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© Define wager concept of wedee Wage? ( Secon. ach]. Minimmum ngs Ack (HE "Weges means all wemunerations capable ae beng. exproned interns op ™onoY, which would , if He Lemme of the contrace ob emplormont, express or praplied, were fulfilled , be payable +0 & persow employed in sospeck of his emploquend oy o wotkdone iw suelv emplegment- and imeudes hase Tenk allowamnce ee dow not include ! D Te value +! 4 house aecormodation, supply 4 light, wale medical, » amy other arenori or amy serwiee excluded boy general or social oder ay, dhe appropriate Govbs y Conta bution by te amployer +o ant Pomsiow Lumd or Paovides Fumd or een Sehome 4 goeal imsuramee ; iw Ang txaniebing- allowance ox the value of omy Lrawelinge comeossiony; iy Any gratuity payable arr dischange - ® Classifreationy of, Wager C Living Wage, Fair Wage and Mimi mum wage) The Supreme Count of Sadia classified Wager ios 3 cotigories {) The Living Wage, 1) the Sai Wage i) The Minn lege “The Living Wage stands bev “Wighost- standard cwages. The | Fair Wage’ Stand» behweew she living wage amd te minim Wage , The 'Mmimum Wage! Stamdy for lavest and minimum Standard op age The ivi wage ama We {alr wage ane acquired boy The workers Will heir ‘Collective Bargaining’ 1) Minimum Wage . The Miminnwm Wage is the Steurtio poinl of, wage policy | Db ie the Lowesk spandand pazrcont, vohew, cornpared wit other +wo wager , VIR. Living Wage and fair wage Sechion 2£h) of the. Minimum Wages Adz 194% Aehines Iwages’ lout UF does mot depime 'ANirtwnuny wages’, Tie not possible +o Loving down a. umitermn minimum wager ber all the, jmndustiod Horongivout the counbry. Bb Roponds upon varies bactors. The Minimum sage ‘it sulficcent 4o meet a workers bare mocersition, cut ad food, shelter amd clo C Roli, Kapada aur Makaas), The Minimum wages rousk be paid toa worker irrespective fhe, capacthy of the indiustey a eae /establishmont Ak umable to poy Hae mbriomune wages sit haa no aight to continue 1B lousimos, ay ee Abydiro Emgincors Patvate Lid Ve Dp wsotkmen AIR (1964) SC the concept of minimum wages takes inde fractor of Hoa eoulll cost of omential commodities whinever such minimun, wage (+o be fred: Lurthormore, onthe lighk of imoveasing prices Ym recent years, te wage sales are tobe mealiske i+ become Necernary fo Keown was nouvtralite atloar— portly tae price. wike wm exsental cornmmoditied- He Trdiaw Brbzumon enacked Are Minus Wage Ack, Ade CA No. XI a lau). Deis Bb acerdamce wil a sop to woah Ho spirit and ambition 4 Artele 43 of tee Constitnton - Teas aun ecttompl nade w DPvdia to provide a stechabery minimum toage. ip Livir _ he ‘Living Wage! stands for "yighetl sharcand wages: A tii wage ic ova which should enable Jhe earner te provide fer hieneelf amd his only mot do hare esemtiala a feed, clothing. and dublor bub a measure of frugal comfort inebuding education for his ehildrow, protectiow agains il\~ haalte , tequiremenk of exsential Geeta) neods and a measure a bnauvanee» Ths, a Ving wage wepoorerls a skandard a Duty At Cose — Kayan Mekals 4 éllogs Lid Ve Pte woskmen Casyse Te expressed as * The living. wage i aunge ahich fe net aufhicient to provide. a stavdard fovnily usill fed shelter, clothing, medical canoand education ef ddildvem , butaleo fair og pagal comer wile amy ability “ts prowide- bor old age and evil days - ay Fate wage he Fair me one between the living, wage amd the minimum wae Proove smimtenurg W3Ag2. bub belay the living usage The lower limit of the fair wage is obviously dae minimum wage, He. upper limit i so by ye capacity of the industoy to poy: ‘The concept "pair " je escent Vnked with he capacity of he imdustoy to Pg teat Kasrnamni Metals & Alloys Lt Vs The Woskmen— S¢ 14 Shiveej Fina Arts Litho Works Ve Lic — Se cate) “fo St. observer a follows : The fair wages must be sufficionl hifv to provide a standard family willy feed, shelter, clothing: , medica] cant, amd education Of children appropriate fo tho wookmew , but motabl & vrata. excending his wage enseving. capacity i the clase ot Cstablishemont to which he : Fair usage Ab moka living: wage tt hes betueon the minimum wage ard the. living wage Br must be pald according to deo rare positiow ay employer, and Abe same time | dha epgetoney ob Me worker amd hit 4air neods fer bien, Alall algo be abew ity consideration: | Forel; Pigen applic) a4 two tyre Of fair wagon: | » Fair wager Intra narrower Sense — meighbeurhoad lone) Ww fair wager 4 tne wider semke us counter leap. Came infrorte, ® Payment of wages Ack i186 ath nar foe Ole and ape A To make sus thar regular amd Hemel papel 2 wages +o all employers. To check onthe umlau aleduclons amd fine to be imposed on Ue eanployeas. cipeleetorcley he ae ~ Th capplier doe whole of Tudia including 74k, bo amy hactory ~ Th appheste person emplaged im amy fectony Person employed in ony railway by wai lary admimistrahon Te apples on commercial , Industrial establighmet— avd mot ow domestic woskerg Dt applies on +these workers whore wages does not ewceeds = [g,000 Per month. Responsibility of paymenk of usages -— In care of peony person appolwited as an occupier’ ara mmamasen is Tesponsible ~ Bn case op company ciel aecounls officer or HE Mamagor je aulborited to Pry Wages to employers. - In case CN other establishment Pewsern authorized by. employer or wmaploupr himnself Ahadlte wor ponaibole , — Dn ease of Roihuays, Porton appointed by the. foiloay Miishng Bhal] be oresponsible . — Bn any ober tare Porson appointed by Hho eruployer Shall be Tosponsible. usage — Seckon r- Wage fonied € Section 4) - = means the peried os Home her whic. wages ve caleulited Dr cam be daily, weekly, bertnighty and monthly » loud camnok exceeds afl one month. Wage Perted is docidod by a employer himisell and eoaployer i“ free to fake Aocizion Yegarding ena. SAnme - - Uonge Pertad mot Shanti wil the IM of exerg monte, Hc nor mecessaes Time Peniad of wager ( Sechin ) — Where Hem are <1060 persons emploged wages shall be pall befere omping ofthe day afer the, boat dow of tee wage Period ox! ysl mont par on 6M hon 6b pyo mov , £0 ex! tra paid a = Whore mre Flopo perso employed wager shall be pad bebe oxping PIE ae aye te lates dong of ha. wage gered, ~ In cose she emplogor toyminalas the desviecos op employer, the employer i& entitled $6 yecome Ws duos usin erp Cs dwo aorking. days. Me agers eee “Accaacite, to Pagan og Wager Camendment) ordimamee Yolb The. uyages must be palm - Sustengh coimt cal Cuomo nolis ~ elias — dive evedit to ceuuployecd bemk- account Total amoumb oq Aaductions (See #12, HJ Cocperabve. SocioHey » mor exceeding. Fon wages Other case : nokex ceeding Son of, wager Cea Records + Noheos [see 1341 isrers, Records f Keres Event employer should maimtaww a wogister giving - — Parkenlars o persons omployed - The work perfermedl by them - The wage paid to thom Deductions made from wages - — Recespti given by thon of & peried af Smonths affix the Aoki of, last embny made. List of, athorited /pormisside daduetions [See 7] “oad 16 fn number , Some of hnpordambone ate | = daduchow ter Conbilbutiow to aot Imsuramer scheme For tee paybele ser rom bership ce trade Umjow under TO Aur 1426 - for conbilution to prime minister’ national velit fer ~ Deductiow for howe accommodatow 2 seswices vendenred. Cooly ide employer accopt iad terms a employment) - Dedueliow for absence. avn dul — Deductiow fer damage-/loee - Deduction for Pinos (mot enacd 3% of ene wage ported) Powaltioy 4) Non payment af wager amd fail te maintain vagister ox wac0ord } Pine soo — Asso bs ) Sh persow x am ollense : Lea petiowment- lomonth ~ & mont Lime Zypso — 22500 & 2 Loilwe to pip wage on fixed poring Pine Qe. #0 @ Auhorieed Deduchons Section # of the Payenemt of Wages Ack, 1936 gives & dofailed We op aunthorised amd pormiesible. doduckions whide may be The Phrase “Sulhorised Deductions {707 woges" har not beow clopned im ho Pe of Wages Ar (6. Rut his phrase hes been wed a seme Yonos the Act. Tn fact, the Act ds beoudur for the extreme punpoce of rogulading do doduchiows, and to prowl pho umauthorited deductions - Soc # — Deduchions made. from wager Cine, alosemee kvm auity , Wngurames Peomiwm) See & — Fines Citar 3% of the wager) Be04 — Deductions for absence xvor Auly See to — Deductions ter Damage or Loss See \\ — Deduchow fpr Services Lendorod Been — Deductions fer Tecovery Of advances Sec 12h — Deductions i" eee + loans Set B - Deductions ier Paymont 40 couperadive satialy. + Inevramee: Sec BA - Maintenance of Registars amd Records Sect Ss petors See AK Fauilities to ayyerded te Inspector Beals = any arising ow of deductions, ddag i patent w ' Sects - Single appheation her differant alain ec tt - Appeal ® Procedure tor $ring amd el, minimum wage) es athe Minimum Wagorhet; aus explains aloouk the, Fivinge a Minimum Bales o mages’ Tr provides thal ee Appropriate Govermowmont- Shall x He minimum Yalos of wages payable te employee employed im an employment fae proposals fpr the infromation of. pesto Ukelyrto be ahold amd sper, adati not leis thaw 2 month fom dhe date of, nokitation, ow which Ha proposals will be Laleow mb consideration » Pronifase& vahine) pi V2 nei, audi alHedam Pale hall Steniclyy be adhored wouile Ra ox wovishng, 7 eninimum ales , Fixahow > Minirnw wage) Rocommondatiow of Advi Board for dilierent clans umskilled, skilled, dork , Supervisor fublih recommendations 'm Nakono) Publications alli nord mesentafiow joven Trade UOnj Chor P 'e Come [ep = en Soave opinion: few) v Hearing. 2 Hue Representatives te Notifeahon of Minimum toage published , © bokebhay Commisstew CRogad remission, an Valour) Tohw Henry whitleg (1866-1935), oftem knownas T-4- whiten ; Was o respected amd successp} Baitish politician whose like amd Carsor Spamned a poniod off sigmixeoml- soeia} chongo , kom evots fo dhe heark of the Industesal Revolution tropugly to dhe intin tar ported. Sohn Howry became Libera) Momloor a Pasiliovmemr (uP) for Halixex i 100, as seat he held until hacesigned im (428 johtteg usa Appontsd Speaker of He Houre a. Commmens bv al, @ posk he held uml 428, whe hoasigned due till health. During dhe World war-i ™m IZ, Uoblitey was appointed ds Clase & Comnittarte emport onthe Relatow oy Employers and Employees” le proposed a system 4 eg ular formal consultahive meetings bolweon woskor’ amd emaployert, Known fothin dogas “ahi Hey Council rere would be empoucrad te cover cig issue gelitad be Pay and conditions of Seles » omdto fake matters thevugv te atdcibratiew ipreescny: ‘TW wna a shoowg mode} Which was to imkbuence amduste) qolations \oerpned te UR, Appoinhnont of, whibley Commission Im dealing, wih tho various aspects ay the Drdiaw povblems , dhe Baits rulers berger about the Indie workers . “ied fees aitempt at Mecruh drial by diseouany op emul The ofher result u9ad Lae Commission or Laloour ix India, under the Chairmanship a lwhiHley Wo 1929- The bohity Commission submitted iH voported vo |9al, pecmnenala i Some of Ho dnportant— pot fodhe Whitby Corrmestow Report we: ) Me loetter— paled workers spend heer 82% & Bs% ag, Yasir wages on the prdmar- nrecersities of life, net imi washinge \ dhe barber, household utensils , fyrnitere , Sickness, Ihe aver lT Cy lites bit, marriages and deaths, amd somedimes -rawelli deand Lavm their villages. Ou Hoa margin shal remains al nd triton honed Leow met. be a 2) Dh ic invest dhak in mesh jrdusteta} centres sho propestion a4 fommitios er individuals who arctan dob Ae nol~ Joss than tho— Irs of fhe votete, We pebrene Yak Whe qraak magoste of cates, Jha of dobt excends months wager amd U olliin in excess of, Jy anowl e) “Phone must bee statutory minim Usager 4) Foo thon bonus will calcubttad on Rs: F000 only Bae -o salary i < F000 pore bonus Will { talouldlad on aclualamoun} ()) The Re nt Bonus Act 146s~ Object To provide amd regulate the payne” of bonw to employers. Applicabiitg - Dis applicable, on a - Applicable te these edtablishmerls whore 20 oF more usorkerg ae working ow ama day dang an accounting. year. — Where workers art lem tan 20, tun the het if applicable * appropriate got give notfeahow “m offteiad pee Eligibility to Bonu (See 8) _ See aeeie ae aang or wages upte Re S00 parmonth 4 engaged um ar eas work whethey Skilled , unékellag ,wamaqoved, superwisony. oe. & enfitled +5 ge bonus tyr eves. accounkimap year ho har workod for aHeast— 20 voook me days wm dha yea — Employes of LIC, Universities omnd Educationa) |nathdtiows , Hospital , Social walkars Insitiory are nor enttHed te bonus under dis Ack. Disqualipyection frr Bonus Cfee4) Aw employee thal be Aiqualirfred from ‘receivh bonus, it - he dismissed om sewhee fpr fraed oF violent behaviour while Tw the pawmiises op the, establishment - ot Hols ref appropriationy or damage 5 amy pope °F the establishment Minimum Bonus Lec 10) The moimimwm bonws whieh aw erplo As vequine ts pay encom f ho suffers losses during. tro accounkin.oy year 0 hove iB mo allocalole surpld x" Bisay af wages dusma,. He accounting yet fc Tone. limi ot, lonw ( $ecl4) = Bonus should be patd fo carly usin & moms prom Ha close of dhe accounting yor { : — Bonus paid within Imonthy dowry re date of, emboreamavt- award. — Th bonus *¢ due, apporpmle ah mag, extend Home ported ondhe Applicabon received, Recovery Of Boni’ Diie- fromm qvipleyent ‘( See2) = where any bonus is due te am employee ley wary + bonus, employee er any other pertow arsthosred toy him ean make aw application te the Appropriate got ter eee op he monerp due = Re qaik is sakifed “Hel monty ¢ doe te am evplaee by at ob bonus 1+ shall Issue a conti eal fpr that amount to the eollecter Who Jhon areeovers Hie wine 2 Suslcxpplicabiow hall be made yollhin { your from Yas dal ow which tae montir became dus te dhs- employer. = dHowennr Hoe application maybe entertalmed after a your if Yo applicant ahows supielomd= cause for vot makings Dutios oF Eomployen, : ~ To calculate § pay ho ommual bonus ar required| under the Ad. — To submit aw annual velurn o loonus poi to empleyzes ating ee yoor to Wntpecrer: - To co-operate will lhe bnspector, produce’ befre him the oagistors on etords enamntainad od mow we moquired by hiv. = To get Ws account audited a porte direction ofa Labour Court ov Tesbunal, Righ off am Exmployer + - Right t fergie bonvws “t an ennplegee who has been dicmissed few service for oe violenk behaviour or Heft ec damage ty He propel, ok establishment, Ri fe make peruiesible, deductions erom Ye bonus payable te aw employer 'f any rence loeS caumed by eisconducl of He camployee Right + reper omy dispute tte Labour Courk ov Te bunel. Rit oem Cbg L Right te claim bonus poyable under dha Ade = Rp 6 vehor amy disate Mt Labour Coutk- ov Tribune: Pomalties (See 28 for contravention of the parvisions of Ha Ack or rules or Mune + coviphy withthe directions amade, thor ho ie Trmptsonmenk apie Semomths ov fine upte Rs love or leoth, Gross Pook amd Allocable Surplus Yyveilabled econ 4 oy the net Bonw Ack 46S, Firsi- aud second seedules explatna pears * Gross Peopits The caleulatow of gross poop is the fsk step er to computahow a available surpha , and te caledele fre r pm, bonus, Fortks caleutatiow of gross preg 1 "She Frroit aud LOS Account® of the conarw ts dha. basic. The amnethod for caleulating qrvst profile As exphinsel wo Wx Fivtramd Second Scheduler. - Calentalid av ‘sales minus abl cost directly related 6 these, gales: = There costi cam include cmamnugaclurt nn expenses , wow matetals, lalour, selling, markehing and olor expences. — The gangs people dorived by aw employer om ow extabliumnonk respect of he auoumling year, SAU, ~ Inthe care of banking, Comper, be caleulaled im +o mamntr, epeeified a the Bree schedule. - In, odur case be calculated rm Hue manor speeifred w fur Second schedule . Availalole Sux pls - Cet payable wader Ihe Aer is limked wit poofi — The employer has ts coleulele 'Grves pope “6 Wa establishimen yn Ske manner spectyed wm Section 4. — Thea from ‘Grote pk” 20 caleulated he has Ko deduct the sem webpred to section’ ov prior charges. The ousiners tt called “ availalole surplus”, Available surplus = Gross profits Cech) - Burt a prrer charger (see AMlocable Surplus A percentage of te available surplis caladald i aceordamee wwii he provisions of sub-section (41) of Section) Be called “allocable surphu'. a) 6F% ofthe available surplus mM aw Checoun tag years & ia ama other Care, 60% of suey availalle surplus; Seton and Set o| alloable surplus Set ov» ~The bonus te te be paid from allocable surplus = Whidu ts 64% of available surplus (in care of Company) boy Um thor cares = AG Ustributiow of mavimum bonw (ey) if balance lege, How ib gotow. . carted torusard ppv be set on m He succeodings acco — wide it & be ake ‘tT acounl” tre dud et ee upto feu Atcounting. year. Seton > imcare of huge pf Set : § satehh © reane of loeses occurs Seb ob no awailalele surplus erdhe allocable. surplus mop ok pe hort, tho amowrt- oe 2D yimimuin bonus oy eo Jed poowand for debofh and adjunted out of hes an wlocalle xxplas (Fourth Schell) pte expend @® Est conosahow CEst0) Pnsyramee The act of imsuying-; the ack, agate or busines a Beenie, pooperlip, Iie or penton against lows o« baw ailsme- Apecifiad conbingoneios oD fey accident, doaty ee Ww considerahow of & payne porportionste te the nvfsk involved ; he contract Nun made, Set forlvin « writen or priitedagreenord | x pep) “the E81 schome is av Inte come. ts the life Hrrough ho Employen, Stulz Insuramee Ach, |S , amd is darigned be Complete Hae crish. of profecting. * Employees” as io the Eat Ala, Jae hazards Sleknexs, maloety, disablemanr , “ynredical PF er deaths juners) duets Exnplegmont injury amd ts provide full medical care te Insured persow and thetr cera Apelicaleibg of he Ae. vale te aul factories and other — the ES schome ts appl Aefimed Go tha Ach ws QO ermeve Prrsons employed fe such extaboli' i = ‘the bonshiciartes wore wase doer not-exead bs. 24,000 covered weber He sehowe [i 28jbm)- per wall, Ta CoA 4 perso willy dicate Scope. The Enaplogee contains [00 Se omeasrl o “Sociat Insurance” Sate Insurance Ad, 18 (AcE Ne BH OF (ay) eho amd % schedules. Establtahmenh + Section % provides fer the establighmment op he Ennple Stale Insurer Couporation: a pee Tr shall be appoinbed by te Gov by noi fea tiow im thw obftetad quae Tr has perpebral successiow ard a tommow seal, Dk can sue omd be sud, ConsHtuhow 4 Cor potion : The Coxporation shall sensist of the following mowlbens ' a) a Chatemaw be be appoirted by dhe Combrad Govt Da Vice-chatrman ts be appiniled boc. Coukral Govt 2) Nor more Ham S persons ts be appolnited by Yue Covrtoad Gov} a) One perso each ; excl of the, Stale Ww whieh duis Ack Ae in pe b be appointed by he Stale Govt conterned ©) tom persow representing, empl yers ts be appointed bg te Conbral Gove m consullation with suclv orgaini saciows 4 employers s) tom persows cropresending- omployeos te be appomitad by He Combral Gotan consulhationy with sucky Smee 4 eunployeo ing He medical vow te be @) 2 peso cagpsvitid boy He Coukrel Govk 04 mecdient poskitionsy , * Coutvibutons Primuiple’ * eumbedded ‘om the object fy iia Ac The employers O4% amd the ewnployeer@ hy Ly, combibule their annownls Found tho ‘Insuermee . The prtonay objeds ain amd purpose 9 tle Ada4 of 1148 ant te provide contain bemefets fe the employee, working we fectorey inethudings owards he rasuraince ! The Lowm' empleyee! imudes admimisteadve Ataf » poor Onepged bor the purchase of aan mectersals , or sabe. fe Act Proviles the benegtla Balad feane of fhe injured Persons fer tae purposes os medical benefit - Tefach, benekity are dae hachkont of is Act 1) Sickness Benehils YW Matin Benefits ith Disablement Ponok lh iy Dependamts Benofls Y Medical Benet, and VW) Lumera} Expenses. (® Soca) Gecusigs Soda) Tysucavnee 4 Socia) Assistanee. Socio) Tnsuronce The main object of socia) imsurameo ists povteh amd apligr the weaker section of the Sotiely. Im o walkare state, Tike Dudio- , it is tha dub ok Ye qewt * provide socia} inguramee + ik masses, socta) insurance pe m different forms like pension pls, disability benefit, umenpllegnont- benefit, Sicknens Imsuramee ond mdustrtal ynataramez ebc~ Do omium wndlov such Insurance Schommes 4s rnin font by te pprand ernployors . Employees ov bene hjolanis pag ool nominal amoumt- acvording: te Hu Hhalr capacity ts Pq: Socta) Secusii Soca} secunity prienasily a Social Insurance program Paving Social prvfection oF povtection againer socially Teconvized conditions, imelarding, poveal , eld age, disability, Une ploy mont and others. The aim 4f éoeia) sees measured ie basically Atyroe fold — - CompensoHor — Restorahiow — Porovention Social Secusily Divectve Primeipley + Arifcle 2A-A + Equal justice and Free Legal Aid Arhicles| + Right ts worst, te education and te public w Corben cares Petideaa > Provision for jus and humana condifiovs 4 work and makeony-aobiel Arie ua: Living wages for worker! Pride ua: Paaheipalion ap workers in mgt 4 duchies. Sodel Assistomet the btinnationa) Labour Offer CLO) dopimed the Locka Assistance » "A goavice or schome vlwel provides te sons ob gmall moans a3 of aight he comoumc of exon to nel arinienun Atamdancs of reed fymomced from deretion: - Prerequisite conditow & home Aociod ansigtanee one : e Finomelol ai ficulties Climited incomes & ansels) + Claimants Reicha reine they Raset nbs rebediies 5 Supper thems COR) They ae physical hatddieagped unable ts work or other yeoxons. ansistence (2) Empyr Liabilily for compentation mer Hw course 4 employment) Section 3 ok tho Employees Compemaation, Act, 1923, contains We provisions about | Employers Lieb fpr mponiction Section 3¢)) Aaya down that it personal injoy is caused am ermploger oy acetdonk lastest euro, amd Inthe course o Mo dunplogment’, hin employer wall be olde t pay compentation, W ateordamee wih to provisions Of5 i Chaplix.. AS per Section acy) of tae Bet, the following conditions rnnkt— rusensanily be sabistied im order to qpalily te compensation: ) Ye must boa workmen within dhe meami) ay th A y Personas injury must hame beow caured by aceidautl W The Inger nat Irae. beewy caured buy acide ) The aceidond must howe atelson eubog amd fv dhe v) The Pps caused boy the aceidoul” must hane resulted Fe the workmanls death or permanout total Agallement Or temporary disablement Accidouk ascising oud of A Arete course 4 hie ernployment- - The employer ie Viable te Pay Com poncatony m Core of personal inj and octup ional diseare. _ Personal inj Includes prystead / mente) injures Strom or Aho boy enelliomenh ener ee eee et employ neon; i Am ion could be held te hone abigon out erinenl ipibie established tat: % one — Tt roust have veaulhed prom some vfek imetdonted fo Whe Audios of the Setvice/ Imbarenl othe nahune a euplogmont, = At He Home of Pou the werker musk hane boow engaged ro WL business of ao employer 4 rousi-mot be doiman he Paoviso te Sechion 2 lays down tho felhwingr exeephions /Aipree te eo employer, undo vbr Ye Employer umet lalle te pay cormmpemalto * = The fnjudey doos nor weaull fo the. Ateablemont tor a period excee dimge adoys- = The injury vosulle im death or permanont total Assabiliter dus‘: a) he worker war ot Timpaemer-ety drink or drags dy te amhur wiply Aye ony oko exp. ge for emsuring sagehy- oc) the worker whey Tomoved safl dovices which he know sol hater y hams beow provided fev te puaport oy searing ee satel a employet Yo Lene of accidenk, undew He ) Employees Compensation. Act, 1923 CoU Name: Workman Compeniation Act, 428) Applicable. etme (Fay / 192. Objects This Ack proviles Social security te employees! - An employee who died or sulters from disablement, portal otott — Duets aw accident — Is entitled te ger comnpenhatiow —- Gam Wa employer. The Kemployeos Compensation. Act, 423 ik really he fret benef ictal legislation for labour ta Dadin. pegs: Dre eesenki A social security measure, as iF placed ae ontiva- vreaponst ily onthe employer for the paamont of comportadion fpr Acath, permannt ox partial ava evapora, digallemonk This Ad had 26 Sections and 4+ echoclubes. Bockow % iathe moet tmportemh and hook ot the tet. ha = sul — SeeHows Schedule 1 — List of bajweles Park 1s Toted Disablement Ponte : Pasi Disablemovt— Shedubed — Lisk ey perso who cre imebuded My tee dain of, mle Serodule 3 — Lis of oceupationa| Diseases Schedule 4 — Lachort irr waeklnge ou Luannp Sua. equi i> Of, compensa tton amount Imp cane of ditablemone anal death Applicabili of the Ack Act je applicable to these factories , mimes, conshrucHon wot Cte. unliely ane net covered umdev ESTAck lqug. Le meams, com employee covered under Esl Acraue i not enkited to get compensation employees compousahior Act \428 Disablement Ditableomeont! moaw : - Loss of capacihy to wor or tb move -— ot ma roalt mn logs er reduction of a coming capacity -— ir a fied permanl e+ feamporte- -T rea be partial ov Total Pantial Disablmenk — Sec 216) Reducer tha earning capacity eh ow empleyen ana rosult o some acridont. Every Injury Specified im Porte of Scheduled shall be Aeemed te vou w Pomonons— pastas Atvablemouk. Temporary Partial Diealdemoul rd Poswmamert— Partial Dizedenet Total Disablemarxr — See 2Ch) Apple camedemians d ditaldementl- policy incapaleialin an, employer. fev at ure har Wo war capable of performing at tre time 2 om, actidul— mrosalbing. in foe Aialtemenl, - Inter menhioned We Pak \ of Schedule 4 Park 2— (©) Adjudication of, Disputes oma clafis Ohaplor-Wi deals with “adjudication a disputes ama claivns" woluch may anise between the Employees Stake bewranee— Corporakiow, employers ama employers Dt har Sections foorm 94 te 03 The Employees lnzuromee. Cour shall be appoinlad by the Qele levi im accordamce with the peovisions of the Ack. No civil court har the Juriedichdn & decide or deal willy avy question ox dispules whielw it ty be decteted uy he Medial Board ot the Exnplogeos Insuromee. Count - Conbihition. of, Ennplegee’ Insurernea. cowrt— Section 74 down tat Ho Stele Govt shall, by moti atten, in ty obficia) Gazctte, constitbe an Employees Ineunanee Cou Spectying guolr Socal area. The court shall constr of Suey number of judge? oy the Shale Covr yrmay think-ik Baned upew experiemer, state Gov usitl decide. ¥ ater ts be desided by employees names cont Section 4 lougs down thabthe prlowong- matters shay be aAjwaieatd oma doctded by the Exmployees sumamee Court ig omy quostion, or dispiole aaiges ast — a) Whothow person an amnplegee wit the moan of tas Aa ov! whelker hed liableto poy he employees contslonfon 9 he oli of waged or average dolly wages oty ww employer pre Fence of he Ack go he vali of corbrbutiow payable by Hoe prmetpel cumpbyer am yageeh og ory engin Dd Ho Mga a sow 45 ip ond as te fhe Bay See anpbcnyt ee) te person who is ov wad Hise primeiped employer ra vreapeel Hom mpegs 3) ang other vratter whith is su disput behueow * privetpe emplyer ond He corporottomor belweew prinaipa! employer cud am immediate employer, o belweow a perso amd the conporatiow ov belweem aw employee amd a principal imme dat emplyer ov ont matter required te be ov woliely may be decided by dw Employzes Insuramee Court q) Clalen fpr the vecovey + contrib How prom principal employer or corporation he vale ofy the benefit or tee cunoud” as sucks pargrnonte or ie the cometh he deal. bin rapresentatina nal ee fide 4 repay he. game. frm dhe ats op thor docased table Insurance Aor e4e Cest - ogecs Stole :) Insurance The act of insuring Bb dhe awh, system ov buvimods ay imsuringr prety ue ov penton agains loss er hawm arising. in specified sonknapncies 0 Here, aceidank; death, ett. Fr consideration ope pyre prope Honels trdne BE mwolvea Insure 2 To guaswilie against: visk-of loss ov harm; te Secure induvaniby ov Ow, im care OF [es , domage ov deal 4 Yo issue ow poe ow imsuramec poe: Emole [nsunomer meer of meusing> Lire Industria) ancl Her euaployeed agente enplegne ine onising oul” of amd in tha course of epognosd Pow idioma costabw benepib © Ho euplogecs ond thie Keoilion Fiat world War war concluded ™ 1018. Tt badly efpected on ontive world, and most pasehicuberly ow agfoutna! eed Tmndusteia) Labour ™ poor counbiies. Labeur jeahow war formed withy the objectives & Suppost the labour rougher dhe wold: The members of itmel an t FeHl4 amd tok sonora) Aacisiow oma revolved how mw majority. Asa resulk India enacted the Workman's Com: iow Ado, 1425. The Ackot (725 ik the fret lagislation, of 76 kina enscancs he welben and decir] secusily. — Tans the Baste Govt appotrled Ro Commivaloe on Labeut te salve the. problems of Sickness, Aigablement ete..of lebour. Rowe Commission gine auggetons for worker Should be holpea willy gicknos , amaternihy ond Aizaldoment benef, avd finenetad bene gi 6- Providour Fumd ete, shall be arranged te provide dha eunplogces who rere of die. Hpwewor there vecorvmendatons wor netpul- Inis the shape a tabuli for a longtions. “the Textile Labour Enquiry mmoncod tho Imfarductow ok Committee, 1a4d again Veeco Geknees Imewramee 24 recommended by Ro: Commission ev. Labour urd Sroxved the neceniby- b& bring legiclation, or Hur Salject- By last be AE it har come ods Law amcor the vame of Exmolo State Insurance Act, 4& (Act 84 of (448). Civ established TH New Delhi «4 Kawpur - tal ow agread je aro He. courtny: \ The Emnployeos State Insunomes, Act, (448 contains 100 Sechons and 2 schedules. The Rarliament made the eanployers Stile Insurance Clentral ) Rules, 1450 and Aclagatad Cortaina powers 6 dhe Combra Govt 4 vaplumenh this sclnerne The Rules, MEO contain 62 Ruler. The pe ebojeek, aim ond purpose Was Ar NIUE ane. be provide, contaiw hove ph be the employees, working uM focterios, mdading Govl factories, oum wie power and emploging oo etwode’ Ack No. oe fs 44g dhe fret mentune of soctat Tneuramee. This designed te provide cask benef Yo the cane ck sicknes, rratonrity and empleginent ingen, ancl waded benettlr te Imewred workers. “Combribabony Princip’ it ewheddad “m the olgject” of pais Act the employers @4y. ound Ine eurplogeos @ 1-Min/" eee ea Jtuone armour Fouwereds the Tmaurones «TN enbrn| ond Srl enna evel aramid hay ay mag mc doa au ob. On No.34 Bus uly tie aubsittows of the oe fe Comstibubiow it provides <1 bemepi the cpg : y Gekmes Bomefilt Y) Madauihy: Benet iy Disablement Boowpt lh V) Medical Bene” V) Fume} Expeneed (7) Matanity Cone According to Section +6 there are six kinds Lene ualiely dao Erm) 5 a ae plogees State Insurance Act 1848 wants ts tho 0 the. employer: They are — a 2 Sickness Beno}its 1D Waverni 6 1 Disablement Bonepil Depemdands Gemep i Y Mechical PoencklG; wo a Ex a - pentes, Sechion So Aaa Lane Insurame Act 14ue oa ; 5 powers am ras woman b& clam male berutit subjed ts te conditions presenibed| bydia. Ge my f : Tregedionh of See Se: D The matonnity bemepsF ic me om Of poricdieal payment 2 Dre pagoble teow jmsured on : 3) Tis poysble mr cate a b conkimennont- p orisearrfage iW) Sickness aniding» ouok pregnancy iw promaters. bint ne bald 1) The woman mnustbe imaured amd hawk or li : ; oe eligite? (cg crocoiwe the payment ats smatomrity- bemefit” arnust ae by aw [Insurance NModieot Officer - Arvicle 42 of He Constittion aber that the Stale Shall vnake provisions provide Hee meet velit. Suoution So +f the Aor 446 coincides ound correspond will Article 42- Rule 56 of the Employees State Incurance (Combral) Ruler, Aso Prrvides thal an imeured woman shall be es = _ ; qpalitied te aim aa ins Ney benetit ber = confinemant occuring oF expecteol & : in ‘a bOneptt periods Also Rules powides shat where am imsi her confymememl or ay six works inne dict lowing her Coe fpr which sheis entitled te malcrnity bene fir: Benebelr ented in mmisenmingt, premature bith + auld. uned usoman dics dur Regubation 42- provides shar maternity benefit shall ce payable prom the date form wliely ihie claimed . Resrlahona> provides Mae AisqualifeaHow ir mmeteniter benuir. P| down Yhalm am mewred usemon rnaiyy be disqualified rocelving, rnciternity benefit if she ae wsthewt goed canre te attend fever te calomi- horkelfy- fe pedicel oxamimahow hon so required Paywont of Grabalng Act a Gratuity Bs a fre giv? a donation ; atip Grosly it akind ot; rettromonl benefit Khe dhe provident fund or pension Gratuity paid te workmen is imtended te help drone afi retirement: “The gemerel principle underly? duly apotty ekume? & har by thot length. ok Service workmon’ are enditied bi claim a cortaim ameumb as a Yetial benefit. Feaduner of The Payment of Gratuity Ach AA ) the Pospment of Groduily Ack, 442- as leew amendad Ures demes- The st amendment has been made mr 2010, ef 245-2010 - 2 Tha At has is Sections , without ont scheduler, Seckows 2-4, 4-A,7-A amd 13-A lane bem imeertid in. He Ack. D The Ack shall apply GO 2) oun Jackerg, mine, Bil Yell , plantation, post amd mauler: com : Y overg” shop or establishment withindhe meanlugr of a Naw tov the Hime beng znporee M rolalow te shops ond eartablichmesds mo Stata, im whic (0 or morte pesens ane ) Suc cher establishments or clans of eatablicshronlT Tn lies (Oo MOLE ornployecs ow exnplayed, rvere omploged od underly Cuber} Govb. Bechew S gy the Ack empowers tha appevp7iale Govt be exempr omy Cdlabelishmonks pacteor¢ pms, 2 pele plantation, pot, railway , company ec shop cinder contain Cireunnstemen 4, pment Off Gratet : ee of he at te most- eer cubes wate Act - Tr expla ' eligi ily vaeive’ Graken 7 Peart 5 Vpuarage Pay wd ‘Porfpottane Gratuity d Section 6 ox plasms alert Nominahow 9 Section explains alow ditiumimation of ta amounf— grakaity: 23 Conbrrolling- Awthoribe dhe appropri Gov beg nobiyicofie~, Seohen 4-A empowers Whpectors. Sechom 4-8 Pprovidler orbapnr Apppoims a) m powers fe Nope appellee under dha Aek %) Recovent Gratuity, sechen & ee prredunes, ) Sechon 4 provider certem pomaltios on emp legen coho Contramemns fho- provisions op tee Ack. The que employer, usho knowingly fee Stalemenly fer tee 0 ax monty tra team amd Were cope oy lonth. oe + Pil the emplogeos iarespective off Status or Solan ve entitled ts tho paymonl of grsulty ow completion Syeas of Serwive. Im care of deat or digablemant there is MO panini obigibilite period. The cumoumb of aprotuity payable shall be at Ya vate raays wage) bared onthe rate a wages Yast straw, Sera enn completed year of Servier The maximum cumeumre oh qrotuity prypole ie Rs. 3,50,000 /_ Foramla Last Wages # I & No.of Seswice/2b Nominatow Nominal — ts propase or offer the mame of & perton ada camdidole or am aber er place - Nowinalow of, am mpegs Arn, omployer mary nominate amy puison asa. candidal: ts reeelve omni bene {por the exmployer,, In Case 4; hin doath, Generally ou employee nominates hiv vite. TE his wite dies, ho nominates Wo ebildren. Tp just like a wil). Sf He. worker warts to change ho name of nomination, he cam doso subjed ty tho. provisions of tha Auk - Secon & of We Teal of Gradulty het, 42 po dhe provisions abou 'NominaHion'". jock . : Every pertson works tor hin and a ho homily the objet ct qed is to provide wrteim voli benef, Fr po ald age ts tho worker amd te hi femily: Eligibiliy, te nomimale Each employes % ab Li amd aighh ts nominate yaore tan, One nominec., amd dishrbule amount of qr payable to hom cs por his oto will amd plearure . More thom one nommee An employer 7 oF libexty and right ts nominate more thaw Que nominee amd ditkribbute amount 4 goraly payable, te thom ad per hiveww will and ploamue, Bared upen He mumbew of mominzes ond Poeentage wise declaration, ammount may alto Ashatbited a por that pessentage - Void Nomimatow aN am employee has family at M2 dome Cy making 4 nonbnahion, dho nowination Ahall be made m faveuy of eno ex mere, mowleors of aa family momimahion made sachs employer “iu. jee nara mot a member of; hts il hal wi Up at the time off making, a womlnatow tho employee has no fg dhe nomination, wary be made Tw favour of, amy puttow ov persons bub if te employer subsequonty cteq ures a ily sud nomination &troll forthwite becoure, qnvalid amd He employee Shall make wWihins sucks Lomo asian be preseribed, @ fred mominaliow im faveur ona or more members of; ba par 2 paciqualior Subfec- te tho provisions of 6) ond 614) avd empl modify or clhamae. hu mominattow af amy hee dee se te lw employers a writen notte . Emp! 3 Duly Die te diby of Yaa. euployer te keop momimation papers Te sate custody. Determination o: te amounto M4 Incase Ha doally of the employee, the nominee is entitled He sho submit aw application ordinad te receive grata: te him bo Form 'T’ fe He employer’ Enctories At dealing. wily Healt, Sapa amd Welter % labeur- Section 2.) of the Factorios Ack, aye cekine * factor". The main, object of the Factories Ack, He fe be prowl sabe mpasured amd ts promite hoally and woltare of worker eared % to Lis purpose wb prokibiF em lo daldrew and women “wa agardows awd dd ous toby The industrialists won te CE nildror and women , aa fied ate. cheaper “Nei wou Sechon 2 (an) ears rmeoms premises eat where 0 690 or mere usorkore are work! or Wore Biante preagey Hawa As preceding, dwelve words, amd in. pera wliels a mamubrachandng, Prveots a Probes avd precincy imeludles — machine, downs , Sheds, teow , Yards omd te ( t ef Healt frovisions ( See \|-20) Section Il — Cleanliness - Sector! provides that aroll be clean Baas fon Aix, wd vd Mer a Dail tweeph . a Cleaming. 4 feor once ma week wit Uisinpectan by effective method, — Al) inside walls and pasion, all ceiling ® evtops Of weer) and all walls, sider ond tops °& pasbages | Atelreases Krall be parted, woh waralde- alec patnt ox vasuieled aHeay-™ oneay poriod 4S pan. Section — Diepatel owes ond

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