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Unit 7 - A Place to Live

So You Want a Roommate?

Renting an apartment
Martin is looking for a roommate. Read the dialogue
and answer the questions that follow.
Tim: Hi, I’m Tim. I’m here to see the apartment.
Martin: Come in. This is the living room.
Tim: Nice. I like a big living room.
Martin: This is the kitchen.
Tim: Great. Where’s the bedroom?
Martin: The bedroom is through here, next to the bathroom.
Tim: Nice.
Martin: So what do you think?
Tim: Well, I like your apartment. How much is the rent?
Martin: Let’s talk tomorrow.

1. What do you know about Martin’s apartment? Tick (3) the sentences
which are true.

a. The apartment has a big living room. __
b. The bedroom is next to the bathroom. ___ N
c. The apartment has a garden. ___
d. The kitchen is very small. ___
e. Tim likes the apartment. ___

2. Tick (3) the sentences you can say if you want to rent an apartment.

a. Can I see the bedroom? ___

b. How much is the rent? __
c. How do I look? __
d. Where’s the bedroom? __
e. Do you have it in blue? __

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I’d Like to Rent an Apartment

Talking to a real estate agent

1. Complete the dialogue with the words below.

house • I’d like • help • rooms • garden • Where

Real Estate Agent: Can I a __________

help you?

Kate: Yes. I’d like to buy a b __________.

Real Estate Agent: How many c __________ do you want?

Kate: I want three bedrooms and a small d __________.

Real Estate Agent: e __________ do you want to live?

Kate: f __________ a house near the school.

2. What does the real estate agent ask? Complete the dialogue with the
questions below.

How many rooms do you want? • Can I help you? • Where do you want to live?

Real Estate Agent: a _______________________________.

Helena: Yes. I’d like to rent an apartment.

Real Estate Agent: b _______________________________.

Helena: I want two bedrooms.

Real Estate Agent: c _______________________________.

Helena: I’d like an apartment in the center of town.

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Thomson Real Estate

Reading housing ads

Read the ad and answer the questions that follow.


Small, modern apartment. 1 bedroom.
Big living room.
Good for students – near the college.
Big house near the center of town.
4 bedrooms. Big garden.
Good for families – near the school.
Top House Real Estate Agency
Telephone: (305) 466-4834

1. Answer the questions.

a. What is the name of the real estate agency? ____________________

b. What is the phone number of the real estate agency? ____________________

c. What is the email of the real estate agency? ____________________

2. Mark the correct word.

a. The house / apartment is for rent.
b. The house / apartment has 1 bedroom.
c. The house / apartment is good for families.
d. The house / apartment is near the college.
e. The house / apartment has a big garden.

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Kate’s Email

Reading and writing an email

Jasmine is writing an email to a real estate agent. Read her email and
answer the questions that follow.
Apartment for Rent
Dear Larry,

I’m a nurse. I’d like to rent an apartment near the hospital. How much is the
rent for a small apartment with 2 bedrooms and a big living room?

My phone number is 789-5694. I work in the hospital in the morning. Can

you please call me in the afternoon?

Thank you,

Jasmine Lopez

1. Mark the correct answer.

a. Jasmine is a real estate agent / nurse.

b. Jasmine wants to rent an apartment / house.
c. Jasmine wants an apartment near the college / hospital.
d. Jasmine wants a small / big living room.
e. Jasmine works in the morning / afternoon.

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2. Marlon is writing an email to a real estate agent. Complete his email with
the phrases below.

Dear Larry, • Thank you • Apartment for Rent

I’d like to rent an apartment near the college • My phone number is 456-8976

c ______________________________________,

I’m a student. d ______________________________________. How much

is the rent for a big apartment with 3 bedrooms?
e ______________________________________. I have classes in the

morning. Can you please call me in the afternoon?

f ______________________________________

Marlon Field

3. Answer these questions about yourself. Write complete sentences.

a. Where do you live?

I live near ____________________________.

b. Do you live in a house or an apartment?

I live in ____________________________.

c. How many bedrooms do you have?

I have ____________________________.

d. Who do you live with?

I live with ____________________________.

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Rooms of the House and Furniture

Talking about rooms of the house and furniture

1. Where can you ¿nd this furniture? Write the words below under the
correct headings.

bed • shower • sofa • refrigerator • television • bath • stove

a. Living Room b. Kitchen c. Bathroom d. Bedroom

television ______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________

2. Complete the sentences with the words below.

dining room • bathroom • bedroom • living room

a. Lara has a shower in the __________________.

b. Tom and Maria have dinner in the __________________.

c. Sue goes to sleep in the __________________.

d. Roberto watches television in the __________________.

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