2.3 Smart-Healthwatch: A. Gps

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Symptoms Study' which has collected data from

more than 4 million contributors worldwide, it is said that Corona virus infection is likely to cause
an irregular or high heartbeat, which is more than 100 beats per minute. (Ministry of Health, 2020)

2.3 Smart-Healthwatch
a. GPS
GPS receivers of the Standard Positioning Service (SPS) type can provide an accuracy level
horizontally better than 3.5 meters (GPS Accuracy, 2015).
b. Body temperature sensor
One of the symptoms of being infected with COVID-19 is a high body temperature. Symptoms
of COVID19 generally include fever of 38°C, dry cough and shortness of breath and the worst
impact for humans is death (Setiawan, 2020)
c. Speech Recognition
One of the symptoms often found in infected patients is a dry cough. Apart from coughing,
runny nose and nasal congestion are also symptoms of contracting COVID-19. Speech
recognition itself will later be divided into 2 functions, namely cough recognition and breathing
difficulties detection. AI-engine for the diagnosis of coughing COVID-19, named AI COVID-
d. Heart Rate Sensor
The human heart rate can be a general measure of whether human health is in a dangerous
condition or not. The heart rate in atrial fibrillation, a heart rhythm disorder, can range from
100 to 175 beats per minute while the normal range for a heart rate is 60 to 100 beats per
minute (Ahmed and Zhu, 2020).

2.4 Smart-Healthwatch System

Figure 1. Naïve bayes diagram / Bayesian network

The data obtained from the sensor will be grouped into 4 nodes, namely coughing and breathing in
the form of sound, body temperature and heart rate. The naïve Bayes algorithm is used because
this algorithm can more accurately represent the relationship between nodes. At each node, the
probability of this happening will be represented with a value between 0 and 1.
In the Bayesian network above, the probability of a user
having the characteristics of a person infected with COVID-19 and the user's health condition
being in danger or not can be calculated using the following formula:

From this formula we can break it down into several small formulas to calculate the probabilities
of 2 types of scenarios, the first scenario calculates the probability that a user has the
characteristics of being infected with indications of coughing, breathing, and body temperature
supporting symptoms of infection. The second scenario calculates the probability that the user's
health is in danger with indications of breath, body temperature and heart rate supporting this


3.1. Data collection technique

The data collection technique used in writing this scientific work is a data collection technique in
the form of literature study. According to Supriyadi (2016), states that literature or library research
can be interpreted as a series of activities related to methods of collecting library data, reading and
recording and processing research materials. The data used as a reference source to support the
literature is obtained from library sources in the form of books, scientific articles, journals and
electronic media.

3.2. Data Processing Techniques

The data processing used in writing this scientific work is a data processing technique in the form
of a descriptive analytic comparative model technique. The data that has been obtained from
various reference sources is described clearly and in detail in the literature review section. The
data is presented conceptually and theoretically as well as various examples that support the
concepts and theories that have been described.

3.3. Data Analysis Techniques

The data that has been described is then analyzed by comparing information related to problems
that have occurred and in relation to previous concepts and theories that will produce common
threads from the problems discussed in this scientific work. Then all data, both obtained from
documentation and observational sources, will be compared in order to produce new ideas. The
resulting new ideas will be clearly explained and described in detail according to the needs and
problems described in the previous problem formulation. The new idea, namely COVBAN which
will be described, can be used as reference material in real applications for all readers.

3.4 Thinking Framework

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