esteem and others.
3. Which among the steps on creating progressive, student-centered classroom is
the best step? Why?
Answer: I think, all of the steps becomes the best if put together. One alone cannot
maximized the progression of creating a learner-centered environment, because
each of can contribute to the improvement of learners on becoming independent

4. How are you going to use the learners' needs and interests in creating a more
effective instruction?
Answer: By applying strategies that boost the needs and interest of the students. In
which they will be more actively participate in the class. I think in this way it will help me
to achieve and give more effective learning and also instructions. Integrating the needs
and interest of my students will help me to reach my goals and objectives of the lesson.
Complete the following:

I realized that as a teacher you must know the strength and weaknesses of your
students. Knowing their weaknesses and strength can help us on how we make our
lesson and what flow of the lesson. I realized that as a teacher you better know the
strength and weaknesses of your students, because getting to know their strength and
weakness you will know on how you will adjust, what strategies you need to use. And I
realized that it can help to have a effective learning.
I believe that all of us has strength and weaknesses and I believe that to have a better
connection to your students you must know first their weakness and strength. And I
believe that to have a effective learning we need a teacher that can understand us.
I feel that it is important to be a gender- sensitive, because being sensitive means we
are aware in other people feelings.

When I become a teacher, I will when I become a teacher, I will teach them about gender
-sensitivity, to make them aware. This is significant because men and women are think
differently and people are different in where they are weak and their strength, so when I
become teacher I will be careful in every words that I speak and in every action.
Task 5 - Planning and Management of the Teaching and Learning Process

This lesson will guide you in understanding developmentally appropriate learning

principles and how they can be used in designing effective instruction for various types
of students. The objectives of this lesson are the following:

1. analyze developmentally appropriate learning principles;

2. observe how developmentally appropriate learning principles can be applied in
teaching; and
3. reflect on the positive benefits of applying developmentally appropriate learning
principles in teaching and learning.

Education Theory

Using developmentally appropriate learning principles and strategies is one of

the instructional demands for the implementation of the K to 12 curriculum as stated in
Republic Act 10533, otherwise known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2012.
Developmentally appropriate learning principles and strategies are based on the
philosophy of learner-centered education that focuses on responding to the nature,
needs, and interests of the learners.

In the first model of curriculum development, Ralph Tyler (1949) emphasizes that
understanding the learners is one of the important sources of curriculum. Since learning
is designed for the learners, it is imperative for teachers to examine their needs,
interests, learning styles, thinking styles, abilities, exceptionalities, cultural background,
socio-economic status, and other factors. Copple and Bredekamp (2006) identify two
things that teachers need to do to successfully engage in developmentally appropriate
practice in their classes: (1) meet learners where they are, as individuals and as a group;
and (2) help learners attain challenging and achievable goals that contribute to their
ongoing development and learning.

For Filipino children, the following principles of developmentally appropriate

learning may be considered by the teacher when planning and implementing instruction:
 each learner has different learning styles, thinking preferences, abilities,
strengths, and weaknesses;
 experiences have profound influence in learning;
 learning should address all areas of development;
 learning must be holistic;
 learning happens when the learner feels emotionally and physically secured and
mentally engaged;
 the cultural background and the family and social values of the learner influence
learning; and
 affective learning and motivation are important in promoting effective learning.

A. Check whether the following teaching and learning tools are present in the
classroom that you have observed.
Teaching Tools Present None
Lesson Plan ✓
K to 12 Curriculum Guide ✓
Teacher's Manual or ✓
Reference Materials ✓
Instructional Materials ✓

B. Ask the cooperating teacher to show his or her lesson plan to you. Analyze the
lesson plan by checking the appropriate box.

Subject Filipino
Grade Level Grade 2
Topic Pagtukoy sa iba't- ibang huni ng hayop
Standards Yes No
The objectives are measurable and developmentally appropriate for the ✓
grade level of the students.
The content is appropriate for the grade level of the students. ✓
The instructional materials needed for the lesson are identified. ✓
The sequence of instruction (instructional procedure) is easy to follow ✓
and logical.
The sequence of instruction follows an appropriate instructional design ✓
or learning theory.
Creative learning experiences are used in the lesson. ✓
Differentiated learning is used in the selection of learning activities. ✓
Assessment of learning is included in the instructional procedure. ✓

A. Check (✔) the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class. You may
write further remarks in the last column.

Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Observed Not Remarks

Practices Observed
1. Uses different teaching strategies ✓
2. Promotes positive classroom environment ✓
3. Respects the learning styles and abilities of ✓
the learners
4. Differentiates learning activities ✓
5. Promotes active learning
6. Uses different instructional materials ✓
7. Uses effective motivation strategy ✓
8. Presents the objective of the lessons ✓
9. Recalls prerequisite knowledge and ✓
experiences of the learners before
proceeding to the lesson.
10. Presents lesson in meaningful way that is ✓
easy to understand
11. Provides clear examples to explain ✓
12. Provides opportunity for students to ✓
practice/apply what they learned
13. Processes questions and difficulties of ✓
14. Uses learning strategies that develops ✓
creativity and critical thinking
15. Provides helpful feedback to help students ✓
understand the lesson
16. Encourages students to do their best in ✓
accomplishing each learning task
17. Promotes positive learning behavior and ✓
values in the lesson
18. Observes professionalism in handling ✓
students behavior
19. Shows enthusiasm and interest in every ✓
aspect of teaching
20. Uses appropriate assessment sools to ✓
measure learning outcomes


Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What developmentally appropriate learning principles and strategies are

observed in class?
Answer: Developmentally appropriate practice does not mean making things easier for
children. Rather, it means ensuring that goals and experiences are suited to their
learning and development and challenging enough to promote their progress and
2. What are the things that need to be improved by the teacher?
Answer: The things that need to be improved by the teacher is, create the class in where
all students will participate in the class.
3. How do the developmentally appropriate teaching practices improve the
students' learning ability?
Answer: They strategically use the child's home or family language and cultural ways of
learning to enhance each child's communication, comprehension, self-expression, and

Complete the following:

I realized that the diversity of learners makes teaching interesting and challenging. It
is interesting because from every students background and experience we learn
something from it and we need to cater to their specific needs to make the transfer of
learning possible which makes it challenging.
I believe that If we have a such atmosphere in the classroom then learning would be
more easier and responsive. As teachers we must bridge the differences from each
other and make a more responsive classroom, we must teach our students to embrace
the differences of their classmates and help them feel at home with their classmates. I
believe that as teachers it is our responsibility to promote our learners’brotherhood. So
that they may help each other using their own strength.
I feel that I became more equipped on becoming a teacher.Knowing the possible
challenges I might encounter in the future make me feel more secure that I would be
ready to overcome future challenges.
When I become a teacher, I will take all challenges that I may encountered as motivation.
Most of all, I will promote equity to my classroom so all students will enjoy equal
opportunity to gain more experience And to learn.


 These contents’ format should not be altered however, the presentation of the
portfolio may be done more creative and contextualized by the Pre-service Teacher.
Further, do not forget to supply all the needed data which you will color the font

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