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Read the following text!

The level of civilization of a nation is

one of them influenced by
science.Intelligence and knowledge will
grow civilization. Knowledge is produced
by scientists and passed down in writing.
Because knowledge is presented in writing,
one can acquire knowledge by reading. In
other words, to get knowledge one must be
willing to read. By reading someone will be
smarter and broaden their knowledge. Thus,
the more intelligent the higher human
civilization. So reading is the entrance to
gain knowledge and then knowledge forms
The low reading interest of the public
will determine the quality of the nation's
civilization. Due to low
interest in reading people cannot know the
development of science and information in
the world. Science is written by scientists
through various texts. Therefore, to be able
to acquire knowledge, students must read.
Without reading incomprehensible, a
generation of stupid and lacking character is
born. As a result, the civilization of a nation
is lagging behind. Therefore, in order to
catch up with the progress made by
neighboring countries, it is necessary to
develop an interest in reading from an early
According to UNESCO, Indonesia ranks
second from the bottom in terms of world
literacy. Indonesian people's interest in
reading is only 0.001%. This means that out
of 1,000 Indonesians, only 1 person is an
avid reader.Different
research entitled World's Most Literate
Nations Ranked conducted by Central
Connecticut State University

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