Chapter 5 Job Evaluaton and Work Flow Analysis

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Job evaluation takes place early in the process of creating a compensation system
for the organization. The job evaluation process may contrast with or be used in
conjunction with market pricing, which uses the labor market to set jobs' worth. This
process, which may take several months, is usually completed by a team of
knowledgeable senior employees who understand the functions of most of the
organization's jobs. To maintain objectivity, employers sometimes hire consultants
to complete this step in the compensation planning and design process.

Workflow analysis is the process of examining an organization’s workflows,

generally for the purpose of improving operational efficiency. It identifies areas of
process improvement such as redundant tasks or processes, inefficient workplace
layouts and bottlenecks in the workflow.
Improving workflows allows an organization to use its resources more efficiently,
especially for processes where a team must hand off its work to another team. A
situation in which one team is often waiting to receive work from another team is a
common type of bottleneck that workflow analysis can identify. Another scenario in
which workflow analysis can improve efficiency occurs when workers perform
unnecessary tasks, typically in established processes requiring multiple steps to

After this lesson, you should be able to:

 Establish and document the “job relatedness” of employment procedures;

 Identify or develop training content, assessment tests to measure
effectiveness of training, equipment to be used in delivering the training and
methods of training;
 Identify or determine skill levels, compensable job factors work environment,
responsibilities and required level of education;
 Identify job duties in advertisements; appropriate salary level for positions;
minimum requirements; interview questions; selection tests/instruments;
appraisal/ evaluation forms; orientation material for applicants/new hires;
 Identify or develop goals and objectives, performance standards, evaluation
criteria, length of probationary periods and duties to be evaluated.
A sound human resource management program requires knowing the different jobs
in the company. The manager and supervisor must get a comprehensive picture of
each job in his organization. This involves – what each worker does, how he does it,
why he does it and under what conditions he performs his job and what special
qualifications each worker must possess to perform his job satisfactory.
The Rationale for Job Analysis
The conduct of job analysis has behind it several reasons that are vital to human
resource management and the supervision of the work to be done by the workers in
the shop or the office.
The following are the uses of job analysis:
1. To specify the duties and responsibilities of the position. It examines what the
employee will perform, what skills are needed the condition which work shall
be done and the range of difficulty or complexity of the action.
2. To provide job-oriented recruitment and selection guides. Those in the
recruitment and selection of employees must be familiar with the duties and
responsibilities of the vacant position.
3. To provide guides in operation-based compensation determination – the
process of job evaluation involves the relative peso value of each job to the
organization to set up equitable pay structures.
4. To provide information and tools for career planning and counseling. Career
planning entails matching individual skills and aspirations that are or may
become available in the organization. This matching process requires that
those in charge of career planning know the skill requirements of the various
5. To have a guide in the construction of performance evaluation criteria.
Performance criteria deals with getting information about how well each
employee is performing his job in order to reward those who effective.
6. To serve as guide in methods improvement. Job designs consist of different
steps or processes. Job analysis provides the information to design the work
process most effective in carrying out the tasks. This involves improving
methods and developing more efficient systems at work.
7. To obtain background information about working conditions. The
environment of work positively affects the productivity and morale of the
workers. This information is available in job analysis and could be used by
management in positively identifying the hazards and other conditions that
affect job performance.
8. To serve as guide in the development of training programs. Almost all
employees hired by an organization will require training in their jobs. Some
training programs may be more extensive than others.
9. To assist supervisor in the supervision of the employees. Supervisors are
provided with precise and detailed description of the jobs under their
respective areas or departments and they can make this serve as bases for
judging their performance.
10. To provide the conceptual basis for position classifications to the employee
who will occupy the position. The bases of any position title are the tasks,
duties and responsibilities of the job. Managers without proper job analysis
might assign position titles that are not related to the functions of the
The Job Analysis Program and Organizational Structure
Job analysis starts with a careful study of organizational structure. This would reveal
the relationships of jobs within the organization. Organizational structure is often
seen in organizational charts that convey the vertical and horizontal relationship of
the two. The type of organizational structure has implications the design of the jobs.
A functional structure needs specialization and the responsibility is focused on
specialized skills hence supervision and decision-making become minimal. In a
divisional structure, jobs are holistic and people are working in teams that tend to
have greater decision-making and authority.
The Role of Human Resources in Job Evaluation
Job analysis is not the sole responsibility of the Human Resource Department but a
cooperative effort of all operating departments. While it is more of personnel
functions, the greater bulk of information must come from the persons who are
jobholders of the position. The supervisor or manager must immediately inform the
HRD of any changes in the duties and responsibilities of the position due to the
introduction of new technology or changes in the production process that improve
production efficiency. This will entail job redesigning or reclassifying of the position
that may involve a total change in pay structure due to increased responsibility or
exposure to elements of hazard or working conditions.
The Gathering of Job Information
Job Analyst
The study of jobs is the responsibility of the personnel department thru the job
analyst who is trained to conduct the job evaluation program. The job analyst studies
the duties, responsibilities, and the specification requirements of the job. This
involves careful understanding of the conditions around the functions and tasks of
the positions.
A good job analyst must have the following qualifications:
1. Good knowledge of organizational system.
2. Good intelligence and analytical skills.
3. Good judgment and acumen.
4. Clarity and facility of language.
5. Familiarity with organizational and company policies.
6. Good personality and good relationships with others in the organization.
7. Tact and diplomacy in getting along with others.
Getting Process in job information
Job analysis starts with a careful understanding of the relationship of the jobs in the
organizational structure.
The following factors are important considerations in job analysis:
1. What the job requires the employee to do.
2. How effectively does the employee perform his assigned duties and
3. Why should the worker do the job?
4. Supervision required in the job.
5. Working environmental conditions.
The Importance of a Job Title
The correct title of a particular job is very important in the organization. Similar jobs
performing similar duties and responsibilities must have the same job titles. The title
of the job must show clearly the area of job activity and must show its relationships
with the other jobs in the unit or department. The job relationships will provide
better job placements in the organizational ladder thereby job inconsistencies can be
avoided. The specific titles will clarify the employees’ line of movement in the
organizational structure and they should be grouped in job families in the line and
staff organization.
The following are suggested guidelines in job title selection:
1. The title must be standard used in the industry.
2. It must be suggestive of the nature and function of the jobs.
3. It must be different from other jobs based on major duties of employees who
hold the position.
4. The job titles must be brief but suggestive of its functions.
The Nature of Job Analysis Information
Job analysis focuses on the two important data or information that managers must
have the right information about the nature of the employees’ job. This information
is reflective of what the employee does daily, weekly, monthly or annually. It also
reflects the conditions or the working environment in the organization. These two
important factors are:
1. The Job Description
The result of any job analysis program is the writing of the job description. The
job description contains the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that the job entails.
This information is derived from the job analysis report.
The following are the uses of job descriptions:
a. It helps identify and distinguish one job from other jobs.
b. It is used as a tool in the proper employee recruitment, selection and
c. It helps establish job relationships within the salary bracket.
d. It serves as a guide in structural departmentalization.
e. It could be used as a guide in the horizontal and vertical promotion of
employee’s thereby developing and promoting morale.
2. Job Specification
The job specification contains information about the employee’s qualifications and
traits required in the effective performance of the work assigned. It specifies the
qualifications as to education, training, experience and the statement as to the
nature of the environment where the employee is assigned.
Position Title – Human Resource Assistant Department- Human Resources
Job Code – HR 002 Salary Grade – Pay grade 5
Job Summary
Under the direct supervision of the Human Resource Manager assist in the general
functions in the recruitment, selection, training, benefits administration,
performance appraisal and other related duties inherent in the function of the
Specific Duties and Responsibilities
1. Assists in the processing of application by conducting preliminary interviews
to applicants to determine their initial qualification for the position being
2. Determines the qualification requirement for the positions and makes
reports to the immediate supervisor for the applicants that meet the initial
3. Assist in the giving of examination to applicants to determine their suitability
to the position being applied for and makes reports of the results.
4. Assist in the orientation program to ascertain that the new employees are
properly oriented with company rules and regulations and other company
5. Prepare reports to the Social Security System, Pag-Ibig Fund, Phil health and
other government instrumentalities to comply with government
requirements as directed by the immediate superior.
6. Assist in the periodic Performance Evaluation of employees and makes
records in their HRIS or 201 files for references in terms of salary adjustments
or promotion.
7. Assist in Job Evaluation program conducted by the department through the
distribution and retrieval of questionnaires for further analysis of the Job
8. Coordinates with other department on employees’ requirements such as
leave of absence, sick leave notices, maternity leave and other benefits.
9. Does other related duties and assignments that may be required from time to
1. Education – College Graduate major in Human Resource or Psychology
2. Training – On the Job training at the HRD for at least 500 hours
3. Job Location – HRD at usually in air-conditioned room
4. Assignments – May be assigned to liaison work with government offices and
may be exposed to traffic and dust
Job Analysis Methods
There is no best method in job analysis. The method to use depends upon the
purpose of the analysis, the time element devoted to it and the amount of money
that the company would like to spend for the activity.
1. The Job Questionnaire Method
The accuracy of job information is necessary. The job analyst prepares the
questionnaire based on the purpose of the job analysis. The form to be used is
carefully prepared based on the simple understanding of the employees who will
answer them. The set of questions contains information as to its purpose, clear-
cut instructions and the procedure on how to accomplish the questionnaire.
2. The Interview Method
The interview method is commonly used for blue-collar jobs, as the employee
may not be able to answer the questionnaire. The job analyst gets the
information by interviewing the employee about his job or the immediate
3. The Combination of Interview and Questionnaire Methods
Under this method, the job analyst gives the questionnaire and then conducts
interview later. The analyst verifies the information from the employees’
immediate supervisor thru a structural interview. To verify further information,
the analyst interviews the employee concerned. The contents of the
questionnaire and the verified information are the bases for the writing of the
job description.
4. Observation and Interview Method
This method is involved in the observation of the worker at the job site and in
their station. The observation is noted while the employee is performing the
tasks assigned to him.

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