Recommendation Letteriima 1 638

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'ii< Ut"' "Rtqdt4ii; 380 015

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att.i<i JOO 01s

Vl/oyo Shetry Chand

ProfrJS«1 Ravi J. Matthai Centref or £ducotlonol lnnovotlon

To whomsoever it may concern

I hls 10 certify that Mr.Raghav G;ina1ra,lntegra1cdMBA Student, B.K. Majumdar Institute of

ts n Business trat1on Student, Ah1ncdabad Un versity, 1\1\medabad, interned with the Ind
an 1nstit1.1te of
Management Ahl'rtcdabad,from May 1, 2015 to Juno 30, 201S, under my supcrvislon. Mr.
G.-.ria1rt1 worked on the Educin onal Innovations Rank project of the Ravi J . Matthai Centre
E ducitlonal Innovation,llMA.1he project sc:c ks toident fy teachcr gcneratcd 1nnov<1ttvc
soluUons to educat onal problems 1n government $thOOIS, dO<utlcnt them Jnd thco make
tht>m ava1lablt to other teachers He w;,sIn tiallyinvotvcd in ilnatvz1ngianovat ons thilt had
already been re<orded and
convet\1ng thcn1 ioto a suitable da1.,b3se tormat for the projcc\'s por1al. In.lddi1100, Mr
Raghlv Ganatra was involved in vts1ting some government schools ln Gujar<1ltointeract \Vlth
teachers <11nddocument the r lru\Ovations.

M t Ragh;iv Ganatfl completed his asslnnmcnt to ou1 satisfac:1ion h.s ddlc.ulon to the 1ob,
gcne,.cil skill that he brougtu to t11e \\/Ork, and s1ncr1ty, art hlflhly -,ppreciated we wlsh h m .-n
tnc best and hope that he continues to 'ihow the same kind of tacok commitment that he has
sh<l'Wn here. n the

Ou ting the Internsh p,Mr, Raghav Ganatra \VClS paid Rs 7500 as stiprnd per month.Ihd!IC no hel-
1tat1on 1n rer;on1111cndinn Mr Raghav Ganlltt\I for any technical <Jssignmen1 of a s1milat k
nd, that other orgAnl1atlons may wanl to entrust them with

V!Jaya herry Chand
July J, JOlS
Phone • 01. 70 -6632345&17241 / n.c2 wobl lt•;wwwtmOLn
Fu ·01 • 79 68325896.2630

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