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EDEE 490 My Best Lesson Paper

Carlee Kawai

Dr. Stephanie Kamai

Spring 2023
My Best Lesson


The planning process for the two consecutive lessons coincide nicely with each other.

When thinking about the lessons, I made sure to look at the standard that would best fit what I

wanted to teach. By looking at the standard, I was able to break down that standard into pieces so

I could better understand how to teach it to my students. When this was done, I started to create

the learning targets that my students would achieve at the end of the lesson.

Thinking about ways I would make the lesson engaging for my students was up next. I

collaborated with other grade level teachers to brainstorm ideas of engaging activities for my

lessons. One of them had a great idea about including a movement activity where it gets students

out of their chairs and interacting with the content being taught. I have used movement activities

in past lessons where it was a success as it supported student learning. For example, I had

students do an activity called “My Four Character Traits”, which was similar to the game “Four

Corners”. Students had so much fun moving to the different corners in the classroom and just

knowing it was a game made them more interested in their learning. My students were able to

grasp what character traits were and give examples of them.

Not only is it important for the students to be engaged in learning, creating a safe and

positive learning environment is also important. I use research based methods like greeting

students at the door, establishing relationships with students, behavior specific praise and being

consistent with rules that set my classroom up for success. By being consistent in all these areas,

it sets a positive mood for my students, myself and the environment in our classroom.

To an extent, my students were able to learn a great amount in the lesson. I intended for

them to meet the learning objectives by the end of the lesson in which they were able to meet.

The teaching methods that I used were game based learning and blended learning. I know these

methods were effective because the data gathered from the lesson showed great results. Students

were able to chorally read the new words in their workbooks, reread words with a peer with clear

pronunciation of the soft and hard g sounds. When it came to showing their thinking and

understanding, students were able to decode, write and identify their challenge words while

categorizing it on the anchor chart. Students were able to grasp the concept of soft and hard g

sounds with the use of instructional materials. For example, I made sure to incorporate things

like google slides, illustrations, anchors charts, videos, and workbooks (supplemental reading

materials). I know these factors all contributed to a successful lesson and it shows through the

students responses.

Students were able to show their understanding through written work, verbally and

through no verbal gestures. For instance, students could identify soft and hard g sounds by

verbally saying the words. Students were able to say “soft g sounds like /J/ and hard g sounds

like /g/.” I observed students verbally reading their new words and challenging words out loud

when working with their partner. I observed great conversations happening between students

when unscrambling the challenging words and writing it correctly during one of the activities.

These conversations were meaningful to me as it showed me students were engaged in what they

were learning all while it being fun. Based on what happened in the lesson, my next steps are to

continue working with my students in solidifying their understanding of soft and hard g sounds

over the course of the next week or so. I will be doing this by being consistent in using the
Phonics For Reading program and supplementing my own resources to make learning come to



My overall impression of how the lesson went is it was eventful. The reason being is that

there were many opportunities for students to interact with each other, with the lesson and with

myself. Also many activities to engage in their learning. Next time around, I would take a

slightly different approach. The reason being I would like the lesson to be a bit more student

center lead. I would like the students to have a bit more control of their learning. In the future, I

would consult with my students and other teachers. This way I can receive input from a student

perspective and a teacher's perspective. When it comes to sensitivity to diversity, it was

successful in the lesson. I know this because I have a very strong relationship with all my

students. I am able to keep their different backgrounds in consideration when I go about my

teaching. In addition, finding ways to bring everyone together in different ways is what I strive to

achieve in each lesson.

This lesson so far has taught me that there are lessons that go how you planned it to go

and others that don’t go as planned. Luckily for me, this lesson went well in ways that I intended

it to go. For example, students followed expectations set at the beginning of the lesson by

showing appropriate behavior, voice levels and conversations. Insights that I have that can

strengthen the lesson is creating more challenging and imaginative tasks which will engage

students and support the learning process. Creating a sense of rigor will get the students to think

more critically about their learning. There is always room for improvement. I am more than

willing to take those next steps and build upon them. Nothing is more important than reflecting

on your teaching and making room for growth.

Appendix A

1) Teaching Video with captions (no longer than 15 minutes)

(Attached separately)
2) Two consecutive lesson plans to include the unit goal


Name/School: Date:  
Carlee Kawai/ Nanaikapono 04/19/23
Lesson Title: Fun with Phonics

Grade Level: 3rd Grade Standard(s):

3.RF.3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word
Subject: ELA analysis skills in decoding words.
a. Identify and know the meaning of the most
common prefixes and derivational suffixes.
b. Decode words with common Latin suffixes.
c. Decode multisyllable words.
d. Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
Learning Objectives(s): 
Students will read and spell multisyllabic words with the soft and hard g sounds.

Differentiation Strategies: Content, Process, Product

Content: Whole group discussion will be given at the beginning of the lesson. At the beginning
of the lesson we will go over the learning targets and our CHAMPS expectations prior to the
activity to make sure students understand the expectations of the entirety of the lesson. After
whole group instruction, we will do an activity as a whole class first. I will then have students
work in pairs for the second activity.

Process: The class will participate in a whole class activity. The class will move to the left or
right side of the classroom to determine the correct answer of the decoding words projected on
the screen. Afterwards, students will be split into pairs (two students each). Each pair will be
reading and unscrambling the word given to them. They must rewrite the correct spelling of
the word and label the syllables for that word on their paper. Students may take turns for this
activity. Once finished, students will come to the board and identify which category their word
belongs on the anchor chart.

Product: Each student will need their phonics for reading workbooks, a pencil, a marker and a
scrambled word strip. Students will collaborate as a whole class and in pairs when working
through each activity. Students will share their thoughts/ideas with their classmates and

Differentiation: Focus Students (2)

The lesson was differentiated for my two focus students by taking into consideration their
learning styles and interests. I created the lesson to include a lot of visual representations
(illustrations and charts), kinesthetic representation (hands on unscramble word sort activity,
movement activity), and auditory representation (video and music). I wouldn’t usually use
resources like a video to teach lessons like this but I figured it would better cater to their needs
and those in my class with similar learning styles.

What lesson(s)/learning activities came prior to this lesson?

Prior to this lesson, we finished up working on soft and hard c sounds learned in our prior
lesson. We discussed how this concept was similar to our new lesson. I also asked students
open-ended questions that helped students tap into their prior knowledge about the topic. As
for learning activities, we worked in small groups to do a cold read of the passage in our
phonics for reading workbook.

Teaching Targets (timing, activity types, purpose, kinds of grouping)

Time: (the Teaching Strategy - the Purpose - the why Method - the how (whole
increments what group, small groups, partners,
of time individual, etc.)
depend on
the age of
8:30 - 8:35 Introduction to class, Students feel safe, Whole group
5 minutes go over the learning comfortable and
target with students know what to expect
and go over CHAMPS in this lesson.
8:35 - 8:45 Students will take out Students are Direct instruction
their Phonics for exposed to the new Choral reading
10 minutes Reading book and words this week that
open to lesson 25. We are in the fluency
will go over and passage, and focus
chorally read the new on the learning
words for the week. target of soft g and
Students will then hard g.
reread the words with a
peer. I will ask students
what they notice about
this week's words, and
what sounds they hear
from the underlined
8:45 - 8:48 Students will watch the Students will get a Whole group
Youtube video on hard deeper Video
3 minutes g and soft g. understanding of the
G/J letter sounds.
8:50 - 9:00 I will reinforce the Students will Whole group
video by repeating the identify soft g or
10 minutes letter G/J sounds, and hard g sounds.
have students stand up.
I will read words from
their new word list and
ask them to pick a side
of the classroom. One
side will be soft g and
the other hard g. As
students make their
choices, we will
discuss why that word
is defined as a soft g or
hard g.
9:00 - 9:10 Students will take out Students will read Reinforcing new skills
their Phonics for soft g and hard g Whole group
10 minutes Reading books, and we multisyllabic words.
will read the challenge
words. (Multisyllabic
words) We will read
them by clapping for
the syllables. I will
model with the first
word. Students will
repeat after me and go
over them as a whole
class. Students will
then reread words with
a peer.

9:10 - 9:20 Students will be put Students will spell Formative assessment
into groups of 2. They and identify soft g or
10 minutes will be assigned a hard g words.
word, and will write
the word, their
syllables, and place
them on the anchor
chart under soft g or
hard g.
9:20 - 9:30 Exit ticket Students Formative assessment
demonstrate what
10 minutes Students will be tasked they learned in a
to think of a word that form of assessment.
is either soft g or hard
g. They must use
experience from inside
the classroom or
outside of the
Resources: What you used to prepare Extensions: Ways to reinforce academic skills, etc. 
to teach the lesson I will leave the anchor chart up for the entirety of the
next few days, so students can look back at it when
My Best Lesson Plan Slides progressing through the rest of the module. Phonics
for Reading extends for the rest of the week with a
Phonics for Reading student book focus on vocabulary with soft g and hard g sounds.
This lesson targets this specific skill, so they can
Anchor chart continue the module and build their skills while tasks
and words become more difficult.
Hard/Soft 'g' - Music Man (The
Electric Company)

Wrap-up: As a way to wrap up the lesson, I will have students do a verbal exit pass. I will have
students line up and think of a word that represents both soft g and hard g. After giving me the
words I will check them off for understanding of soft g and hard g. I feel for this lesson, a
verbal form of assessment would be best because it deals with phonics. I created a success
criteria and exit ticket spreadsheet that collects the data of the students exit pass. The exit pass
will assist me in seeing and hearing how well my students understood this lesson.


Name/School: Date:  
Carlee Kawai/ Nanaikapono 04/03/23
Lesson Title: Fun with Phonics

Grade Level: 3rd Grade Standard(s):

Subject: ELA 3.RF.3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word
analysis skills in decoding words.
a. Identify and know the meaning of the most
common prefixes and derivational suffixes.
b. Decode words with common Latin suffixes.
c. Decode multisyllable words.
d. Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
Learning Objectives(s): 
Students will read and spell multisyllabic words with the soft and hard c sounds.

Differentiation Strategies: Content, Process, Product

Content: Whole group discussion will be given at the beginning of the lesson. At the beginning
of the lesson we will go over the learning targets and our CHAMPS expectations prior to the
activity to make sure students understand the expectations of the entirety of the lesson. After
whole group instruction, we will do an activity (Whole Class) . I will then have students work
their shoulder partner for the next activity (small group) .

Process: The class will participate in a whole class activity. The class will play an activity
called This or That. Students will choose if the word either belongs to soft c or hard c and do
the action along with that word. Afterwards, students will be working with their shoulder
partner for the next activity. Each pair will reread their new words and challenging words from
their workbook. Then they must unscramble the word and match it to the correct spelling word
given to them. They will identify the syllables of each word by drawing arrows under the word
list. Students may take turns for this activity. Once finished, students will come to the board
and paste their findings on the white board.

Product: Each student will need their phonics for reading workbooks, a pencil, a list of correct
spelling words and an unscramble words list. Students will collaborate as a whole class and in
pairs when working through each activity. Students will share their thoughts/ideas with their

What lesson(s)/learning activities came prior to this lesson?

Prior to this lesson, we finished up with lesson 23 in our workbooks. We discussed the
different sections in our phonics book and went through the passage and answer
comprehension questions. I also asked students open-ended questions that helped students tap
into their prior knowledge about the topic. As for learning activities, we worked in small
groups, whole groups and independently.

Teaching Targets (timing, activity types, purpose, kinds of grouping)

Time: (the Teaching Strategy - the Purpose - the why Method - the how (whole
increments what group, small groups, partners,
of time individual, etc.)
depend on
the age of
8:30 - 8:35 Introduction to class, Students feel safe, Whole group
5 minutes go over the learning comfortable and
target with students know what to expect
and go over CHAMPS in this lesson.
8:35 - 8:45 Students will take out Students are Direct instruction
their Phonics for exposed to the new Choral reading
10 minutes Reading book and words this week that
open to lesson 23. We are in the fluency
will go over and passage, and focus
chorally read the new on the learning
words for the week. target of soft c and
Students will then hard c.
reread the words with a
peer. I will ask students
what they notice about
this week's words, and
what sounds they hear
from the underlined

8:45 - 8:47 Students will watch the Students will get a Whole group
Youtube video on hard deeper Video
2 minutes c and soft c. understanding of the
C letter sounds (/K/
or /S/).
8:50 - 9:00 I will reinforce the Students will Whole group
video by repeating the identify soft c or
10 minutes letter C sound, and hard c sounds.
have students stand up.
I will read words from
their new word list and
ask them to pick a side
of the classroom and
choose whether the
word belongs to “This
or That” side. One side
will be soft c and the
other hard c. As
students make their
choices, we will
discuss why that word
is defined as a soft c or
hard c.
9:00 - 9:10 Students will take out Students will read Reinforcing new skills
their Phonics for soft c and hard c Whole group
10 minutes Reading books, and we multisyllabic words.
will read the challenge
words. (Multisyllabic
words) We will read
them by clapping for
the syllables.

I will model with the

first two words.
Students will repeat
after me and go over
them as a whole class.
Students will then
reread words with a
peer from their books.

9:10 - 9:20 Students will be put Students will spell Formative assessment
into partners. They will and identify soft c or
10 minutes reread their list of new hard c words.
words and challenging
words. They will have
a list of those words
that are not in order.
They will have to
unscramble the word
and match it to the
correct spelling on the
9:20 - 9:30 Exit ticket Students Formative assessment
demonstrate what
10 minutes Students will think of they learned in a
an example using their form of assessment.
observations in the
classroom. Students
will give their example
and identify if the
word is hard c or soft
Resources: What you used to prepare Extensions: Ways to reinforce academic skills, etc. 
to teach the lesson
I will continue progressing through the rest of the
Lesson Plan: Soft C & Hard C module by reinforcing the lesson throughout the rest
of the week. I will have students write a few sentences
Phonics for Reading student book using words with soft c and hard c at the beginning of
the class as a “warm up” for the morning. This lesson
Unscramble word list/ Matching word targets this specific skill, so they can continue the
list Word Scramble/ Matching List module and build their skills while tasks and words
become more difficult.
Hard C Soft C

Wrap-up: As a way to wrap up the lesson, I will have students do an exit ticket. I will use the
3,2,1 method. Students will have to write 3 things they learned in today’s lesson, 2 things they
liked about the lesson and 1 question they still have about the lesson. I will pass out a half
sheet of paper, students will copy the questions down on their papers. Students must write their
responses on the given sheet. Once students are completed with the exit slip. they may turn it
into the “turn in bin” and clean up to get ready for recess. I feel doing an exit ticket helps me to
gauge where my students are at, if they understood today’s lesson and if I need to go back and
work with them. It also allows me to reflect on the teaching practices and how I can improve
the next lesson.

a) Highlight how the lesson was differentiated for your 2 focus students

3) Success criteria used for the entire class

Skill Meets with Meets with Developing Well Below

Excellence Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency
(ME) (MP) (DP) (WB)

Spelling and Student spelled Student spelled Student spelled Student spelled
Pronunciation and pronounced and pronounced and pronounced and pronounced
(Group reading) words from the words from the words from the words from the
word bank work bank with word bank with word bank with
without error. 1 error. 2 errors. 3 or more errors.

Identifying Hard Student Student Student Student

G or Soft G identified 6 identified 4-5 identified 2-3 identified 0-1
(Game) words correctly. words correctly. words correctly. words correctly.

Multisyllabic Student was able Student was able Student was able Student was
Words to identify to identify to identify able to identify
multi-syllabic multi-syllabic multi-syllabic multi-syllabic
words and words and words and words and
categorize it in categorize it in categorize it in categorize it in
hard g or soft g hard g or soft g hard g or soft g hard g or soft g
with no errors. with 1 error. with 2 errors. with 3 or more
4) Success criteria used for 2 focus students

Skill Meets with Meets with Developing Well Below

Excellence Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency
(ME) (MP) (DP) (WP)

Spelling and Student spelled Student spelled Student spelled Student spelled
Pronunciation words from the words from the words from the words from the
(Group reading) word bank work bank with word bank with word bank with
without error. 1 error. 2 errors. 3 or more errors.

Student Student Student Student

pronounced pronounced pronounced pronounced
words from words from the words from the words from the
word bank word bank with word bank with word bank with
without error. 1 error. 2 errors. 3 or more errors.

Identifying Hard Student was able Student able to Student able to Student able to
C or Soft C to identify 6 identify 4-5 identify 2-3 identify 1-0
(Game) words correctly. words correctly. words correctly. words correctly.

Identifying Hard Student was able Student was able Student was able Student was
G or Soft G to identify 6 to identify 4-5 to identify 2-3 able to identify
(Video) words in the words in the words in the 1-0 words in the
video. video. video. video.

Multisyllabic Student was able Student was able Student was able Student was
Words to identify to identify to identify able to identify
multi-syllabic multi-syllabic multi-syllabic multi-syllabic
words and words and words and words and
categorize it in categorize it in categorize it in categorize it in
hard g or soft g hard g or soft g hard g or soft g hard g or soft g
with no errors. with 1 error. with 2 errors. with 3 or more

Student was able Student was able Student was able Student was
to correctly clap to correctly clap to correctly clap able to correctly
the syllables of the syllables of the syllables of clap the
the the the syllables of the
multi-syllabic multi-syllabic multi-syllabic multi-syllabic
words with no words with 1 words with 2 words with 3 or
errors. error. errors. more errors.

5) Graphic display of assessment data for entire class

Student Data Collection: 4/19/23
Student (present Q1 Q2 Q3 Cold Read: Cold Read: Could Could
on 4/19) 04/18 04/19 Identify: Identify:
Hard G Soft G

MJ. 3G AB AB ➖ ✔

➖✔ ➖✔
➖ ✔

KA. 3F AB 3F ➖ ✔



➖ ➖✔ ?


OUT OUT ✔ ✔ ✔


OUT OUT ✔ ✔ ✔



OUT OUT ✔ ✔ ✔

NO. 3F 3G ➖ ➖✔ ?





OUT OUT ✔ ✔ ✔


➖ ➖✔ ?



➖ ➖✔ ?



OUT OUT ✔ ✔ ✔


OUT OUT ✔ ✔ ✔


OUT OUT ✔ ✔ ✔

RH. NA 3F 3H ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔

MI. 3F 3G AB ➖ ✔

➖✔ ➖✔
KEY for Table

AB: Absent
: Did not show understanding of concept
✔ : Showed understanding of concept

*If student has a ✔ and a ➖

? : Difficulty with understanding concept
, student had confusion but corrected themself
*If student has double ✔ , student understood concept w/ no errors

a) Disaggregate the data for 2 focus students

Student (present on Cold Read: 04/18 Cold Read: 04/19 Could Identify: Could Identify:
4/19) Hard C 4/19 Soft C 4/19

Focus Student 1: KA
Grade: MP
➖ ✔



Focus Student 2: VA.

Grade: MP
➖ ✔

➖✔ ➖✔
Focus Student #1: KA

Skill Meets with Meets with Developing Well Below

Excellence Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency
(ME) (MP) (DP) (WP)

Spelling and Student spelled Student spelled Student spelled Student spelled
Pronunciation words from the words from the words from the words from the
(Group reading) word bank work bank with word bank with word bank with
without error. 1 error. 2 errors. 3 or more errors.

Student Student Student Student

pronounced pronounced pronounced pronounced
words from words from the words from the words from the
word bank word bank with word bank with word bank with
without error. 1 error. 2 errors. 3 or more errors.

Identifying Hard Student was able Student able to Student able to Student able to
C or Soft C to identify 6 identify 4-5 identify 2-3 identify 1-0
(Game) words correctly. words correctly. words correctly. words correctly.

Identifying Hard Student was able Student was able Student was able Student was
G or Soft G to identify 6 to identify 4-5 to identify 2-3 able to identify
(Video) words in the words in the words in the 1-0 words in the
video. video. video. video.

Multisyllabic Student was able Student was able Student was able Student was
Words to identify to identify to identify able to identify
multi-syllabic multi-syllabic multi-syllabic multi-syllabic
words and words and words and words and
categorize it in categorize it in categorize it in categorize it in
hard g or soft g hard g or soft g hard g or soft g hard g or soft g
with no errors. with 1 error. with 2 errors. with 3 or more

Student was able Student was able Student was able Student was
to correctly clap to correctly clap to correctly clap able to correctly
the syllables of the syllables of the syllables of clap the
the the the syllables of the
multi-syllabic multi-syllabic multi-syllabic multi-syllabic
words with no words with 1 words with 2 words with 3 or
errors. error. errors. more errors.

Focus Student #2: VA

Skill Meets with Meets with Developing Well Below
Excellence Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency
(ME) (MP) (DP) (WP)

Spelling and Student spelled Student spelled Student spelled Student spelled
Pronunciation words from the words from the words from the words from the
(Group reading) word bank work bank with word bank with word bank with
without error. 1 error. 2 errors. 3 or more errors.

Student Student Student Student

pronounced pronounced pronounced pronounced
words from words from the words from the words from the
word bank word bank with word bank with word bank with
without error. 1 error. 2 errors. 3 or more errors.

Identifying Hard Student was able Student able to Student able to Student able to
C or Soft C to identify 6 identify 4-5 identify 2-3 identify 1-0
(Game) words correctly. words correctly. words correctly. words correctly.

Identifying Hard Student was able Student was able Student was able Student was
G or Soft G to identify 6 to identify 4-5 to identify 2-3 able to identify
(Video) words in the words in the words in the 1-0 words in the
video. video. video. video.

Multisyllabic Student was able Student was able Student was able Student was
Words to identify to identify to identify able to identify
multi-syllabic multi-syllabic multi-syllabic multi-syllabic
words and words and words and words and
categorize it in categorize it in categorize it in categorize it in
hard g or soft g hard g or soft g hard g or soft g hard g or soft g
with no errors. with 1 error. with 2 errors. with 3 or more

Student was able Student was able Student was able Student was
to correctly clap to correctly clap to correctly clap able to correctly
the syllables of the syllables of the syllables of clap the
the the the syllables of the
multi-syllabic multi-syllabic multi-syllabic multi-syllabic
words with no words with 1 words with 2 words with 3 or
errors. error. errors. more errors.

6) Scanned copies of student work samples at low, middle and high levels of performance
- Student 1 (Low): Level of Performance DP
- Student spelled and pronounced words from the word bank with 2 errors.
- Student identified 2-3 words correctly.
- Student was able to identify multi-syllabic words and
categorize it in hard g or soft g with 2 errors.

- Student 2 (Middle): Level of Performance MP

- Student spelled and pronounced words from the work bank with 1 error.
- Student identified 4-5 words correctly.
- Student was able to identify multi-syllabic words and
- categorize it in hard g or soft g with 1 error.

- Student 3 (High): Level of Performance ME

- Student spelled and pronounced words from the word bank without error.
- Student identified 6 words correctly.
- Student was able to identify multi-syllabic words and categorize it in hard g or
soft g with no errors.

a) Redact identifiable information

b) Label the level of performance
c) Briefly support your rationale for the score given
Each student received the score they did based on the rubric. The student who is
considered “low” received a DP because that person did not meet the appropriate scoring criteria
based on the rubric. For instance, this student had spelled and pronounced the word from the
word bank with 2 errors. That student also only identified 2-3 words correctly in the game.
Lastly, the student was only able to identify multisyllabic words and categorize it with 2 errors.
The middle student received a score of MP because that student met the rubric criteria for
each given section with minor errors. Their work is a bit more than the student that scored at a
DP level. The student that scored with an ME had no errors whatsoever for each section of the
scoring rubric. That student also went the extra mile to challenge themselves in this lesson.
7) Teacher made handouts or materials
- Anchor chart (see in video)
- Scramble word:
- Rtacheel
- Rtecen

- Craebme

- Ecrda

- Cliepn

- Pkeenac

- Trcamoed

- mmeecoit
- Google Slides Presentation: My Best Lesson Plan Slides
8) List of resources used
- Phonic for Reading student workbooks
- Youtube video: Hard/Soft 'g' - Music Man (The Electric Company)

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