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Round 1 - 1-Star Puzzles Reminders:

Enter 's' or 'S' where there is a star (required for point

10 Points 11 Points Enter 'x' or 'X' where there is not a star (optional)
To be a complete and correct solution, all stars must

Row: 1
Column: 1 Row: 1
Section: 1 Column: 1
Section: 1

Round 2 - 2-Star Puzzles

10 Points 11 Points

Row: 2 Row: 2
Column: 2 Column: 2
Section: 2 Section: 2

Round 3 - Star Battle Variants

Variant 1 - Hard Star Battles

12 Points 13 Points 14 Points

Row: 1
Column: 1
Section: 1
Row: 2 Row: 2
Column: 2 Column: 2
Section: 2 Section: 2

Variant 2 - Double Section Puzzles

12 Points 13 Points 14 Points

Row: 1
Column: 1
Section: 2

Row: 2
Column: 2
Section: 4

Row: 3
Column: 3
Section: 6

Variant 3 - Row, Column, Section Puzzles

12 Points 13 Points 14 Points

Row: 2
Column: 1
Section: 5
Row: 1
Column: 2
Section: 2

Row: 2
Column: 3
Section: 6

Variant 4 - Black Hole, White Dwarf Puzzles

12 Points 14 Points 15 Points

Row: WD

Row: BH WD
Column:BH WD
Section:BH WD
Row: BH BH
Column:BH BH
Section:BH BH
Enter 'b' or 'B' where there is a Black Hole, 'w' or 'W' where there is a White Dwarf (require
As before, enter 'x' or 'X' where there is not a star of any kind (optional)
To be a complete and correct solution, all stars must be placed in their proper cells on the

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