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European Journal of Internal Medicine 81 (2020) 22–23

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Erectile dysfunction and arterial hypertension: Still looking for a scapegoat T

Giovanni de Simone , Costantino Mancusi

Hypertension Research Center & Department of Advanced Biomedical Sciences, Federico II University Hospital, via S.Pansini 5, bld 1, 80131, Naples, Italy.

Hypertension awareness, treatment and control have improved sexual function [8]. The possible mechanism is related to the reduced
substantially in the past 40 years. However, control rates have pla- BP, not counterbalanced by vasodilation of penis arterioles and arteries,
teaued in the past decade in many countries, and a substantial pro- with consequent reduction of blood flow, and lack of sufficiently trap of
portion of hypertensive patients remains uncontrolled [1]. incoming blood flow into sinusoids. These local hemodynamic altera-
Achievement of optimal BP control is a long process involving pa- tions blunt an efficient compression of subtunical venular plexuses and
tients and physicians in a persistent bidirectional relationship. occlusion of emissary veins, to minimize venuos outflow [7].
Adherence to medications is a key factor for optimal blood pressure Not surprisingly, β-blockers are among the medications potentially
(BP) control and contributes substantially to reduce related morbidity more involved in precipitation or aggravation of ED, though this asso-
and mortality [2]. Different factors can induce poor adherence to an- ciation is not unanimously recognized [8,9]. The negative effect on
tihypertensive treatment, including patients-physician-related factors male sexual function is likely due to the decreased perfusion pressure
and drugs-related factors [2]. Careful titration of medications and aggravated by the α-receptor unbalanced stimulation, tied with de-
continuous assessment of side effects should be pursued at the begging creased levels of testosterone reported during therapy with both cardio-
of the therapy and at each follow-up visits, to achieve optimal ad- selective and non cardio selective β-blockers [8]. These detrimental
herence to treatment, also considering that some patients might be effects are not reported with nebivolol, which rather increases expres-
reluctant in reporting some side effects. This reluctance explains at least sion of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), enhancing blood flow
in part why sex differences exist in the adherence to antihypertensive into the cavernous sinusoids, and decreases oxidative stress and col-
treatment: erectile dysfunction (ED) is an important reason to withdraw lagen content in penis [10,11]. In general, starting with low dose and
therapy in men, whereas it does not affect adherence in women [7]. slow titration is reported to increase tolerability for β-blockers.
Hypertension and ED are patho-physiologically interrelated condi- However, the problem of lack of adherence to antihypertensive
tions, which share common abnormalities, including endothelial dys- therapy because of potentially β-blocker-induced ED is a limited pro-
function and vessel stiffening [3,4]. Stiffening of the vascular system blem in terms of general adherence to antihypertensive therapy.
includes penile vasculature, and is likely to be the most important Although listed among the main therapeutic options, the ESC/ESH
mechanism paralleling ED and hypertension especially during the aging 2018 guidelines implicitly suggest using this class of meds as first line
process [5]. In a sub-analysis in male participants to the SPRINT study treatment only for specific indications, similar to the recommendations
[6], the International Index of Erectile Function Total Score was related of the American guidelines. As the ESC/ESH guidelines underline, in
negatively to systolic and positively to diastolic BP and a persistent addition to the higher rate of discontinuation, β-blockers present a
sexual activity was not at all related to any class of anti-hypertensive number of additional disadvantages, compared to the other classes of
medications, confirming the importance of the hemodynamic pattern in antihypertensive meds, including less efficacy in prevention of stroke
the hypertensive patient with sexual dysfunction. and in regression of hypertension-mediated organ damage, and poten-
No question that anti-hypertensive therapy can impact mechanisms tial deleterious effect on glucose metabolism when combined with
of induction and maintenance of adequate erection, but whether or not diuretics. Vasodilator β-blockers present attenuated, albeit still detect-
this negative effect is related to single classes of medications, rather able, effects on glucose metabolism [12], but there is scarce informa-
than to short term consequences of reduction of blood pressure is not tion on the combination with thiazides.
completely clear [5,7]. All medications with potent vasodilator and no Thus, in the setting of arterial hypertension, β-blockers are used in
counter-regulating activities (including ACE-inhibotors, Angiotensin the context of other severe associated conditions, such as coronary
Receptor Blockers, Ca++-Channel Blockers and α-blockers) are not heart disease and heart failure, per sé associated with ED, which makes
reported to be associated with ED, and rather they might be protective, assumption on cause-effect relationship even more difficult.
as reported for doxazosin and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers. Other In this issue of the journal, in the context of a review on adherence
medications reducing BP without direct vasodilator effect can worsen to antihypertensive therapy, Manolis et al. [13] specifically analyze the

Correspondence author.
E-mail address: (G. de Simone).
Received 29 August 2020; Accepted 6 September 2020
Available online 16 September 2020
0953-6205/ © 2020 European Federation of Internal Medicine. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G. de Simone and C. Mancusi European Journal of Internal Medicine 81 (2020) 22–23

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