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Agtarap v Agtarap (June 8, 2011)  Eduardo alleged

o CA erroneously settled Joaquin’s estate together with the

FACTS: estates of Lucia, Jesus, Jose, Mercedes, Gloria and Mila-
 Decedent Joaquin left (2) parcels of land with improvements. He gros in one proceeding
contracted (2) marriages. o Estate of Milagros cannot be distributed, since a proceeding
o With Lucia (W1), who died 1924; three children, Jesus (+), was already conducted in another court for the probate of
Milagros (+), Jose (+) Milagros’ will, thus violating the rule on precedence of tes-
o Then with Caridad (W2), with three children, Eduardo, Se- tate over intestate proceedings.
bastian, Mercedes o RTC, acting as an intestate court with limited jurisdiction
 Son Eduardo (W2) filed petition for settlement of Joaquin’s intes- has no jurisdiction to determine questions of ownership
tate estate. RTC issued resolution appointing Eduardo as adminis- which belongs to another court with general jursdiction
trator. ISSUE:
 The RTC issued an Order of Partition on Oct 23, 2000 which ruled  RTC as intestate court has jurisdiction to resolve ownership of
that “bulk of estate property were acquired during the existence of real properties?
2nd marriage, TCTs showing Joaquin married to Caridad.  CA settlement of Joaquin estate together with the estates of the
 Eduardo, Sebastian, and oppositors Joseph & Teresa (Jose chil- other heirs
dren) filed their respective motions for reconsiderations. The RTC  Legitimacy of Joseph & Teresa
o Denied Eduardo & Sebastian MRs
o Granted MR of Joseph & Teresa HELD:
o Declared “real properties belonged to conjugal partnership  Eduardo’s petition granted. Sebastian’s petition denied. CA af-
of Joaquin & Lucia” and directed Oct Partition to reflect cor- firmed with modification that the
rect sharing of heirs o share awarded in favor of Milagros shall not be distributed
 Eduardo & Sebastian both appealed to CA before RTC could issue until the final determination of the probate of the will .
new order of partition. The CA dismissed the appeals and affirmed o Sebastian to be represented by wife and children, given
the RTC resolution. The CA also directed the partition of Joaquin’s demise in 2010
properties. Aggrieved, Sebastian and Eduardo filed separate MRs  Case remanded to RTC for further settlement of Joaquin’s estate.
which were denied. They filed separate petitions for review which  RTC has jurisdiction to resolve ownership of the real properties.
were eventually consolidated. o Gen Rule: Jurisdiction of trial court, either as probate or in-
 Sebastian contended that testate court, relates only to matters having to do with pro-
o Joseph & Teresa failed to establish that they are legitimate bate of will and or settlement of estate of deceased persons
heirs of Jose, and thus of their grandfather Joaquin and does not extend to determination of questions of own-
o Certificates of title of subject property indicate “Joaquin ership that arise during the proceedings.
married to Caridad” which is conclusive proof of ownership, o Exceptions, as justified by expediency and convenience:
and thus not subject to collateral attack  Probate court may provisionally pass upon in an in-
testate or testate proceeding the question of inclu-
sion or exclusion, from inventory of a piece of prop-
erty w/o prejudice to final determination in a separate
 If interested parties are all heirs or question is one of
collation/advancement or parties consent to the as-
sumption of of jurisdiction by the court and the rights
of 3P are not impaired
 Estate is settled and distributed among heirs only after payment of
debts of the estate, funeral charges admin expenses, allowance to
th widow, and inheritance tax. Records show these were not com-
plied with in 1965.
 Sebastian did not present evidence to support averments to ex-
clude Joseph and Teresa as heirs.
 CA disposition related only to the estate of Joaquin.
o Sec 1 Rule 90: RTC granted jurisdiction to determine lawful
heirs of Joaquin as well as respective shares in the pay-
ment of obligations
o The inclusion of Lucia, Jesus, Jose, Mercedes and Gloria
was merely a necessary consequence of the settlement of
Joaquin’s estate, they being his legal heirs.

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