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Name: Date:

Grade and Section: Score:

Academic Reading and Writing

“Patterns of Development”

Instructions: Read and analyze the following paragraphs. Identify which pattern of development
is evident. Write it on the blank before the number. Afterwhich, provide an
explanation of not more than two sentences why you chose this
pattern. Write your answer on the blanks below the items.

____________________1. Piranhas comprise more than 30-60 species of fish. The many
species fall into four genera: Pygocentrus, Pygopristis, Serrasalmus
and Pristobrycon. Pygocentrus are the most common variety.
Pygopristis piranhas are herbivores. Serrasalmus eat only meat.
Pristobrycon are the least friendly of all piranhas.


____________________2. Cocos nucifera is a large palm, growing up to 30 m (100 ft) tall, with
pinnate leaves 4–6 m (13–20 ft) long, and pinnae 60–90 cm (2–3 ft)
long; old leaves break away cleanly, leaving the trunk smooth. On
fertile soil, a tall coconut palm tree can yield up to 75 fruits per year,
but more often yields less than 30.

____________________3. As mammals and amphibians are both animals and part of the
kingdom Animalia, there are similarities between them. There are
also many differences between the two. Mammals and amphibians
are both vertebrates. This means that they both have a similar
skeletal system with a backbone and a central nervous system.
Another key difference is the fact that mammals are warm-blooded
creatures while amphibians are cold-blooded. This means that
mammals can regulate their body to stay at around the same
temperature all the time.


____________________4. In 2013, Typhoon Yolanda struck the Philippines and was the
deadliest typhoon in the country’s history. it took the lives of over
6,300 Filipinos and displaced 600,000 others. People were warned of
a storm surge beforehand by the officials, but the typhoon still
caused severe damage to the country’s biggest sources of income
like coconut farms and fisheries.


____________________5. There are many better alternatives to animal testing. The Food and
Drug Administration has stated that they support the development
and use of alterative to animal testing. Moreover, scientists have
developed methods to test cosmetics and other personal products
that are faster, cheaper, and more accurate than traditional animal
testing. In other words, there are better alternatives to animal
testing and the FDA agrees. Some readers may challenge the view
that animal testing can be done away with. After all, many believe
that it is impossible to eliminate the need for animals in research.
Nonetheless, my discussion of alternatives animal testing is in fact
addressing the larger issue of choice. If we don't need to use
animals, why should we?


____________________6. Drug abuse causes multiple problems for countries and

communities. The medical and psychological effects are very
obvious. Addicts cannot function as normal members of the society.
They neglect or abuse their families, and eventually require
expensive treatment or hospitalization. However, the menace of
drugs can be fought. Education is the first battle. Increasing police
manpower and creating effective laws to stop dealers is another


____________________7. How do we get ready on a snowy day? First, we need to put our
jacket on our back. Put our left arm in the left sleeve and do the
same with the right arm. Next, we need to put our scarf on the back
of our neck. Tie a knot and make sure the scarf covers our mouth.
Put the hat on our head. Lastly, we need to put our mittens to
protect our hands from the cold.


____________________8. A storm surge is an abnormal rise in seawater level during a storm,

measured as the height of the water above normal predicted
astronomical tide. The surge is caused primarily by a
storm’s winds pushing the water onshore, which can lead to flooding.
This makes storm surges very dangerous for coastal regions.


____________________9. As time passes, I am more convinced that my bestfriend Angelica is

very reliable. First of all she is always willing to listen. For example,
a few months ago, I went through a situation and she stayed up all
night listening to me. Secondly, she gives great advice. Whenever I
need one, she always has something to say. Finally, she is very
honest. She tells me her opinion about everything like if my hair is
ugly, she would tell me.


____________________10. I enjoyed the last Eid shopping as I visited different markets and
bought dresses for myself and other members of the family.
we went to New Market and bought two pink dresses for my
younger sister. Then we went to Gowsia Market, visited three
shops, and bought an elegant dress for my mother. After that, we
went to Elephant Road, and bought two Punjabis for our maid
servant. Finally, we went to Eastern Plaza and bought a fine dress
and some cosmetics for myself.

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