Should National News Be Followed

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News is one of the four pillars of democracy.

In relation to this, an array of people reckon

that national news should be followed, on the other hand few progressive thinkers believe
that world news is pivotal. In my opinion, latter statement is favourable and my reasons are
articulated in the following fragments.

Irrefutably, there are a myriad of factors responsible for this assertion. Primarily, global news
provides information regarding the products requirement, manpower availability, cost of land
etcetera which can help Multinational companies to expand their business. For example,
Apple has set up an industry in Pune because the labour cost is cheaper in India than other
countries in the world, which will help firm to gain more profits. Moreover, in the current era,
rules and regulations of different countries are varying frequently, as a result avid travellers
attain updates regarding new norms.

Additionally, the criminal activities of nations are broadcasted like currently in Afghanistan
government is abolished by Taliban and the trade with different nations meltdown, so one
can be aware of calamities and plan things keeping the above in mind. Furthermore, the
numerous job opportunities in abroad are regulated in the newspaper and the populace can
find better remuneration outside their country and can lead a better lifestyle.

Contritely, the question arises whether the domestic media is pivot or not? The answer lies in
the fact that, local media emancipation the awareness of the public sector of the province
regarding the health, education, ruling agency schemes etcetera. Thus, such information
provides insight of the state. Similarly, the knowledge about the local events, seminars,
camps are mostly found in the domestic papers as a result plebeians got aware about the
event happening in their locality.

To conclude, it is reiterated that although, the international media indulge in providing

information of multifarious trends persists, but the native news focus more on the region
happening must be acknowledged. Therefore, a sagacious approach must be taken while
deciding which news to follow to curb the problem.

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